
Mind of a Winner

Humans are the pinnacle of perfection, or so is what they think, As time passes so does perfection wanes, Are humans the most complete creatures? or are they just a toy the world created for it to entertain? Time tells no lies only truth lasts for eternity.

mhamedgd · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Magical Substance

'As the first humans descended on earth they felt the grace of 'Them', Traveling together and discovering the lands, They eventually settled and created the 4 strongholds of the fated race, Hira, AlJabia, Sabaa', and Aksum. These strongholds acted as the roots, Branching to spread the glory of the fated race, Raising the words of 'Them' the creator, Pushing the difficulties towards the edge of the continent, Just like 'Them' declared, Difficulties shall be overcome.'

Antara closed a book, the title read 'The Revelations of the Divine', He closed his eyes pondering, ' Hira, Aljabia, Sabaa', and Aksum. acter as the roots, Which means the other clans on the continent spread from them, Pushing difficulties, Which means oppressing the other races, this feels more like propaganda than a holybook, From this I can guess that all human towns have this book, Hira, Aljabia, Sabaa', and Aksum, They stand at the top of humanity, So for me to stand at the top, I need to topple them' Antara thought of that as a wide was splattered on his face, 'Tomorrow is the second mystical arts lesson, The beginning of forming my first loop, With my average aptitude it would sure take a while, but I have all the time in the world, Goodnight to me'.

The next morning Antara woke up earlier than his classmates to practice more on Spirit Vision, then when the time was right he went to the class hall, not all students were present yet neither was elder Mohammad, Antara could notice that the students were mostly divided in 4 groups around the Good Grade Aptitude students, There were 3 Good Grade Aptitude students this year, With Qais being at the top in terms of affinity with the world, The last group was where Antara sat, The neutral faction, After about 10 minutes the lesson started.

"Good Morning Students, Today I will be teaching you how to refine the world magicas and shaping them in a loop in your magicas sea, Now bear with me, This is a delicate procedure, and requires you to concentrate for hours at a time to make progress in it, For you to start refining the magicas world' The elder seemed in a haste, So he immediately went to the topic 'You need to open your magicas sea gates a bit at a time, only allowing some of the magicas to enter your magicas sea and then inject your will inside the magicas, and remember only open a bit of the gate, not whole, Your magicas sea is still too weak and can't handle the pressure of having a huge amount of magicas, You might get injured, Now let's begin."

"Ummm excuse me elder, I forgot how to sense my magicas sea" " yeah me too elder" a few kids said that, Elder Mohammad shot a disdainful glance at them stopping for a second then said "Who is capable sense their magicas sea here?" out of the 30 students only 12 raised their hands, "Ughhhhh", elder Mohammad pinched his temples and said "Since a lot of students didn't work hard to practice Spirit Vision, Today will be a rehersal of the previous lesson, The others who practiced can leave."

Antara was calm during that, He guessed some students didn't practice spirit vision but not a whole 12, Looking at the remaining students while he was walking out they mainly consisted of those who followed the 3 Good Grade Aptitudes, 'They spent the last 3 days bootlicking Qais and the others, No wonder they had no time to practice, As for those three they don't need practice, They were born blessed'.

Antara immediately returned to his shack, He started memorizing elder Mohammad's words, 'Step one open the gates by a bit, Step two close it after letting some magicas in, Step Three inject my will inside the magicas',

'Let us begin!' Antara closed his eyes and activated Spirit Vision, The hardwork of the past 3 days paid off, He immediately as soon as he concentrated was able to sense his magicas sea, Then afterwards he began looking for the gate, This process took a lot of time but he was able to find it by afternoon, by then he went out to get lunch, From the same food vendor, After that he went back to his shack to continue practicing, Taking a deep breath, He willed the gate to open slighlty, As if the process was natural, The gate opened easily and from within Antara could see the room around him but in completely different colors, Everything seemed made of misty like substance that was shining with the seven lights of the rainbow but they were less saturated, And from the gate this substance flowed like a stream, Antara went to step two and closed the gates, After the gate was closed, The substance already inside the magicas sea went crazy, Spreading everywhere trying to find a way out, Antara started to feel stinging pain from his abdomen, Sweat poured from his forhead as he concentrated to try find a way to inject his will inside the substance, After a while the pain sided and he was able to regain his concentration,'Hfffff, That was dangerous,a That's a lot of magicas, I should've closed the gates earlier' Looking at the magicas now it looked duller than before, Losing the seven colors that interchanged on its insides, At the same time it was still, 'Now how do I inject my will, Should I grab it or what? This will take a lot of practice... better get started now'.

At the same time inside a wide room, 10 people were sitting on a round table, There were 11 chairs, Someone hasn't attended the meeting yet, Suddenly the door of the room opened, From it an old man with grey hair and a long grey beard walked in, ' Good afternoon elders', 'Good afternoon clan leader' everyone replied, 'Let's get straight to business, Now that 2 Excellent Grade Aptitude were discovered among our youths, We can finally start the trials of the Originator Amr Inheritance'.