
MWD Ch.1




Michael was on the cusp of his first date with Rachel, a captivating bartender he'd encountered during his frequent visits to the local bar. The chemistry between them had been palpable since they met over a game of pool, resulting in a string of encounters over the past two weeks. Despite Rachel's initial enthusiasm, Michael sensed a disconnection during their phone conversation, where his attempts at conversation fizzled into awkward silences.

Undeterred, Michael decided to proceed with the date, adopting a nonchalant attitude towards Rachel's possible reluctance. As he prepared, the anticipation of the night ahead seemed to fuel his determination. Dressed in his best attire, he drove to the bar where Rachel worked, ready for an evening that might or might not unfold as planned.

When Rachel appeared, Michael greeted her with a smile, and they set off toward an undecided destination.

"Hey Rachel, you look great," Michael complimented, leaning in for a hug.

"Thanks, you look good too," she replied, though the warmth in her response seemed somewhat forced.

The initial exchanges in the car revealed Rachel's distant demeanor. The conversation struggled to find its rhythm, leaving Michael grappling with engaging topics.

"So, how's work been?" Michael attempted to turn on the radio to break the silence.

"It's been okay. We've been pretty busy lately, so I've been working a lot of hours," Rachel replied, her attention seemingly divided.

"That's good. I'm glad you're able to work a lot. I know you really like your job," Michael said with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, I really do," Rachel replied softly, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside.

As the awkward silence persisted, Michael felt the atmosphere growing increasingly strained. The restaurant setting provided brief respites from the palpable tension.

"So, have you been here before?" Rachel asked as they entered the restaurant.

"A couple of times. It's a nice place. What do you think?" Michael inquired.

"It's nice. I've never been here before. Thanks for bringing me here," Rachel said with a small smile.

Their server arrived, taking their drink orders, and Michael took the lead in offering menu suggestions.

"The pasta is really good here," Michael suggested, trying to steer the conversation.

Rachel nodded, her interest piqued, and continued to look over the menu.

"So, what do you do for work?" Rachel asked, setting down her menu.

"I am a software developer," Michael answered with a smile.

"Oh, that's cool. What do you do?" Rachel inquired.

"I work on a variety of different projects. I work on things like websites, software applications, and even video games sometimes," Michael explained.

Rachel smiled and nodded. "That sounds like fun."

"Yeah, it is. I enjoy it," Michael replied, relieved that the conversation seemed to be gaining traction.

Their discussion continued, albeit tentatively, throughout the meal. Michael decided to probe Rachel about her bartending career, hoping to learn more about her.

"So, how did you get into bartending?" Michael asked as he took a sip of his drink.

Rachel shrugged and set down her fork. "I don't know. I guess I just kind of fell into it," she said with a genuine smile.

Michael nodded, appreciating the authenticity of her response, and took a sip of his drink.

"That's cool. I've never really thought about doing something like that," he admitted with a smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. I enjoy it," Rachel replied.

As they finished their meals, Michael tried to maintain the momentum of their conversation.

"So, how did you get into bartending?" he asked.

"Not really, it's just been the usual stuff," Rachel replied, her gaze fixed outside the window.

Michael felt like he was hitting a wall with Rachel. She was obviously not interested in talking to him. He decided to drop the conversation and just drive in silence. After a few minutes, they arrived at the restaurant. Michael got out of the car and walked around to open Rachel's door for her.

"Thanks," Rachel said as she got out of the car.

They walked into the restaurant, greeted by the hostess.

"Hello, welcome to Mario's! Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked cheerfully.

"Yes, it's under Michael West," Michael answered.

The hostess looked down at her list and smiled. "Oh, yes, here you are! Right this way." She said as she led them to their table.

Michael and Rachel followed the hostess to their table and sat down. The restaurant was fairly busy, and they could hear people talking and laughing. The hostess left to get their server, and Rachel looked around the restaurant.

"So, have you been here before?" Rachel asked.

"A couple of times. It's a nice place. What do you think?" Michael asked as he looked around.

"It's nice. I've never been here before. Thanks for bringing me here." Rachel said with a small smile.

Their server arrived and took their drink orders.

"So, what's good here?" Rachel asked as she looked over the menu.

Taking the lead on this, Michael offered some suggestions.

"The pasta is really good here," Michael said with a smile.

Rachel nodded and continued to look over the menu.

"So, what do you do for work?" Rachel asked as she set down her menu.

