

Cloud Sea City, Purple Mountain, in the canyon of the Golden Bamboo Forest. Overlapping milky white clouds surrounded a dark green bamboo forest, as far as the eye can see, a pale! Deep in the bamboo sea, there are four or five houses with a simple but elegant structure, all made of golden bamboo! The color of the whole house is light yellow, and it is estimated that it has a long age! It is surrounded by flowers and many herbs whose names are unknown! Not far ahead on the right there is a turquoise pond, the water in the pond is crystal clear, the water surface is covered by large lotus leaves, the blooming lotus flowers swaying in the wind. In the middle of the pond there is an octagonal pavilion with an ancient yellow flavor! In the center of the pavilion there is a small round table! On the table there is a teapot, two silver teacups! The pot emits a strong fragrance! It was soothing to smell! There were two people standing in the pavilion! One was an old man in black clothes, with long silver hair and a thin face! He looked haggard, but his eyes were radiant. His hands were behind his back, but his eyes were staring straight ahead without blinking, his face was heavy! Behind him stood a teenager wearing a plain white Zhongshan suit! This teenager looks average! Temperament is outstanding. Flat head, slender and lean body, sword eyebrows slanting, a pair of Danfeng eyes, upright nose. Thick lips, but, unfortunately, the face is pale! If it is more rosy, but not lost as a sunny teenager! At this time, he stood with his hands on either side of his thighs, very respectfully standing behind that old man! The old man gave a long sigh, then slowly turned around, kindly looked at the young man, after a moment of silence, said heavily: "Xiang'er, to go to the university to study all aspects of the formalities have been implemented for you to handle, you go, study well is it! The young man heard, face did not change color, opened his mouth and said softly: "Thank you seven uncles" The old man smiled faintly, reached out and patted the young man's shoulder, sighed, and then said in a serious tone: "Xiang'er, followed the seventh uncle here to live a quiet and uneventful five years, indeed, you have suffered a lot of aggression, now, you have grown up, your parents see you now living a good life, I think in the nine springs, will also rest in peace" The young man heard, the original white face suddenly a distortion, eyes swept through a burst of grief, he hung his head down, his face full of painful expression. When he raised his head, his face had returned to its original state of silence like water. But did not say a word.

mi_tan · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Vicious retaliation

It was already three forty-five in the morning when Hua Zishu returned to Yunhai City.

As soon as he got off the helicopter, the middle-aged man in a suit politely said some words of thanks to him, and then handed him a slip of paper saying that it was the password of the Dragon Card that Minister Lin had given him! Hua Zishu indifferently took the slip of paper, then smiled blandly and said thank you! Only then did he go into the McDonald's, which was open all night, and tell the salesman that he wanted to pick up a package. The salesman handed him the package, and he took it into the bathroom, changed his clothes, rubbed his hands vigorously over his face, then washed his face with water, looked up in the mirror and saw his original face again. He then took a taxi at the taxi stand and ran straight back to Yunhai University.

Xiao Daming had found four young men! These four young men walked very steadily, their eyes were sharp, and their faces were cold and they wore sunglasses! Anyone who took a look at them would know that they were either assassins or spies or secret agents, and anyway, these four were definitely not simple.

The moment Xiao Daming saw Li Junyi fall to the ground from Hua Zishu's playfulness, he had the thought of killing Hua Zishu, but then he came to his senses and realised that every student in this Yunhai University had some kind of indefinable backstage, and this time he hoped to teach him a lesson that he would never forget, and that he would stay away from Li Junyi.

At this time, the main gate of the university was already closed, but the small gate was still open, and there were many stalls and shops in front of the campus. After all, the 70,000 students at the university are all the sons and daughters of the rich! With these young masters and young ladies who had no place to spend their money, it would be difficult for any kind of small business not to flourish.

Hua Zishu didn't stay much longer, after all, he had used up almost all of his Qi to save Lin Shi! He was now staggering and his face was white! He was reluctant to take the pill in the small porcelain vase he had with him, that pill was extremely difficult to refine and quite expensive for one pill, and the true qi he had consumed would only need to be restored in a day and a night by meditating for a good long time.

As soon as he entered the campus, all of a sudden, two athletic figures came out of the Jingfeng Building!

When it was late at night at Yunhai University, the streetlights on the campus were yellow and lingering, giving people a feeling of seclusion, and as soon as Hua Zishu stepped onto the school's artificial grove of trees, a heavy murderous spirit suddenly came over him! The pressure made his forehead sweat. Hua Zishu's footsteps stopped and his heart tightened as he secretly thought, "What a big killing machine, this killing machine seems to have locked onto himself, and he is inviting powerful figures from that way, could it be the group of black-clad masked men from five years ago?"

Hua Zishu's forehead was covered in cold sweat, even his palms were covered in cold sweat.

