
Mind over Matter

"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get enough of Tankhun. Let me borrow the character of Tankhun, eldest son of the Mafia family. **** What will happen when our Drama-King Tankhun goes to college and meets a not-so-ordinary Amy? **** Novel available on Wattpad @AprilsSmiles Tankhun fanfic | Mind over Matter ****

AS_Styles · Lainnya
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44 Chs

31. Study time~

Tankhun's POV:


Pete left....again.

Vegas took him... again.

He didn't even get to eat dinner with me.

At least he had his breakfast. Haha

Silly boy!

I was sitting sadly in my living room dying my hair when someone came...

"Khun? It's time for study!" Arm's robotic voice ruined my mood.

I unwillingly go with him to the main hall.

All the guards stood alert, bowed to me with their head, I ignored them as usual.


As soon as I saw too many papers spreading on the table my head felt dizzy.

Do I have to memorize all of these??

I looked at Arm with my eyes widened in horror. He just rolled his four-eyes at me. How dare he!

"You don't have to know everything. I've sorted out those assignments and notes according to your syllables outline. You only need to learn the important ones."

As if he knew what I thought he explained calmly. Smart boy!

"Okay! Then throw away the useless ones. Or let's just burn them. Guards!" I clapped my hands twice to call someone to burn this.

"No!" Surprisingly he yelled out louder, I glanced at his face raising a suspicious brow at him. "Khun we can't do that." He said in his usual voice.

I picked up a paper with my first two finger tips as if it was an used tissue paper.

I looked at paper more closely just to see if there's something extraordinary about it!

Arm is not someone who can be flustered about anything, he's the most poised guy around me.

Huh! Poised is another word for boring in my dictionary.

He opened his tablet to see something while I read a few lines on the paper.

How boring! I was going to throw it on the table when something caught my eye.

At the corner of the paper a small doodle was drawn. I looked closely and it looks like three mountains with a waterfall.

I looked at it for a while ....

Hah! still boring! I carelessly throw the paper on the table.

Arm raised his eyes from the tablet to look at me but didn't said anything.

Well I dare him to complain!


I was eating the snacks while Arm was telling me about some Middle Age Period.

I was surprised when it didn't turned out that boring. Even Pol was listening carefully while eating my snacks. Idiot!

Arm was relaxed as if he knows I won't run away this time. I had an urge to prove him wrong. Hahaha..

He was not using his tablet like last time. He was holding up some papers and reading everything from that.

Maybe he made some notes on history for me. What a true nerd! Sometimes I feel bad for him.

After he makes sure that he tells me all the important points and that I've memorized everything....

He began the real torture where I have to repeat everything he just taught me..

He asked me questions one after one and I answered..

"European history, Middle Age also known as Medieval Age, lasted from 5th to 15th century, it begans when Roman civilization collapse, then later transitioned into Renaissance age."

Everyone was watching our Quiz show excitedly. As I answered all of his questions proudly.

Arm looked slightly impressed by me. Well I'm happy for him. Haha!

"What is the another name for the Middle Ages?" Arm asked pushing his glasses up.

"I have already answered that.." I yelled "The Medieval Age!" I said looking around,  everyone nodded their stupid heads to confirm.

"Khun Middle and Medieval are almost the same word, I'm asking for another name."

I narrowed my eyes to think then I finally said... Sighing in defeat.

"Hint please!"

Everyone sighs together at that - a little disappointed. Arm blinked for few times but I saw his lips twitch at the corner. Did he just... smiled?

"What was the Anglo-Saxon age called?" He asked.

"Hey Arm! don't change the question, just give me a hint." I pointed at him with my chips and then eat it.

"Hint is... that the answer of both questions are same." He said calmly.

"..." I furrowed my brows.

Then I uncrossed my legs.

Then I sat straight.

Then I leaned forward to place my elbows on my knees.

Then I lick my fingers tasting chips flavour on them.