Michael felt that they were finally starting to get somewhere with the conversation.

"I am a software developer," Michael answered with a smile.

"Oh, that's cool. What do you do?" Rachel asked.

"I work on a variety of different projects. I work on things like websites, software applications, and even video games sometimes." Michael answered.

Rachel smiled and nodded. "That sounds like fun." She said.

Michael smiled back at her and took a sip of his drink. "Yeah, it is. I enjoy it." He said.

They continued to talk about Michael's job until their food arrived. They both ordered pasta, and they both seemed to enjoy their meals. As they were finishing up their food, Michael decided to try to make conversation again.

"So, how did you get into bartending?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink.

Rachel shrugged and set down her fork. "I don't know. I guess I just kind of fell into it." She said with a smile.

Michael nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"That's cool. I've never really thought about doing something like that." He said with a smile.

Rachel smiled back at him. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. I enjoy it." She said.

They both finished their meals, and their server came back to take their plates.

"Can I get you anything else?" The server asked as he set down the check.

"No thanks," Michael answered as he picked up the check.

The server nodded and walked away. Michael and Rachel got up from the table and walked towards the exit. Michael held the door open for Rachel, and they both got into the car. They drove back to Rachel's house in silence.

"Thank you for dinner; it was really nice," Rachel said as they pulled up to her house.

"You're welcome. I had a great time," Michael responded, trying to mask his growing unease.

The facade of normalcy maintained throughout the dinner threatened to crumble as they reached a crucial juncture. Michael was about to say something more when a deafening Thwack-pierce! Sliced through the air. A golden spear, seemingly materializing out of nowhere, pierced through the roof of the car, impaling Michael's head in a gruesome spectacle. The spear tore through the car seat and into the floorboard, splitting his head in two. Brain matter splattered, painting the once-ordinary car interior in a horrifying tableau.

Rachel's scream, a primal expression of sheer terror, echoed the nightmarish reality that had abruptly shattered their seemingly ordinary evening. Her hands clamped over her mouth, unable to contain the horror that threatened to spill forth. Her entire body convulsed with a visceral reaction, and her eyes, now wide as saucers, reflected the grotesque tableau that had invaded her reality. The world around her blurred into a nightmarish dreamscape, where every detail of the macabre scene etched itself indelibly into her consciousness.

In that harrowing moment, the boundaries between terror and reality disintegrated, leaving Rachel suspended in a surreal nightmare. Her scream echoed into the abyss, a primal wail that bore witness to the unraveling of the ordinary world and the descent into an unimaginable horror that defied all reason.

The spear seemed to linger in the air for a split second before disappearing into a golden light, taking Michael with it. The roof of the car was left with a huge hole in it, and the windshield was cracked from the impact. The blood and brain matter that was once inside Michael's head now covered the interior of the car. Rachel sat there in shock, unable to process what had just happened. She looked around frantically, trying to understand what had just occurred. It was as if time had stopped, and she was frozen in place.

Her heart raced, and her breathing quickened as she tried to make sense of the impossible reality that had invaded her ordinary world. The silence was deafening as the world around her faded into a surreal dreamscape where every detail of the gruesome scene etched itself indelibly into her consciousness. It was as if she were trapped in a waking nightmare that refused to release her from its clutches.

The only thing she could do was scream.


"Ughh..." I woke up to the feeling of cold, hard ground underneath me. My body ached all over as if I'd just been run over by a truck. My mind felt groggy, and my vision was blurry. I blinked several times, trying to clear my head, but it was no use. I slowly got up from the ground, trying to figure out where I was. The last thing I remembered was getting into my car after my date with Rachel, but then everything went black. I looked around and realized I was in some kind of cave. The walls were made of stone, and there was a small hole in the ceiling that let in a little bit of light. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a strange set of clothes. They were like nothing I'd ever seen before. I was wearing a tunic, leggings, and a pair of boots. My pants felt tight around my waist, and I noticed that I was also wearing a belt.

My first thought was that this must be some kind of weird prank. I tried to figure out how I'd ended up here, but I couldn't remember anything after getting into my car. I looked around for any signs of life, but there was nothing. The only sound I could hear was the faint sound of water dripping in the distance.

I was about to go and explore to see if I could find a way out when I heard a buzzing sound. I quickly looked around, and as I looked down, I saw a piece of paper on the ground, which definitely wasn't there before.

I picked it up and read it.

