
Chapter 10

Me, Izuku and Katsuki are standing right outside of the UA gates. We were standing there, Katsuki being the tallest being 5'7, Izuku at 5'5 and then there was me at 5'3. Like come on couldn't I be at least a little bit taller, why do I have to be the short one out of the group.

[Don't worry you'll grow.] Plague said.

'How tall will I be?'

[Around 6'2 in about 2-3 years]

'That tall?!' I thought, surprised at how tall I will be since I am so short now.

I also started thinking about how much my quirk has grown. After studying the people around me to find as many useful quirks Plague could copy, my quirk now has [Self Regeneration], [Super Strength], [Camouflage], [Environmental Adaptability], [Enhanced Perception], [Size Manipulation], [Invulnerability], [Shape Shifting], [Genetic Memory], [Emotion Sense], [Illusion], [Poison], [Wall Climbing], [Web], [Wings], [Explosion], [Night vision], and *[Boost]. (In order of when he got them.)

Anyways, the gates are huge, my dad has to maintain this school and the gates are already unbelievably huge. I can't imagine what the rest of the school looks like. Taking a deep breath I say.

"Well, just standing here won't get us anywhere so let's get to it and get this thing over with." I said as if it were easy but in reality all 3 of us are nervous. UA only has a 0.3% acceptance rate in the hero department, even though we are confident in our quirks and in our knowledge we can't help but be nervous.

We all took a step forward with confidence in our step, but of course one of us just had to trip. I went and grabbed him by his back but I then realized he was a lot lighter then I was expecting, so I about threw him behind me. Noticing a short girl, even though I wasn't that much taller, with brown hair in a bob cut dressed in her school uniform. Setting Izuku down I say.

"Thanks for catching my friend, he sometimes is such a klutz." I said for Izuku, even though he is more confident then he used to be, he is still not the best when it comes to talking to new people. It just takes a little bit for him to get used to people before he can act comfortably around them.

"Y-yes, t-thank y-you." Izuku said while stuttering up a storm with a deep blush on his face. Izuku then bowed multiple times in quick succession, this caused Katsuki to facepalm.

[Gosh what a simp. Can't even with all the help he has gotten he still can't stop stuttering in front of girls]

'What do you mean?'

[Don't worry about it]

"It's no problem at all, it would be bad if someone got hurt before the test now would it. By the way my name is Ochaco Uraraka." The girl now named Uraraka said while smiling.

"My name is Axel Holgate, the klumsy one is known as Izuku Midoriya and the one that acts like he is too cool for us is Katsuki Bakugou." I said introducing ourselves since both of my friends suck at it.

"What did you just say about me b*st*rd." Katsuki yelled at me, though I know he doesn't mean it. He is just too prideful to admit that he is bad at interacting with other people. Laughing him off, I wave to the Uraraka goodbye while dragging my friends.

"Good luck, If fate has it we will see each other again." I said while I was heading to take the written exam. The written exam was the first thing that we had to do, it was going to take 3 hours and after that there was a physical test. I had to help my two friends study the things that they didn't get which was very few things since they were pretty smart anyways.

Arriving at the testing vicinity we were given a letter with a number on it and then were directed to where we needed to sit. The test wasn't that hard, I finished in an hour within the time given and that was me mainly just writing down the answers. The other part was giving my hand a rest so it didn't cramp.

I then tripled checked my answers and Plague helped me. When I was satisfied I fell asleep waiting for the next portion of the test. The kids nearest to me looked at me weirdly since I finished so quickly and then I fell asleep straight afterwards. Most thought I failed and I just gave up, since who in the world would finish the test in an hour when you are given 3 hours.

Not only that but the test increased in difficulty as you went on. Half way through the test it's about things most schools haven't even gone over, so their suspicions are for the right reasons. Unfortunately for them the kid who finished isn't normal. After the 2 hour mark Katsuki and Izuku finally finished with 2 others.

Eventually everyone finished the test and were ushered to the next building where they could sit anywhere they liked. They would then be given the next instructions. Most kids didn't feel so good after the written test so they just hoped that they would do well in the next test. When we got to the next building the hero Present Mic explained what our next test was.

I was of course asleep but Plague explained it to me, and I know what you are going to say. 'How the h*ll were you sleeping with Present Mic yelling?' Well let's just say I am a heavy sleeper, a really heavy sleeper.

And apparently everytime Present Mic yelled Plague would come out and yelled back. I asked him why all he said is that he always wanted to do it. I don't know if he is just weird like that sometimes. There was also an incident where someone interrupted Present Mic and yelled at Izuku. Surprisingly Plague backed Izuku up and yelled back at the kid for and I quote [Being a dumb*ss b*tch that he doesn't know what he is talking about especially when he is in range of eating distance] Ya that explains the weird looks now.

Anyways it basically goes like this: destroy a robot with a number 1 on it you get 1 point, destroy a robot with a number 2 on it you get 2 points and destroy a robot with the number 3 on it you get 3 points. There is also a robot that is worth 0 points, but all three of us think there is something more to it.

We then had to go to a gate that we were assigned at the very beginning of arriving at UA. All three of us were in different sections, so we turned this into a competition since we won't get in each other's way when trying to get points. Whoever gets the most points wins and the losers have to owe the winner 1 thing.

And like that we were divided to go into different busses where they would transport to different areas for the physical test. When the kids arrived at the gate you could see three kids getting ready to rush through the gate when the doors opened. When the doors started to slightly open the three kids instantly activated their quirks and ran towards the gate leaving the other kids behind.


*[Boost] is my take of him copying all for one. Since it is originally a stock piling quirk that's all he took. It is shown when monoma tried to copy Midoriya's quirk nothing happened and he explained that his quirk doesn't work well when copying stock piling type of quirks. I could have easily said he copied every single one of them but in my opinion I think it's unrealistic since monoma couldn't do it. So when Axel is fully covered by the symbiote he gets a 2x boost on his strength and perception, but if he activates [Boost] then it becomes a 4x boost on his strength and perception and then a normal 2x boost for his other quirks.

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