
Chapter 2 (Part 1 of 3)

"So how do you wanna do this? Best of three?" I question while removing my hoodie for better mobility.

"Sure. But let's make it more interesting, how about the loser has to buy dinner? I'll even let you pick the song."

"Deal." 'Little does she know, I'm pretty damn good at DDR.'

Dance Dance Revolution was one of my favorite games growing up, I would pickpocket from others just to be able to play.

Confident in my skills I end up choosing one of the hardest songs I know. There were actually quite a few songs I didn't recognize, but that tends to happen when you essentially time travel 100 years in the future.

'I'm actually surprised DDR is still a thing.'

Upon actually playing however , I started to lose a bit of confidence. 'This feels different from the DDR I'm used to and she's way too good!'

I had to do a double take as I swear the green haired girl's right leg detaches at the knee to make a spin move on the board without her actually having to move her torso.

By the time I blink and rub my eyes together Setsuna's legs look perfectly normal.

'Am I high? There's no way I just imagined that, is it her Quirk? Cheater!' I scowl childishly, Setsuna manages to catch my gaze, she just smirks challengingly, raising a single eyebrow.

'Fine, I'll show her! Time to bust out the patented Akira backwards bar hold!'

'Come to think of it, I have a lot of patents. I should cash in one of these days.'

As the song we were dancing to sped up, so did my footwork, I held on to the bars behind me for leverage.

Setsuna at this point stops trying to hide her Quirk, she's floating outright as her legs disconnect and start hammering the pads much faster. It seems like she can will her limbs telekinetically much faster than she can move them manually.

"Damn dude, you're pretty good!" She states casually.

"My name's Setsuna Tokage, yours?"

Only upon her asking do I realize we haven't introduced ourselves yet, I knew her name and quite a bit more from Observe, but I should have no way of knowing that.

I'm glad she brought it up before I let something slip up.

I pant a bit to regain my breath before replying, "Nice to meet you Setsuna, just call me Akira." I say out of habit.

Setsuna, to my suprise blushes, seemingly taken aback before her usual cocky grin comes back, "Whoa there, first name basis already? You work fast."

Oh that, it's probably disrespectful but I call most people by their first names, except for adults and people in positions of power that I would usually refer to as mister or missus.

Everyone else is fair game, especially people my age. Funnily enough that's something me and old Akira have in common. He didn't really like calling people by their last names because it would get confusing when talking to their families.

Very 'rest of the world' of him, maybe that's why he didn't have any friends.

"Anyways, you alright there? You're looking a tad bit out of breath." She points out with shit eating grin.

I just mock glare at her, I can't reply unfortunately, or I'd be out of breath again. Not all of us have the liberty of floating.

That does beg the question, considering she isn't breathing hard and she can maintain casual conversation while split, does it not put any strain on her to move her parts telekinetically?

Whatever the case I'm not losing, I've never lost a game of DDR before, and I won't start now.

I do get a bit startled looking around. The two of us seem to have unknowingly gathered a crowd of nerds who gathered around and watched in awe as two losers-, I mean, DDR masters performed skillfully, completely in their element.

The end of the song approaches and I decide to show off a bit, especially since we now have a crowd.

I teleport rapidly side to side nailing the climax of the song.

[+10 Affection with Setsuna Tokage]

I hear Setsuna ooh and ah, from beside me.

I hear the pathetic cheers of the peanut gallery. 'If you're embarrassed to cheer then don't. What's with those half assed claps!?'

The moment of truth, who scored higher.

993,657 vs 994,888

Looking at both of our screens I just sigh, turning to my grinning opponent, "Alright, a deal is a deal."

"Glad to see you're not wussing out. I know just the place too, come with me." She grabs me by the wrist and starts dragging me away.

Yes, dragging. She's surprisingly strong.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

She comes to a stop, "Dude you're right! This will be faster." She swiftly gets behind me, and grabs me by the waist.

I'm obviously startled and try to push her off, "What the hell!?" She doesn't seem affected however and once she gets a good enough hold, jumps up and starts fucking flying!

We were currently under one of those open sections at the mall, the ones without roofs so you can look up and down at the various floors.

We swiftly start elevating through the floors attracting a bunch of attention and finger pointing.

'Does this count as illegal Quirk usage? Ah, who cares.'

"First of all this is awesome! I've always wanted to fly. Second of all, what the hell did you mean by "you're right"? What does this have to do with my question?" I ask through my smile, flying is really cool after all.

"Hmm, oh, I have no idea what you asked, I was ignoring you my bad." She chuckles sheepishly.

I just deadpan at her. 'Is this what people feel like when I ignore their questions? I'm so obnoxious!'

We finally stop at the top floor where she puts me down. 'This mall is way too tall.'

A certain very familiar smell catches my nose's attention. 

Concentrating on that delicious smell, for the first time ever in my life, I teleport unconsciously.

One second I'm trying to decipher the smell, the next I'm standing in front of a BBQ restaurant. 

'Rico's Texan Grill? That sounds dope!'

"Hey wait up!" Setsuna calls out running towards me from where we were standing previously.

"You gotta tell me about that quirk of yours later. Have you been here before or something?" She asks.

"No I've never been. Is this BBQ place where you were going to bring me?" 

"Yep. Pretty cool right?" She asks confidently, picking up on my growing excitement.

"Marry me." I say dead serious.