"Dear Michael,

I have decided to give you a second chance at life. You were killed by an accident in your world, and I thought you deserved another chance. However, there are some things you need to know. First, you are not in your world anymore. Second, you will be given a special ability by me to help you survive in this world. Third, say Status Window to bring up your Status Screen.

Lastly, have fun!


Omnipotent God."

I stood there in shock, trying to process what I just read before I instantly became angry at the so-called god but mostly at myself; why? I'm not sure. Maybe it was because I felt like my life was just taken away from me and I had no control over it, or maybe it's because now my mother won't be able to see her only son graduate college. I don't know.

I sat down and tried to calm my nerves. I couldn't; tears started to form in my eyes. I tried to keep them from coming out, but I couldn't hold them back. I sat there crying for what felt like hours until I couldn't cry anymore. I felt numb. I didn't know what to do or where to go. I just sat there in the cold darkness of the cave, thinking about everything that had happened to me. I did the only thing besides pointlessly killing myself.

"Status Window," I said aloud.

A window popped up in front of me.

Michael West

Level 1

HP: 50/3.14

MP: 0

STR: 3

VIT: 5

DEX: 6

INT: 5

WIS: 6

LUK: 4



I looked at the status window, not understanding what it meant. I was never really into any games that much, even though I was a software developer, I only coded for work. I never really had any interest in games or anime. I spent most of my time reading books. I decided to look through the menu and see if there was anything that would explain what this was. I found a button that said, "Help."

I clicked on it, and a new window popped up. It explained that this was a status window and that it showed your stats. It also explained that there were different stats for different things like strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, and luck. I also saw that I had 0 points. I assumed those were used to level up and get stronger.

I closed the window and went back to the main one. I noticed that at the bottom of the window, there was a button that said "Skills." I clicked on it, and three new windows popped up.

Passive Skills:

- All-Speak.

A skill that allows you to understand any language.

- Perfect Memory.

You can recall anything you have seen, heard, or felt.

Active Skills:

- Invulnerable Mind

Any external force cannot influence your mind. (Emotion's not included)

- Regeneration. (Low)

A skill that allows you to heal from any wound. The higher the level of the skill, the faster the user heals.

Innate Skills:

- Prodigy.

You gain proficiency in skills five times faster than normal.

- Ambidexterity.

You are ambidextrous, meaning you can use both hands equally well. This is useful for doing tasks that require both hands. You can also use two weapons at the same time.

Active Skills:

- Inventory.

Allows you to store items in a separate space with unlimited weight. (Limited to 10x10 cubic feet. Can be upgraded)

- Scan.

It allows you to see the status of other people or objects.

- Status Window.

It allows you to see Your status.

I stared at the newfound information, feeling a mix of confusion, disbelief, and a hint of curiosity. What kind of world had I entered, and what was the meaning behind these bizarre skills granted by an omnipotent god? Uncertain of what lay ahead, I took a deep breath and prepared to navigate this unfamiliar reality with a set of skills that defied the boundaries of my previous existence.

My first task was to figure out how to get out of the cave. I looked around and saw a tunnel in the corner of the cave. Intrigued, I walked over to it and peered inside. The darkness enveloped me, but a faint light at the end of the tunnel beckoned. Determination fueled my steps as I moved toward the light, the echoes of my footfalls reverberating through the cavernous space.

Emerging into the open, my eyes squinted against the sudden sunlight filtering through the cave's ceiling. Vines clung to the walls, and I noticed small ledges above that could serve as a means of ascent. Without hesitation, I seized the vines and started climbing, the coarse texture biting into my palms. The ascent was challenging, and each ledge was conquered, bringing me closer to the top of the cliff.

As I reached the summit, the wind tousled my hair, and I took in the breathtaking view below. A dense forest stretched out before me, and a newfound sense of freedom urged me to explore its mysteries. Steeling myself, I descended the cliff's other side, ready to face the unknown.

However, my journey to the forest was abruptly interrupted. A guttural sound echoed behind me, and I spun around to face a Goblin. It stood there, a small green menace with big ears, three horns on its head, and red eyes. Gripping a wooden club menacingly, it emitted a series of growls and squeaks, its intentions far from friendly.

Instinctively, I took a step back, my mind racing for a solution. Before I could process the threat fully, a surreal window materialized before me, announcing, "You have been challenged by a goblin! Defeat it to gain experience!" Confusion clouded my thoughts. What was I supposed to do without weapons or armor?

