

california ,USA


Ever since my mom's death a little over a year ago life hasn't been the same at home , no one says it but we all see the changes , Jackson laughs about literally anything , but i still see the pain behind his laughter and the "happy guy" mask he is wairing , Kelvin moved in with his girfriend , he says everything about home reminds him of mom, cathie is always in her room doing God knows what , dad tries to bring back things to the way they were when mom was here , and me ...me am just okay .

Its monday morning and i should be on my way to work , but dad thinks is the perfect day for a " Falls family breakfast " , plus he says he has amaizing news for us ,ill just have breakfast listen to another one of his amazing news then head to the office.

"so how about a family vacation guys" , dad says as he joins us on the dining table , everyone is here including cathie which is new ,

"sounds great but i cant dad , i have a lot of work , we still dont know where we are gonna build our next winery "

i say while avoiding everyone's eyes , " y'all can go on without me ill come late i guess " i add and continue eating my breakfast ,

" am in " jackson says as if he'd been waiting to hear these news ,

"im bringing Bianca with me ill be bored without her" says kelvin while on his phone ,

"dude you make her sound like a puppy" jackson replies while laughing , kelvin flips him the bird , dad turns to cathie " what about you sweetie anyone you wanna bring? " he asks wile stroking her hair "No" cathie aswers simply ,stands up and heads to her room .

"Son , I really think you should come it's been a long time since we last had a vacation , and to be honest I think we all need it, you need it too , stop hiding behind your work , let's go away and have some fresh breath" dad says while looking at me like the answer to all our problems is on my face.

"Sure pops , I'll see if I can get some days off my schedule " I answer and stand so I can leave before does more pressing. " I have to get to work, thanks for breakfast " I say then get my car keys and leave.

"Mr. Falls , Ms. Hermes is waiting for you in your office " Lana my secretary tells me as soon as I open the door.

"Good morning to you too Lana " I answer , then open the door to my office to find one of my worst mistake and nightmares staring right at me.

"Khaleb is late!, words I never thought would come out of my mouth" she says while following me with her eyes as I take my jacket off and sit down.

"Khaleb is human , you don't seem to understand that too," I answer after I've seated down .

"How do you make taking a jacket off look so sexy " she adds while still staring at me .

"Am sure you are not here to admire my jacket skills, what are you doing here Ms. Hermes" I ask her while trying to look as professional as I can be , but that doesn't seem to register to her , she relaxes on the chair and then crosses her legs ,

"Ms. Hermes huh! , the oh so professional Mr. Falls . Anyway I'm here because we might just have found the perfect Location for the new winery " she says while going through the files I hadn't noticed were on my table.

"oh yeah?" I ask , glad to finally talk business , I swear I'd fire her if she wasn't so good at her job .

"Yeah , it's Dodoma in Tanzania , everything checks out , fertile land , the best organic grapes and the cost is within the budget" she adds

"Tanzania? That's in Africa ! , it's like half way around the word, how will we manage it , I told you to find me a place for a new winery not a place to go hide " I tell her, on the second thought , maybe I should fire her , that job I said she is good at? , not anymore apparently .

"People! will manage it ,just like how people manage all your wineries in Sonoma, Finger lakes, Texas and Oregon, you don't personally manage all those do you?, you can get "halfway around the word" in less than 24 hours , plus this is a chance to expand the business like you wanted to " she answers , sounding pissed , she has the nerve to sound pissed at me after bringing me a garbage proposal.

"anyway I think you should give it a thought , maybe visit the place before you make a decision if it's not what you want , I'll find another place" she adds before I can say anything , I nod and before I talk she stands up and leaves .

After a long day at work , I get home and take a quick shower , just as I sit on my bed my phone rings and I know exactly who it is ,

"hi pops " I say after picking up the phone.

"So did you think about the vacation" dad asks after greetings .

"Yeah" I half lie , I did think about it , but not about going , the last thing I want is to go God knows where to relax , I don't need to relax I need to work ,which is what I've been doing ever since I took over the company after dad retired .

"And?" he asks and after some silence I reply ,

" I don't think I can go dad, I have a business trip to Africa and I don't know for how long I'll be there" I lie again because I wasn't planning to go to Africa , and even if i was , I know the trip wont take more than a week , I won't go with them because i don't want to .

"Africa huh! How about we make it our vacation destination too , that way you get to work and also have a vacation " dad says , and at this point I am just amazed by how hard he is trying to make this work.

