
MMORPG: Crowd Control

Do check out my WSA novel, Reboot: Mechanic =============== I only need one hand to render you useless. The year is 2089. The World's first 100% immersive VRMMORPG, Magnolia, went live. Everyone and their moms were hype for the review, except the genius Lei Zhen. Years after the release, when everyone was hundreds of levels above him, Lei Zhen stepped into the ring. And it took this newbie only one spell to render everyone useless--Crowd Control. =========== Warning: Not a fast paced novel! Read at your own discretion.

Idczhen · Game
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299 Chs


Lei Zhen was thoroughly impressed with the architectural style of the Neutral City, Yelan.

However, he didn't let it confuse his main objective of coming here.

"Howard, Candice, the two of you can book a hotel to stay in with the other crew mates. I have some other matters to do here, so you guys can enjoy yourself." Lei Zhen turned to them and instructed.

"Can I not join, Master?" Candice asked in a timid tone.

Ever since their dungeon expedition, they had rarely talked much besides the massage she gave him on the ship and now she was being instructed to leave him alone.

It was clear that she thought she was being sidelined or cast aside, almost as if she was no longer of use.

Showing her teary eyes, Lei Zhen remained expressionless.

"I'm not going to play around, but going to an important meeting that you probably wouldn't understand." He said calmly, seemingly trying to persuade her to do as instructed.