Summoning courage, I attempted to communicate with the goblin, taking a cautious step forward. Surprisingly, it mirrored my move, taking a step back. A glimmer of hope flickered, and I extended a hand, hoping for a peaceful resolution. The goblin emitted a mixture of growls and squeaks, but its hostile demeanor persisted.

Undeterred, I took another step forward, attempting to bridge the gap, when suddenly, the goblin swung its club at me. Reflexes kicked in as I leaped back, narrowly evading the weapon's deadly arc. The goblin, undeterred, swung again, and I executed a swift duck beneath the oncoming attack.

With the goblin's relentless assault, I remembered the arsenal of skills at my disposal. The adrenaline-fueled dance continued, the forest's promise of sanctuary seeming more distant with each swing of the goblin's club.

Feeling the rhythm of the skirmish, I decided to leverage my active skills. Whispering, "Scan," under my breath, the goblin's status information unfolded in my mind. Its health, strength, and vulnerabilities became apparent, providing me with a tactical advantage.

Observing the goblin's movements, I remained confident in my ability to withstand its attacks. Thanks to the passive skill "Invulnerable Mind," the goblin's attempts to influence my thoughts were futile. My mind remained steadfast, focused on finding a non-violent resolution.

Seizing an opportune moment, I extended my hand once more, invoking "All-Speak." The goblin's growls transformed into a language I could understand. "Wait! I don't want to fight. Can we talk?" I pleaded, hoping reason could pierce through the aggression.

The goblin, momentarily confused by my sudden communication ability, paused its onslaught. "Talk, human? Rare. No hurt?" it questioned, its aggression tempered by curiosity.

I nodded emphatically, "No hurt. Why were you attacking me?" The goblin, now receptive to dialogue, attempted to express its predicament. "No choice. Master said, 'Defend territory.' Human comes, must fight."

Determined to de-escalate, I proposed, "I mean no harm. I'm just trying to find my way in this world. Is there a way we can avoid fighting?" The goblin pondered, gesturing towards the forest. "Humans not belong here. Go that way. No fight."

Grateful for the resolution, I thanked the goblin. With a final nod, the goblin disappeared into the shadows.

As the forest's beckoning allure intensified, I reflected on the encounter. My skills have proven invaluable in navigating the challenges of this strange world. Emboldened by this realization, I resumed my journey, the dense foliage of the mysterious forest awaiting exploration.

Little did I know, more adventures, allies, and adversaries lay ahead, each encounter shaping the narrative of my existence in this unfamiliar realm. With the Status Window as my guide and skills at the ready, the odyssey continued a tale unfolding with every step into the heart of the enigmatic wilderness.




Alternate end for after:

It allows you to see Your status.

I stared at the newfound information, feeling a mix of confusion, disbelief, and a hint of curiosity. What kind of world had I entered, and what was the meaning behind these bizarre skills granted by an omnipotent god? Uncertain of what lay ahead, I took a deep breath and prepared to navigate this unfamiliar reality with a set of skills that defied the boundaries of my previous existence.

My first task was to figure out how to get out of the cave. I looked around and saw a tunnel in the corner of the cave. Intrigued, I walked over to it and peered inside. The darkness enveloped me, but a faint light at the end of the tunnel beckoned. Determination fueled my steps as I moved toward the light, the echoes of my footfalls reverberating through the cavernous space.

Emerging into the open, my eyes squinted against the sudden sunlight filtering through the cave's ceiling. Vines clung to the walls, and I noticed small ledges above that could serve as a means of ascent. Without hesitation, I seized the vines and started climbing, the coarse texture biting into my palms. The ascent was challenging, and each ledge was conquered, bringing me closer to the top of the cliff.

As I reached the summit, the wind tousled my hair, and I took in the breathtaking view below. A dense forest stretched out before me, and a newfound sense of freedom urged me to explore its mysteries. Steeling myself, I descended the cliff's other side, ready to face the unknown.

However, my journey to the forest was abruptly interrupted. A guttural sound echoed behind me, and I spun around to face a Goblin. It stood there, a small green menace with big ears, three horns on its head, and red eyes. Gripping a wooden club menacingly, it emitted a series of growls and squeaks, its intentions far from friendly.

Something within me snapped. A surge of pent-up anger, frustration, and confusion erupted like a dormant volcano. The goblin, unwittingly becoming the instrument of my unleashed fury, faced a side of me that had been dormant until now.