"I thought you were going to the Maldives " I say , avoiding to give him a direct answer, hoping he I'll drop this whole topic .

"That was the plan , but now we have a new one , one where everyone is available , plus we've been to Maldives , where exactly in Africa are you going" dad answers and asks me a question , I guess he isn't dropping it , who am I kidding no one can win over Damas Falls .

"Tanzania " i tell him , I give up .

"Oh perfect , I always wanted to go back there , we'll head there first , after you are done with work you will come to us " dad says sounding exited .

"sure ,good night pops" I answer , I really just dug my own grave .

"Night son " dad says , I hang-up and then call Linda . "Linda tell Ms. Hermes to Email me the Dodoma project files , and book me a flight to Tanzania for tomorrow " I say after she picks up

"Yes sir " answers Linda then hangs up . Great now I have a business trip and a vacation I don't want.



I LOVE working at the villa, I get to see this beautiful view that people pay millions to see, and live here FOR FREE, Its literally paradise ,everything is perfect , i think to myself as i enjoy the night breeze .

My phone rings and it's my boss Mr. Oscar ,

"hello" I say after picking up .

"Come to my office " he orders then hangs up, I hate when he does that , but he is the boss so I have to put up with it , I get my sandals and start heading to his office ,

" you called me sir. " I say after I've sat down .

"Yeah ,there is A family coming for a vacation , they have rented the place for two months , you need to pick them up , bring them here and make sure they have all that they need" he says while going through some sort of documents .

"Two months?, a two months vacation, who does that ? , with all that money they could easily buy a house and just live in it while they are here, two months? Wow!" I say and I am honestly shocked ,the longest a guest has stayed at our villa is two weeks, two months is just ridiculous .

"All that money" we need it , as long as they are paying , you shouldn't care weather it's a day or a year , and you need to sign this before you go get them " he says then hands me a document .

"Why do I need to sign a Non disclosure " I ask after reading the document he handled me.

"Because our guests asked for total secrecy about them being here , and they want everyone who knows about them being here to sign it , to ensure that" he answers , who are this people really ?,the Obamas ? , I sign the paper give it back to him and stand to leave .

"when do they arrive ?" i ask as I reach for the door .

"Midnight " he answers , I leave and go to check if everything is in place in the house .

"Janeth there will be guests tonight ,did Mr Oscar tell you" I ask Jane after I find here in the workers chambers .

"Yes , we already cleaned the house , Gertrude is filling the bathrooms " she answers while folding a pile of towels , Jane and Gert are both workers here , they do the cleaning and Fadhili is the cook , my job is to make sure , they all do their jobs and the guests get all that they deserve .

"Okay " i say and start to leave but Jane stops me ." do you know who is coming we had to sign an NDA and all" she says while studying my face .

"I don't know , I signed it too , I guess it's someone popular " I say , then get out , I go to the garage and start cleaning the car that I'll use for the pick up.

I get to the Airport fifteen minutes before the plane arrives , it's midnight and there is only like three people here , but I'm still holding the " NYUMBANI VILLA" sign, so my guests know it's me when they arrive .

After thirty minutes a few people come out and a group of like five people start walking towards me after they get to me the older man walks to me and asks " Are you miss zuri from the villa" , OMG , OH MY HOLLY GOD !! , it's Damas Falls , THE Damas Falls , the actor, producer , Designer , Business mogul , literally BILLIONAIRE, RICH PERSON Damas Falls, I am literally here to pick up Damas Falls , it all makes sense now , the NDA and all that shit .

"Miss Zuri?" he asks and snaps me out of my thoughts .

" Ye...ye ..yes , um that's me , that's me, um welcome to Tanzania " pull yourself together zu , you have seen about a hundred famous people , yeah they are not as famous as Damas falls but still , be cool , be cool, I tell this to my self ,and I start to help them with their luggage .

" it's okay I got it " says Jackson Falls when I try to take his bag ,ON MY GOD , Jackson Falls just spoke to me , i really am here with the Falls ,

I can't believe Mr. Oscar didn't give me a heads up , at least I'd have prepared myself for this ,

oh God I hope they don't realize I'm shaking .

After loading their luggage they get into the car , and I start to drive to the villa , I am driving THE FALLS , I can't believe this , THE FALLS will be at the villa ,for the next two months .

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