
Mischief and Dai-Jin

AnnGuslavia · Urban
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39 Chs


Uncle Daniel promised to take care of Raibh while I'm in Valhalla, and told me again, for the 1000th to live my life for myself for once, while I can, as he's still absorbing the fact that in the near future I'll be in danger both by the threat of the MPF, and of the said nightmare monsters.

Though I'll be bringing Raibh with me as soon as they wake up, they came to the United States for me, there's no way I'm not taking them with me. Besides, it'll be good to have a serpent by my side.

In the end, Four and Ari left before lunch, saying they had agreed to go back earlier to have lunch with Pravya and Astrid, they girlfriends, and probably the others. Although I have a feeling they were actually going ahead of us because they wanted to tell them everything that happened with me here, and the fact that I'll be heading there today. And definitely gossip about how Dai-Jin Moon Nishimura handed me his bike.

I still don't see the big deal, though I do feel the big deal.

I left my new bedroom with a black backpack and more two bigger black handle bags in each hand, all while having my emerald green handbag tight across my body, with all the pockets in high-waist black jeans and in my black leather jacket stuffed with small stuff like my two phones, my wallet, my document holder, and some candy. My long hair loose, and I'm also using my Prada black boots that has small pouches.

Everything was fine, until I was checking if my boots were alright with what I stuffed into the pouches, and hit my head on a wall. Well, his sculpted hard chest definitely passed by a fucking wall, and I couldn't help growling, before staring up at the mountain this man is, his addicting scent invading my nostrils as I almost cracked my neck to look at him. And that's because my boots have a considerable platform in it.

"What the hell, Ahjussi," I glared at him annoyed.

And the bastard grinned like a devil at me, and only then did I notice the black Maine Coon cat in his hands, "Ajumma, you should look where you're going and not walk staring at your pretty Prada shoes. Ain't all this stuff heavy?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"I am strong than I look, I assure you, ahjussi," I hissed, then my eyes fell to the cat, a male I can tell. "Hey, boy!"

["Hello, there, darling. So, you're the famous Mischief. You are incredibly gorgeous, it's an honor to meet you, I am Luffy!"] A gentleman.

I blinked, holding the smile, "Luffy, as in Monkey D. Luffy, the future Pirate King of One Piece?" My laughing eyes went up to Dai-Jin who seemed stunned and amused. Amusement sure looks sexy on his lips.

"Every time we talk you surprise me in something different, I'mma start to get used to it, Yeji," a shiver spread down my spine as he called me by my name, making me feel shit I shouldn't be feeling. "One Piece is my favorite anime, I watch it since I was a toddler with otou-san, and now I watch with my little siblings too. None of the others are big fans of it, and my cousin prefers shoujo animes over shounen."

"Is Luffy your favorite?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Nope, all my cats are names after One Piece characters," his pale cheeks reddened. "But Luffy is the oldest, he's an old man already, so he stays here with otou-san. My other five cats are in the academy."

"Hmmm," I hummed. "You don't look like someone who has six cats," putting the two bags in my hands down, I petted Luffy, trying to hide the smile that was trying to curl my lips.

"Do you like One Piece? Or was it Seojun?" He asked softly, closer.

Jesus, he's so closer I can feel the heat of his body, and he's covered up in a black long-sleeved turtle-neck cashmere tight shirt, a black jacket, black cargo pants full of pockets marking the strong muscles of his insanely long legs, Hermés black ankle high boots with small platforms that make him even taller, silver rings adorning his long fingers, his nails all polished in black, four different piercings in both of his ears, all adorned with silver earrings, and his wavy raven hair parted methodically in the middle, the frontal strings falling over his face, shadowing his eyes, and making him impossibly more attractive. There's also a silver chain necklace around his neck, over the shirt.

Why does he men had to also have such a perfect sense of fashion? This is fucking unfair. And what's with the soft black eyeliner on his eyes, making his hunter monolid gaze even more hypnotizing? What the hell? Does he plan on killing me or something?

He really is everybody's type, there's no way anyone could even be immune to his damned charms. And the worse part is that he knows it.

I swallowed because One Piece also happens to be my ultimate favorite anime. "I like it, I watch it since I was about 8 years old, it was harabeoji's favorite anime, we watched it together. Kit also loved it, his favorite character was Sanji, he got into taekwondo to learn how to fight kicking like that. Though his favorite anime was Black Clover."

"Black Clover is awesome, the manga is a masterpiece," he pointed and my jaw almost dropped to know that he reads my favorite manga. "Do you wanna held Luffy?" He offered.

"Sure, come here," I held out my arms and took the huge cat in.

["You smell amazing, Mischief,"] he purred.

I felt my cheeks blushing, "Thanks."

"Now, I'll get these," in a movement, the bags flew to his hands as if magnetically attracted to him and my eyes almost popped.

"How did you do that?" I gasped.

He grinned mischievously, "You tell me."

"Was… was this telekinesis?" I blinked, thinking.

"Nope. It's way stronger than that, but with simpler principles," he winked, and then began to walk towards the elevator where his things were already there, and by things I mean a huge backpack.

"Was that you're Soul power?" My eyes narrowed curiously.