Instinctively, I took a step forward, my eyes narrowing with cold determination. The goblin, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, hesitated for a moment. The surreal window that had appeared before now faded into the background, my focus solely on the green creature before me.

Without uttering a word, I lunged at the goblin. The anger within me manifested into ruthless strikes. Dodging its feeble attempts to defend itself, I delivered blows fueled by an intensity that seemed otherworldly. The forest echoed with the sounds of a brutal encounter, the goblin's futile resistance met with a relentless assault.

The goblin's attempts at survival became increasingly desperate, but my onslaught knew no mercy. The wooden club that once posed a threat now seemed feeble against the unleashed force within me. With a final, merciless strike, I incapacitated the goblin, leaving it defeated and motionless on the forest floor.

The echoes of the encounter slowly faded away, replaced by the heavy breathing of someone who had just embraced a side of themselves they never knew existed. The forest, now devoid of the goblin's presence, became an eerie backdrop to the aftermath of a merciless release of emotions.

As I stood there, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over me. The goblin, an unwitting casualty of my internal storm, lay defeated at my feet. The forest, oblivious to the turmoil within, awaited further exploration, and I, now cold-blooded and resolute, ventured deeper into its enigmatic embrace. The odyssey continued, marked by a newfound awareness of the relentless force that lay dormant within the depths of my being.

- New pasive skill.

- Fury.

You gain immense strength and speed when angry.

- Level up x1.





Chapter 1


I had been wandering around for the last two days without any real destination in mind, trying to make sense of my new reality and figuring out what to do next. The landscape stretched endlessly, with no signs of civilization in sight so far. The air was thick with an otherworldly quiet, broken only by the rustling of leaves and distant sounds of nature.

Feeling a growing sense of isolation, I decided to take a moment to center myself. Closing my eyes, I focused on my breathing, letting the rhythmic inhale and exhale wash over me. The air, though unfamiliar, filled my lungs, and with each breath, a strange calmness settled over my mind. It was a momentary respite from the uncertainties that surrounded me.

As I breathed deeply, something peculiar caught my attention—I wasn't hungry anymore. Considering the passage of time since my arrival, I should have been ravenous, yet surprising satiation enveloped me. It dawned on me that this change might be attributed to the skill I discovered earlier—Regeneration. Curiosity piqued, I revisited my Status Window to confirm..

Michael West

Level 4

HP: 100/3.14

MP: 12/12

STR: 7

VIT: 9

DEX: 10

INT: 9

WIS: 10

LUK: 4



Passive Skills:

Regeneration (Low): A skill that allows you to heal from any wound. The higher the level of the skill, the faster the user heals.

Ah, indeed. The regeneration skill had seemingly not only mended my physical wounds but also rejuvenated my energy. The mysteries of its potential intrigued me—how high could it go, and what exactly did "low" entail? These questions lingered in my mind, prompting a commitment to observe its effects over time.

Glancing at my enhanced stats, I contemplated the increase. It seemed that battling those monsters had a tangible impact on my growth. However, the anomaly of my Luck (LUK) stat remaining unchanged puzzled me. An enigma to unravel, it added an additional layer of uncertainty to my newfound reality.

Now faced with the allocation of points, I navigated to the help menu, seeking guidance on their purpose.


You can distribute Points to increase your Stats. Each Point increases a Stat by 3.

To better understand the available options, I delved into the explanations of each stat.

STR (Strength): This is how strong you are.

VIT (Vitality): This is how tough you are.

DEX (Dexterity): This is how coordinated you are.

INT (Intelligence): This improves your control over mana and increases it by 100 per point.

WIS (Wisdom): This is how perceptive you are.

LUK (Luck): This is how lucky you are.

Armed with this knowledge, I decided to invest 10 points each into STR, VIT, INT, and DEX. A recalibration of my status window revealed the fruits of my decisions.

Michael West

Level 4

HP: 100/3.14

MP: 112/112

STR: 16

VIT: 15

DEX: 22

INT: 12

WIS: 10

LUK: 4



A surge of newfound strength, resilience, and heightened dexterity surged through me. The transformation left me feeling more equipped to face whatever challenges awaited in this mysterious realm. With my enhanced capabilities and a handful of points still at my disposal, I forged ahead, ready to unravel the secrets concealed within this enigmatic landscape.