Then I look at Pol for help. Who just waited for me to answer so that he can finally put the chips - he was holding for a while - in his stupid mouth.

Everyone was looking at me anticipating an answer - correct or not. Some of them seems to be start betting on me.

Sweet heavens! Too much pressure!

I closed my eyes to revise everything about the Anglo-Saxon age.

I don't recall teacher asking me this question.. otherwise I would be able to remember it.

Did anyone else answer this question before me?

Suddenly a face appeared in front of my still closed eyes looking at me with dark black eyes... I opened my eyes at once.

A wide smile appeared on my face.

"My answer would be The Dark Ages!"


All the eyes were fixed on Arm to see his reaction.

"Absolutely correct!" Arm said excitedly.

Then the Main hall echoed with the sound of hooting and applaud. Some of them whistles loudly.

I stood up to receive all the appreciation.

From the corner of my eye I saw two old figures standing at the door - dad and his assistant Chan.

I looked at my dad and lifted my chin high proudly, he just smiled back and clapped his hands a few times without making any sound.

Huh Useless clap! It would be a lot better if he asked Chan to whistled for me. Haha!



I washed my dyed hair. And  my hair turns into beautiful light blonde shade.

Wow amazing!

I look freaking awesome.

I didn't ask Pol to blow dryer my hair, let them just dry on their own, to prevent damage.


After dinner all of us go to my play area.

It's one of my favorite place in the mansion.

I have many arcade games here like Pac-Man, Claw machine, Bubble Bobble, Crazy Taxi, Moto Racer and then i had to buy Ms.Pac-Man so that my Pac-Man won't feel lonely.

I have Street Fighter too, but I hate it.

For one, I don't like to play with the system player.

For two, no matter with whom I play they always try their best to beat me up badly.

I don't want anybody to rent their frustration on my machine because of me. Haha

There's a mini projector, Dance Dance Revolution, sounds system, karaoke machine and a portable mic system.

This place is a part of heaven itself, even  guards likes to came here often - only the young ones actually.


Porsche was playing Street Fighter with Pol, while on the other side Kinn was busy with some files and documents.

Porchay was pulling Kim to the Dance Dance Revolution, maybe he wants to have a dance battle with my nosy brother.... Haha good luck with that!

As for me I want to sing some songs but Arm was not here to set my portable mic system.

Before I start to feel bore, I tried to set the system myself. How hard can it be..?

I clicked all the buttons and turned everything I saw on the machine but nothing happened. I hokd my mic and pushed one button then said 'mic testing'. I've tried many times but nothing happened. I was about to throw my mic away when....

The door open, and Arm appeared with a folder file and tablet in his hands.

Oh boy!

I tightened my grip on the damn mic and run to hide.

If this study thing continue to go like this... At the end of the year there would be two nerds in the house.

One Arm obviously and other ....

No no no I don't even want to imagine that disgusting thing.

I felt goosebumps all over the body as I imagined myself in a vision glasses.


I was holding my breath and mic while hiding.

Kinn turned to look at me, because I was hiding behind the couch on which he was sitting and working.

Thanks to my brother's broad shoulders he covered me completely.

"Hey Pol!! Where's Khun?" I heard Arm's voice.

"I don't know I was busy with Porsche."

"Haha tell him how many time I beat you up!" That's jolly voice was belong to Porsche.

"Did anyone see Khun?" Arm asked louder.

I heard many No's even the guy who saw me hiding said No with a serious face. Haha I will give him double salary.

"Khun Kinn do you know where is Khun?" Arm asked to my brother who doesn't know how to lie. Damnit!

Kinn was hesitating, so I had to poke him from behind with my mic's end.

I pretended like I was holding a freaking gun. Hahaha.

"Ahmm I was busy Arm." Kinn cleared his throat before answering in his deep voice.

"Okay I will see some other places." I heard Arm foot steps.

I think I should wait for a few minutes.