[+3 Affection with Setsuna Tokage]

"W-What!?" She stammers. I don't know this girl that well but judging from her personality I doubt she gets flustered this often.

"I said, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I pretend to repeat.

"That's not what you said!" She cries out.

"Yes it is." I lie through my teeth.

I was obviously joking about the marriage thing, but I had to be cautious. First this girl likes DDR, then she apparently likes BBQ, and her Quirk is similar to the great Buggy-sama. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was designed specifically to attract me.

I have to be careful or this girl will genuinely make me fall in love with her, or personalities are too compatible.

The great Akira has no time for love! Only shallow and pointless relationships built on the foundation of carnal desires.

"Come on, I haven't had any good barbecue in God knows how long." I go on ahead impatiently.

Entering the establishment I'm surprised, it's nicer and way bigger than I expected, especially for a mall restaurant.

It's also very vacant, you shouldn't judge a place by it's appearance, but between the nice southern decor and the delicious smell, this place looks like it'll serve great food.

I make sure to voice my thoughts to my partner in crime. We probably broke some Quirk laws, it fits.

"Why is this place so empty? Yeah see, I didn't get it either. Not until I asked one of the part time employees." Setsuna says.

"Apparently the owners of this place aren't Japanese, when they first contracted with the mall owners they essentially got scammed. Most of the restaurants are on the bottom floor, the top floors are usually reserved for clothing stores and such." She further elaborates.

"Despite this the food here is great, the place is still fairly new but I'm sure it'll spread by word of mouth and before long this place will be packed! Until then, this has been like my own little secret." 

"That's really cool. Hey shouldn't we have gotten a waiter by now." I'd almost think the place is closed if it weren't for one older couple sitting nearby. They were eating, so the place was obviously open.

"Yeah, you're right-,"

Before she can finish her sentence a small blonde haired girl with giant cow horns bursts out of a custodian room.

She also had big boobs. 

I notice these things.

Upon spotting us she quickly scurried over.

"I'm so sorry for the wait, what can I get you?" The girl gets out the best she can.

Using the context of Setsuna's previous explanation, I quickly deduce this girl is somehow related to the owners. 

I can tell by her quite frankly awful japanese. I'd say her appearance clued me in as well, but that would be true pre Quirk Era, nowadays seeing a blonde-haired blue-eyes Japanese person is not that bizarre.

I mean the literal greatest hero All Might is one such case.

"Hey Pony." My green haired companion greeted the waitress.

'Pony? That also seems familiar…'

"Oh, Tokage-san! You came again." She says excitedly. For some reason not recognizing her until she spoke.

"Of course, I said I would. This is Akira by the way." She introduces me.


"Nice to meet you Akira-san." She greets.

Before long we order, and probably because of how empty the place is, our food arrives in no time.

Let me tell you, it is the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. The owners are Texan? I can believe it.

"So how is it?" Setsuna asked.

Unfortunately to answer I have to pause, inhale what's already in my mouth before replying, "It's great! I almost want this place to stay a secret. I can only imagine how packed this place will get once word gets around."

"I know right, best appreciate it while we have it all to ourselves."

The server girl, horse or whatever swung back around to refill our drinks.

She seems stumped on what she wants to say however.

"Um..uh...eh…" She struggles to find her words.

"Whoa dude, are you okay?" Setsuna asked, concerned.

"Yes, it's just… him." She suddenly points at me.

"Me?" What did I do? I mean don't get me wrong, I probably did it, but I deserve a fair trial.

"Does he want… more drink?" She finally asks though she looks unsatisfied with her own question.

"Dammit, why can't I remember the Japanese word for refill?" She mutters to herself in English.

"It's refill, and no I don't need any more, but thank you." I replied.

She suddenly gains divine enlightenment at my words, "Refill! That was it!"

"Alright call me if you need anything else-, wait, did you understand me?" She asks the second part of her question in English.

"Yeah, I'm pretty fluent too." Obviously I would be, I'm glad I didn't lose any skills from my previous life.

[+25 Affection with Pony Tsunotori]

"Oh my god, you're the first person I've spoken to since coming to Japan that speaks English, besides my Ma and Pa of course." She suddenly gets way too close, she clasps one of my hands between both of hers, overeager.

"Do you think you can tutor me?" 

I don't know what type of response she was expecting but I didn't hesitate to answer, "Hell no."

"Wait, I'll pay you!" She insists.

"Well that's better, but still no. If you have money just hire a tutor, not some random Japanese kid who happens to be good at english." I tell her dismissively.

"You don't understand, I've tried, but the good tutors are too expensive. It's not even worth it to try the cheaper alternatives, they all suck." She explains.

"That sounds like a you problem." Sucks to suck, I don't have the free time to tutor, even if I did I wouldn't. It's not like I need the money.

"Pleaseee." She started giving me the puppy dog eyes which was scarily effective, she had freakishly large eyes, that you would think would make her look horrifying. But they just make her look cute and innocent.

I let out a long sigh, "Ugh, look, I'm definitely coming back to eat here again. I'll think about it in the meantime and get back to you."

Next time I come I'll just tell her I'll thought about it and reject her firmly, I'll make sure to bring sunglasses to shield myself from her mind control sparkling eyes.


"Yes, yes, I promise." 

Finally shooing away the pony girl, I look back at Setsuna who looks completely unamused.

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