
monument buliding and nation buliding

Penulis: Jiunior_Nanau
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What is monument buliding and nation buliding

Baca novel monument buliding and nation buliding yang ditulis oleh penulis Jiunior_Nanau yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Lion Song_

About a 5000 years ago there was an island that has nothing but forest all over it's 4 sides and there are nothing but fruits, vegetables, herbs and most of all the animals there were herbivores. The topic of carnivorous and omnivorous animals were foreign to them. There was a small village in the middle of that island and the the people inhabiting in that island have no shortage of food since it was filled with greenery on all 4 sides of the small village. Since all the animals were herbivores there was no need to think twice about hunting and poaching. But things change when people started noticing a certain animal in the forest. That animal was very agile, it had sharp claws and sharp teeth that could pierce a human skin without much effort. It had hair all over it's face and when it roared all the animals around it would cover in fear. It was the first time they saw such an animal and they were sceptical. Things got Worst when someone saw the animal eating a human when a villager went on scouting duty than they realised that there was such a thing called a carnivore. Many people went to try and kill it but never succeeded than one day someone decided to call it a "Lion" and people stuck with that name. Will the people survive the onslaught of this "Lion" or will they die in this barbaric animal's hands? If you wish to know what lies in store for these villagers than read "Lion Song". *Notice* This story is completely fictional.

Vyas_Kota · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Ascension hell

When Kai skips out on reaping the last soul on his List so he won't be Judged, he soon discovers how fatal a mistake he made. The girl who's soul he didn't reap was the centre of a plan to (most probably) cause the end of the world. But can he stop it? After having lived a horrible life of pain and manipulation, Kai needs to learn to love and forgive. But trusting the hearts of humans is no easy task especially after seeing all the horrid deeds that they have committed... ----------- SOME BACKGROUND: Reapers exist. Not just the one big guy, but a whole bunch. Don't worry though, they are all just humans who died and given a second chance at 'life' by reaping souls to make up for all the bad deeds they did in life (well, for most of them at least). Just living in an alternate world called Shadowscape while they're at it. ----------- ALSO: Please at least read until Holly's part as the romance and actual story begin there! (It's at CHAPTER 4) Btw don't get deterred by the first three chapters (especially for you girls) skip a bit to chapter 9 and read a bit of it then you'll understand. [Author's Note: this story is a thriller comedy I'd say. There are plenty of stupid jokes and laughs but the situation is plenty messed up and it can get a tad bit scary later on... But dun worry there is romance and comedy it's not thaaaaaaaat dark... I hope...] UPDATES ARE AROUND 2-3 CHAPTERS A MONTH Cover art by: Çağlayan Kaya Göksoy on ArtStation

RecallWriting · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup

The Dark Side of The Family

Sebuah kehilangan yang sangat mendalam untuk keluarga Syalendra. Tidak pernah dibayangkan sebelumnya, kematian sang kakak laki-laki satu-satunya tepat di hari ulang tahun sang kakak. Disaat semua mata tertuju pada sosok yang sedang memotong kue ulang tahunnya, tiba-tiba sebuah dentuman senjata api menggelegar menghebohkan acara yang sedang berlangsung, semua orang panik melihat sosok yang terkulai lemah bersimbuh darah. Satu tahun menunggu hasil yang tidak pasti mengenai siapa yang telah membunuh sang kakak, Miska Aluna Syalendra bertekat untuk mencari tahu sendiri siapa yang telah membunuh kakaknya. Bahkan polisi sudah menutup kasus kematian sang kakak tanpa mengetahui siapa dalang dari kasus kematian sang kakak. Mencari bukti-bukti apakah selama ini kakaknya memiliki musuh, Miska melihat riwayat panggilan telepon kakaknya berharap ia mendapatkan bukti. Ditengah pencarian pelaku penembakan kakaknya, Miska di culik oleh orang bayaran yang menembak sang kakak. Berusaha mencari pertolongan, akhirnya ia bisa mengambil salah satu ponsel orang yang menyekapnya. Miska berusaha menghubungi keluarganya tetapi tidak ada satu panggilan pun yang terjawab, alhasil ia menghubungi kantor polisi untuk menyelamatkannya dari kawanan penculik tersebut. Ditengah proses penyelamatan, Miska merasakan perasaan yang tidak wajar saat melihat sosok polisi yang dengan hebatnya melawan kawanan penculik. Miska berusaha untuk membuang perasaannya terhadap sosok polisi yang menyelamatkannya yang ia ketahui bernama Randy Pramono, akhirnya ia berusaha menjelaskan kepada Randy agar dapat membantunya untuk mengungkapkan kematian kakaknya. Disisi lain Randy yang bertugas sebagai polisi ingin sekali membantu gadis berambut hitam panjang tersebut, tetapi dari instansi kepolisian melarangnya untuk membuka kembali kasus kematian lelaki yang menjadi korban penembakan itu, entah apa yang di tutupi para tertinggi kepolisian tersebut, membuatnya semakin penasaran untuk membantu Miska.

Putrrr · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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