
Mi Rayo De Luz

Penulis: Emily_Crowley
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What is Mi Rayo De Luz

Baca novel Mi Rayo De Luz yang ditulis oleh penulis Emily_Crowley yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Queen of the Hunters

The Hunters. The legendary Archers of Alestari were known world wide. Many trained for years, from youth to adulthood, to be good enough to qualify to be an apprentice to the Hunters. Every year, the Hunters would travel all across the land of Alestari, searching for a single apprentice. Many hearts were crushed in this process. Because there were many years, that none were selected to train under the legendary Archers. They would travel to every kingdom, city, town, village and tribe, searching. Royalty and common folk alike revered and worshiped the Hunters, for they were the true protectors of the land. A single Hunter was as good as 20 regular Archers. But they were also known to be excellent spies, as well as swordsmen. Any weapon in the world, they knew how to use properly. Thus they were highly sought after for military purposes and occasionally mercenaries. To have a family member who was a Hunter, was the highest honor. They were treated like royalty, even by royals themselves. Whatever a Hunter said, whoever they chose as an apprentice, no one ever argued. To fight with a Hunters choice, was to eliminate any chances you had of your family becoming one. And for years, no one fought their decision. Until this year. In the kingdom of Alestari, anyone was eligible to try and become an apprentice. Anyone, but a woman. Women were forbidden to learn any kind of weaponry, especially archery. So when the King of the Hunters, chooses a woman to be an apprentice, many were angry. And they were out to make her pay. Would Caliana survive the hardships she was too endure training among the Hunters? Would she survive her conflicted feelings towards the King of the Hunters, and fight off his feelings for her?

Katrina_Shaw_0110 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Rahasia Inang-inang Internesyenel Move to New Link

Takdir membuat Kenes Kalyani yang awalnya merupakan seorang putri penjual es kelapa muda serta kudapan ringan di Pantai Pulau Merah Banyuwangi, Indonesia, menjadi seorang istri milyuner super kaya, putra tunggal seorang billionaire pemilik jaringan hotel di beberapa negara. Kebaikan hati serta kepolosannya sebagai gadis dusun, akhirnya harus berubah menjadi dingin dan kejam setelah terjadi kecelakaan yang menimpa mertua serta neneknya. Selang beberapa bulan kemudian, suaminya dikabarkan meninggal dengan cara di mutilasi, sedangkan putra mereka satu-satunya diculik. Kondisi dari ulat, berubah menjadi kupu-kupu, lalu terhempas kembali menjadi perempuan miskin tanpa keluarga, membuat Kalya harus berjuang, menyamar sebagai Executive Courier International atau di tempat kelahirannya di Indonesia, orang menjulukinya Inang-inang Internesyenel. Sebagai seorang Executive Courier atau Inang-inang Internesyenel, Kalya mendapatkan akses untuk bisa keliling dunia, sekaligus berusaha untuk melacak keberadaan putranya. Selain itu, pendapatan dari seorang Inang-inang Intyernesyenel bisa membuatnya bertahan hidup sampai dia bisa merebut kembali apa yang telah dirampas dari dirinya dengan paksa. Pada akhirnya, Kalya telah berdamai dengan keadaan. Dia memutuskan untuk bangkit berdiri, menunjukkan kepada dunia, bahwa dia adalah wanita mandiri yang mampu berdiri tegar meskipun badai menerjang. Tidak ada lagi yang memberatkannya sejak Dimi meninggal. Satu-satunya kekuatan Kalya untuk bertahan selama ini, adalah Dimi. Namun sekarang, segala pertahanan tersebut runtuh bersama kepergian Dimi, satu-satunya pria yang paling mengerti dirinya dan mencintai Kalya dengan sepenuh hati tanpa syarat. Setidaknya, hal itulah yang diketahui oleh Kalya sampai detik ketika dia menyaksikan peti mati suaminya diturunkan perlahan ke liang lahat. Dimi dengan segala kekuasaan serta cintanya yang dalam kepada Kalya, telah menjadi benteng terkuat bagi kehidupan Kalya. Namun sekarang, benteng itu telah runtuh. Hancur berkeping-keping bersama masa depannya yang tiba-tiba terasa redup. Hanya ada setitik cahaya yang harus membuatnya tetap tegar, yaitu Abimanyu Jose Diaz, putra balita mereka yang berusia 3 tahun, dan saat ini entah berada di mana. Apapun akan dia lakukan untuk menemukan Jose. Sebab Jose adalah satu-satunya bukti bahwa pernah ada seorang Dimitrio Diaz yang membuatnya memiliki kehidupan bagaikan seorang putri kerajaan dengan segala kemewahan baik dari segi materi maupun cinta yang berlimpah. Meskipun Kalya tahu Rodriguez mencintainya, namun Kalya belum bisa menerima adik angkat suaminya tersebut menjadi sosok pengganti Dimi. Bahkan Ady, pria masa lalu yang pernah menjadi cinta monyetnya di pedalaman Indonesia, tidak mampu melunakkan hatinya pada pesona Dimitrio meskipun suaminya telah berpulang kepada Yang Maha Kuasa. Bagi Kalya, apapun yang orang katakan tentang almarhum suaminya, Dimi adalah suami terbaik untuknya, ayah bagi Jose, kekasih, sahabat serta malaikat pelindung yang akan terus dia cintai sepanjang hidupnya. Ya, Kalya akan mengenang Dimi dengan segala memori baik dalam ingatannya, sampai akhirnya Kalya harus kembali terhempas ketika mengetahui kenyataan yang merobek-robek keyakinannya tentang almarhum Dimi, suaminya. Kalya tidak menyangka bahwa suaminya melakukan hal yang sama sekali tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran warasnya. Namun, Kalya harus tegar, demi menyelamatkan Jose putranya, dari perkumpulan sesat yang menjerumuskan suaminya.

