5 Chapter 5

Miss Baxter turned to Anise and dismissed her with a curt nod. As I watched her go this time, it made me miss her just a little bit. Anise was nice, and she had shared quite a bit of herself with me in the short time we’d been acquainted. I thought it might be nice to share a little something with her, even if it was just Beethoven.

“From the top please, Julie.”

My mind was dragged back to the task at hand. “Yes, Miss Baxter.”

I made my way through Für Elise entirely from memory, even while finding myself completely distracted by the thoughts of good hurts, and girls restrained running wild through my mind.

What did it all mean? And who keeps spare corsets just lying around that happened to be my size?

At least there were no distractions from comments about keeping my back straight. Not surprising, as I really didn’t have a choice in this outfit.

“Julie, that was lovely. Would you mind playing it again? I do so love the way your posture has improved.”


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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