

Chapter 850 Continental Meeting

Su Yang and Liu Lanzhi met up with Emperor Lian and Feng Xindou at the front entrance a few minutes later.

"Su Yang, can I speak with you for a moment?" Feng Xindou said to him the moment they arrived.

Su Yang nodded, following Feng Xindou to somewhere more private.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay here." Emperor Lian said to Liu Lanzhi.

"Yes, thank you very much for letting us stay here." Liu Lanzhi responded with a beaming smile on her face.

Meanwhile, after they stopped walking, Feng Xindou lowered her body and bowed to Su Yang, "Thank you for all that you've done for me and my family, Su Yang."

Su Yang smiled and said, "So you have finally decided to return to his side, huh?"

Feng Xindou's eyes widened with surprise. How did he know what she was thinking?

"And you don't have to thank me. I am simply doing what I want, and you're Lian Li's mother. It's only natural for me to help you, who was suffering," said Su Yang.

"It was fun while it lasted, Su Yang. If I had met you a little bit earlier, perhaps…"

Su Yang shook his head and interrupted, "Don't continue any further. You'll only doubt yourself in the future."

"Let's regroup with the others. It won't look good on us if we arrive late to the meeting." Su Yang said, turning around and walking away.

Feng Xindou took a deep breath before returning to Emperor Lian's side.

"Are you okay?" Emperor Lian asked Feng Xindou when she came back, noticing a hint of gloom on her face.

"I'm fine," she responded with a smile on her face.

"Let's go meet the others now, shall we?" Emperor Lian said to them.

Sometime later, they went outside and entered the carriages that were waiting outside.

While they could've simply flown there, it wouldn't be as formal as going in carriages, and having a good first impression is a must for a family of their stature.

Of course, these were no ordinary carriages. The carriages were actually mounted onto these tamed magical beasts with wings, resembling large birds, which allowed them to soar into the sky with ease.

"We're going to ride this bird?" This was Liu Lanzhi's first time seeing such a method of traveling, much less travel in one.

"If you think this is impressive, imagine riding on dragons and phoenixes." Su Yang chuckled.

"How can I imagine something that doesn't even exist in this world?" She shook her head.

Once they entered the carriages, the bird flapped their massive wings and flew towards the sky.

An hour later, they arrived in a specious and empty area that used to house the Golden Lion Academy, and in the middle of this place was a single-floored building that appeared to have been recently built.

After they landed, Su Yang and the others entered the building.

However, before they could even enter the building, Su Yang could already feel the people inside the building staring in their direction.

"Welcome, Su Yang! We have been waiting for you!" Xian Ni from the Western Continent.

Even though they already have a teleportation formation on the Western Continent, he still decided to participate in the meeting so the other continents don't get any wrong idea about them.

As for the other participants, there was Zhu Mengyi's mother from the Four Seasons Academy and Wu Jingjing's father from the Holy Sword Academy that represented the Holy Central Continent with the Lian Family.

In the Southern Continent, it was the Lu Family and the Ji Family, alongside a couple of individuals Su Yang wasn't familiar with.

The Ning Family and more people Su Yang don't recognize represented the Northern Continent.

Finally, the Xie Family and the Profound Blossom Sect represented the Eastern Continent.

Sometime later, once everybody sat around a massive table, Su Yang said, "Thank you all for participating in this. Now, let's get straight to the point. The Western Continent and the Eastern Continent have agreed to become 'neighbors' with each other through the teleportation formation. What is preventing the rest of you from doing the same?"

Emperor Lian was the first to speak, "Well, let me begin with the most obvious problem— the safety of our own people. While connecting continents sounds like a great idea, it'd be problematic if someone with malicious intentions were to start chaos in a foreign land. How can we prevent this from happening?"

Su Yang nodded and said, "That's simple— by restricting the teleportation formation, allowing only those who are trustworthy to use them. Before one can use the teleportation formation, they must receive permission from the family with control over the formation. Furthermore, you can discuss with the other continent to make sure they allow this individual to enter their land."

"Any more concerns?"

"This isn't really a concern, but what is the real purpose of the teleport formation? I can't imagine doing something like this just so we can visit each other." One of the individuals from the Northern Continent that Su Yang didn't recognize asked.

"That will depend on the individual. One can simply travel to another continent as a tour. You can also do business with each other. The possibilities are almost endless." Su Yang said.

"What about the price? From what I heard, it'll take at least a million spirit stones to use the teleport formation. That's simply too expensive for the majority of the people to take advantage of."

Su Yang shrugged and said, "The teleport formation isn't meant for everyone just like how not everyone can afford to live luxuriously."

The people there continued to ask Su Yang questions.

A couple of hours later, after answering the majority of the questions, Su Yang said to them, "How about this? Let's have a trial period to see whether or not you want the teleport formation in your continent. If you don't like it, you can simply destroy it after all."

The people in the room exchanged glances with each other and began pondering.

Chapter 851 I'm Here to Impregnate You

After a few minutes of silence, Emperor Lian said, "The Holy Central Continent will agree to partake in this trial."

"Do either of you object?" He turned to look at the Sect Masters of the Divine Sword Academy and Four Seasons Academy.

"I have no objection, Your Majesty." Wu Jiang shook his head.

"I don't have any objections, either." Sect Master Zhu also said.

Su Yang nodded, "Okay. I will create the teleportation formation once you let me know where you want it."

He then turned to look at the Lu Family from the Southern Continent and the Ning Family from the Northern Continent.

"Have you come to a conclusion yet?"

"The Southern Continent also agrees to partake in the trial." The head of the Lu Family spoke after a moment of silence.

Once the Holy Central Continent and Southern Continent agreed to have the teleportation formation on their land, everybody in the room turned to look at the Northern Continent, giving them slight pressure.

"Alright, we'll also participate in the trial." Ning Hao said after a moment of silence.

"Great. Now that all of the continents have agreed to have a teleportation formation, just let me know where you want it and I'll create it as soon as possible." Su Yang said to them.

"I'll give you all three days to decide."

"I have already decided." Emperor Lian said, and he continued, "We'll place the teleportation formation here— in this spacious land, and then we'll create a city around it."

Su Yang nodded, "Okay. I'll create the formation here then."

Sometime later, after discussing a few more things, Su Yang then said, "I know this may be a little bit late, but before we leave, why don't we all introduce ourselves? I'll start."

"Su Yang, Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect."

"I'm Liu Lanzhi, Profound Blossom Sect's second Sect Master. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

"Xie Wang of the Xie Family. I am…"

The people from the Eastern Continent went first, then the Western Continent.

After the people from the Western Continent introduced themselves, the Northern and Southern Continent went next.

Finally, the people from the Holy Central Continent introduced themselves, starting from the Divine Sword Academy and Four Seasons Academy.

Once everyone gave their introduction, Su Yang dismissed the meeting.

"Su Yang, do you think I can visit the Profound Blossom Sect?" A pretty young lady suddenly approached him with a bright smile on her face.

This young lady was Lu Youyi, who followed her parents to this meeting despite being told to stay behind.

"Sure." Su Yang nodded without hesitation.

"That sounds like a fun idea. Can I also take a look at the Eastern Continent?" Xian Ni also approached him.

"If you want."

"Su Yang! I want to check on my daughter! Let me come with you as well!" Wu Jiang suddenly said.

"Since he's going, I will also go to the Eastern Continent!" Sect Master Zhu said.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Calm down. If you want to come to the Eastern Continent, I'll bring you. However, it's going to take a couple of trips since I can only carry so many of you at once."

Sometime later, Su Yang returned to the Eastern Continent with Liu Lanzhi and Lu Youyi first.

Once he dropped them off, Su Yang returned to the Holy Central Continent to pick up Xian Ni and the others.

"So this is the Profound Blossom Sect, huh? I must say… It's quite a scary sight." Xian Ni stared at the powerful formation surrounding the Profound Blossom Sect. If he had to describe it with one word, that word would be overboard.

Even if every cultivator in the world attacked the Profound Blossom Sect at once, Xian Ni wasn't confident that they would be able to overcome their defenses.

At the Profound Blossom Sect, Wu Jiang visited Wu Jingjing whilst Sect Master Zhu went to see Zhu Mengyi.

Meanwhile, Su Yang gave Xian Ni and Lu Youyi a tour around the Profound Blossom Sect for a couple of hours until Su Yang brought them back to their own homes. Of course, Su Yang spent a couple of hours cultivating with Lu Youyi before leaving her alone.

Wu Jiang and Sect Master Zhu decided to stay at the Profound Blossom Sect for a few days.

In the meantime, Su Yang went to the Holy Central Continent to create the teleportation formation.

Two days later, he went to the Northern Continent to create their teleportation formation.

Finally, Su Yang finished at the Southern Continent.

Once all of the teleportation formations were created, Su Yang personally tested each of them with his own wealth, which was akin to a drop of water in the ocean by this point.

After confirming that they all worked perfectly, Su Yang taught each of the top families from their respective continent how to control the teleportation formation so they can destroy it or restrict its uses at will.

By the time he returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang felt like he'd traveled more the last few days than he'd done in the past year.

"Good work, Su Yang." Liu Lanzhi said to him afterward. "What do you plan on doing now that everything has been dealt with?"

"I want to spend the rest of my days in this world cultivating with the disciples, but there are still a few things that must be done before I can relax," he said.

"Oh? What's that?"

"Just a few minor things." Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Anyways, I will be back. I have an appointment right now."

"Hm? I thought you stopped taking appointments."

"This one was scheduled many months ago." Su Yang said before disappearing from the Yin Yang Pavilion.

Sometime later, Su Yang stood in front of a certain building and knocked on its doors.

The door opened a moment later, and a pretty young lady appeared before him.

"Master?" Cai Yan greeted him at the door.

Su Yang smiled at her and said, "I'm here to impregnate you."

Chapter 852 Impregnating Cai Yan

"P-Please, come inside, Master!" Cai Yan said to him in a dazed voice after a moment of silence.

A few moments later, Su Yang entered the building and went to Cai Yan's bedroom with her.

"You're going to impregnate me today?" Cai Yan asked him just in case she misheard him.

"That's right. Unless you don't want to bear my child anymore. In that case, I'll just cultivate with you normally like usual."

"I want to conceive your child, Master!" Cai Yan quickly responded.

Su Yang nodded and began removing his clothes, "Then let's get to it, shall we?"

Cai Yan immediately followed him and removed her clothes as well.

The two of them went onto the bed shortly after, and Su Yang began feeling Cai Yan all over her body with his hands, caressing her smooth skin as though he was handling a treasure.

Cai Yan's body trembled with delight in response, and Su Yang began kissing her breasts a few moments later.

