
MHA: Bubble of Death

Controlling almost the entire government from behind the scenes, Koko ran the most dangerous criminal empire in history before her untimely demise. But now, Koko finds herself inside a vast void of darkness where a mysterious being offers her a second chance at life. In the world of MHA. "I guess I'll have to start from ground zero." Will Koko successfully rebuild her criminal empire? ---- Side Note/What to Expect: Putting this here cause I know what it's like to feel like you've wasted your time. So, here are some things of note about this series to help aid your choice. (Earlier chapters are rough ya'll.) 1. My girl is actually a villain. One of the main reasons I made this series was because I got frustrated with the lack of true villain mc's among the fanfictions. As such, this series has a legit villainous villain MC. None of them are half-villain, vigilante, or on-the-line shenanigans. 2. I try my best to make longer, and legible, chapters. The earlier ones are on the shorter side but they increase in length. 3. Expect some slight AU. Nothing serious but sometimes the world is slightly constrictive when comparing it to how I want the story to progress. (keep in mind that this story is fanfiction posted on webnovel and was started when I was like 15. It's far from perfect) ----------- I Don't own My Hero Academia. I don't own the art if the creator wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


Now that my business for being here has been completed, it's time to leave. Heroes will be flooding this place in minutes. Reaching in my pocket I took out the burner phone that Koji had given me earlier. He mentioned that he had already gotten all the numbers of my members onto it and knowing him he did it to curry favor with me so he probably wasn't lying. I would be wrong if I didn't say it wasn't working. He definitely has his uses.

Scrolling through the list of names I clicked on the name for the group leader I had designated before leaving. The leader I had chosen was the well-dressed-looking man with glasses who had made comments earlier during the meeting I had. He had seemed smart enough so I decided to test him by putting him in a position of power to see if he would make the right choices.

While typing the message I was sure to add a bit telling him to split the group up and take roundabout ways back to base to lower the chances of any hero finding the base. Once I got the message of confirmation I slid the phone back into my pocket and my eyes went back to the new guy – designated as wolfman for now – standing rather awkwardly next to Rook and Knight with the former two cautiously scanning him.

I quickly went through all the things I know about him. For one, his Quirk was very self-explanatory, being a mutant type. He was around six feet tall covered in dark gray fur with a snout, sharp teeth, and claws to match. if this was back on my earth then he would be called a werewolf. I'll stay cautious though, it might just be his appearance and his quirk is entirely something different.

I humored the idea of him having some relation to hound dog but the thought of that Dog Man chief of police had me shaking my head. Just because they're both canines doesn't make them related

The second thing I know is that he holds a great amount of hate towards All for One. I was just guessing he was a victim of All for One, but my mention of him had him in a growling fit pretty much confirming it. A simple promise of the death of AFO was all it took to gain another asset.

Getting him to stay within the group even after I kill AFO shouldn't be hard as well. When we were talking I had a chance to glance over his file; It said his identity is unknown. Not even the DNA samples came back with a match. I'm pretty sure All for One erased his identity from the world; I doubt he has anyone. So, simply, I and my group will fill that hole for him.

I walked over to the screen giving it one last glance over to make sure I didn't miss anything important. Overall it was just mundane observations but I noticed something interesting. At the footnotes at the bottom, It mentioned that All Might personally saw that he was detained. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle; confusing the other three behind me. I see… Not as pure as you were in the manga/anime, are you, All Might? The symbol of peace is really willing to sacrifice someone else to cover up All for One. I can't say I'm too surprised since I kind of expected this. Things aren't surface level anymore; All Might. Isn't just some perfect hero with minimal flaws who saves the day anymore. He's a person now and nobody is a fully good person. My past life experience has told me that.

I noted that It does mention he was going to be sent to Tartarus for questioning so, who really knows. Good old Toshinori might have offered him a deal or something.

Anyway, I've let myself get to distracted. Stepping back I made my way over to the filing cabinets in the corner labeled 'Criminal Information,' and took an arm full of files. Beckoning Knight and Rook I split it the stack in half and had them carry it. Who knows? They may have some useful information.

Looking at the three I said, "We have to leave. Now." and ran towards the exit, "We don't have any more time to waste."

Running down that hall taking no care to jump around that foolish officer's body I pulled out my phone and checked it to see If I got any updates… None. Looks like they're still en route back to the base. I take a glance at the wolfman beside me; it looks like he's limiting himself. He could be going a lot faster if he was running on all fours.

"What's your name? I'm sure you don't want to be called Wolfman."

"I-…" Wolfman's jaw tightened and his face frowned – or what I assume was a frown – for a moment before letting out a sigh through his nostrils.

Raising an eyebrow, I questioned him further, "You don't remember your name? Just how long were you locked up?"

Just as he unclenched his jaw to speak a loud "Stop!" echoed from behind us and down the hallways.

Haruto stopped and looked back. What an Idiot, "You know you can run and look back at the same time right? Don't just stand there!"

Haruto yelled back at me, not in an angry way but more confusion and worry, "But what if this guy causes problems!?"

This might be a good teaching moment, "There's no point. He knows he can't win this so he's just going to try and to distract us for as long as he can until backup arrives and take us out." Only fight fights you know are favorable to you. I'm going to have to make that a rule. That seemed to convince him since he started running again.

Taking a glance back I see the hero who came to face us running at us. He was wearing a black combat outfit with a Bandage-like scarf with yellow goggles; it was Erasure Head. Definitely not someone I want to fight. My Quirk is all I have going for me, with my weak body my punches will do absolutely nothing. I'm not sure why he isn't hyped up more though. His Quirk is definitely among the top utility-wise. Maybe it was due to U.A intervention? Nobody wants their cards out on the table.

I can still feel my Quirk. So he's not using his Quirk; Probably saving the wetness of his eyes for a fight. This is perfect. I need to make as many bubbles as I can as fast as possible. The moment he sees me using my Quirk he's going to erase it. Looking at the three I said in a tired and hushed voice, "I'm going to use my Quirk. If all goes right it should give us some cover." The three give a nod in response, while I look to see that we're closing in on the room we made the hole in.

Quickly I let the bubbles explode from my body filling up the hallways until my connection to my Quirk is suddenly cut off. The feeling of using my Quirk so much was… weird. Like I was finally taking off weights that I had been carrying all day. But that relief was short-lived since instantly after I felt extreme fatigue and vertigo. I let out a choked , "Wolfman!" before I fell to the ground and I could feel his claws gently press against me as I was hoisted up and into his arms. It was like I was looking at the world through a kaleidoscope; I could barely make out Sam and Haruto looking at me, eyes wide with concern.

The pounding in my head was getting to be too much and my consciousness slipped away.


Pretty neutral with my feelings on this chapter. It could be better but I think it would be better to get this one out.