1 A Normal Day

The carts do not stop passing day and night on the imperial street, the wagoons are always in a hurry to take the goods from one point to another, leaning in an alley the hooded girl rests from her long journey, the passage of those carriages is almost hypnotic, from behind a dirty and noisy man approaches, he tries to get her attention without success.

The girl prefers to ignore that deplorable existence, she knows she will not earn anything dealing with him, he approaches her making more noise, she turns and her spin kick hits him before she can even see him, he just notices who was hit when he is already on the ground spitting blood and without his last front tooth, he would get up, but his life of self-indulgence did not prepare him to face difficulties or suffering.

The girl gets back to her journey, that village exists only as a trading post for travelers who can't go any further on their journey, to rest a little, she likes the view of that village, the buildings are very ornate and even the poorest shacks have some charm, unlike all the big cities it's been through, the long spans and big stained-glass windows outside the commercial buildings are worthy of big cities, you don't see beggars on the streets or prostitutes, maybe some of those bad-vibe people are thieves or just hand workers in another difficult day, the last great war may have freed the slaves, but there is still great social tension, not that people are aware of it, they just feel a bad vibe.

The girl counts her last coins, and takes advantage of the cheaper offers she finds on her way, she can't fill her backpack as she wanted, she hopes to get more money soon, or her rumbling stomach nights will come back, there's no money left to sleep in any of the taverns or inns in this village, it's better to sleep in the forest, she thinks, it's safer with animals that don't think.

The stunning appearance of the village didn't convince her, she knows that a good place to steal, it's a place people don't take care of, and that's exactly where someone would relax and let their guard down.

The village is already starting to disappear on the horizon along with the sun giving it an even more beautiful aura, she enters the forest to get away from the sight of those who can pass on the imperial road, even at night it is almost sure that carriages and even hikers will pass by, in her search for a good clearing she kills some wild animals and wild beasts, she hears the heavy footsteps of a troll that yells at her in a throaty and tired voice.

"Why are you killing my friends?"

She is startled, this troll is as ugly as is typical of its species and looks stronger than usual, she instinctively backs away with light and slow steps.

"I had to defend myself, it was by accident". Luckily for the hooded girl, she didn't have time to gather meat from the slaughtered creatures.

"I don't do that anymore." Says the troll.

"I'll try!" the girl answers, and the troll turns and leaves, hooded girl follows him for no particular reason, and she is no longer attacked by any animal, beast or feral.

When she arrives at the troll's camp the girl notices how he lovingly takes care of some wounded animals that are there, he stirs his cauldron with the boiling soup a little more and turns to the girl.

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