
The Lion.

The next morning Jason and all the occupants of the house, are sitting at a big dining room table, eating breakfast and discussing everything that they want and or need to get done today. Jason says to the table, "I understand there are many things we all need to get down today. We will teleport to the guild. There are a couple of things we need to accomplish in there. Is there any place else that you girls want to go?"

Irene says, "Brandish, Dimaria, and I will need to return to our country soon. The war council only gave us 6 months to discover the source of the shockwave before they invade this land. It would be better if you went with us but, nevertheless, we still need to return and let them know we plan on leaving."

Jason then says, "When you three return, we will all go. I want to bring everyone just in case we run into a problem and we have to fight."

All the girl's nod and Lisa says, "Hubby, when do you think we should head to Alvarez Empire and how are we going to get there?"

Jason then says, "Irene, how far is the Alvarez Empire from here?"

Irene said, "If we were to fly, it would take us about 6 hours. I believe that to be that fastest way since you have never been there."

Jason nods and then Anna says, "How will we all fly there? You do not plan on flying on the dragons all of the way there, do you?"

Cana then says, "I think everybody that is here except you, has wings." She then turns to Jason and says, "You might have to fix that. Soon. Hehehehe." Most of the other girls giggle as well.

Anna starts to blush but, remains quiet. Jason clears his throat and then says, "We should get ready to head to the guild. I will be ready in about 20 minutes. Please be ready by then if you wish to go at that time."

All of the girls nod and get up from the table to get ready to go and Jason then sends Kohaku a message saying, 'Kohaku, we will be heading to the guild in about 20 minutes. Do you want to go with us?'

Kohaku sends a message back saying, 'I want to go, master. When we get there, can I pick on that blue cat and the human that breaths fire? Please!'

Jason sends back, 'That's fine. Just don't kill them'.

Jason then gets up from the table to go and talk to Friday. He finds her in his room. Jason goes up to her and says, "Friday, I need your opinion on something. Do you have a moment?"

Friday sits down on the bed and says, "Go ahead. I am all ears."

Jason says, "Based on everything I have learned from my system, I believe that I may be close to leveling up the teacher ability. I plan on giving the girls magic before we leave today. I wanted your opinion on the magic I plan to give them. For Irene, I want to give her teleport. I think it will make our problem with the Alvarez Empire and she has been alive for over four hundred years. I believe she would be able to teleport us to many places we will need to go in the future. For Brandish, I will give her Moon Dragon Heal and Moon Dragon Protection. I believe she would be better at more of a support role. For Cana, I plan on giving her Alcoholic Dragons Burp and Alcoholic Dragons Drunken Master. I believe it will suit her well. For Bisca, I want to give her Earth Dragons Roar and Earth Dragons Barrier. I believe she would benefit from the earth dragon slayer magic, more than anyone else. For Levy, due to being the weakest among my women, I will give her Diamond Dragons Form and Diamond Dragons Roar. And finally, for Mirajane, due to her personality and how she is quick to throw herself into combat for the ones she loves, I will give her Tungsten Dragons Form and Tungsten Dragons Roar. I believe that both of those would suit her well. What is your assessment of what I suggested Friday?"

Friday looks at Jason with a serious face and says, "I agree with your assessment, but what are you going to do about Star, Aquarius, and Anna?"

Jason says, "I will what to get a full assessment of Star and Anna. I do not know much about either of them. Star I read about when I was younger and Anna, there was not much source material on her. As far as Aquarius, I will wait and see with her. I think I will get better magic or ability in the future that would suit her better."

Friday says, "I agree. Now. Are you ready to go to the guild? I know having Anna hear will make some of the things we need to complete, easier."

Jason nods and Friday stands up. They both move into the living room and wait for the rest of the girls. When everybody arrives, Kohaku jumps into Jason's arms and then Jason says thinks, 'Return to me.' and his undead army returns to him. Then he says, "Friday and myself have gonna over the list of magic and abilities that I can give you all and we have come up with the list and why." Jason quickly tells all the girls what magic he will be giving them and why and all the girls except Anna and Star nod.

Anna says, "So, you can give people magic and abilities that you know? That's amazing!"

Mirajane says, "He can also make us stronger, but you have to be one of his women to receive either of them. See me later and I will tell you all about it." All his women nod, and Star says, "Are you able to give me abilities as well?" Jason said, "Yes. Due to you being my familiar, or summon if you will, I can give you up to three abilities or magic. The same goes for Aquarius because she is Lucy's summoned spirit and she uses apart of Lucy's magic, she is also able to receive magic and abilities, just to a lesser extent." Anna nods and then everybody locks arms, and they teleport to the guildhall.

As soon as they get there, there is a huge fight going on. Judging by the looks of it, this fight was started by Gray and Natsu, again. As soon as Erza sees it she yells, "ENOUGH" and everybody in the guildhall stops in their tracks and looks at Erza. Irene steps beside her and says, "You are very powerful her, my daughter. I am proud of you!" Erza says, "Although, I am not ready to call you my mother, yet I thank you for the kind words."

Jason scans the room and then finds exactly who he is looking for and says, "Anna, Aquarius, Lucy, there is someone I want you to meet. Please follow me." Jason walks to an orange-haired young man with glasses and a green jacket with an orange shirt on. As soon as Aquarius and Anna see him, they both yell, "Leo?!"

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