

Mixtapes it is a book which I wrote and compiled consisting of different literary works ranging from Poems, Proms up to Short stories. It was a first time project which I wrote, some of the works I wrote basing on prompts given for contests and others I took from theme which were to be included in anthologies, others I just had ideas which I needed to write them down. Only thing I can add it’s that mixtapes is an enjoyable and entertaining book.

ANOLD_C · Realistis
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10 Chs


This was another anthology theme basing on nature, I tried to come up with proper prose only to end up writing a poem and this is what I composed, didn't include it in that anthology though. I wrote of land, seasons of the year and of oceans in the verses, of the poems.


Open to see what you missing from sight,

Nature around is real, and care to prosper is a must.

If you lack in belief, let me show the relevance.

When around is green,

That's spring or summer intact,

Amber overtook the green,

Know autumn achieved d'etat,

These all are trees swapping color is must,

Once beauty achieved mesmerize our sight.

Look down below, brown in effect,

Valley to hills achieved from its quake,

Forget not of trough one of it fixate,

This is land, form features in distress.

Dictate seventy percent, thirty for us to keep,

Salt filled to tilt still fish craw in its deep,

float our ships, and leisure to swim we receive,

This is ocean and is essential for treat.

Keep nature proper, blossom well it will,

And all that's beneficial will be open to receive,

For selfish acts didn't precede its good deeds,

Believe me, nature is prerequisite for our life indeed.