


My name is Higurashi Kaito, a person who transmigrated into a quirkless and orphan kid. I discover myself living in an orphanage where I am bullied by the others.

Bad luck for my bullies since I know many ways how to handle them and make them to not bully me anymore.

In this world full of people who has a quirk, I who is a quirkless little kid always got ridiculed and look down by the others as I am among the 20% of quirkless person.

But then again, strength is important in this world too as I decide to train myself, unlike the protagonist who has a plot like where he gained six abs by cleaning the beach for 10 months.

No system or any ancient being in my body so that leaves me with my Otaku knowledge that is super useful for me to train my body.

Doing the Saitama's training for the entire time made me realise how effective and hard this training is like my body which previously frail and weak now has chiselled with muscles.

I lost count of how many time I vomit and want to give up while training myself but eventually, I shake off those feelings as this is a one-lifetime opportunity for me who manages to reincarnate into a fictional world even though I do not have a cheat like the other reincarnated or transmigrated person.

It is still a temptation for me to just replace the main protagonist, Midoriya Izuku, and get the powerful quirk, One For All and become All Might's successor but then "something" happens to me one day when a ROB visits me.

He apologized to me for not visiting me sooner where I just uppercut him to release my anger to him.

So when you met ROB, you will always get a "cheat" as every cultured people knew so he gives my "cheat" which I know is Fictional Mimicry where I can use any fictional character power but I can only use them for only 2 times in a day. After bidding goodbye to ROB, I then had a dream where I will become the strongest being in this world, no this universe.

"One day before UA exam begin and here I am relaxing in my bedroom while playing mobile games in my smartphone," I mutter as I keep playing with my phone but then I start to feel very bored and toss away my smartphone.

"I am going to take a stroll around the city. I can kill my boredom while going strolling. Who knows, maybe something happens to me while I take look at the town."

Wearing just a black shirt and a black jean, I wear my blue sports shoes and walk toward the centre of the city.

"Maybe I should pay a visit to the arcade? Never goes there since I keep training for all these past years. It is funny about out how I am a training maniac but still, I hen to relax. Besides, tomorrow I am going to ace the exam. No pressure."

Living in a world where Quirk exists, I can see many animals face in the city or some mutation body parts along with with the pedestrians though I can see some of them will glance at me.

Guess that is what you got for scolding the heroes to do their job properly.

Entering the arcade, I decided to play the shooting and racing games which is very fun as I managed to get the highest kill count and got the first place in every racing game.

An hour passes as I exit the arcade to get something for me to eat.

I notice ramen stand so I decided to have a bowl or rather many bowls of ramen for my dinner but then someone stumbles behind me as my shirt get wet making me piss.

The fuck. Are you deaf to see what is in front of you?

Turning my body, my eyes see a certain skinny blond man who is coughing making me realise it was the injured blond hero.

"Sorry young man for wetting your shirt." He apologized to me as I just released a sigh.

"It's all right," I answered as I decide this is the perfect time for me to use one of the antagonist characters

"Equip Zagreb" I muttered my head as my body feels warm for a second.

"Dry," I mutter as the wet in my cloth has been dried up.

"Clean." Cleaning the body parts that got hit by this skinny drink, I proceed to say another word to help this weaknesses hero

"Clean up." The water on the floor disappears making this skinny Might feels awed of my power.

"Young man, what exactly is your power? Of course, you did not have to tell me. I just feel curious about your power." Skinny Might ask me making me sigh.

"Ha. Now I need to tell him that I have a quirk that involves my voice to alter my surrounding. Whatever, I will just tell him to make him tell Deku about my quirk."

"Well, what I have is Word Soul that let me able to alter my surroundings through speech and to manifest physical and magical objects," I reply this weakened hero question.


"He can alter his surrounding through speech. What a magnificent quirk he has there and by the look of it, he is proficient using his quirk. " I thought in my mind.

"Are young to take the UA entrance cam tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Yeah. It is my dream to join the top hero academy in this country where All Might, Endeavour, Jeans and the other top-ranking heroes during their youth." This young man answers my question.

"Hmm. It seems young Midoriya will have a hard time if he is paired up at the same battleground with him. His quirk is terrifying and the only weakness he has probably is his speech. If someone is fast enough to shut up his mouth, then their victory against him is secured. "

"Then I wish you good luck with your exam tomorrow young man," I say to him as the young man smiles hearing this.

"Thanks, mister. By the way, health regen." He mutters as I noticed my body glows green for a second as I can feel my body feels a bit healthier than before.

"Just a thank from me in for you wishing good luck for my exam tomorrow mister. Goodbye Mister. Hope we meet again." He then walks away leaving a baffled me as I know I can now do my patrol tonight when he cast his quirk to me.

"As I thought, his quirk is indeed terrifying." Shaking my head, I then walk to the Dagobah beach to see the progress of my inheritor.


"My power just wasted like that as I already used up the amount of the time to gives me as healing magic to heal All Might a little bit for him to have him more minute or seconds or even hour in his hero form.

I even had to slightly customise my power to make me able to heal others near me when I use Zangreb. Of course, that customisation makes me feels extra tired as it was a major change to the original use of power.

As they say, when you walk aimlessly, you will not notice where you headed and that is exactly what happens to me right now as it leads me to a street which has many love hotels making me want to just walk backwards until a scream can be heard from a woman.

Seeing a lizard face man running quickly from a very angry woman is not exactly what I expect when I go strolling during the night as he abruptly clashes against me making him fall as this rude lizard did not look forward when he fled away from that angry woman.

" Damn it, kid. Buzz off." He says to me as he is about to take the purse which now is paying beside me as I quickly snatch the purse.

Taking a step backwards, this lizard face man has an angry expression as he now seems to be angry with my action.

Where are the heroes when you need them? I know. Probably fooling around or sleeping at this kind of time.

"Give the purse back to me kid and I promise to you that I will not injure you." He says to me making me almost want to curse him as I know this lizard face man is going to hurt me badly.

The woman meanwhile has an op as she looks at me.

"Give me back my purse!" She says to me.

"Read the mood woman," I say to her which make her shut up as I just look at this lizard face man.

Sneaking a peek at my surrounding, I seem to notice at least 4 security cameras are making me smirk as I know what to do right now.

"Do not point at me," I mutter as he security cameras move away from recording my face.

"Now with those security cameras now are not pouting at my location, I now can bear this low-class villain."

"What the hell are you blabbering brat? Now give me that purse before I kill you!" He now threat me making me scoff.

"Paralyse," I mutter as his body got paralysed at the spot making him unable to move with even his fingers also unable to move or twitch.

Now lizard, sleep." I say to him.

"Like the hell I--I--" His face then hung down as he fells asleep while standing him.

"Free him." I snap as his body got freed from being paralysed as then I walk toward the woman as I give back her purse to her.

"T-thank you." She thanks me.

"You are welcome. Anyway, can you promise not to tell anyone about this?" I say to her.

"I promise not to tell anyone about this incident." She says to me as she walks away from me.

"Return to normal." After walking away from that street, I then moved back the security camera to its original angle.

"What an eventful night." I thought in my mind as I walk back to my living place for me to rest and fell asleep for tomorrow UA entrance exam.

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