
Monster Link: How I became the King of Monsters (Harem x Fantasy)

In the year 2000, Monsters reappeared on the surface of Earth. Through the paranormal link of minds created by Monsters with a chosen human in the human society, they were able to create a bridge from their encapsulated spirit domain back to the real world. The ones who summoned these Monsters to the real world were natural enemies of Humanity, according to the Monster Hunter Society. These humans with the Monster Link were called the Linked. *** In the year 2023, one student named Hideyaki Meme began his internship after his three-year-long study at the Monster Hunter Academy. However… his internship doesn’t go as normally as planned. It was quite the opposite. When he meets a few girls at his new job who treat him differently than the rest of the world, his life is fated to change forever. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Which side should he be fighting on, really? Everything comes into question as he experiences his time of life filled with Lust and the harsh truth that is the “Reality” of things.

VagabondVI · Fantasi
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15 Chs

New Job

"So…" she whispered under her breath. "You like me, Meme-kun?" 

Meme sighed. "Don't call me, Meme-kun…" 

Professor Jane thinned her eyes and waited for her student to reply.

"But. Am I allowed to say, yes?" he asked with hesitation. 

Professor Jane smirked. "Oh? So you do like me, huh? How much do you like me? Better than any of those stupid young girls in your classes?" 

Meme gulped. "I mean…" He could feel his Professor's tight body pressing against him. He was feeling a slight energy springing down between his pants. "Can you… get off me for a minute?" 

Professor Jane pressed her body tighter against Meme, crushing him between her breasts. Her blue eyes stared deep into Meme's. She was desperate for her student's answer. 

"Tell me. Now. Like this," she whispered to him, her warm breath gracing his lips. 

"Ahem…" The young man cleared his throat. "I… do. I do like you." 

Professor Jane stepped backward, resting her hands on her curvy waist and staring at her student with a smirk. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it? To tell the truth to me." 

Meme stared at Jane for her response. She eyed him with a smirk, as she usually does. She didn't look as if she was the least bit shocked by his confession. 

Meme shrugged. "That's it? No reply…? Aren't you –" 

"Stupid," Jane snapped and pushed a trail of hair behind her ear. "Of course, I like you back. You're my hot student with blue eyes. And I'm a single woman. What did you expect? I was taking you out everywhere I go and not once in your life – you had a clue that I might've liked you back."

Meme's mouth fell open. "Bu – But… I thought you were just treating me like your favorite student." 

Jane raised his eyebrow. "That much was obvious. But I was treating you way more special than that." 


There was silence inside the lecture hall for a few seconds. Meme felt awkward in the situation. Jane held her hopes and waited for Meme to continue the conversation and ask her out. 

But – 

She eyed him angrily. "You idiot… You're hopeless. At a moment like this, you're supposed to ask me out?" 

Meme scratched his head, laughing awkwardly. "Will you go out with me, Miss Jane?" 

Jane sighed. "Yes. I will go out with you, Mr. Hopeless." 

Meme's heart began to beat rapidly and he felt slightly shy. This was a woman he thought he couldn't even dream of getting and now here he was. 

"So –" 

"However," Miss Jane continued. "I have something important to do for the next few days. And for that, I have to leave duty at the college and all of my projects here at the academy. And I asked you to come here to give you the job of taking care of that project." 

Meme was confused. "What project? And where are you going?" 

"Oh? You might be my boyfriend right now, Meme-kun. But don't think that I'll share all my top-secret missions with you just because of that." Jane purred. 

"Fine, fine." 

"I might tell you in the future when you reach my rank too… but for now. It's a secret. And we're not in love yet. We're just dating. I'm excited to know more about you." 

Meme smiled. "Welp. I hate to break it to you, but there's not much about me that you already don't know of. But you on the other hand… you're a mystery box I'm excited to crack." 

Jane was shocked to hear him say this. 'Maybe he's not hopeless, after all.' 

"Mhm. Maybe you will crack me open like an egg. But not yet. You already know half of me. The other half is yet to be discovered." 

Meme gazed up and down at his professor. The zip was halfway down through her chest, revealing her cleavage. It was a bit hot today, after all.

'Yeah… there's much more of you to be discovered,' he thought inwardly.

"Heh? Where are you looking?" Jane smirked, pulling her zip a little bit lower. 

The young man backed away, closing his eyes and fake coughing to change the topic. "Now. Tell me about this project, Miss Jane. I'd give my all to it." 

Jane brought her hand down on Meme's head. 


"Hmph. Why are you calling me Miss Jane now? Call me Jane, you idiot." 

Meme caressed his own head. "Why did you have to hit me for that? Jeez. Stop acting like you're my Professor too, then." 

"I –" Jane was at a loss of words. "Ok, hmph," she pouted. 

Meme smiled. "Ok then… Jane. Tell me about this project." 

Jane smiled back at her new boyfriend. "Mhm. You stupid boyfriend, listen to me now." 

Meme sat on his new girlfriend's chair and rested his head behind his hands. Jane leaned against the table, smirking at Meme. 

"The project I'm about to give you is a job for a Professor. But as a student who had learned in the Monster Academy for 3 years and already is an Intern…. You should be able to do this job. It's a test for your skills, just as much as for my new students." 

Meme nodded. "What's the job?" 

"To train two of my finest girls. They need to pass a few tests. And since they are to finish these tests within this week and I'm not unavailable for the next few days… you are going to be the Professor and give these tests to them." 

"What tests?" 

"I will send you a text with a timetable on how you will proceed for the next few days." 

Meme raised his eyebrow. "And… What am I doing this for?" He grinned. 

Jane gave a bitter look to Meme. "You shameless bastard. Feeding off your girlfriend's pocket." 

Meme shrugged. 

"Well. I will transfer you 10k dollars for the next 5 days. You can have the remaining money if there are any… And I treat my girls very decently every day. I hope you don't disappoint them." 

Meme's mouth was agape the moment he heard "10 K." 

"Oh damn… I will take care of them. You don't have to worry." 

Jane narrowed her eyes and leaned close to Meme's seat. "You dirty bastard. You're after my money, aren't you? Goddamn gold digger, hmph." She huffed and turned around. 

Meme shrugged at that too. He knew his Professor was not serious 90% of the time. 

"I mean… When I thought about dating you. I was after a great many things. Not just the money." 

"Hm, you hopeless bastard," Jane said, staring at his eyes, only inches away from his nose. "I'll give you a great many things… if you can give what you have in return." 

"I'll give everything a poor intern can give…" Meme smirked. 

Beep. Beep. Her watch began to ring. 

Suddenly, Jane grasped Meme by his neck and pushed her lips against his tightly, devouring her student's lips. Meme was frozen for a bit and the moment he attempted to kiss back – she pulled away. 

"Mm~ tasty lips, Meme-kun. I'll be right back for you, ok? Wait for me." She trapped Meme's lips with her finger before rushing out of the lecture hall. 

"Bye~" Meme whispered under his breath, still frozen from the kiss of his dreams. 

Sorry about the release folks... I'm having a hard time writing anything rn. I am literally uncertain if this book can go and make big in return for the time I dedicate for it... (which is like 1 and a half hours per chap max *laughs evilly*) But yeah. Uncertainity sucks

VagabondVIcreators' thoughts