
Chapter 1: Sasaki Shimura

"Playing hero again?"

"No! No, Dad"

"Kotaro, that's enough! Stop hurting him!

"If you don't like it, then do what I say!"


Screams could be heard inside the house as Sasaki watched his father drag away his older brother. His mother following right behind him trying to stop him.

'To think I'd find myself in such a situation' Sasaki thought to himself as he looked around the house with a dazed expression.

"What's wrong Sasaki? Are you okay?" His sister Hana came to him and asked with a worried look.

"I'm okay." Sasaki woke up from his stupor and answered his sister's question

"Are you worried about Tenko?" She went on and asked

"I guess you can say that" Sasaki lied and replied

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll be okay. Dad probably won't go to far." She tried to reassure him

"How about we go out to play and try to get our minds out of things?" She offered

"Not today I just want to be alone for a while." Sasaki rejected her offer and said. Wanting to sort out all of his new memories

"Oh! Okay" Hana replied with a down casted look as she quickly left the room.

'So I'm in the world of My Hero Academia huh. And I'm the younger brother of Tomura Shigaraki. How troublesome" Sasaki pondered as he paced around

'I'm in big trouble if a stay here any longer. I'm sure all for one has his sights on Tomura right about now and in a few days Tomura will awaken and lose control of his quirk killing all of his family members which in the end will also include me.' Sasaki thought and panicked

'I could try stopping it from happening however that wouldn't end up well for me either. If I did so I'll attract all for ones attention and with my meager strength I'll end up dead. I haven't even awakened my quirk yet and to be honest is it even worth it?" He thought

'This family isn't what you will call the greatest from my experience being here. Our father is pretty abusive and my mother and grandparents have always looked the other away. They never attempted to stop our father from abusing his children. Well by now our mother should have begun having a change of heart but what does that matter to me right now? I need to leave here quickly without arousing anyone's suspicion.' Sasaki quickly made a decision

'I'm sure however that after I leave though all for one will begin looking for me. After all he'll need me for his plans for Shigaraki." He stopped and pondered

'Where should I run to anyway and how will I survive without money, food, or clothing? There is no way I'll ask the heroes for help as they aren't really trustworthy as most of them became heroes just for fame and fortune and the police are practically useless due to the flawed hero society.  All for one would easily eliminate them all. The only one I might be able to trust is all might but how will I be able to contact him? I'm sure if I asked to meet him I'll just be rejected and sent back home which will warn my parents as well as all for one.' Sasaki thought and started panicking again

'Damn it the only thing that matters first now is escaping. I'll try laying low and avoid all for ones sights after leaving. I'll also steal some cash from my parents before running away. It should sustain me for a while at the very least. If I can't rely on the heroes or the police then I'll just make my own group that I can rely on. My quirk should also awaken soon since I'm close to reaching four years of age. I'll be four in two days. Hopefully my quirk will awaken that day." Sasaki thought and reasoned

"I'll stay here for a while and find an opportunity to leave then. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself soon. I really don't want to stay here for a single second longer." Sasaki said as he got up and headed to his room

However as he made his way there he ended up bumping into his mother who was walking back with Tomura in hand.

"Oh hi there Sasaki how's your day" Nao Shimura asked her son with a tired look

"Its been okay" Sasaki responded awkwardly as he turned around to look at Tomura whose eyes by now were red from crying earlier.

"Umm you didn't see what happened earlier did you?" His mother asked with a look of shame

"I don't know what you're talking about I didn't see a thing." Sasaki lied and replied to his mother

"Oh, all right" Nao responded with an expression of guilt at hearing her son's obvious lie

"Then what are you planning to do right now? Do you have any time to spend with me and your older brother?" She went on and asked

"Umm not right now. I plan to go to my room and watch a new episode of the walking plague." Sasaki replied and rejected his mother's proposal wanting to avoid being near Tomura

"I-is that so? Then I hope you have a good time. If you ever change your mind we'll be outside." His mother looked embarrassed and responded awkwardly as she left and headed outside with Tomura.

Watching them leave Sasaki couldn't help but release a sigh of relief

'Thank goodness they're gone. Although I grew up with them and know that they are my family I just can't see them like that anymore after regaining my memories' he thought as he continued to his room.

'I know I should feel guilty but I just can't seem to muster any guilt. After all I'm doing all of this to survive. Thus I don't have any time to worry about others' Sasaki thought as he made it to his room and fell face flat down on to his bed.

"I'll begin packing the things I'll need later. For now let's just rest after all this might be the only time I'll be able to get some rest before going on the run." Sasaki said as he slowly fell asleep