
Ch-3 Shop

"Show me my status window"

*Okay, this is your status*


Name: Yuze Mei

Soul power : 10 (100%- need to absorb a soul ring to advance further)

Spiritual power : 165 (Spirit Connection Realm)

Physique : Shadow Monarch physique

-> Provides high affinity with shadow, darkness and death attributes.

-> Provides the innate skill of shadow


-> Provides the skill 'Eyes of the shadow monarch'

Endurance : 1100 years (endurance is in the maximum age of soul ring you can absorb)

Skills :

Innate skills :

-> Eyes of the Shadow Monarch :

Being the ruler of shadows hiding from you is meaningless as if you exist there will always be a shadow with you. so no one can hide their power, their intentions or their position from you.

This skill allows you to locate people around you, know their intentions and know their actual power even if they try to hide it.

-> Shadow manipulation : Allows you to have perfect control over shadows. (power of this ability increases with soul power level)

Soul ring skills:



'hmm… so I awakened a physique that's convenient and the abilities are really useful, especially the 'eyes' . I already felt it was quite powerful but when you explain it in words it surely sounds more broken.

And shadow manipulation is also a very versatile ability to have. I can already imagine many ways I can catch my opponents off-guard with an ability like this.

Now open the shop and let's see what free stuff is there for me to take.'

*Opening the shop*

*The following items are available*


Weapons Section:

1. Splintered Dagger(T): A dagger with a blade so brittle that it breaks upon the slightest impact. [10 SP]

2. Whispering Whip(T): A whip that makes distracting whispers, alerting opponents to its user's presence. [10 SP]

3. Blunt Broadsword(F)[FREE]: A broadsword with a dull edge, requiring extra effort to inflict damage.

4. Jittery Javelin(F): A javelin that wobbles unpredictably in flight, making accurate throws challenging. [100 SP]

5. Lacklustre Lance(E): A lance lacking finesse, offering average reach and effectiveness in battles. [1000 SP]

6. Serpentine Sword(C): A flexible sword that moves with serpentine grace, providing better control and precision. [100000 SP]

7. Tranquil Trident(C): A trident with calming vibrations, enhancing focus and balance during combat. [100000 SP]

8. Radiant Rapier(B): A rapier that glows softly, dealing extra damage when wielded with grace and precision. [1000000 SP]

9. Astral Axe(A): An axe infused with a small amount of celestial energy, has a certain chance to cleave through barriers and defences. [10000000 SP]

10. Phoenix Feathers Fan Blade(S): A fan blade crafted from phoenix feathers, releasing scorching gusts of flame with each swing. [100000000 SP]

Bloodlines Section :

11. Fleeting Feline Heritage(T): Grants the ability to purr softly but offers no significant advantages in battles. [10 SP]

12. Lackadaisical Lizard Lineage(E): Bestows a scaly appearance providing enhanced agility and defensive capabilities. [1000 SP]

13. Muted Moth Lineage(D): Grants the ability to control light elements to a certain degree. [10000 SP]

14. Gossamer Guppy Genealogy(D)[FREE]: Provides the ability to breathe in both water and air.

15. Stalwart Stallion Heritage(C): Enhances physical strength and endurance, providing a modest advantage in battles. [100000 SP]

16. Celestial Dragon Descent(SS): Bestows the power of dragon scales and fire breathing, elevating one's combat prowess to extraordinary levels. [1000000000 SP]

Skills Section:

17. Drowsy Dexterity(T): Increases finger flexibility but induces a state of drowsiness, making it impractical in combat. [10 SP]

18. Lacklustre Levitation(E): Enables levitation for short distances but lacks control, resulting in awkward landings. [1000 SP]

19. Subpar Stealth Stance(F): Enhances stealth slightly but leaves an obvious trail, diminishing its effectiveness. [100 SP]

20. Serene Swordplay(C): Improves swordsmanship with a calm and focused approach, enhancing precision and speed in combat. [100000 SP]

21. Ethereal Empowerment(SS): Harnesses ethereal energy to enhance strength, speed, and combat skills to unparalleled levels. [1000000000 SP]

Techniques Section :

22. Whimsical Whirlwind(F): Creates a gentle breeze but lacks the power to influence the surrounding environment significantly. [100 SP]

23. Lackadaisical Lotus Stance(D): A meditation stance that induces relaxation but offers only modest spiritual cultivation benefits. [10000 SP]

24. Harmonious Heaven's Dance(A): A dance-like technique that synchronises with the natural flow of energy, promoting spiritual growth. [10000000 SP]

25. Celestial Serenity(SS): A cultivation technique that connects with celestial forces, unlocking unparalleled spiritual and martial potential. [1000000000 SP]

26.Origin shadow(sSs) [FREE]: A Cultivation Technique that enables practitioners to harness primal energies, manipulating shadows for offensive and defensive purposes.

The soul energy in the practitioner's body will be changed to a higher form of energy unique to the practitioner, known as Shadow Energy.

This technique allows cultivators to control shadows, creating illusions, concealing movements, and unleashing shadow-based attacks by tapping into the fundamental essence of shadows, thereby enhancing their combat and stealth capabilities.

Other Items Section:

27.conqueror's haki awakening card(S) [FREE]

28.Double soul power gain card*5(C): Provides double the amount of every gain. Each card lasts for 5 minutes. [100000 SP]

29.Harmonious Handkerchief(D)[FREE]: A handkerchief that plays soothing melodies when unfolded, offering comfort in moments of distress

Spirit Bone Section:

30.Nails of Hades(S)[FREE]: An external spirit Bone of 100,000 years named after a god.


*As you can see all the items have grades assigned to them. The lowest is (T) grade and the highest is (sSs) grade

Price of all the items is set by its grade that is -

T-10 SP

F-100 SP

E-1000 SP

D-10000 SP

C-100000 SP

B-1000000 SP

A-10000000 SP

S-100000000 SP

SS-1000000000 SP

sSs-10000000000 SP*

"How much SP do I have now?"

*It's 362,517 SP"

"What the f*uk I'm hella poor, good thing i got a lot of valuable free stuff"

*Yes you surely got some really high level items for free, but keep in mind it won't always be the same always as it's purely luck based. And you only managed to gain such a small amount of SP points over the years because you were fighting kids with no spiritual energy as they didn't awaken their martial soul. As the amount of SP you'll receive is directly proportional to the strength of the person and the influence they have on the world.

Also killing someone or something will give you more SP points than just defeating them.*

"That makes sense so I just need to be the predictor from now on."

*It's commendable that you even managed to earn so many points, you really milked those kids."

"Nah nah we don't talk about that."

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