"Mmm…" Cai Yan moaned in a soft and gentle voice.

Her moaning grew slightly louder when Su Yang began teasing her pink circle with his tongue, eventually sucking on it like a baby would when trying to drink milk.

While he teased her breasts with his mouth, Su Yang also teased Cai Yan's little sister with his fingers, rubbing the slit and the pink pearl.


Cai Yan stretched her body and toes at the intense pleasure that assaulted her body.

A few minutes of teasing later, Su Yang poked her cave with his large rod, spreading it wide open with just the tip of his rod.

Su Yang then pushed his heavenly rod deeper and deeper into Cai Yan's cave, creating a bulge on her stomach.

Once his rod was fully inserted inside Cai Yan's cave, Su Yang began moving his hips, thrusting his rod in and out of her cave as well.


While Cai Yan fully indulged herself with Su Yang's stiff rod, Su Yang, in return, pleased himself with her soft and wet cave that gushed with Yin Qi with every thrust.

Su Yang pounded Cai Yan from the front for almost an hour before flipping her around and doing her from behind.

He firmly grasped her round and pale buttocks with his claw-like hands, helping her follow his rhythm.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi into Cai Yan's cave, filling her body with his seeds.

"Am I going to be pregnant now?" Cai Yan asked him afterward.

"Not yet," Su Yang said with a smile on his face. "We're going to enjoy this a little more before I impregnate you."

Thus, the two of them continued to cultivate for a couple more hours.

Many hours later, once Cai Yan's body could no longer endure any more pleasure, Su Yang released his fertile Yang Qi inside her cave.

Afterward, Su Yang covered her slit with a talisman, sealing his Yang Qi inside her body.

"You should be pregnant soon," Su Yang said to her.

"Thank you, Master… Thank you for giving me this gift…" Cai Yan said to him with slightly teary eyes.

Although she only wanted a child to fulfill her parents' wish at first, the more she cultivated with Su Yang, the more she wanted a child with him, and this feeling wasn't influenced by her parents' will.

"Don't even mention it. And Cai Yan, I will leave the future of alchemy in this world to you and Luo Yixiao once I leave this world." Su Yang said to her.

"I understand, Master."

After cultivating with Cai Yan, Su Yang left her living quarters and the Profound Blossom Sect shortly after.

A few minutes later, he arrived at Snowfall City, and he went straight to the Xie Family.

"What's the matter, Su Yang? Do you need something?" Lord Xie asked him.

"Do you remember that celebration you wanted to do for Xing'er? Well, my breakthrough and the meeting has passed. We can celebrate whenever." Su Yang said to him.

"Oh! I'd completely forgotten about this! Thank you for reminding me, Su Yang!" Lord Xie exclaimed after realization.

"When do you want to do it? We need at least a week for the preparations, and we also need to give people time to prepare after the invitations." Lord Xie said to him.

"You can decide. And take your time. I still have three more months in this world," said Su Yang.

"How does next month sound? And coincidentally, next month is Xing'er's birthday. We can celebrate your children and her birthday at the same time." Lord Xie suggested.

"Next month, huh? Sounds good." Su Yang nodded.

"Great! Can you let Xing'er know? I'll start the preparations now!"

Su Yang went to meet Xie Xingfang a few minutes later, letting her know of the upcoming celebration.

"I see… Does this count as our wedding as well?" Xie Xingfang chuckled merrily after hearing the news.

Su Yang nodded and said, "It can be if you want it to be."

"Then I'll have to start preparing for my wedding dress now."

"No need to rush things. Let's spend some time together first." Su Yang said as he entered the bed with a smile on his face.

"Let me put the babies into their crib first." Xie Xingfang got off the bed and placed the twins into their crib beside the bed before removing her clothes.

However, Su Yang stopped her as she loosened her clothes, and he said to her, "Why don't we do this in the bathtub?"

"The bath?" Xie Xingfang raised her eyebrows.

"I have some new medicine that I want you to experience." Su Yang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"If that's the case, let me get someone to look after the twins first." Xie Xingfang then went outside before returning a couple of minutes later with Xie Wang by her side.

"I can't believe you'd disturb my cultivation just so I can look after your children while you have fun with Su Yang…" Xie Wang mumbled in a low voice.

"Why are you complaining when you were the one who said to call you whenever I want someone to look after the children no matter what you're doing, grandfather?" Xie Xingfang said to him.

Chapter 853 Cloud Nine Liquid

"If you don't want to take care of the children, I'll call someone else to replace you, grandfather." Xie Xingfang said to him.

The color on Xie Wang's face drained after hearing Xie Xingfang's words.

"I only have three more months with these beautiful children and you want to replace me? Nonsense! I'm going to take care of them." Xie Wang said as he approached the babies.

"Then I'll leave them in your care, grandfather." Xie Xingfang giggled a little before leaving the room with Su Yang.

Sometime later, they arrived at the bathroom, which was larger than Xie Xingfang's personal room.

As Xie Xingfang prepared the bath, she asked him, "What are you going to do now?"

Su Yang approached the large square-shaped bathtub and retrieved a bottle of blue liquid.

"What's that?" Xie Xingfang raised her eyebrows after seeing the unfamiliar liquid in Su Yang's hands.

"Cloud Nine Liquid," he responded with a smile on his face, and he continued, "It has similar effects as the Euphoric Oil, but it's more effective and can even enhance women's Yin Qi permanently unlike the Euphoric Oil that only temporarily enhances your Yin Qi. It's made out of Pure Yin Flower as well as a couple of other treasures, and it'll make you feel like you're on cloud nine if you bathe in it, hence its name."

Once he poured the Cloud Nine Liquid into the bath, the clear water began turning azure.

"What a pretty color…" Xie Xingfang mumbled with awe on her face.

They removed their clothes and entered the bathtub a moment later, and Xie Xingfang laid her head on Su Yang's shoulders as they enjoyed the warm liquid.

Although the Cloud Nine Liquid had no effect on Su Yang, Xie Xingfang felt euphoric all over her body.

"This feels really good…" Xie Xingfang released a satisfied sigh.

After submerging their bodies in this azure liquid for many minutes, Xie Xingfang said, "I think I'm ready."

Hearing her words, Su Yang immediately turned his head and kissed her soft lips.

A few minutes of kissing later, Xie Xingfang stood up and turned around, showing her perfect round buttocks and her wet slit that was dripping with Yin Qi.

"Go head… stick it inside me…" she said to him.

Su Yang also stood up, revealing the raging dragon between his legs.

After rubbing his stiff rod on her cave a couple of times, Su Yang inserted it inside her body.

"Mmmm~!" Xie Xingfang released a lustful moan while she gently bit on her lips.

Once his rod was touching the end of her cave, Su Yang began moving his hips, causing the azure water to slash around, creating constant waves in the bath.

"Oooh… This feels very different for some reason… Are you using a new technique or something?" Xie Xingfang asked him after she noticed this.

"No, it's just the effects of the water. Your sense of pleasure changed after bathing in the liquid. How do you like it?" Su Yang explained to her.

"It feels very unique yet good at the same time… I don't know how to describe it, but it's definitely a very pleasant feeling!"

"Then let's enjoy this until the effects go away!" Su Yang said as his movements quickened.

"Aaaah~!" Xie Xingfang moaned in response.

"I've said this before, but your hole grew even tighter ever since your delivery." Su Yang said a moment later.

"Do you like it?" she asked him with a smile on her face.

"I love it. This gripping sensation around me… I will never grow tired of it even if we do it every day."

Su Yang could feel Xie Xingfang's cave squeezing his rod and a strong vacuuming sensation every time he moved his hips back. If he didn't know any better, he would've mistaken Xie Xingfang as a maiden with this type of hole!

The two of them cultivated with each other for nearly the entire day until the azure-colored water returned to a clear and colorless liquid, and Su Yang ended the session with a pump of hot Yang Qi inside her cave.

After their cultivation session, Su Yang returned to the Profound Blossom Sect whilst Xie Xingfang went to speak with Xie Wang regarding the upcoming celebration.

"A wedding dress, huh? We'll bring all of the best stylists in the Eastern Continent together to create the best dress for you!" Xie Wang spoke with excitement, acting as though he was the one who'll be wearing the wedding dress.

Meanwhile, Lord Xie began sending invitations the next day to all of the major sects and powerful families in the Eastern Continent, inviting them to participate in Su Yang and Xie Xingfang's celebration.

Although some people didn't want to participate, such as the Fang Family, they reluctantly agreed to participate since they didn't want to offend Su Yang anymore.

After returning to the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang immediately noticed that Qiuyue had returned from the Southern Continent.

"How's the mirror?" Su Yang asked her.

"After observing the place where the mirror used to be before it disappeared, I noticed the spiritual energy in that area was getting less and less, almost like it is being absorbed by something. I think this is a sign that the mirror will reappear soon." Qiuyue said.

Su Yang nodded, "Sounds about right. We'll camp around that area a few days before it opens."

"Su Yang, I have been wondering… How do you plan on bringing everyone with us to the Divine Heavens? We're not a small group of people anymore. It's not safe if we go inside like this."

"Did you forget about that device in your possession, Qiuyue?" Su Yang suddenly said.

"Device? What device?" Qiuyue raised her eyebrows.

"The Spatial Device, silly." Su Yang said, reminding her of the Spatial Device that was a small world of its own.

"I'm going to put everyone that'll be coming with us inside so that they'll be able to travel with us safely," he continued.

Chapter 854 Special Event

"The Spatial Device… I completely forgot about that…" Qiuyue mumbled after hearing Su Yang's plans.

"Speaking of the Spatial Device, you gave me ownership because your cultivation wasn't sufficient enough to control it back then. Do you want to take control of the Spatial Device now that you're at the Sovereign Spirit Realm?" Qiuyue asked him.

And she continued, "After all, I have no use for this treasure, and you'll probably find better uses for it than I ever will."

Su Yang nodded, "Okay. I'll take control of the Spatial Device. Go summon it outside."

Sometime later, they went to find an empty area in the Profound Blossom Sect before summoning the large doors, dumbfounding the surrounding disciples.

"What's that, Sect Master? It looks so familiar for some reason." One of them couldn't help but ask him.

"This is a Spatial Device. It's a treasure that has its own world. It was once known as Immortal's Treasury. Want to check it out?" Su Yang said to them.

"The Immortal's Treasury?! I remember this treasure! It suddenly disappeared one day! So you had it this entire time, Sect Master?!"

"Can we really go inside?! I want to look at it!"

"Me too! I also want to go inside, Sect Master!"

The surrounding disciples immediately swarmed them after listening to their conversation.