"Hey Kinn did he left already!" I whispered but Kinn didn't reply.

"Hey Kinn?" I tried again.


Is he mad that I poked him and make him lie!?

"Is Arm left!? Answer me damn it!" I whispered again but.... something is not right!

I tried peeking behind my brother's shoulder and... oh fish he's still here.

"Khun I'm here. And I know you're hiding. Just come out already." Arm said in his robotic voice.

I took a deep breath and stood up.

Everyone was looking at me like I was walking on the red carpet to get a freaking Oscar for my excellent performance.

I dare all the guards to try laughing at me.

Porsche and Pol was laughing, but before Porsche could hit his shoulder Pol step aside making him loose his balance.

Porsche almost kissed the floor then he stood up straight and kicked Pol from behind.. instinctively Pol grab Porsche and throw him on the floor on his back.

Wow live action!

As Porsche landed on the floor all the eyes went to my brother who was so engrossed in his documents that he didn't even notice what's going on around him.

Well now I don't feel that bad.. when he didn't answered me earlier when I was hiding behind him.

Pol was stunned by his own action, he  helped Porsche up, and hugged him as an apology. Even though Porsche was hugging him back, he kicked Pol. Idiot!

"Khun let's go!" Arm said near my ear making me jump in fear. I placed my hand on the heart giving him a death glare, he just looked at me while blinking.

I saw Porchay who was giggling like a little girl and my nosy brother grinned too much just to annoy me.

I took a deep breath before facing Arm.

"You want to study that bad! Okay come here we all read and learn together." I placed my arm around his shoulder like we're freaking best buddies.

He didn't said anything.

"How did you find me? Who betrayed me?" I whispered in his ear while looking around the room for culprit.

"You told me yourself!" He sounds bored.


"You  were holding the mic..."

"Yeah I am still holding the mic.. so what?"

"When I was going back I saw your mic system in the center of the room so I was just putting it in it's place. Then I noticed some idiot messed up it's button setting. As I was tuning it back to normal, I heard your voice - loud and clear."

He explained everything and gave me a look like I was the dumbest guy he ever seen.

And I didn't tell him that I was the idiot, he was mentioning in his explanation.

"Ahm ahm very good. You did a good job now let's talk business... I mean study." I cleared my voice and said to him.

As I looked around everyone was looking at us, my family members were laughing but the guards tried to hide their smiles.

"Umm Khun? You're still holding your mic." Arm informed me.

I'll be damn!

I bring the mic near my mouth and whispered.

"Can anybody hear me!?"

Everyone nodded their head in Yes.

If there was someone else in my shoes he would be embarrassed to hell but me....? Hahaha

"Good! I see! everyone is giving me too much attention..." I said in mic "..then why don't we all do some study.." I grinned happily.

"Pol! Lock the door, no one can leave this place... Not until our lovely Arm get satisfied."

I see some stupefied faces.

Arm pushed his glasses up on his straight nose, a corner of his lip curled up.

Kinn tilted his head in confusion then shrugged as he was already busy doing stupid work.. But Porsche didn't miss the opportunity to give me a ridicule look as if I care.

Kim was the first one who tried to leave the room but Pol stopped him while towering onto him. That's my tall boy!

"Kim let's just wait here for brother Khun to finish. I want to see him study." Porchay says while holding Kim's arm, Kim looked at his hands than just rolled his eyes and go back to sit somewhere.

"Khun? Study time!" Arm reminded me...

Gawd I wanted to leave this place.


Author's Note:

Hey Readers,

   I just want to say that whenever I read a good book I always appreciate the new things that I've learned from it. It could be about anything as knowledge is a giant monster.

So I keep that in mind and tried to share some basic things about history of Literature.

It'll be a pleasure, if you learned something new through my story.

I don't like it when I read a book and then I had to Google about something.

So if I write about something related to Literature I will explain about it too - through story or after notes.

Have a nice weekend!

-A.S. Styles^^