"Was it?" He played dumb, setting my bags around his. "Come here big boy," he extended his hands and I handed Luffy to him. "Don't pee on eomma's shoes, don't mess with her work notes, those be messy, and stay away of the windows, alright? Take care of my room, be free to pee and to bite and hiss at anyone who tries to get inside, got it?"

["Okay. But only because I know you will take longer to come back because you'll be training Mischief. And when you come back, you have to buy me a load of meat and fish treats, alright?"]

"Deal," he winked at the cat and put him down on the carpet. "Go to eomma, she'll take you back home when she goes down."

["Aye. It's nice to finally have you around, Mischief,"] he winked at me, and I couldn't help smiling.

"It was nice to meet you, Luffy!"

["I know it was, I'm amazing,"] he grinned and left, cat walking his way out like a runaway model from Victoria's Secret, leaving us alone.

"Let me see your phone, Yeji," Dai-Jin said close again, his voice growing deeper, and I felt my body tensing up with the idea of being alone with him when he's so damn close to me. I can't handle when calls me that.

"Why do you want it, Seokjin?" I'm not suffering alone.

He closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, his breath unsteady for long enough to tell he's as affected as I am by it, "Give it to me, Yeji!" He whispered, eyes down on mine, darkening at the pace that his pupils dilated, making him feel even more dangerous.

Without taking my eyes off of his, I took my iPhone and my Z Flip from my jacket inner pockets, handing it to him, "Tsk," I clicked my tongue.

"You have two?"

"There's two in your hands, no?" I snapped.

His eyes darkened even more as he read what was written in the back case of my iPhone, "'Don't wast your love on somebody, who doesn't value it.'" Then his eyes met mine again, "Is that William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet?"

And he knows that by memory? "I like Shakespeare."

Then he turned to look at the sentence written in the emerald green case of my Samsung Z Flip, "'Shut up,'" he turned it to the other side, "'I wear hells bigger than your dick.' Well I don't know about that," his lips curled wolfishly as he met my eyes again, hunger blooming in them like gasoline being lit up into fire. "Mine is very proportional to my height," he whispered, and licked his lips slowly, the movement attracting my eyes.

Despite my senses, I found myself meeting his eyes again, licking my lips and saying, "That's what all the guys with a small dick say. It's the principle of reverse psychology, you can't fool me. Who knows? You could actually fit in the stereotype of east Asian men," I provoked, even though I know in my soul that this men must be painfully huge. "I do have quite the high heels."

He took a step closer and I help my ground, held his gaze, feeling his body coming so close to me we were almost touching, but it was close enough for me to feel something far from small pressing on my hips, "Do you wanna bet with me, Yeji?" He whispered, grinning dangerously.

I dated to take a small step even closer, feeling his hardness against me even harder, bigger, eyes still on his, "I don't think I'll loose. Like I said, my heels are quite big, Seokjin," I whispered back.

"Careful with your words, Yeji, they could get you into a lot more trouble than you can handle," his big left hand traced the right lateral of my face softly, painfully soft, until my chin, which he grabbed in a firmer hold and made me look up to see him even better.

"Seokjin," I breathed, leaning in, "there's nothing I can't handle."

But the second his left thumb brushed against my bottom lip, I was sure that I was definitely not able to handle him. "Is that so?" He breathed and his right hand came to the left side of my ribs, his touch hard as he let his hand skate from my ribs to the deep crevice of my waist, where he all but tightened his grip on me, bringing me closer, making me feel the sheer grandiosity of his erection. Letting me know I am causing this. "You better beware the consequences of your words, before you walk into a fire you won't be able to come out of, Yeji."

When I was going to hold onto his shirt and get closer, footsteps came from our back, loudly enough for me to know it was uncle Daniel, and we instantly jumped away from each other before he saw us. Both red.

"Oh, there you are," he beamed at me, but then he paused.

"U-uncle Daniel," I coughed, putting an even wider space between me and Dai-Jin as I walked towards him. "Ahjussi was helping me out with my things, I was about to look for you to say a temporary goodbye."

His eyes narrowed at me, then at Dai-Jin, and back to me, "Why are you strawberry-red?"

"Oh? Uh… we were fighting. I'm red with anger!" I lied quickly.

He frowned, "Fighting? But you always fight loudly, I didn't hear a sound," ugh, this is embarrassingly annoying.

"We were… hissing at each other," I played cool. "In whispers."

"Mmhm," he narrowed his eyes even further, "is that so?"

"Ahjussi, will you stay there or will you be useful and help carrying her stuff?" Dai-Jin snapped at him, as if annoyed, which he might very well be, and uncle snapped out of it, suddenly annoyed and scowling at Dai-Jin rude attitude. "You can say goodbye in the garage!" Then he grabbed his backpack and entered the elevator, "Take her bags and let's go, I plan on being at the Academy by 3 pm. It's 1:45 pm now, we have 15 minutes to leaved Chicago."

"Hah, this brat," uncle cursed and turned to me, taking a family package of Oreo from his midnight blue suit, he handed it to me. "I got it for you when you were dolling yourself up, I know it's your favorite."

I felt my cheeks warm and ignoring Dai-Jin's presence I hugged uncle Daniel tight, and he hugged me back, "Thank you, ahjussi," I said in Bulgarian, "for everything."