
Minecraft: Calamity of injustice

The blocky world of Minecraft slowly succumbs to the "darkness"... However new heroes arise from the depths to conquer and prevent the Calamity that is till yet to come in the world... Join Kyle Brave Heart and Johann Grant! Along with some good friends along the way to stop the so called Calamity of Injustice...

Chris_Quinonez · Derivasi dari game
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12 Chs


With some relief emotions, we survived the collapsing cave yesterday! What's more than that we survived another night! We had some diamonds and full iron armor! We're practically invincible once we stick together!

One thing is for certain...

Why are savannahs always bedside a freaking desert?!

We were quite a little annoyed because we're still in the wrath of the sun! We did not have a problem with food and resources but we were in need of a water ASAP!

As we're walking through the savannah Johann noticed or should I say "heard" something in the distacne...

He said just a few kilometers he can hear raging waves and that can only mean one thing!


We were getting super excited and thirsty so using most of our energy we ran towards the direction Johann was pointing to! The west side of the Savannah! But... We knew for a fact it was very risky! A west side of the Savannah is facing more towards the sun thus, it is even hotter! We were practically raising the bars here...

If we don't make it in time... We will die of exhaustion and dehydration!

We cannot afford to lose to the heat! Jack positively said! With enough motivation we shall got through this! Johann added. Water is life! I added! Bro that's actually not in line with our sentences hahaha?! Johann responded. "Agreed" said Jack.

I then argued with them a little bit saying my line was good, but I guess they were also true that mine sucks (a little) but hey! Water is life!

Enough joking! Johann said. We are so close to the river we are getting there... Just maybe over this mountain.... But dude this one is little bit huge...

This better be worth it...

With consideration in mind and the will to survive we had determination to reach the destination! We were close even me and Jack can hear it now!

So all three climb with in their power determined to reach the nearby river... The attempt is getting riskier and riskier the higher they've gone up!

(Cracking noises) Wha- what was that?

Yep, this was a bad sign indeed...The mountain is... Going to crumble...

Oh no! We are in deep trouble guys we need to find a safe spot quick! This mountain si weak due to it bombarded by the sun's heat! The soil is dried up so much up to the point it cannot support even our weights!

Jack then by all luck found a tiny hole/cave in the mountain side and what we did was something straight out from an action play! We swung our limbs at full power swing from rock to rock to branch and another one untill we were getting close to the little cave..

Huge pieces of the mountain be it dirt or stone even gravel! We're falling down towards us at high speeds! We were so close... I gasped. I swung towards the final branch and reluctantly made the jump! And..

I made it! I actually made the jump! I did it! While I was celebrating Jack was behind me also successfully did the jump! But wait!

Where is Johann?

He was there I can see him just a little more Johann! (Gasp) sadly it turned out the opposite we were hoping.. Johann missed the jump slowly descending... We we were gonna panic until I had an idea! "Johann! Catch this!" With all my might I threw one of my only stone blocks to Johann hoping he could catch it!

By some miracle he actually did! By using the block I gave him, he made one of the awesome clutches ever! Placing the stone on the side of the wall and landing there stopping him from falling to his doom!

We were very very relieved!

We gave him more and more blocks till he could reach us! By the time he did we discussed something! "Why was pieces of stone and dirt blocks came falling?" I mean we do know gravel falls but stone is way out of the ordinary! It was not normal at all? Gravity in this world is not powerful to bring solid objects like stone and dirt down right?

We further did our discussion on how the events happened and we ended with a closing conclusion with no answers whatsoever! We were practically clueless...

"Well questioning ourselves ain't gonna help that much let's go to the water source I'm thirsty" Johann suggested. Our plan now was to dig a tunnel till we reach the other side of the mountain! Then...

We saw daylight! The other side we made it! We feast our eyes and on what was below us! A beautiful river!

YES!!! We all should happily! We were celebrating then Jack took the plundge! "Last one to the river is a rotten flesh!" Let's go! We all jumped together to the river and enjoyed our swim and drank a lot hoping we'd never get dehydrated any time soon!

We were having too much fun until we were done! I was the last one to go out cause I wanted to swim a little longer while I watch both Johann and Jack packing our stuff I was met with a dreadful noise below me... Growling nosies to be exact! It only meant one thing! A drowned! This one was different! It had a "Trident"

Guys look! I shouted! A drowned! I'm going to kill it! I dive below the water's surface plundging my self deeper into the river facing head on with the drowned!

He threw his trident at me and I was shocked on how fast it was moving! Good thing I reacting just in time barely making a scratch on my face! I was even more surprised that thrown trident when coming back to the hands of the drown! What's this!? I asked my self. This is not normal at all! Why is this trident so mysteriously powerful? I had no match for that monster holding a heck of a Trident... So I went back up to the surface..

I was met with curios faces of Johann and Jack asking me if I got the trident? I said no. It was too unbelievably tough and I was running out of air to breathe anyways... But we decided to ignore it!

We some boats for the three of us and went on across the river! As we were rowing I did eye contact with that drowned one more time...

It's getting dark! Said Jack... We better build a temporary base real quick! As I was preparing the materials needed I saw something in the distance... A light! Several of them! Looks like a village nearby!

Guys! I broke the news to both of them! There is a village! I said to them! They were shocked and happy at the same time so we repacked all our stuff and headed towards the direction of the light!

We were happily marching towards it but our satisfaction was met by disappointment!

Another abounded village?! Seriously? Another one?

Holy buckets! look at what we have here! another one....

But hey! disappointment won't get in the way of these positively emotional heroes!

what will they find there? something or nothing? who knows?

ALSO THANK YOU! for all your suuuper duper support we have reached 800 views! let's make it a thousand woohoo!

Chris_Quinonezcreators' thoughts