"Calm down, you'll all get the chance to go inside. In fact, I'll leave it here for anyone that wishes to enter. There's nothing inside, anyways."

Suddenly, Su Yang got an idea, causing him to smile.

"Listen up, everybody! I'll postpone the entrance until tomorrow! However, here's the kicker— I will be hiding treasures across the Spatial Device, and all of you will have the chance to obtain treasures inside!"

"What?! Really?!"

The atmosphere there immediately exploded with excitement and anticipation. They all wondered what kind of treasures they'll be able to find inside.

"Yes! From pills to spiritual treasures— you'll have a chance to obtain them! Of course, it won't be very easy, as there'll be guardians that you'll have to defeat inside."

Despite knowing that there might be some danger inside, the disciples' excitement remained peaked.

"I will make an announcement later. Stay tuned."

After saying these words, Su Yang entered the Spatial Device with Qiuyue.

Inside the Spatial Device, Qiuyue summoned the teleport, transporting them directly to the control room.

"I'm going to request a transfer in ownership. Just pour your spiritual energy into the crystal ball once I tell you." Su Yang said as he placed his hand onto the crystal ball.

A few moments later, he said, "Go ahead."

Qiuyue nodded her head and poured her spiritual energy inside the crystal.

A few moments later, Su Yang said, "Okay, I am now the master of this Spatial Device."

"I'm going to hide treasures all over this place now. You can do whatever you want."

"You're really spoiling these disciples…" Qiuyue shook her head with a smile on her face.

Sometime later, Qiuyue left the Spatial Device, leaving Su Yang behind.

Once he was alone, Su Yang went to the first floor of the Spatial Device. Inside the dark and empty cave, he began hiding Spirit-grade treasures and pill bottles.

Once he'd hid around a dozen treasures on the first floor, Su Yang proceeded to the second floor— the endless grassland.

In this vast place, Su Yang had much more space to hide treasures, so he went all out hiding treasures.

Though, it could not really be called 'hiding' since he was merely placing the treasures on the ground randomly. In other words, it's mostly based on luck what someone obtains. Of course, there were some treasures hidden under the dirt, and these were slightly more valuable treasures.

In total, Su Yang hid over 1,000 treasures on the second floor with most of them being Earth Advancement Pills and a couple of Earth-grade spiritual treasures. And to give the disciples some challenges so they don't just get the treasures without any effort, Su Yang summoned many True Spirit Realm and Earth Spirit Realm magical beasts to protect the treasures.

Of course, he didn't want any disciples to die in this place so he made it so that the magical beasts would stop attacking the disciple if the disciples give up or run away, and he forbid the magical beasts from dealing any serious or fatal blows.

In the end, this little treasure hunt was for fun and a little something he wanted to give the disciples before he leaves— a final gift of sorts.

On the fake third floor, Su Yang decided to not leave any treasures at the end of the bridge since it was impossible for them to reach the end even if they were given a hundred years, much less three months.

Therefore, Su Yang made it so the teleporter to the real third floor would be available permanently.

On the third floor, where it was gloomy and desolate, Su Yang began hiding treasures. This reminded him of the time where he'd dig up multiple trash.

"Now that I think about it, this is where I met Xiao Rong. How did she end up in this place, anyway?" Su Yang pondered as he placed treasures everywhere.

Sometime later, he arrived before a black pond.


As much as he wanted to put a treasure in the black pond, it was too dangerous for these inexperienced disciples, and he didn't have any treasure that would survive in this black pond besides the Black Scorpion.

After hiding another thousand treasures, Su Yang left the Spatial Device and used his communication jade slip to speak with all of the disciples.

"Starting from today until the day I leave this world, all of you have a chance to earn some treasures in the Immortal's Treasury. There will be three floors, and the deeper you go, the more rewarding the treasure. However, it'll also be more dangerous."

The moment Su Yang ended the connection, disciples could be seen rushing out of their houses and running towards the Immortal's Treasury.

Chapter 855 Treasure Hunt

"Thank you, Sect Master! I love you!" The disciples said to him as they crowded around him in the sect.

"When can we go inside, Sect Master?!"

"How long can we stay inside?!"

"Do we have a limit to how many treasures we can obtain inside the Immortal's Treasury?"

The disciples bombarded Su Yang with questions before he could even get the chance to leave the place.

"Calm down, I will answer all of your questions." Su Yang said to them, and he continued, "You can go inside whenever you want during the period that the Immortal's Treasury is out."

"You can also stay inside for as long as the Immortal's Treasury is available."

"There is no limit to how many treasures you can obtain, so go ahead and try to collect as much as you can. This is the cultivation world, after all. You can't be satisfied with just a single treasure in your lifetime— no cultivator can."

After saying that, Su Yang stepped to the side to allow the disciples to enter the Immortal's Treasury.

"Have fun," he said to them with a smile on his face.

Immediately, the disciples began rushing inside the place, crowding the first floor.

"H-Hey! Don't block the entire hallway! I'm trying to get to the second floor here!"

"S-Stop pushing! Are you trying to suffocate me to death?!"

The chaotic scene continued for almost half an hour before the sect elders arrived at the scene to organize things, allowing the disciples to finally descend to the second floor without needing to exhaust all of their strength just to get there.

The treasures on the first floor were cleaned out within minutes due to how small the place was and the lack of places to hide them.

"I found an Earth Advancement Pill!"

"I got a Spirit-grade spiritual treasure!"

The disciples were ecstatic upon finding these treasures that will definitely help their cultivation in the future.

On the second floor, the disciples swarmed the place like a group of ants.

However, since there were magical beasts on the second floor, the disciples had to be more careful and wary, and they couldn't just walk around with their heads down like they did on the first floor.

Meanwhile, the stronger disciples in the sect went straight to the third floor, where magical beasts as strong as the Earth Spirit Realm existed.

While the disciples explored the Immortal's Treasury and participated in Su Yang's treasure hunt, Su Yang himself was resting in the Yin Yang Pavilion with Lian Li.

"Looks like you'll give birth in a month and a half at this rate," he said to her as he gently caressed her round belly.

"I'm kind of nervous," Lian Li said.

"I have never felt like this before…"

"There's always a first time for something," said Su Yang.

Sometime later, Lian Li said, "I have been wondering, Su Yang, but can men have a unique Yang Qi that allows them to give a higher birth rate to one gender over the other? Wu Jingjing and Zhu Mengyi, they've both given birth to a girl. Now, I am also giving birth to a girl. Only Xie Xingfang managed to give birth to a boy, but she also has a daughter."

"It might have something to do with the way I cultivate my Yang Qi, but I cannot really tell you for certain since I haven't impregnated any women before coming to this world— at least not that I am aware of."

"It could be mere coincidences that all of you have daughters, but it could also be caused by my Yang Qi. We won't really know until we have more results." Su Yang said.

"That makes sense," Lian Li nodded.

"Why? Do you prefer a boy?" Su Yang asked her.

"Whether it's a boy or girl— that doesn't matter to me. All that matters is that I am conceiving your child, Su Yang." Lian Li said with a smile.

Su Yang nodded and said, "If you really want a boy, there are treasures out there that can improve the chances."

"Really? Such medicine exists?" Lian Li looked at him with a surprised face.

"Of course. There are medicines for almost everything in this world. The possibilities are endless." Su Yang chuckled.

"Anyways, get some rest. I'm going to cultivate with the others now."

"Okay." Lian Li nodded as she laid on the comfortable bed.

Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion shortly after to cultivate with the other ladies in the Su Family since all of the disciples were busy treasure hunting in the Spatial Device.

After spending a few days cultivating, Su Yang visited Yan Yan to see her progress.

"How do you feel? Are you getting close to the Sovereign Spirit Realm?" Su Yang asked her.

Yan Yan nodded and said, "The Moon Rock is a very powerful treasure. My cultivation speed increases significantly at night, especially during clear nights when there's nothing blocking the moonlight."

"That's good to hear. Well, you still have around two months to reach the Sovereign Spirit Realm before I leave this world."


Yan Yan looked at him with a profound expression on her face.

"Master… Can I follow you to the Divine Heavens?" she suddenly asked him.

"You… want to follow me?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I have told you this before, but your talents are very unique. They may work in this world, but there's no guarantee that you'll have the same talents in the Divine Heavens since the spiritual energy there is different from the ones here. There's even a good chance that you might become an ordinary cultivator in the Divine Heavens."

"Are you sure that you want to risk it? Your life won't be the same."


Su Yang shook his head and said, "Don't answer me now. Think about it some more— carefully. There's a little over two months before I leave. You have plenty of time to decide."

"I understand, Master." Yan Yan nodded her head obediently.

Chapter 856 Xiao Bai's Future

After visiting Yan Yan, Su Yang returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion to relax, and if anyone wanted to cultivate with him, they'd contact him using a communication jade slip.

Time passed in a flash, and before anyone was aware, almost an entire month had passed.

The news of Su Yang and Xie Xingfang's celebration had spread throughout the entire Eastern Continent during this time, attracting a lot of attention, and the excitement for the celebration would only increase as it grew closer.

A week before the celebration, Fang Zhelan visited Su Yang to cultivate.

"Where's Xiaoru? It's rare to see you alone nowadays," Su Yang said to her after their cultivation session.

"Oh, she went training on the 3rd floor of the Immortal's Treasury." Fang Zhelan said.

"I see…"

"Su Yang, do you know if there's anything else I can do for Xiao Bai before we leave this world?" She suddenly asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"I intend on leaving Xiao Bai in this world so she can take care of the Profound Blossom Sect as its guardian spirit, and I was wondering if there's anything I can do so that she won't feel lonely when we leave."

"Hmmm…" Su Yang closed his eyes to ponder before speaking, "How about we create a new home for it? We have plenty of unused territories. We can turn these areas into Xiao Bai's playground. Furthermore, we can find her a partner as well."

"A partner for Xiao Bai? Where do we find something like that?" Fang Zhelan raised her eyebrows.

"Xiao Bai is a Snow Tiger, they are not very picky when it comes to partners. As for how she'll find her partner— it's very simple, actually. We just let her wander the world until she finds a suitable partner."

"What? Let Xiao Bai wander outside the Profound Blossom Sect? That sounds extremely dangerous! What if something happens to her?!"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Calm down. Do you think Xiao Bai is still a baby like when you first picked it up? She's a grown Guardian Spirit that's at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. She can leave the sect without any problems."

"Now that you mention it…" Feng Zhelan didn't really take Xiao Bai's strength into account since she was used to treating Xiao Bai like a pet.