A leaf fluttered and fell from the woods! Hua Zishu turned back with a jerk, only to see that there was silence behind him, no one at all! Hua Zishu's face changed and became very ugly! In his heart he thought in amazement, "What a fast figure," and he did not look back, for he already knew that the figure that had followed him was already standing behind him!

Two figures were already reflected on that wall by the light of the dim street lamp.

"Who are you?" Hua Zishu asked in deliberate panic. In his heart, he was calling out to himself that he was in trouble! If he hadn't saved that teacher Lin Shi, I'm afraid that these two people would be far from his opponents, but now that he didn't have much true qi, he had encountered these two powerful people, what should he do! What to do!

Suddenly, there was a tightening of the back, and a powerful punching wind came towards the back! Hua Zishu frowned and secretly used his remaining true qi to protect his heart. Hua Zishu felt the pain! His face was twisted and he screamed out in agony. He only felt a sweetness in his throat and a gush of blood came out.

The young man behind him was astonished at the sight. Both of them thought that the young man called Hua Zishu must be a good martial artist, so as soon as he came up, the young man used a heavy blow! But they didn't expect that the man in front of them was just a scholar with no power at all! The young man stood there in a daze, but he didn't know what to do!

The other young man said to the young man who had just done it, "Try it again!"

Hua Zishu was in so much pain that every time he opened his mouth, he spat out a huge mouthful of blood! The punch to his back had displaced almost all of his internal organs, and he was curled up on the ground in pain, deliberately pretending to scream incessantly! The sound was miserable and loud.

The two young men looked around, fearing that the young man's screams might attract the security section of the school! The other young man let out a low roar and kicked up violently towards Hua Zishu's stomach!

"How powerful! **, if I get kicked by him with this kick, I'll be half dead if not dead!" When Hua Zishu saw this, he cursed in his heart, but without showing any traces, he overlapped his hands on his chest at once! The kick just hit his hands, and a strong force came from them. Before he could hit the ground, a figure dashed towards him like lightning!

Hua Zishu had long sensed the young man's bizarre stance and could not help but secretly shout, "Bitter too, **, this man's stance is so fast, so powerful, damn it, is he using so much strength, does he want to control himself to death? Is it really an enemy!" He was now scared, these two young men had attacked him without a word, and these few blows seemed to be without mercy, it seemed that the aim was to kill him ... Before he could finish his thoughts, his whole body had been caught in mid-air by a pair of hands! In an instant, he was thrown hard to the ground again! "There was a heavy thud! Hua Zishu was in so much pain that he could hardly breathe, he turned over, his body was in pain, the remnants of his true qi were protecting his heart but not the rest of his body, and he didn't even understand who was attacking him! He did not dare to show the slightest trace of his martial arts skills. He was left to the cruelty of these two men as if he were an ordinary man. His only hope was that he would make a bigger scene so as to alert the others. He had already been grabbed by the hands of the young man who did it later, and before he had time to react, his body was thrown against a wall again.

"The wall collapsed with a loud bang! The loud noise had alerted several officers on patrol from the school's security section! Several beams of torchlight were shining this way!

Hua Zishu wasn't even breathing! He had almost passed out when his head hit hard against that wall. The two young men had attacked him without a word, and the blows seemed to be unrelenting, and their aim seemed to be to kill him! He was now lying there motionless!

He slowly regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes! He saw that the sky was already bright, the sky was dark, and there was a light rain falling... He was in the middle of the rocks, surrounded by men and women. They were all wearing umbrellas and had smiles on their faces as they gestured and laughed at him. A few boys crouched on the ground and smiled at him, shouting in droves, "Serves you right, serves you right!" However, there were many kind girls who could not bear to look at the sight of him and all ducked away.

Hua Zishu understood his own situation at the moment, he didn't expect anyone to come to his rescue, he knew he had already committed a public outrage in the school! There were more and more people gathered around to see what was going on, and at that moment, a few boys ran over and took a dozen photos of him with their cameras, almost all of them close-ups.

He felt so angry and humiliated that he wanted to get up, but the pain was unbearable! When he came to his senses, he realised that he was heavily pinned by a huge stone, that his hands were covered in blood, that there were cuts on them, and that his left foot was in pain! The right foot was even more numb, it had been buried in the rubble!

Many students came and went.

With a slight stroke of luck Hua Zishu had a weak stream of true qi slowly flowing through his body! He was overjoyed and slowly quieted his mind, following the mantra of Mixed Heaven One Qi Gong to run the meagre power in his body, slowly gathering a mass of true qi all over his body! As time went on, the qi also increased in speed! The pain in the body was removed in a few moments' time!


"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Young master Ma, please behave yourself, okay? I'm telling you! You better get out of the way with me now!" Zhang Xin'er, with a stretcher and a medicine box in her hand, was on her way to the side of the grove to rescue someone! Unfortunately, she was stopped by Ma Wenjun.

