
Chapter 1 - New Life

Since the people knows them as their angel names, Angeline and Marius got used to their names as Charmeine and Chamuel. Raphael decided to keep his house for emergency and let their chief helper continue to live there but not alone. He helped her get her family to move with her at the house and offered her Michael's room as Michael and everyone won't be living there anymore and if he does, he will share room with Angeline. Everyone take their turns patrolling as they will be patrolling in pairs every time but with different partners every time as well, for example, during the morning, Michael paired with Angeline, and Uriel paired with Marius will patrol during noon or afternoon, Raphael with Gabriel at night. Then the next day, they will have different schedule and pairings like Marius and Raphael, then Michael and Gabriel, then at night, it will be Uriel and Angeline, and so on. When the day came that Uriel and Angeline are paired together, Angeline may have forgiven Uriel but she feels like there is still something she does not know about that Uriel is hiding from her, even though they are patrolling together, Uriel suggested to split up to patrol as Angeline will patrol the other side while Uriel patrols his side. However, Angeline finally confirms that Uriel is hiding something when he suggested to split up. Angeline used her light element to cast something like a cctv camera everywhere in her side as well as an alarm system on the ground using both sound and earth element together when there is an emergency, then Angeline followed Uriel behind quietly. Uriel thought that he finally got rid of Angeline because he cannot patrol properly with her because of his feelings for her, and he does not want to get found out of the truth. Angeline wonders what truth Uriel is talking about until suddenly, the ground alarmed her by vibration and letting her feel which way it is towards the scene that needs her and as she goes there, she saw a woman using magic but different from hers, the woman uses poison and acid to melt or control people, as she cannot kill them or she will lose her powers as rule of the ocean that no mermaid or spirit beings can kill, even those who are fallen, so they indirectly just kill people by making them suffer, or destroy their lives and Angeline saw the woman forcing people to answer her question about the Mother Pearl. As they flies while patrolling, mer people, though the same as the angels and the fallen, some of their memories of their past has been erased or forgotten because they have left their previous lives, and so, the woman did not recognise Angeline as her enemy at first but a tool she can probably use better than the humans because she looks different and can fly, so she asked her.

Woman: Hey flying being with wings, do you know where is the Mother Pearl?!

Angeline: I am not just a flying being with wings, I am an angel and a princess!

Woman: Whatever! I need the Mother Pearl!!

Then suddenly, she realised that if she kept looking for it publicly, any one might be able to tell her but even her enemies like Raphael will find out she is there and looking for it and will try to hide it from her. So she changed her question.

Woman: Oh! Nevermind. I will get it one day. You seem to be strong like me because we're different from humans. I think you can help me.

Angeline: I saw you hurting those people and melting their skin, can't you see what you are doing? You're hurting them just because you got powers, also why do you need the Mother Pearl when you have powers already?

Woman: These people kept saying they don't know the Mother Pearl!! It is very famous and known to have powerful elements and can even purify the dark and bring light to darkness, as well as fight equally or can defeat the dark mother pearl, which I have. So I need it, so no one can defeat me and stand in the way of my plans to get what is supposed to be mine (the throne).

Angeline: You make me laugh. You know you will get what is yours if you deserve it and work hard for it in the right way! No one will stand in your way, if you are not doing anything wrong.

Woman: What is wrong with taking what is supposed to be mine?

Angeline: What is wrong is how you take it or get it. You are hurting innocent people, you're being aggressive.

Woman: So what will you do? It is not my fault I am powerful that these mere humans who know nothing.

Angeline: They don't know anything about the Mother Pearl because they are not like you. They don't live where you live, so stop hurting them or I will have no choice but to heal them and fight you.

Woman: Try it then! You don't even know how powerful the dark mother pearl is.

Angeline: I will show you how weak it is.

Then Angeline cast water of healing to rain upon those people whose skin was melted by the woman and they got healed. The woman made the area dark, so dark that people can't see but only the woman can see, then Angeline casted light to shine upon the dark and the dark was casted away, then Angeline cast thunder to strike her with it but she avoided it as she runs to the back of Angeline to surprise her and as she was about to attack her from behind, Angeline felt her presence with the ground and avoided the attack, then she tried to get hold of Angeline's arm but Uriel came just in time to strike her with his power of light laser beam, and the woman escaped as she turned into shadow and fly, because she can only fly in shadow form, but when she materialised into human or mermaid, she can use shadow to attack and after she escaped, Angeline thanked Uriel saying she forgot that the woman must not touch her, though she got powers of healing, she does not want to get hurt or feel pain. Suddenly, Angeline felt so sick and dizzy, as she fainted, then Uriel brought her back to the palace. Everyone started worrying and they all asked Uriel what happened and Uriel explained how they met a woman with powers and she almost had her skin melt and Angeline fainted after fighting with her.

Raphael: Where is that woman?

Uriel: She escaped. I will show you what happened, as I was not there when they started fighting, I just saw a vision that Angeline is in trouble and her skin started to look different in that vision.

Uriel used light element to show them of the happenings as she touched Angel to see what she saw and they were all furious and Raphael realised she is his aunt, if she is the owner of the dark mother pearl, she is the one who tried to take the throne away from his mom, then everyone now knows they have new enemy, and it is someone who can also use magic, so they better be careful. Then, Raphael came close to Angeline and touch her to use healing but no avail, so Uriel changed her appearance and they went to Raphael's house from the Palace by using the back door and creating a way and put it back to avoid any reporters finding them. At Raphael's house, they called the doctor and when the doctor came, they found out that Angeline is pregnant, and she has been pregnant for few weeks and when they counted back the date, it was the time when Angeline and Uriel had sex for the second time when Angeline thought Uriel is Prince Michael, and they were alone somewhere together.

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