"Trust me, there's barely anything in the Eastern Continent that could threaten Xiao Bai at her current state. They'd need an army to defeat her. However, with the Xie Family and so many other powerful backgrounds assisting us, who will dare to touch Xiao Bai?"

"Furthermore, even though Guardian Spirits are supposed to protect places, they're not meant to stay in one place forever. They're just like cultivators in the sense that they also need to travel the world and hope for fortunate encounters so that they can grow stronger, perhaps even evolve."

"Evolve? You mentioned something like that before." Feng Zhelan said.

"Guardian Spirits can further enhance their bloodline and evolve into stronger beings. However, it's incredibly rare and requires a massive amount of effort."

"I see… Okay, I will tell Xiao Bai about it later."

Sometime later, Feng Zhelan left the place, and Su Yang cleaned his body before going to his next appointment.

The following day, Liu Lanzhi and the Su Family gathered outside the Yin Yang Pavilion.

"Are we all ready?" Su Yang asked them.

Once they all nodded, Su Yang turned to look at Qiuyue and said, "Go ahead."

Qiuyue then retrieved her large flying treasure so that they could carry everyone at once.

Once everyone boarded, Qiuyue navigated the flying ship towards Snowfall City, where the celebration was being held in just a few days.

A few minutes later, they stopped above the Xie Family and descended from the ship.

"Welcome, everybody." Xie Wang greeted them.

"Just make yourselves at home like usual," he said to them before approaching Su Yang.

"Xing'er is waiting for you in her room."

Su Yang nodded, "Thank you."

While the Su Family settled in the Xie Family's household, Su Yang went to look for Xie Xingfang inside her room.

"What do you think, Su Yang?" Xie Xingfang welcomed him with a bright smile and luxurious red robes on her body.

"You look very beautiful," Su Yang kept his praises simple and straightforward even though there was so much that could've been said regarding her appearance.

"Thank you, Su Yang." Xie Xingfang responded with a beaming smile on her face.

"I don't want to dirty this before the celebration so I'll take it off now." Xie Xingfang said a moment later before she carefully took off her red clothes.

"Is everyone here?" she asked him after storing away the clothes.

"Yes, everyone is here."

"Now we just wait for the celebration to start, huh?" Xie Xingfang mumbled.

Meanwhile, families from across the Eastern Continent could be seen traveling towards Snowfall City, filling up the entire city.

After a family arrived at the city, the first thing they did was visit the Xie Family with a carriage of treasures and gifts.

The Xie Family's reception hall was filled with gifts because of this. In fact, they had received so many gifts and treasures that they needed to start using the courtyard to store the gifts.

"Heavens… Just the gifts alone could probably fetch a few hundred million spirit stones…" The servants accepting and organizing the gifts were blown away by the number of gifts they were receiving.

Even Lord Xie and his late wife's celebration didn't receive half as many gifts as Su Yang and Xie Xingfang's celebration, and there are still a couple more days until the actual celebration!

Meanwhile, Lord Xie was busy welcoming all of the guests.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Her Highness will definitely live a blissful life with someone like Su Yang as her partner."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Long live the Xie Family!"

"Hahaha! Thank you all— thank you!" Lord Xie could be seen laughing non-stop during the next few days.

Chapter 857 Celebration

Days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already the day of the celebration.

"Where's Su Yang?" Xie Xingnfang asked the others from the family when she couldn't find him.

"I haven't seen him today." Sun Jingjing said.

"He went somewhere early in the morning, but I haven't heard from him since then." Lian Li said.

The ladies all shook their heads, unaware of Su Yang's whereabouts.

"How could he suddenly disappear on the day of the celebration?" Lord Xie was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll show up in a little." Liu Lanzhi said to them, and she continued, "Here, I'll even contact him with the communication jade slip."

However, Su Yang's voice resounded right as Liu Lanzhi pulled out her communication jade slip.

"There's no need. I'm here." Su Yang said as he entered the room wearing luxurious red clothes.

The ladies were immediately mesmerized by his handsome appearance, and their minds went completely blank.

"S-Su Yang…?" Xie Xingfang mumbled his name, almost like she was at a loss for words.

"That's right. I'm Su Yang," he responded to her with a dazzling smile on his face.

And he continued, "I had asked for this outfit to be made sometime back, but it wasn't completed until this morning. What do you guys think?"

"W-What do we think…?"

The ladies swallowed nervously after a brief imagination, feeling a strong urge to sexually assault him at this moment.

"I think you look amazing, Su Yang." Xie Xingfang eventually snapped out of her daze and said to him.

"I'm glad you like it." Su Yang said with a smile, not telling her that he'd made the outfit specifically with her taste in mind.

"Anyways, are you all ready for the celebration?" He then asked them.

"Y-Yes, we are…" Lord Xie nodded.

"Then let's get it started."

Sometime later, the Xie Family and Su Family appeared at the center of Snowfall City, which was also the most spacious.

The place was also filled with thousands of dining tables and countless foods.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, Your Highness, and Seniors!" Everybody there greeted Su Yang and the others regardless of their background.

"Thank you all for gathering here today for my daughter, Xie Xingfang, and Su Yang's celebration." Lord Xie said to the people there.

"This celebration is to celebrate Xie Xingfang and Su Yang's union as well as their newborns, Su Yuying and Su Tianying!"

"First, let us cheer for Su Yang and Xie Xingfang's union! Cheers!" Lord Xie chugged the alcohol that was rich with spiritual energy down in his throat in a single motion.


Everybody at the celebration followed him and chugged their alcohol as well, feeling their cultivation base increase slightly afterward.

"Next, we shall cheer for their newborns, Su Yuying and Su Tianying! Cheers!"


"And lastly, this is to their eternal happiness together! Cheers!"


After drinking three cups of alcohol that could also be considered a treasure, Lord Xie gave everyone there a short speech before handing the spotlight to Xie Xingfang and Su Yang.

"If you have anything to say, now's your chance." He said to them.

Xie Xingfang went first, expressing her delight for her situation as well as her gratitude to them for showing up.

After Xie Xingfang's speech, Su Yang also gave a short speech, mostly about how blissful he is for having Xie Xingfang by his side and how he'll take care of her forever.

After their speech, they began eating.

Of course, while they ate, some families there approached Su Yang and Xie Xingfang with even more gifts.

"Thank you very much."

Even though they accepted every gift as a sign of courtesy, Su Yang had no intention to keep these treasures for himself and planned on giving them to the Xie Family and the Profound Blossom Sect.

The celebration lasted for seven days and nights, and the entire Snowfall City remained glowing with light the entire time even during the night.

After the celebration that came and went in a flash, the guests left Snowfall City in waves, and Su Yang and the others returned to the Profound Blossom Sect, where they'd continue to spend their last few weeks cultivating with each other for as much as possible.

As for the Xie Family, they were too busy counting and organizing the treasures they'd obtained from the celebration, which increased the volume of treasures in their treasury by a whopping 50 percent.

"This is the most treasure we've ever gotten in such a short time frame!" Lord Xie stared at the mountain of treasures in the treasury room with glistening eyes.

"Unfortunately, no amount of treasures will be able to replace Xing'er and the children's presence." Xie Wang sighed.

And he continued, "Once they leave this world, there's a good chance that we'll never see them again. Although it's not like they're dead… It certainly feels similar."

"Don't say such depressing things, father. I have been trying to get that off my mind and here you are, bringing it back up…" Lord Xie shook his head.

"Xing'er is a grown woman now. She has her own future and path to take. We cannot always be there for her, especially not in this boundless cultivation world."

Sometime later, Xie Wang left the treasury room and went to spend some time with the twins.

Back at the Profound Blossom Sect, Su Yang prepared to build Xiao Bai's new home that was situated outside the Profound Blossom Sect while still remaining within their territory.

"What are you planting, Su Yang?" Fang Zhelan asked him as she watched him plant seeds.

"Do you remember what I gave you in that past to feed Xiao Bai?" Su Yang responded with a question.

"Do you mean the Seven Silver Blades? Is that what you're growing?"

He nodded and said, "That's right. Seven Silver Blades will cover this land in a few months, allowing Xiao Bai to eat as many as she wants in the future, and it'll even regrow naturally, so it will essentially never run out."

"I see… Let me help you!" Fang Zhelan then said, taking some of the seeds off his hand.

Chapter 858 500 Years

"Make sure you plant them at least three meters apart from each other or the Seven Silver Blades won't grow." Su Yang said to her.


The two of them proceeded to spend the next few hours planting seeds all over the land behind the Profound Blossom Sect.

"What should we do now, Su Yang?" Feng Zhelan asked him afterward.

"That's something for Xiao Bai to decide. Let's go see her right now." Su Yang said.

Fang Zhelan nodded and followed him back to her house where she was keeping Xiao Bai.

However, since Xiao Bai has grown to the point where she could no longer stay with Fang Zhelan in her house, much less her room, Xiao Bai would spend most of her time in the large courtyard behind Fang Zhelan's living quarters.

"Xiao Bai."

Xiao Bai suddenly heard her name being spoken in one of her favorite voices— Su Yang's voice.

The ground shook as Xiao Bai ran to Su Yang and Fang Zhelan's side, licking him all over his body once she was able to.

Xiao Bai was around five meters tall when she stood on all four, so she was about two times taller than most humans, and a single lick from her could easily lick even an adult's entire front body.

"Xiao Bai, we're here to talk to you about our departure. I know Zhelan has already spoken to you about it, but I also want to say something." Su Yang said to her a moment later.

Xiao Bai began making weird noises after hearing Su Yang's words, sounding like it was crying from pain.

"I know you're upset and want to come with us to the Divine Heavens, but you're better off in this world, honestly." Su Yang said to her.

And he continued, "You can freely roam this world in your current state, but if you come to the Divine Heavens with us, you'll most likely be stuck in one place for a very, very long time."

However, Xiao Bai continued to make weird noises, clearly reluctant to be left behind.

After pondering for a moment, Su Yang said, "Xiao Bai, how about this?"

Xiao Bai immediately stopped making noises and stared at him with a focused gaze.

"500 years. You will stay in this world and the Profound Blossom Sect for 500 years as its Guardian Spirit. Once these 500 years have passed and you still want to come to the Divine Heavens, I will arrange for someone to take you to the Divine Heavens."

"You can use these 500 years to fully develop your strength so that when the time comes, you won't be in as much danger when you come to the Divine Heavens, since magical beasts in the Divine Heavens are always hunting for Guardian Spirits, as your meat and blood grant them immense strength if they consume you." Su Yang said to her.

"Furthermore, if we somehow finish our business at the Divine Heavens before these 500 years are over, we will try our best to come back to this world to bring you back with us." Su Yang said.

