
3: His Jobs

Ryan was in distress. Both Mizu and his grandmother were now hospitalized. His grandma was very unstable and could die any minute, this was not good on his heart. Despite that, he decided to visit her.

She looked at him slowly as soon as he came in. She motioned him to come by her side. He held his breath and tried to stay calm as he walked towards her. "Bend down boy," she said and cupped his ear. He felt her hand was shaking, and her voice was even quivering. "Tell Mizu I'm sorry, that I didn't mean to hurt him like I did when his parents died," she whispered into his ear.

"No," Ryan stood back up straight and put his hands on his hips, "You can tell him yourself, old lady."


"You see this little lady can't pay off her bills. No insurance or anything besides retirement money, but only she can access it." a doctor said. She flipped through some papers on her clipboard. "Though, she does need some surgery done on her, she's literally shattered, but the cost is about $20,000 hon."

Ryan choked, "$20,000, wait.. Ma'am please tell me I can pay it off slowly?" he asked desperately.

The doctor sighed, "I guess I can let you, but you need to put in at least 200 or more every other day for it to play out nice."

Ryan held his breath. He felt the world crashing down, caving him in. No way did he want to work, but he has to do this for Mizu. He doesn't want him worrying about anything. "Okay.." he nodded and looked down. The doctor laid her hand on his shoulder and sighed, "Okay, sweetie can you sign some papers for me?"

He took a pen that she held out to him along with the papers and a clipboard.

he sat in a hard chair and began reading.


It was a very pleasant night, just like the one before. He sighed as he walked into a bar. It was rather fancy, and tonight it was closed for hiring. A rather lanky guy walked towards him and shook his hand. "You must be Ryan?" he smiled but grinned when he shook his head yes. "Now, we're going to accept your offer on being at the bar for nights, we need it, but you need to be careful. Especially for a 17 year old," he looked at Ryan and nodded, "You're not even allowed to work here but we really do need the help."

Ryan smiled, "Thank you so much sir, I need this job as well."

Ryan left the building with a uniform and walked to his car and threw the clothing in the passenger then started the car. He closed the door and began driving to his other potential job.

Once he parked he swung out from the car and slammed the door shut. He locked the doors and made way into the building. A lady sat behind the desk and glanced up at him. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked, not even bothering to look at him. "No but.." she cut him off, "then leave I don't want any problems."

"No Ma'am, my name is Ryan and I've applied for a job here, I had to talk to you before anything." He said quickly.

she finally looked at him over her glasses and began smacking on her gum. "oh right, you can go to room 1065, floor 3." she said and got back to her computer.

Ryan sighed and began walking past her desk. He quickly looked back to what she was looking at and it happened to be lesbian porn. He snickered and when she looked back at him he was turned around and hurrying to the elevator.

He pressed the up arrow and waited patiently for the metal box to finally come down and for the doors to open.

he walked in and pressed the number '3' that was a button. He waited a few moments, but the elevator stopped at floor two and the doors opened. A. extremely attractive guy walked in and then smiled when he saw Ryan. He stood next to him and just stared as the

doors closed. "Click on floor 4 for me there bud." he said and just stood there.

Ryan did so and rolled his eyes. The guy suddenly grabbed his ass and started squeezing it. Ryan turned around and slapped him. "Nasty whore," he said and stepped out from the elevator.

He walked down the hallway until he saw the room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," someone said, so he opened the door and walked in. A man sat behind a large wooden desk. There were papers everywhere and he just sat there staring at Ryan. "You're the boy who applied for a spot?" he asked, fiddling with a fidget toy.

"Yes sir," Ryan answered and gave him a smile. The man raised his eyebrows at him and cleared his throat, "You sure you can handle this job?"

Ryan smiled, "Of course I can!"

The man then sighed, "Guess we need someone like you around here, I'll accept, but you need to keep a low profile, having 17 year olds here aren't really recommended but, you seem good enough."

Funny how he needs to keep a low profile but he's already slapped someone.

"Yes sir, I understand." Ryan said. He needs to be respectful so he can pay off these bills.

"Also I hope you wanted to get to work quick since I've already gotten you a manager and a shoot." The man said and smiled. "Here's their number, text them and say it's Ryan." he finished then handed me a paper and dismissed me out of the room. Ryan sighed as he went back to the elevator and pressed the down arrow. The doors opened and he clicked on the number '1'. The doors closed and he pulled out his phone. He put the number in his contacts and texted it.

"Hey its Ryan, are you my manager?"

there was an immediate reply. "Well well well, you're Ryan?"

I texted back yes and waited for a a reply back.

"Shoot is tomorrow at 11 sharp don't miss it."

And so he had two jobs.

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