Risa_Bluesaphier · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Unbound (Multiverse: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones?)

'What happens to you after a truck smashes you to death? A question I’ve asked myself a thousand times, as I read stories or watched animes involving Truck-kun. I’m sure many of you would have the same answer as me: ‘You get reincarnated silly.’ Or even those who’d say: ‘You meet an ROB and get a zillion wishes and go to your favorite world to build a harem and have cock measuring contests with everyone who looks wrong at you, DUH.’ I was surprised when I got to test it first hand. Scratch that, the only thought on my mind as I faced the enormous monstrosity, if there was any, was that I didn’t want to die, while my body thought it would magically solve the solution if I pissed and shat myself. Turns out that men shit themselves when they die, who knew?' This is a story about an ordinary man who suddenly found himself in a different world with a GAMER system! Or at least what appeared to be similar. Current World: Game of Thrones First World: The Walking Dead Second World: Game of Thrones I wish to do: Harry Potter, Danmchi, Marvel, DXD... Nothing is fixed yet, and I will be taking requests into consideration. ------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon and read up to 5 chapters ahead: patreon.com/xenongraves RELEASE RATE: I'm aiming for 10k words / week. so 1 chapter / day , with 2k words, though for now, I just post wherever I've reached. I haven't stockpiled chapters yet. ------------------------------------ Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover! ------------------------------------ This part is to help you decide if you want to read this or not. 1- Is this a HAREM story? I understand this is a deal breaker for a lot of people. So I'll avoid wasting your time. I didn't add a HAREM tag because it's not a HAREM story just yet. However, if you are ABSOLUTELY against the very idea of Harems, I suggest you avoid reading this, because as the author I am open to the possibility. However, at no point will this become a story where the MC gets any girl he wants just because he looked their way. I wish to make the interactions as human as possible. Needless to say, with the system, it might tip the scale in his favor. 2- Is the MC OP? At the start? Nope. he is as ordinary as they come. I'm trying to maintain a balance in the story. if he can speed run the world, there is no point in writing about his adventures at all if he's already a god. he will EVENTUALLY be OP, but not right off the bat. 3- Does the MC get wishes? No. If you have more questions, ask me in the comment, I'll give you an answer as soon as I can.

Xenon_graves · Televisi
116 Chs

#Beauty In Eyes Of Beholder

#Freya Coleman = FEMALE LEAD #Leon Russell = MALE LEAD TROOP=PLUTO, ORANGE FREYAS COMRADES # MEMBER OF PLUTO AND ORANGE AGE CODE Alex DeLuca 31 (Tiger) #highest military authority #captain of ‘ORANGE’ Aster Coleman 24 (Earth) #cousin of Freya/sniper Collin Russell 26 (fire) #assistant/sniper #cousin of Leon Russell Samuel Aras. 26 (wind) #family friend of Coleman #friend to Elle Coleman Gabriel Volker 27 (ice) #hacker #childhood friend of Freya and Coleman @FAMILY OF FREYA@ Marco Coleman #grandpa 89 #retired commissioner general & businessman Dominic Coleman #father 57 #businessman Sara Coleman #mother 49 #musician Elle Coleman #brother. 26 #businessman Suzan Coleman Changed from Costa #adopted sister. 22 #Inheriting Sara Coleman business FREYAS FRIEND Raphe (unknown) #protector and brother of Freya #same organization Maria Willow #Acting C.E.O OF ‘R a F I a Corp and R a F I a Tech’ #friend of Freya, same organization. 24 FAMILY OF LEON George Russell #grandpa. 91 #friend of Marco Coleman #ex-mafia leader businessman Collin Russell #cousin of Leon 26 #comrade of Freya LEON RUSSELL’S BUSINESS AND MAFIA MEMBERS Andrew Volker #assistant/friend 31 #right hand of Leon #older brother of Gabriel Volker (comrade of Freya) Noel Sullivan #left hand of Leon. 32 #friend /advisor/hacker Some characters will be added later. The age I may have written incorrectly please neglect that part. Its a chemistry attraction and revenge kind of novel with a strong characters where the female lead is a high ranking official secret soldier and the male lead with high posing lead of dark king in mafia and a cold king in the business world in the country.. Due to a fatal accident they find themselves in lead to lead .. plz be sure to read my novel. And theres a suspence with thriller in the story be tuned to webnovel And be AWARE TO VOTE!?

oouh · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


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