After a moment of silence, Fang Zhelan spoke, "Xiao Bai, I know it's hard for you since it's also hard for me to leave you behind. However, I also don't want to endanger you by bringing you with us, especially after hearing about how they treat Guardian Spirits in the Divine Heavens..."

Xiao Bai tilted her head after hearing Fang Zhelan's words. How do they treat Guardian Spirits in the Divine Heavens?

Seeing Xiao Bai's puzzled expression, Su Yang said, "In the Divine Heavens, magical beasts hunt Guardian Spirits for their flesh and blood, while cultivators hunt Guardian Spirits for their Spirit Core and bones to make treasures with it. In other words, the entire world is hunting for your kind because of your special body and unique bloodline, and only the most powerful Guardian Spirits are exempt from this, but even then, that's only because they have powerful backings to protect them."

The fur on Xiao Bai's body strengthened like a steel needle after hearing Su Yang's words.

"If we were stronger— strong enough to protect you, we would've brought you with us. However, we don't have such strength, and I even worry if I'll really be able to protect my own family in the Divine Heavens with my current strength. I hope you can understand our reason for leaving you behind."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Bai nodded her head, agreeing to stay behind.

"Thank you, Xiao Bai. We'll definitely bring you to the Divine Heavens once we have the capabilities to do so!" Su Yang said to her.

Sometime later, after telling Xiao Bai about the Seven Silver Blades farm behind the Profound Blossom Sect, he returned to the Yin Yang Pavilion with Fang Zhelan.

"Su Yang… 500 years is a long time… Maybe you could shorten it a bit?" Fang Zhelan suddenly asked him.

"Don't worry, 500 years is nothing, especially to Xiao Bai who can easily live for tens of thousands of years. In her eyes, 500 years is no different than 5 years. As for us… Once you go to the Divine Heavens, you'll understand how insignificant and short 500 years is..." Su Yang said to her.

"Okay…" Fang Zhelan nodded.

And in order to get her mind off leaving Xiao Bai behind, Fang Zhelan spent the next few hours cultivating with Su Yang.

The following day, Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion and returned to his daily routine, cultivating with the disciples.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another month disappeared.

"Sect Master, you have a guest!"

Su Yang's communication jade slip suddenly trembled.

"Who is it?" Su Yang, who was laying in bed with a naked Lian Li by his side, asked the voice behind the jade slip.

"I-It's… It's Hong Yu'er, Sect Master!" The voice responded.

"Hong Yu'er…?" Su Yang immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Hong Yu'er… The young lady who hosted Sister Lingxi's soul?" Lian Li mumbled in a dazed voice.

Chapter 859 Hong Yu'er's Ambition

"Yes, Hong Yu'er was the one who allowed Lingxi to take over her body. I wonder what she wants from me after disappearing for so long." Su Yang mumbled, as he hasn't seen or heard from Hong Yu'er ever since Tang Linxgi returned to her own body.

"Let me see what she wants from me. I'll be back." Su Yang got off the bed before putting on his clothes.

"See you later." Lian Li said to him.

Su Yang left the Yin Yang Pavilion sometime later and went to meet Hong Yu'er, who was waiting in the guest hall.

Inside the guest room, Hong Yu'er turned around after hearing the door open.

"It's been a while, Hong Yu'er." Su Yang said to her, and he continued, "To come all the way here, it must be fairly important, right? Let me hear it."

Hong Yu'er stared at Su Yang's handsome face in silence for a moment before speaking in a calm voice, "I will get straight to the point, Su Yang. I want you to take me to the Divine Heavens."


Su Yang did not immediately respond to her surprising request. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and spoke a single word, "Why?"

"Because I can no longer find any interest in this world. No matter what I do, my mind is filled with the memories Senior Tang left behind for me. That vast Divine Heaven and all of its wonders… I want to experience it for myself." Hong Yu'er replied.

"You want to experience the Divine Heavens? I'm sorry, but that's impossible for you." Su Yang quickly said, dumbfounding her.

"W-What do you mean it's impossible?! Or do you mean you're not willing to take me to the Divine Heavens with you because I am not your woman?! If that's the case, I'll become your woman! I'll let you do whatever you want with my body!" Hong Yu'er spoke in a sincere voice.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "You should know that it has nothing to do with our relationship. As for why I say it's impossible… You're simply not qualified— not with your talents."

"The only reason you've managed to reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm is because of Tang Lingxi's assistance. If you go to the Divine Heavens, you'll die."

Hearing Su Yang's words that were spoken in a serious tone, Hong Yu'er bit her lips in frustration, and she said, "I am fine with that! Even if I die, I want to go to the Divine Heavens! If you won't take me, I'll go there by myself! I know there's a mirror in the Southern Continent that leads to the Divine Heavens! And with the teleportation formation now available, I can simply teleport to the Southern Continent and go to the Divine Heavens!"

Seeing Hong Yu'er's desperation, Su Yang sighed, "Hong Yu'er… You want to go to the Divine Heavens because you want to see Tang Lingxi… Am I correct?"

Hong Yu'er's body trembled slightly after hearing Su Yang's words.

"Why do you want to see her? The two of you live in two completely different worlds."

"I… I want to thank her." Hong Yu'er mumbled in a mosquito-like voice.

"Thank her? You're willing to risk your life just to thank her? For what? For helping you reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm?"

"No! You have no idea what it was like for me when Senior Tang took over my body! She not only broadened my view! She was also my friend! We spoke about a lot of things! She told me about the Four Divine Heavens, the powerful Immortals in that world, how much she loves you— a lot of things! And I have never had a friend like Senior Tang before." Hong Yu'er shouted.

And she continued, "The Hong Family sold me to the Su Family— to you! However, after your disappearance, they handed me over to Su Yuhan, treating me like some kind of disposable thing!"

"I felt weak! Powerless! Hopeless! I had given up on my own life! However, Senior Tang's appearance changed all of that! She challenged the Hong Family! She refused to be treated with disrespect! She was powerful enough to pick her own path! She was the complete opposite of me, and I admired her for that!"

"That's why I want to meet Senior Tang again! I want to help her! I want to serve someone like her!" Hong Yu'er revealed the real reason why she wanted to go to the Four Divine Heavens with him.


Su Yang was left speechless by Hong Yu'er's outburst. He could've never imagined how much Hong Yu'er respected Tang Lingxi or how Tang Lingxi's presence affected her life. It was truly a shocking revelation.

"You want to serve Lingxi?" Su Yang asked her for confirmation.

"Yes!" Hong Yu'er immediately responded without any hesitation.

"What if she refuses to accept you as a servant? What will you do then? Because as far as I'm aware, Lingxi doesn't have any servants, and this is her own choice." Su Yang said to her.

"I won't know unless I ask her! Even if she refuses, I won't give up just like you didn't give up on her despite being rejected countless times! And I am going to chase her until she accepts me as a servant or until I die!" Hong Yu'er said with a resolute expression on her face.

"How ambitious and devoted… Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life like that?" Su Yang asked her.

And he continued, "You could spend the rest of your life as a servant… or you can live freely in this world— in the life that Lingxi had set up for you."

"In this world, you're powerful and famous. You can do almost anything you want in your current status. However, once you go to the Four Divine Heavens, you'll return to being powerless and a nobody."

"I will ask you again— Are you really okay with leaving this world and everything behind for such an uncertain future?" Su Yang stared at her with narrowed eyes.

Chapter 860 Hong Yu'er's Decision

"I have been certain about my decision even before Senior Tang returned to her own body, Su Yang!" Hong Yu'er responded to him with a resolute expression on her face.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang burst out laughing, "Very well! I shall take you to the Divine Heavens with me. In fact, because of your dedication, I will even take you to meet Lingxi!"

"R-Really?! You'll do that for me?!" Hong Yu'er's eyes glistened with excitement, as this was her biggest worry about going to the Four Divine Heavens.

Su Yang nodded, "Yes, I don't mind taking you with me. However, it won't be immediately, and there's no guarantee that you'll even meet her."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Hong Yu'er raised her eyebrows in a confused manner.

"The portal that 'leads' to the Four Divine Heavens isn't guaranteed to take us to the Divine Heavens is what I am trying to say since we have no solid evidence that it does."

"Furthermore, even if we manage to reach the Four Divine Heavens, we won't know where it'll take us." Su Yang explained to her the situation.

"Oh, right… I forgot about that part…"

"Anyways, there's still about two more months before we find out. What are you going to do until then?" Su Yang asked her a moment later.

"Can I stay in the Profound Blossom Sect? I already told my parents that I will be leaving the Hong Family so I don't really have a place to stay anymore." Hong Yu'er said.

Su Yang nodded, "Okay, I don't mind."

"Thank you, Su Yang." Hong Yu'er suddenly lowered her head and bowed to him.

Sometime later, Su Yang assigned a building to Hong Yu'er before returning to the Yin Yang Pavilion to tell Liu Lanzhi about Hong Yu'er's presence.

"So she's going to leave this world with you to go to the Four Divine Heavens?" Liu Lanzhi was surprised to hear this.

"That's right."

"Why? She's super popular in this world. She doesn't mind leaving all of that behind?" Liu Lanzhi couldn't fathom Hong Yu'er's thoughts.

In her eyes, Hong Yu'er was the second most popular individual in their generation right behind Su Yang because of her high cultivation base and young age, not to mention her relationship with Su Yang.

"It's complicated," Su Yang shrugged.

Once he returned to his own room, Lian Li also expressed the same surprise as Liu Lanzhi.

"What? She's going to be coming with us to the Four Divine Heavens? And she even wants to be Senior Lingxi's servant? Did Senior Lingxi affect her that much?"

"Trust me, I am still surprised after hearing it from her. I never thought Hong Yu'er would admire Tang Lingxi to such an extent."

"Do you think Sister Lingxi will accept Hong Yu'er as her servant?" Lian Li asked.

"Knowing her personality, most likely." Su Yang said.


"Think about it. Because of Hong Yu'er, she was able to reunite with me, and Lingxi is someone who hates having debts left unpaid. Therefore, in order to repay Hong Yu'er, she will accept Hong Yu'er as her servant."

"I see… That makes sense. But why didn't you tell Hong Yu'er this?"

"I didn't want to affect her passion. If I tell her that Lingxi will most definitely accept her, she might not feel as passionate about it. And I want to respect her decision and resolution." Su Yang said.

"Anyways, how is your body feeling? There's a good chance you'll give birth within the next three to four weeks." Su Yang then said.

"Full… I feel very full. That's all I can really say." Lian Li chuckled.

"Are you excited?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Su Yang smiled as he rubbed her round stomach.

A few moments later, they began kissing each other.

