
Chapter X

Writer’s note: First, wishing all the readers a great time and a great progress in life day by day. What you have read until now was basically the prologue of my story to give you some genuine idea of the follow up events. We’re near 1k reads and it makes me really happy that the story is getting some attention. Thank you all for the interest. Lastly, I would appreciate a comment or two to know more about the audience and how you react. Humblest gratitude

“He’s on the move”

“Is he… The impatient girl, went on and gave his eyes some light.” Said an old voice hidden in the darkness, made by the tangled leaves and branches of a mighty tree. The leaves were pure white, attached to the dark brown branches continuing in two directions forming the shape of two wrinkled, weary and old hands. The hands were struggling in carrying the leaves but they had their duty, and no matter how old they get or how heavier the leaves go, they would not fall down.

“He would’ve taken a road anyway. He’s not going to wait in that frozen forever.”

“True. What happened in the village?” said the hidden voice

“All went into the trap they were making. He survived it skillfully. Now we see the power of the man.”

“Don’t overestimate him. Lots of challenges await him. He’s not going to make it here if he loses in even one. That playful girl…Why did she choose him? He’s not as promising as it sounds.”

The same voice spoke

“Perhaps you’re being impatient now. Don’t forget that both her and him are on the other side of the war. She would need some ignorant tool to finish off easily after her war against us.”

“Maybe what you say is the truth, but I doubt it. She has much more in store for us…” The hidden voice went silent.


The unruly gale was ruling the empire of voices and sound, suppressing the cries of snow and boots and all that was there.

Mortai was advancing further and further but to no end. All that could be seen was snow. He was just following the small footprints of perhaps a tiny creature. It didn’t take him long until he found the source. A tiny white rabbit was at the end of the trail. He was hungry but had no tool to hunt so just kept on following the rabbit.


“He knows nothing about the crystals.”

“How do you know?” The white leaves moved with the exhale of words.

“He hasn’t eaten anything since the frost. He knows nothing about the way to use them.”

“How did he go out of that trans dream then?” It continued.

“No word or knowledge about it yet."