"Sister Xin'er, ouch, ouch, my stomach hurts, I'm dying, I'm dying, save me, okay!" Ma Wenjun said playfully, exaggerating the pain in his stomach as he said it! The dozen or so boys surrounding them were laughing! It was a Saturday at school, and there were no teachers on campus except the student council, and the teacher on duty could not be reached, so Zhang Xin'er saw the scene early in the morning. When she ran back to get the medicine box to dress him, she was surrounded by a large group of people! It was raining again and he was pinned down by some huge rocks! If they hadn't rushed to his aid, I'm afraid their lives would have been in danger.

Huang Xinwen walked through the grove with her little yellow umbrella! She saw many students gathered in front of her, and she was busy pulling a boy to ask what was happening in front of her! When the boy saw that it was Huang Xinwen, who was on the top of the beauty list, he suddenly realised that happiness had arrived! She said thank you to the boy and then sped up and walked over to him.

She managed to pick her way through the crowd and watched Hua Zishu fall under the rocks! That miserable look! It made her heart tighten, and then unconsciously she recalled a scene from the past.

She covered her mouth with her hand and a line of tears slowly flowed out! She didn't know why, with so many students gathered here, none of them had gone to save him! He just naturally closed his eyes and lay down under the rock, sleeping peacefully! No, no, this can't be happening, she murmured, throwing away her umbrella and rushing towards Hua Zishu's side, holding out her hands to move the huge rock for him! As she did so, she shouted for someone to come and help!

Unfortunately, none of the students were willing to help!

Huang Xinwen remembered a scene where a man had fallen to the ground and needed her help, but instead of helping him, she chose to run away, and since then, she had not slept a wink and lived every day in self-recrimination. She would never forget it! She would never forget it!

When Hua Zishu felt his body's true qi getting thicker and thicker, he was satisfied to withdraw his power, for he was fully capable of shaking away the stone that was pressing on him! When he opened his eyes, he saw Huang Xinwen, and he suddenly yelled out in excitement! "Get the hell out of my way! Get out!"

The students, both male and female, were shocked and many of them cursed at him for being such an ungrateful and ungrateful person, he deserved it!

But Huang Xinwen was shocked! She stared blankly at Hua Zishu, who had fallen to the ground with a red and swollen face. She didn't move a muscle! Very aggrieved.

"I told you to get lost, didn't you hear me clearly? Who the hell told you to come and send good thoughts! Get lost! Get out of here!" Hua Zishu was already in a good mood! Suddenly he saw this girl who had cost his family their lives and now she was pretending to do something to save her! He became very impulsive! He couldn't control his emotions! In his anger, and for the first time in his life, he cursed so much that his wound, which was already healing, burst open and blood came out of his hand! Suddenly, there was a pain in his chest and he couldn't help but feel a sweetness in his throat, so he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

At the sight of this, Huang Xinwen couldn't help but take a few steps back! She felt very aggrieved, she didn't understand why this man was targeting herself like this! It was very hard for her! She was a stubborn girl by nature! She gritted her teeth and used her hands to pull up her sleeves. She gritted her teeth and pulled up her sleeves with her hands and went to move the small stones out of the way! At that moment, the school teacher on duty and Zhang Xin'er, who was carrying a medicine box and a stretcher, came running this way!

Hua Zishu shouted out loud! The shouting shook the ears of the students who were looking around! The huge boulder moved to the other side with his call! He then moved his feet and moved the stone away! And to the eyes of many of his classmates, he got up strong! Without another word, he headed for his dormitory. The students who were watching were dumbfounded! Not a word could be said.

"This student, your hand is bleeding, let me bandage it up for you!" Zhang Xin'er went after him.

"Thank you, no need!" Hua Zishu looked at Zhang Xin'er and he got a bit of a panicky feeling! The only thing he could do was to avoid this Zhang Xin'er! Unfortunately, Zhang Xin'er stuck very closely to him.

"Classmate, your wounds are bleeding, you can't move anymore! I'm afraid your life will be in danger because you've lost too much blood, you ..." Zhang Xin'er said sincerely as she stepped forward to stop Hua Zi.

"No need ....." The cold tone of voice was so cold and proud!

Zhang Xin'er was suddenly stunned! Once again, she found an illusion from Hua Zishu! That must be an illusion! Why did that look actually resemble her Tianxiang's brother, she was bewildered! But Hua Zishu passed her by and called out in her mind, "I'm sorry!" Then he hurriedly left.

Many students of both sexes in the grove watched the bruised and battered Hua Zishu leave in a pile, looking at his back, and everyone fell into silence!

Hua Zishu went back to his dormitory, where Gao Jianjun, Luo Fei and Liu Yan looked at him in amazement! He took off his own clothes and then walked into the bathroom with a few items.

He crushed one of the pills, ground it into powder in his palm and rubbed it on those few bleeding mountain passes! A few moments later, it stopped the bleeding, and after he had showered! He took another pill! Then he climbed into bed and closed his eyes.

Gao Jianjun, Luo Fei and Liu Yan walked out of the room without asking a single question.