After kissing for many minutes, Lian Li turned around with her naked butt sticking in the air.

"Go ahead, Su Yang… I want you inside me and fill me up…" Lian Li said to him.

Since she was very close to giving birth, Su Yang decided to use her rear end for now until after her birth.

Su Yang inserted his thick rod into her butthole a moment later, and they began cultivating with each other again after a short break.

The following day, Su Yang went to cultivate with Qiuyue.

"Hong Yu'er will be coming with us? And she wants to be Sister Lingxi's servant? I don't know what to say..." Qiuyue was dumbfounded by this news.

"It is what it is." Su Yang shrugged.

Sometime later after their cultivation, Qiuyue said to him, "After Lian Li's delivery, I'll be staying at the Southern Continent to keep watch of the mirror until we leave."

"Okay. I'll leave it to you." Su Yang nodded.

After cultivating with Qiuyue, Su Yang went to cultivate with the other women in the Su Family, and he would continue this until he cultivated with all of them. Of course, he notified everyone about Hong Yu'er's situation, and not a single one of them didn't express surprise after hearing about it.

A few hours later, Su Yang returned to his room and cultivated all of the Yin Qi he'd absorbed from his cultivation sessions.

The following day, Su Yang called Xiao Rong into his room.

"It's been a while since I fed you my Yang Qi. Do you want some now?" He asked her.

Obviously, she nodded her head.

A few moments later, Su Yang laid on the bed with Xiao Rong directly on top of him.

And while Xiao Rong sucked on his rod for Yang Qi, Su Yang fingered her small hole, collecting her Yin Qi.

"Mmm…" Xiao Rong's small body would tremble every once in a while, and her little sister would drool out Yin Qi a little bit faster.

Sometime later, whilst Xiao Rong was absorbed with sucking the Yang Qi out of Su Yang's rod, she suddenly felt something poke her butthole, causing a chill to go down her spine.

"Master?" She stopped sucking his rod and turned around to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Hm? You don't like it?" Su Yang asked her.

"I don't know..." She responded.

"Then why don't we find out?" Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 861 Teasing Xiao Rong's Rear End

"Loosen up your body, Xiao Rong." Su Yang instructed her as he licked his finger wet.

Once his finger was soaked in his saliva, Su Yang poked Xiao Rong's closed butthole with it.

Xiao Rong experienced the chill down her spine again, and the chill only grew stronger the deeper Su Yang's finger dug deeper into her narrow butthole.

A few seconds later, when his entire finger was inside her butthole, Su Yang asked her, "How do you feel, Xiao Rong?"

"Weird…" she quickly responded.

"Then let's try moving it around."

Thus, Su Yang began thrusting her narrow butthole with his finger.

Xiao Rong's cave immediately began drooling with Yin Qi.

"This response… I think your body enjoys it, Xiao Rong." Su Yang chuckled after seeing this.

Even if Xiao Rong couldn't understand it, her body was honest and reacted to Su Yang's finger naturally.

"Master… Do it again…" Xiao Rong suddenly said to him.

"Hmm? Do what? This?" Su Yang pushed his finger deep inside her hole before pulling it back again.

"Yes… It makes my body feel… hot…" Xiao Rong said.

Hearing Xiao Rong's soft voice, Su Yang began thrusting his finger a little quicker.


Xiao Rong began moaning in a gentle voice.

After teasing Xiao Rong's butthole for a couple of minutes, Su Yang stopped and asked her, "Do you want to feel it more?"

After a moment of silence, Xiao Rong nodded her head silently.

Sometime later, Su Yang got off the bed and stood beside it while Xiao Rong kneeled on all fours on the bed.

It would be a waste to take Xiao Rong's maiden status when he cannot absorb her Pure Yin Essence, so he could only please her through the rear end instead of the front, kind of like Qiuyue's situation.

However, since Xiao Rong has the smallest body out of all his partners up to this point, Su Yang made sure to lube up his rod and Xiao Rong's hole plenty before sticking it inside her.

Once his rod was dripping wet, Su Yang pressed the tip of his rod inside Xiao Rong's tight butthole.

"Mmm!" Xiao Rong could feel her butthole being spread wide open by Su Yang's thick rod.

Even though she was at the Ancient Realm, she was still able to feel the pain of her buttcheeks being spread apart for the first time.

"Are you okay?" Su Yang asked her.

"Un…" She nodded silently.

Su Yang firmly held onto her small hips and began moving his own hips, thrusting his stiff rod in and out of her butt.

Of course, Su Yang didn't forget to collect Xiao Rong's Yin Qi, and he would replace the bottle between her legs whenever it got full for a new one.

Xiao Rong's butt was extremely tight— one of the tightest holes he has experienced since his reincarnation, but that was to be expected from someone with such a petite body.

It was even a miracle that he was able to fit his massive rod inside Xiao Rong's hole.

"Xiao Rong, try to relax your body and loosen your muscles. You'll crush my precious thing at this rate," Su Yang spoke in a joking tone, yet his rod was truly on the verge of being crushed by Xiao Rong's reflexes.

"Sorry, Master…" Xiao Rong eventually became more relaxed as she got used to the feeling of Su Yang's rod moving inside her body.

Many minutes later, Su Yang pulled his rod out of Xiao Rong's butt and said to her, "I'm about to release my Yang Qi."

Hearing his words, Xiao Rong immediately turned around and opened her mouth, wrapping around Su Yang's rod a second later.

Once Xiao Rong closed her mouth, Su Yang released his Yang Qi directly inside her mouth.

The Yang Qi quickly filled Xiao Rong's small mouth, but it didn't overfill it since Xiao Rong left her throat open, allowing the Yang Qi to flow directly down her throat and into her stomach.

The instant the Yang Qi reached her stomach, it would evaporate into spiritual energy and replenish Xiao Rong's spiritual energy.

However, since Su Yang's cultivation base was too insignificant, his Yang Qi barely affected Xiao Rong's cultivation— if it affected her at all.

As for Xiao Rong, she only cared about the rich and flavorful taste of his Yang Qi.

After Xiao Rong sucked Su Yang dry, she turned her body back around with her small butt lifted into the air, signaling to Su Yang that she wanted him to please her body more.

Su Yang smiled at this, and he quickly inserted his rod back inside Xiao Rong's hole that had already been restored back to its original state.

If it was anybody else, their butthole would have remained wide open for at least a couple of hours before healing!

The two of them continued to cultivate in this manner for the rest of the day.

Of course, in Xiao Rong's eyes, who got to consume his Yang Qi for a month straight before, a single day of cultivation was incredibly short, and she was not satisfied at all.

"Don't make that sad face, Xiao Rong. I'll let you eat again in a few days." Su Yang said to her afterward.

In this world, Xiao Rong is probably the only one he won't be able to completely satisfy simply because of her ridiculous appetite and his lack of cultivation base.

While he could feel Xiao Rong until she is completely satisfied, which could take many months, they simply didn't have the time to do so, especially when their journey back to the Four Divine Heavens was so close.

"Okay." Xiao Rong didn't say anything else before leaving his room to go to Qin Liangyu's room, as she was still being taught by her.

Meanwhile, Su Yang organized the Yin Qi he'd obtained from Xiao Rong.

"She's like an endless source of Yin Qi… If only I could absorb them…" Su Yang sighed as he stored the bottles of Yin Qi that numbered in the hundreds.

Chapter 862 Su Li'er

After cultivating with Xiao Rong for the first time, Su Yang took a day to rest before resuming his routine by cultivating with the disciples.

One day… two days… three days…

One week… two weeks… three weeks…

In the blink of an eye, another month had passed, and there was less than a month before it was time for Su Yang to return to the Four Divine Heavens.

"Are you ready for the delivery?" Su Yang asked Lian Li, who was lying naked on the bed, as it was time for her to deliver her child.

Of course, the entire Su Family was there, filling the room to the brim.

"I am ready," Lian Li nodded with a resolute look on her face.

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang began Lian Li's delivery.

A few minutes later, the baby was pushed out by Lian Li, and Su Yang severed the umbilical cord before handing the baby to Lian Li.

"What a beautiful little girl." Lian Li held the baby in her arms with a sweaty forehead and a motherly smile on her face.

"What's her name?" Xie Xingfang asked her.

"Su Li'er will be her name," said Lian Li.

"A combination of Su Yang and your name, huh? That's very cute." Wu Jingjing chuckled.

Sometime later, after cleaning up the place, the others left Su Yang and Lian Li alone in the room so they could spend some time with the newborn.

"Sister Liqing, when are you going to get impregnated by Su Yang?" Qi Yue asked Su Liqing after they returned to the Medicine Hall.

"I can't even if I want to." Su Liqing said with a bitter smile on her face.

"What? Why not?" Qi Yue asked, unaware of her situation.

"I'm infertile. That means I cannot get pregnant no matter what," she sighed.

"What! That is so unlucky! Is there nothing we can do to help it? There should be some kind of medicine out there that cures infertility!" Qi Yue said.

"There is, and Su Yang is collecting the ingredients. However, they are incredibly rare and don't exist in this world, so we must wait until we return to the Four Divine Heavens before we continue." Su Liqing said.

"I see… As long as you can be healed." Qi Yue nodded, and then she continued with a smile on her face, "Once I am old enough, I also want to carry Su Yang's children!"

"You're thinking too far ahead, Qi Yue. Having children is no easy task, and it's not something you should take lightly. You'll have a lot of responsibility. Knowing your character, it'll be some time before you're ready for children." Liu Lanzhi chuckled.

"I'll be fine, Sister Liqing! And I will wait until after you give birth before I ask Su Yang to impregnate me as well!"

"Do whatever you want." Su Liqing shook her head with a defeated smile on her face.

After spending another week with Lian Li and their newborn, Su Yang gathered his alchemy disciples.

Cai Yan, Luo Yixiao, and Bai Lihua gathered at the Profound Blossom Sect. And although Senior Zeng wasn't officially his disciple, Su Yang asked for his presence as well.

"There are three weeks left before I leave this world, so I will be giving you guys one last lesson before I graduate all of you as my disciples." Su Yang said to them.

"Well, even though I call it a lesson, I won't be teaching you anything." He added a second later.

Su Yang then retrieved a table and placed it in front of them before taking out four scrolls and placing them on the table.

"This is called a Scroll of Knowledge, and they contain all of my knowledge in alchemy, so as long as you study that, you will continue to grow as an alchemist even when I am no longer in this world." Su Yang said to them.

"A-All of your knowledge?" The disciples stared at him with a gawking expression on their faces.

"Well, not literally all of it. Just all of what you need to know to improve your alchemy skills," he said.

