
MMORPG: Crowd Control

Do check out my WSA novel, Reboot: Mechanic =============== I only need one hand to render you useless. The year is 2089. The World's first 100% immersive VRMMORPG, Magnolia, went live. Everyone and their moms were hype for the review, except the genius Lei Zhen. Years after the release, when everyone was hundreds of levels above him, Lei Zhen stepped into the ring. And it took this newbie only one spell to render everyone useless--Crowd Control. =========== Warning: Not a fast paced novel! Read at your own discretion.

Idczhen · Game
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299 Chs

Timely Rescue

The fighting lasted for 30 minutes or so, mainly because the ambushed players weren't weak either.

They were all Tier 2 players and had nimble movement skills, allowing them to avoid all the catastrophic spells that were launched at them.

And during the fight, Lei Zhen's group also came to an understanding as to why most players struggled against them.

If one weren't prepared for such a well-planned ambush by the enemies, then it was extremely easy for them to fall.

Once all four enemies were detained thoroughly, Tang Qiaolian wiped some of the sweat on her forehead.

"They sure are extremely tough and difficult to go against." She exclaimed in shock, seemingly dumbfounded that such veterans were able to stay hidden from the public eye for such a long time.

Although they were enemies, Tang Qiaolian had to admit that they were some of the best players she had ever encountered in a fight.