As Michael ventured further into the unfamiliar landscape, he marveled at the towering trees and the ambient sounds of nature surrounding him. The air held a peculiar mix of fragrances, and the sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

With each step, Michael pondered his next move. His enhanced stats and newfound skills provided a sense of empowerment, yet the mysteries of this world lingered. The encounter with the goblin had taught him that diplomacy was possible, even in a realm fraught with fantastical creatures.

Remembering the information from the window about his current location being in the Danmachi anime universe (though a detail unbeknownst to Michael), he decided to explore further, hoping to stumble upon a settlement or a town. Instinct guided him deeper into the forest, where secrets awaited discovery.

As he traversed the wooded paths, Michael remained vigilant, utilizing his "Scan" skill periodically to assess his surroundings. The forest teemed with life, and occasional rustlings hinted at creatures hidden from view. The wind whispered through the leaves, carrying with it an air of mystery and intrigue.

The sound of rushing water reached Michael's ears, and he followed the gentle melody to find a pristine stream snaking its way through the forest. The crystal-clear water beckoned, and Michael knelt by the bank to drink. The refreshing taste invigorated him, and he realized that his new reality might hold wonders and challenges beyond his imagination.

Continuing his exploration, Michael encountered a fork in the forest path. Unsure of which direction to take, he remembered his "All-Speak" skill and decided to try communicating with the creatures of the forest. Speaking in a universal language that transcended barriers, he called out, "Is there anyone here who can guide me or share information about this world?"

To his surprise, a chorus of voices responded—a variety of woodland creatures had gathered. Squirrels, rabbits, and even a wise old owl perched on a branch contributed their insights. They spoke of the Great Forest and the various factions that inhabited it. While some beings were benevolent, others posed potential threats.

Grateful for the guidance, Michael listened intently. The creatures, in turn, seemed curious about the outsider who had appeared in their realm. As dusk approached, the owl offered a piece of advice, "Seek the path of the fireflies; they will guide you to the edge of the forest where human settlements begin."

With a sense of purpose, Michael embarked on a journey guided by the flickering lights of fireflies. The forest, once an enigma, now unfolded its secrets before him. As he delved deeper into the Danmachi universe, Michael couldn't help but feel a blend of excitement and trepidation, unsure of the challenges and wonders awaiting him beyond the confines of the Great Forest.

As Michael followed the mesmerizing dance of fireflies, the forest gradually thinned, and a vast clearing revealed the towering walls of Orario. The grand city, with its intricate architecture and bustling activity, loomed before him. To Michael, it was a spectacle unlike anything he had ever seen: a city within a massive dungeon, teeming with adventurers, gods, and fantastical beings.

Approaching the entrance, Michael felt a mix of awe and uncertainty. The bustling gate served as the threshold to a world steeped in lore and mythology. Unbeknownst to him, Orario was a city of dreams and dangers, a labyrinthine metropolis where adventurers sought glory, gods walked among mortals, and the Dungeon's mysteries beckoned.

At the gate, a diverse array of individuals passed through—warriors clad in armor, mages with staffs crackling with magic, and even familiar faces from the Danmachi anime, though Michael remained oblivious to their significance. The air buzzed with conversations in various languages, creating a lively tapestry of voices.

As he approached the entrance, a seasoned adventurer with a sword strapped to his back greeted him, recognizing a newcomer. "Hey there, friend! First time in Orario?" he asked with a friendly grin.

Michael nodded, "Yeah, just arrived. Can you tell me a bit about this place?"

The adventurer chuckled, "Welcome to the city of dreams! This is Orario, where adventurers from all over come to explore the Dungeon, seek fame, and find fortune. The Dungeon has levels, monsters, and treasures beyond imagination. If you're looking to make a name for yourself, this is the place to be."

Curiosity sparked in Michael's eyes. "The Dungeon? What's it like?"

The adventurer leaned in, sharing tales of the ever-changing labyrinth, the monsters lurking within, and the elusive treasures waiting to be uncovered. Despite the excitement in the adventurer's voice, a subtle warning underlined his words—Orario was a place where one's fate could take unexpected turns.

As Michael stepped through the gate, he found himself amidst a mosaic of cultures and ambitions. Adventurers of different races and backgrounds mingled in the streets while various stalls offered goods, equipment, and information. The bustling atmosphere filled the air with a palpable energy.

Lost in the crowd, Michael decided to explore the city, hoping to uncover the secrets of this new world. His journey into the Danmachi universe had only just begun, and Orario, with its labyrinthine mysteries, awaited him with open arms.


Uhh Template ahh

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