"Cai Yan, step forward." Su Yang suddenly said after picking up one of the scrolls.

Once Cai Yan stepped forward, Su Yang handed her one of the scrolls and said to her, "Good luck."

"Thank you, Master!" Cai Yan bowed to him after accepting the scroll.

"Luo Yixiao, step forward."

Su Yang handed a scroll to her as well.

"Good luck."

"Thank you, Master." Luo Yixiao bowed.

After Luo Yixiao was Bai Lihua.

"Although you'll be coming with me to the Divine Heavens, this scroll will still be of use to you, especially since there will be times when I have to be away."

Bai Lihua nodded, "Thank you, Master."

Su Yang called Senior Zeng to the front last.

"Although you're not my disciple, I admire your passion for alchemy, so I will be giving this scroll to you as a fellow alchemist, not as your Master."

"Thank you, Su Yang!" Senior Zeng clasped his hands and bowed to him with respect.

"You guys can return to your own homes now, but if you still want to stay in the Profound Blossom Sect for a little longer, I won't have any complaints."

"I will stay here until you leave, Master." Cai Yan said to him.

"I will as well." Luo Yixiao said.


Sometime later, Su Yang dismissed them. However, he made Cai Yan stay a little bit longer.

"Here." Su Yang suddenly handed her a storage ring.

"What's this?" Cai Yan raised her eyebrows, wondering what was inside.

"It's for our child." Su Yang said, and he continued, "Although I won't be here to take care of the child, I won't leave without doing anything either. After all, I still have some responsibility as the father to make sure our child grows up properly."

"Master…" Cai Yan's eyes widened.

"I am no longer your Master. Just call me Su Yang," he said with a smile.

Chapter 863 Yan Yan's Decision

"Anyways, inside the storage ring are a couple of cultivation techniques, some resources that will assure that the child will grow up smoothly, and some treasures for protection. I thought about leaving some pills for the child, but I'll leave that in your hands." Su Yang said to her.

"T-Thank you, Su Yang…" Cai Yan said with tears falling down her face.

"Don't even mention it. I am merely fulfilling my duty as the father."

Cai Yan wiped her tears before nodding with a bright smile on her pretty face.

After Cai Yan returned to her own living quarters, Su Yang went to meet with Yan Yan.

"Have you come to a decision yet? You can stay here and become the number one expert in the world and live the rest of your life without any restrictions or... you can risk everything and follow me to the Divine Heavens." Su Yang asked her.

"I want to follow you, Master." Yan Yan said.

"Why? I don't understand you at all." Su Yang sighed.

It was not like Yan Yan loved him like the others who also decided to leave everything behind just to follow him. Furthermore, with Yan Yan's godly talents, she would, without a doubt, become the number one cultivator in this small world.

If it was anyone else, they would have decided to stay in this world. In fact, they wouldn't even have thought about leaving in the first place.

"Because I don't have any reason to be here, and the spirits are telling me to follow you, Master."

"The Profound Qi is telling you to follow me? Why?" Su Yang's eyes widened with surprise.

"I don't know." Yan Yan shrugged her small shoulders.


After a moment of silence, Su Yang sighed in a defeated voice, "Fine. You can follow me to the Divine Heavens. However, don't blame me if you lose your talents because I have already warned you countless times by now."

"I understand." Yan Yan nodded in a calm manner.

Sometime later, Su Yang said to Yan Yan, "Since we're going to leave soon, let's give the Moon Rock back to Qiuyue."

Yan Yan nodded and handed the Moon Rock back to him.

"Okay. You can start preparing yourself now. We will leave the sect in about two weeks." Su Yang then said to her.

"I understand."

Su Yang left her living quarters shortly after and summoned all of the disciples in the sect.

An hour later, once everyone gathered, Su Yang said to them, "As you all know, I will be leaving this world in less than a month now. However, I will be leaving the sect in two weeks. Thus, for the next two weeks, I will cultivate with anyone who wishes to do so. Of course, this doesn't apply to the Junior Disciples."

"As for the Immortal's Treasury, I will be closing it seven days from now, so you will have until then to obtain as many treasures as you can."

"That's all I have to say for now. I'll gather all of you again before I leave, and it will be my last gathering."

After Su Yang ended the gathering, the female disciples immediately swarmed him so they could set an appointment with him.

"Calm down. I'll make sure everyone here gets to cultivate with me at least one time before I leave." Su Yang said to them with a smile on his face.

Sometime later, Su Yang began cultivating with the disciples, and he would spend the next week cultivating nonstop. And to make things more convenient, Su Yang went to the Yang Pagoda so whoever wanted to cultivate with him only needed to line up.

A week later, one of the sect elders approached Su Yang.

"Sect Master, you have a visitor."

"Visitor? I remember I stopped accepting visitors long ago." Su Yang raised his eyebrows. Who could it possibly be?

"Yes, but this Burning Lotus Sect disciple said she wouldn't leave until she speaks with you, even if we beat her to death… Sect Master Liu also said to ask you."

"Burning Lotus Sect disciple? Who is this person?"

"She goes by the name Lin Shao Shang, Sect Master."

"Oh?" A smile appeared on Su Yang's face when he heard this familiar name.

Seeing Su Yang's smile, the sect elder could somewhat guess his response, "I guess I'll let her see you?"

"Yes, tell her to come here." Su Yang nodded.

"Very well, Sect Master." The sect elder bowed to him before leaving the place.

"Isn't Lin Shao Shang a top genius from the Burning Lotus Sect?" The female disciple lying beside him suddenly asked.

"Yes. I fought her at the Regional Tournament."

"I wonder what she wants from you."

"I can already imagine." Su Yang said, still with a smile on his face.

Sometime later, a beautiful young lady walked up the stairs and stood before Su Yang, who was sitting on the bed in the lotus position and completely naked.

"Since you're here, does this mean you have finally decided to cultivate with me?" Su Yang asked her with a smile on his face.

Lin Shao Shang's face flushed with redness after hearing his words, but she didn't refute him.

In fact, she even nodded her head in a bashful manner.

"Why now? You had a chance a few weeks ago when I cultivated with almost anyone." Su Yang then asked her.

"I-I was in closed cultivation at that time! I didn't even know of the event until I came out!"

"But that doesn't explain why you suddenly decided to come here when you have refused me so many times already."

"I heard that you were leaving soon, and I realized that if I keep lying to myself, I will regret it sooner or later. Therefore, I decided to listen to my heart and came here. If you don't want to cultivate with me anymore, I completely understand and will turn around right now." Lin Shao Shang said with a serious look on her face.

"Let's not be so hasty, Lin Shao Shang. Who said anything about not wanting to cultivate? I am always down to cultivate, especially if it's with a beauty like you." Su Yang said, causing her to blush even more.

Chapter 864 Lin Shao Shang

"Come over here." Su Yang patted the space beside him on the bed.

Lin Shao Shang nodded her head and slowly approached him, looking like a timid rabbit who was aware that it was about to be eaten by its predator.

Once Lin Shao Shang said beside him, Su Yang turned to face her and laid her body on the bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her.

"I didn't come all the way here just to doubt myself," she responded.

"A great response."

Su Yang chuckled a little before he reached for her clothes, loosening the top in a smooth movement and revealing her pale and round breasts.

"Beautiful." Su Yang said in a gentle voice as his fingers reached for it.


Lin Shao Shang moaned softly when she felt Su Yang's firm grasp on her breasts.

While one of his hands massaged her breasts, Su Yang used his other hand to loosen the rest of her clothes, revealing her slim figure and slender legs.


Lin Shao Shang subconsciously closed her legs when she felt something touch the entrance of her pure cave.

"Relax." Su Yang said to her in a soothing voice, and almost like magic, Lin Shao Shang's body reacted to his voice and loosened its muscles.

Once she loosened her legs, Su Yang slid one of his fingers between her slit and began rubbing it in a rhythmic motion.

"Aaah…" Lin Shao Shang's breath quickened, and her body trembled accordingly.

Su Yang began kissing her a few moments later.


Once Lin Shao Shang's little sister was wet enough, Su Yang positioned himself directly before it with his heavenly rod standing tall in a menacing manner.

Lin Shao Shang swallowed nervously upon seeing his majestic sword.

"Are you ready?" Su Yang asked her.

"I am." She quickly nodded, as she felt that the longer she waited, the more intimidating it would feel.

A few seconds later, Lin Shao Shang could feel her slit being spread open by a big object, and she could feel her own virgin blood sliding down her smooth skin.

Lin Shao Shang gritted her teeth and endured everything silently.

"Don't worry, the pain will go away soon." Su Yang said to her as he began moving.

Lin Shao Shang nodded her head, which was feeling a little light-headed after the penetration.

'I am really cultivating with him…' Lin Shao Shang mumbled inwardly, feeling blissful, as she has had feelings for Su Yang ever since he defeated her.

Unfortunately for her, she wasn't someone who could be honest with herself, hence why it took her so long to accept her feelings.

Of course, Su Yang already knew this, but he wasn't the aggressive type— at least not anymore, so he decided to let her come to him naturally.

"Aaah~ Aaaah~ Aaaah~!"

The room was quickly filled with Lin Shao Shang's erotic moans.

Many minutes later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside Lin Shao Shang.

"W-Wait… Won't I become pregnant from this?!" Lin Shao Shang exclaimed.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "No, you won't get pregnant. I can control my Yang Qi, which means I can decide who I want to impregnate."

"You can even do something like that?" Lin Shao Shang's jaw dropped a little after hearing that.

"By the way, you can stay here for as long as you like. I'm sure one time wasn't enough for you, right?" Su Yang said with a smile.

Lin Shan Shang's face immediately flushed, and she nodded in silence.

"Don't worry, we'll do it a few more times before I leave," he reassured her.

"Thank you!" Lin Shao Shang said.

"No, thank you for coming here and accepting me finally."

Lin Shao Shang left the Yang Pagoda shortly after, and Su Yang continued to cultivate with the next disciple in line.

"I apologize for skipping your turn like that. As an apology, I'll treat you extra special today." Su Yang said to the disciple that just came upstairs.

The disciple's eyes immediately flickered with excitement, and she said, "Don't worry about it, Sect Master! I can wait as long as you want!"

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another week had passed in this world.

"If you're still inside the Immortal's Treasury, you have an hour to leave." Su Yang said to the disciples still treasure hunting inside the spatial device.

When the disciples heard this, they quickened their pace.

An hour later, Su Yang forcefully teleported everyone inside the Immortal's Treasury outside.

"So only about 10 percent of the treasures are left in here, huh? Not bad, considering how little time they had." Su Yang smiled at the results.

