
Miracle Hunters

The best revenge is to make the death the only hope for your enemies

LordofMountains · Derivasi dari karya
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4 Chs

prologue: The accident ((1))

Edward got up from his seat and started thinking about what to do today since he will start training tomorrow, he decided that he would not go with his father today to the village despite the passage of about 3 years since the last time he went to a human village. Then he remembered that Aria went to play by the lake, so he decided to go play with her for a bit. When Edward arrived next to the lake he found his mother and Aria already finished showering and ready to go home. When Catherine saw Edward walking towards them she asked, "My dear, did your father go hunting ??" .

Edward nodded and said, "He went hunting, and I came here to play a little." When Aria heard the word "play", her sad expression changed with an expression of joy and chanted, "Ed, I want to play with you." Upon seeing her daughter's face joy, she looked at her with some sadness in her eyes, but she soon hid her feelings and said "Ed, take your sister to play with you a little, but do not be late and do not leave her alone, and also make sure to keep her away from the lake." Under normal circumstances, she would not have left a 10-year-old to take care of his 4-year-old sister, but she realizes that Edward has become very mature after the accident 4 years ago.

After Edward reassures Catherine that he will take care of Arya, Catherine left, leaving them alone to prepare lunch and clean the house. Edward turned to look at Arya and then raised it and put her on his shoulders, although he did not start training with his father yet, but in the past three years he used to go to get water from the lake as he was climbing high places, so his strength increased with the passage of the years, for him carrying Arya The lean 4-year-old was an easy task. Then Edward started walking along the lake heading towards the sea and on the way, he continued to describe all the things he sees for Arya. The part in which they lived in the forest was wonderful, unlike the rest of the forest, and for some reason, ignorant of Edward, the wild animals feared to come here. Until Edward arrived in front of a pile with a wooden sign on it, then Edward stopped. As a result of the sudden pause, Aria was puzzled and asked, "Brother, why did you stop here ??" . Edward looked sadly at the wooden sign and then said in a voice filled with sadness and anger, "Because in this place lies our elder brother." . "Why does our older brother not come to play with us and live with us at home ??" Arya asked innocently.

Edward replied, trying to mute his tears in a trembling voice, "because he is busy now, but one day we will meet together again." Aria laughed innocently and said, "Tell him to bring me a lot of cakes when he comes to visit us." Edward raised his head to look at his sister and said with a smile, "Of course, little princess." Then he kissed her hands, then Edward took one last look at the grave and muttered, "Don't worry, brother, I'll take care of everyone and protect Our family. "Then Edward turned to leave ,while the memories from 4 years ago began to appear in his mind.


4 years ago

England, or as some call it the blessed land by the god, is the kingdom that is famous for its prosperity and abundance of crops, and it is also famous for its moderate climate, which is warm in winter and moderate in summer. The kingdom with abundant animal production _which the Harmful insects never dare to approach _ and abundance of water and rain, as if God had blessed that land as some people think, but in fact, not everyone thinks so.as some people thought that it was a curse in the disguise of a blessing, Despite the prosperity of England, the neighboring kingdoms were not fortunate enough they live on a wasteland where water and plants are scarce also there was abundance in offsprings in those kingdoms, which led to many famines, unlike the Kingdom of England.

This led to the alliance of the Lion Kingdom in the north, Brita in the east, Sparta in the south, and the Vikings in the west, to invade the Kingdom of England, which led to the outbreak of The "eternal war" that lasted for 300 hundred years. Initially, the war was for resources, but over time it became more like a personal grudge and deep hatred arose between the allied kingdoms and England and there are some rumors that say that the war is a Represent a play agreed by the allied kingdoms to reduce the population and maintain a specific population, which prevents More famines arose at the same time weakening England and putting it on alert all the time to prevent it from attempting to invade any of the four kingdoms.

Because of the continuing war that is burning every few years, the Five Kingdoms increased their military strength over the years, especially the Kingdom of England, which led to the emergence of the warlord's system. which are chosen by the military merits and individual power. there are four warlords under The control of the king, they don't have to bow to anyone except for the king and the four dukes of the kingdom, although they do not have the right to rule the lands or to form a personal army under them . each one of them responsible to protect one of the four sides of the kingdom.

In the noble area in the northern part of the kingdom is a high-end house. The phrase "Let the warlord of the north emerge victorious" is inscribed on the gate of the house. Under this phrase, another phrase is engraved "Thunderbird". Inside this house, there is a 12-year-old child with long black hair and golden eyes of good physique holding a sword and waving it while standing near him a child with red hair and red eyes looks at him with admiration and cheers him from time to time and on the sofa near them sits a beautiful woman in her thirties، with black hair and blue eyes holding a few months old girl with white hair and golden eyes while feeding her.

After the black-haired boy finished training with the sword, the red-haired boy rushed to him and said, "My brother William, why don't you let me train with you? I also want to be strong like you and our father." William turned to look at Edward and then laughed and used his finger to poke Edward's forehead and said, "You are not allowed to start training before reaching the age of ten, and also do not worry, as long as I am here no one will dare to touch you." Edward looked at him with an expression indicative of disappointment and then said, "OK We'll see who gets stronger when I grow up. " William replied with a smile, "Okay, I will wait for you, brother. But now, let us focus on preparing for the New Year celebration, our mother will perform a play today this afternoon and we must go there to encourage her, right?" . Edward replied, raising his hands in the air, "Well, brother, we will chant today at the top of our voice, and also my father will come today, won't he?? He has not come in three months." William replied with a smile, "Yes, he will come. He sent us a letter last night and said he will come today after nightfall."

While the two brothers were talking, Catherine listened to them with a smile on her face. Although she did not like wars, she loved the passion of her children, as they reminded her of her husband, but when they mentioned their father, she felt a little sad because she did not want her husband to leave the children and the house for a long time, so she wanted him to spend more time with them, so she sighed, then got up and shouted to them, "Ed and William, let us get ready for the celebration, hurry up so we don't be late.". the two boys shouted, " okay mother " then they run inside the house.