

Now that the pre Hogwarts arc is over, I can clarify some things - feel free to ignore this if you want however.

First - Yes the MC is female. I was actually being deliberately vague the first 2 chapters, because at that point all I had was a general idea of the book that I thought would interesting. A MC who's had reincarnations before and will continue to do so after. And it was a logical conclusion that MC would have different genders. So I just started writing, and I didn't even know what gender I was going to make Alex until I came up with her name at the end. I then spent the next chapters to make sure everyone knew that her name was Alexandra, and she was a female mc, since in ch 1 the only indication is when I wrote - and she's going to flip it upside down or whatever at then end.

Second - Alex will be light grey - yes I know she's lived long, and will be manipulative a bit, but I don't have confidence writing a dark or evil OC. Got nothing against them, I enjoy some novels with evil MCs but I honestly don't think I'd be able to write a good evil MC, without practice at least. So gonna stick with a safe MC.

Third - I've decided MC will be female in the next world when and if I get to that point, which if you don't know is One Piece. ( I have a few ideas with devil fruits and such that I want to try, it's literally a free power up

-spoilers at the end ***)

Yeah so Alex will be female. As I said before I hadn't decided the gender but the more I wrote the more it made sense to keep her female in the next world, especially since I said there aren't many yuri fics, and then just go ahead and change it into a non yuri mid way. If Alex was male in HP then maybe I would've changed gender but nah. And it would be massive fuck you to the readers if I changed the genders. So yeah staying female.

4th - Luna. Yes she will be going with Alex, but only her from HP. Yes Alex will likely have a harem, but no one else from HP. This is because originally I had no plans of having anyone from HP go over, because they just weren't strong enough. I like HP girls, but mostly only when they're in HP. I still planned on her being a love interest, but in my mind Alex has had S/Os before, even children and grandchildren and she's seen them die, or led them behind. She's accepted that and it's just another chapter in her life. She remembers them fondly and with love, but has moved on. But then I started writing Luna and I really wanted her to go with Alex.

Then I realised the only reason Alex has accepted leaving loved ones behind is because she couldn't take them with her, if she could she'd be selfish. Now with magic she had the option, so she will take Luna with her, and naturally tell her about her past. I still want them to reincarnate for reasons tho (check the end for spoilers as to why). The only thing then would be to make her strong enough - which will be done with Alex's new magic, and I've already given her seer abilities. That's also done for a reason - again spoilers at end.

Ps; As a side note - Alex will get the Hallows with her, and will take them with her, but they won't grant immortality - maybe slower again so she can have a longer life span like 250yrs- haven't decided that yet, but she'll leave the world way before then. I have already planned what purpose I want the Hallows to server

PPS : as part of Alex's research into the soul I might do an AU xover with bleach, if I do it would be really short. Doubt they'll get involved in the plot.

Post any questions in the comments and I'll try answering them - spoilers below.











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1st I'll deal with the water weakness of DF somehow and have Alex and Luna be able to have 2 and only 2 DFs, no more. I have a idea to make it work and explain it that will only work for the Luna and Alex.

Reason I want then to reincarnate is because humans in one piece have ridiculously strong bodies - train them to the max, give magic super soldier serum of whatever kind, and add DFs - that's easily superman or base level goku without his ss transformation or maybe more, in my mind

3rd - Luna has a seer sense, max level observation haki allows you to see into the future. What do you get when you add the 2? Katakuri can see probably 20 seconds in the future.. He'll have nothing on my girl Luna. And yes Luna will have stronger observation haki than Alex.

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