Once the spatial device was empty, Su Yang summoned his family— or more precisely, everyone that was going to the Divine Heavens with him.

"The Immortal's Treasury? What are we doing here?" Su Yin asked him.

"This is where you'll all be living until I find us a safe place in the Divine Heavens, where I can let you guys out. I cannot risk losing even a single of you during our trip to the Divine Heavens since anything can happen."

"There are houses built on the second floor, and I'd reconstruct the place a little to make it more suitable for living." Su Yang said.

While it sounded like a lot of work, Su Yang only needed to imagine the place he wanted and the spatial device would take care of everything else.

And he continued, "We'll leave in a week so prepare yourselves and pack whatever you need."

After giving them instructions, Su Yang dismissed them so they could go prepare.

"Only a week left, huh? To think I have only spent two years in this place."

A relieved smile appeared on his face, as he was prepared to spend a few hundred years in this unknown world.

"I am almost back. Just wait for me a little longer, you all…" Su Yang stared at the artificial sky with a profound look on his face.

Chapter 865 Saying Their Goodbyes

Three days after Su Yang closed the Immortal's Treasury for the disciples, his family moved into the second floor of the place, where a couple of massive buildings were built beside a clean river.

"What do you ladies think of this place?" Su Yang asked them a day after they settled down in their new homes.

"It's actually pretty great here. It's peaceful, and the air is nice and clean. The spiritual energy here is also a little better than outside." Sun Jingjing said.

"If you need changes done to the place, just let me know and I'll do my best to satisfy it." Su Yang said to them.


Sometime later, Su Yang said, "Good. Then you'll all be living here until I find us a safe place in the Divine Heavens. Of course, you don't actually have to live here until we leave the Profound Blossom Sect. Once we leave the Eastern Continent, you'll be able to leave this place one more time at the Southern Continent right before we leave this world."

"So, use whatever time you have left to say your farewell to those you care about because there's a good chance that we'll never be able to return to this world again."

"I'll have to say goodbye to my grandfather." Sun Jingjing said.

"I also need to say my goodbyes to my family." Xie Xingfang said.

"Me too." Lian Li said.

Su Yang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll bring all of you to see your family one last time before we leave."

"Let's start with Lian Li, Wu Jingjing, and Zhu Mengyi since your families are the furthest away."

"Okay." They nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought the three goddesses to the Holy Central Continent to see their family, starting with Lian Li's family first.

"Mother, father, brother, as you already know, I will be leaving this world with Su Yang, and there's a good chance that I will not be able to come back." Lian Li said to them.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me." Lian Li bowed to her parents.

"You're already a grown-up, Lian Li." Her mother said with a heartwarming smile on her face.

She then turned to look at Su Yang and said, "Please, take care of our daughter and granddaughter."

Su Yang nodded, "Don't worry, I will not let anything happen to them."

Lian Li proceeded to spend the next couple of hours speaking with her family and reminiscing about their history together.

Once it was time for them to leave, Lian Li gave her family a final hug.

"Father, take care of yourself and mother."

"Same with you, mother. Please take care of yourself."

Lian Li then turned to look at her brother and said, "Lian Heng, you make sure you behave yourself. Just because I will no longer be here doesn't mean you can go wild."

"I won't…" Lian Heng said in a low voice, his previous arrogance and prideful nature seemingly gone.

The Lian Family had made sure to discipline him properly after learning what he did to Su Yang, hence why he had been absent for so long.

If it weren't for Lian Li's departure, he wouldn't have been allowed to leave his seclusion.

"Goodbye, everyone."

After saying her final goodbye, Lian Li turned around and walked out of the place with Su Yang by her side, not looking back even after they left the area.

As for Su Yang, he left behind a storage ring for the Lian Family, telling them that they could only open it and see the inside in a month from today.

Sometime later, Su Yang brought Wu Jingjing to the Holy Sword Academy so she could meet her father for the last time.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, father. I don't know when or if I'll be able to return, but if I can, I will definitely come back." Wu Jingjing handed Wu Min to her father before getting on her knees and kowtowing to him.

"You don't have to care so much about me, Jingjing. Just go and live your life with Su Yang and your child. I will be fine here. You don't have to worry about me." Wu Jiang said to her with a resolute smile on his face, as he'd spent the last couple of months preparing himself for their departure.

"Goodbye, Jingjing, Min'er." Wu Jiang gave Wu Min a kiss on the cheeks before handing her back to Wu Jingjing.

He then turned to look at Su Yang and said, "I don't have to say anything to you, right?"

"I still remember your words on that day very clearly." Su Yang said with a smile.

"You better." Wu Jiang nodded.

"Goodbye, father." Wu Jingjing said to him before turning around and leaving with Su Yang.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend some more time with him? We still have some time." Su Yang said to her as they left.

"I'm fine. It'll only be harder for him if I lingered." Wu Jingjing said with slightly teary eyes.

Sometime later, Su Yang went to the Four Seasons Academy with Zhu Mengyi to see her mother.

"I'm here to say my goodbyes, mother." Zhu Mengyi said to her, who sat there silently with a solemn expression on her face.

"So it's finally that time, huh?" She looked at them with a small smile on her face.

"I'm going to miss you and Zhu Jiayi— mostly Zhu Jiayi." Her mother sighed.

Zhu Mengyi proceeded to spend a couple of hours speaking with her mother about random things whilst her mother played with Zhu Jiayi.

Once their time ended, Zhu Mengyi hugged her mother and said, "As much as I am relieved to leave this place, I will miss your nagging, mother."

"I will also miss nagging at you, Mengyi. In fact, allow me to nag at you one more time."

After taking a deep breath, her mother spoke, "Stay out of trouble, Mengyi. Take care of Su Yang and Jiayi. I have no doubt that you'll achieve great things as long as you're with him."

Zhu Mengyi nodded, "You take care of yourself as well, mother."

They left shortly after, returning to the Eastern Continent.

Chapter 866 Saying Their Goodbyes (2)

After returning to the Profound Blossom Sect, Zhu Mengyi, Wu Jingjing, and Lian Li entered the Spatial Device and proceeded to spend the next few days inside.

"Su Yang, are you ready to go to Snowfall City?" Xie Xingfang asked him after he returned.

"Yes. We can go right now." Su Yang nodded.

Sometime later, Su Yang took Xie Xingfang to see her family so she could say her goodbyes.

"So it's finally time for you guys to leave, huh…" Lord Xie and Xie Wang looked at them with reluctant smiles on their faces.

"Yes… I am here to say my final goodbyes." Xie Xingfang nodded.

And she continued, "I would like to start by thanking you for taking care of me. Thank you, father. Thank you, grandfather."

"You don't have to thank me. I was merely doing my job as your father." Lord Xie shook his head.

"Xing'er, to tell you the truth, I expected to die with you and your family by my side, but alas… Who could've imagined that you would be leaving this world before I do…" Xie Wang sighed.

"Father… grandfather…" Xie Xingfang felt an urge to cry, but she held it back.

"Save your energy and breath, Xing'er. We have already prepared ourselves for this day long ago. You don't have to say anything to us." Lord Xie said to her with a resolute expression on his stern-looking face.

He then turned to look at Su Yang and said, "Please, take care of my daughter, Su Yang."

"Of course." Su Yang immediately nodded.

Xie Wang then stepped forward and handed a storage ring to Xie Xingfang and said, "There's really nothing I can give you that Su Yang cannot, so don't expect anything valuable inside. It's just some things for you to remember us with."

"I don't need something to remember my own family…" Xie Xingfang wanted to refuse the gift.

However, Xie Wang shook his head and said, "I didn't mean it like that. Just take it with you. If you ever have the time, take a look inside."

"I...I understand." Xie Xingfang nodded.

Sometime later, Xie Xingfang sat down with her family and spoke about random things they did previously.

A couple of hours later, Su Yang handed a storage ring to Lord Xie and said, "Inside that storage ring has the method of restoring the Celestial Pond alongside other things that you might find useful."

"You…" Lord Xie looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm going to tell you what you told Xing'er— don't waste your breath thanking me. I am only doing what I want." Su Yang said.

After a moment of silence, Lord Xie nodded his head with a serious look on his face.

He then extended his hand, seemingly asking for a handshake.

Su Yang smiled before shaking his hand firmly.

"I will entrust my daughter to you, Su Yang."

Su Yang silently nodded.

"Good luck in your own world, Su Yang." Xie Wang shook his hand next.

"Luck won't do me any good there." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Sometime later, Su Yang left Snowfall City with Xie Xingfang and brought her back to the Profound Blossom Sect, where she entered the Spatial Device with the other three.

"Su Yang, my grandfather would like to speak with us." Sun Jingjing approached him shortly after he returned to the sect.

"Okay. When does he want to speak with us?"

"Whenever you're available," she said.

"I can go now. What about you?" Su Yang asked her.

"I can as well."

"Then let's go now."

Sun Jingjing nodded, and they proceeded to make their way towards Elder Sun's living quarters.

"Please, sit down." Elder Sun pointed to the couch in front of them.

Once they were seated, Elder Sun continued, "It's been a while since we last spoke like this."

"Indeed. The last time the three of us spoke like this, I was still a mere disciple." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

Elder Sun laughed out loud and said, "Yes, and I remember the first time I met you, Su Yang. You and another disciple were engaged in a deathmatch— one that nobody had authorized, and you ended up with a sword in her chest, nearly dying on the stage."

And he continued, "You were only at the Elementary Spirit Realm and an Outer Court disciple at that time. But look at you now… The Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect and also a prominent expert who has reached the Sovereign Spirit Realm at such a young age. How time has passed so quickly."

After a moment of silence, Elder Sun said, "The reason I called you two here is quite simple— I wanted to give you my blessing before you leave this world."

"Jingjing, you have grown up tremendously ever since you met Su Yang. Although you can still act childish at times, it's not the same as before. I don't have to worry as much if you're going to leave in your current state."

He then turned to look at Su Yang and said, "Ever since you came to this world, you've drastically influenced everyone around you— myself included, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for the Profound Blossom Sect and my granddaughter. If it's you, I know I can rest assured that Sun Jingjing will live a happy life."

"Grandfather…" Sun Jingjing wasn't someone who'd easily get emotional, but hearing Elder Sun's words and knowing that she will no longer be able to see him for a long time— perhaps even forever, she couldn't help but tear up.

And she suddenly asked, "Grandfather, why don't you come with us?"

However, Elder Sun shook his head and said, "I knew you'd say something like that, but alas, I have dedicated most of my life to the Profound Blossom Sect, and I intend on doing so until my last breath, so I cannot follow you as much as I want to. I'm sorry, Jingjing."