
Melinda and the hidden secrets

After being silent for years about her mother hidden secret which she is yet to find out......... She drowns her sorrow with sex..they called a slut, whore, bitch and many other things but she never cared...... When she decides to reveal her mother's secrets.. she suddenly disappeared or maybe died.... What happens when she saw her look-like in an unpleasant situation..? She sets out to find the truth but find out more secrets hidden that she had bargain at.... Find out what happens in this novel about Melinda and the hidden secrets.... Author_Meyun

Author_Audri · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


"My dear biscuits.....i shall love you forever...but circumstances made me make the drastic decision.... "Beatrice was cut short by Jeremy who snatched the phone..

"Wait what?.... baby we are going for a vacation nothing like drastic whatever..sorry you weren't informed earlier..your uncle Bruce will be picking you up from school..much love mom and dad." Jeremy stopped the voice note.

"Do you think she will check her phone before 3pm...?"

"Yes sure these children take their phones even to the bathroom" Jeremy chuckled taking their luggage out while Beatrice followed and locked the door....


"Oh... thank goodness!" the students screamed as soon as their math teacher went out of the class.

"Cian.you are glowing as usual" a girl winked but Cian hissed and continue writing who knows what....

Melinda signaled Jessica,the duo stood up to leave the class when their class president, Scott Edwin said;"Jessica and Melinda..seat down and study for the next class.Melinda was about to slap him but Jessica hold her hand just in time..

"Jess damn you....and you.. because your class president...you think you can boss us around..you can boss others..but not me and Jessica...so sit down and mind your fucking business". Melinda retorted angrily shocking everyone including Jessica..

"You whore.....

"Hello class...."the next teacher entered interrupting Scott.

"Melinda Jordan....come see me after class or at your leisure time and don't you dare disobey me" He glared and Melinda roughed her hair angrily.

"Okay so what was our last topic?"he asked, Scott, Ciara and other people raised up their hands

"Jordan...why don't you answer this" he smirked..

"Okay so...our last topic was... something about the eclipse...or moon" She stammered and everyone laughed out loud..

"Wrong... detention now" he yelled making everyone flinch... Melinda stood up but reluctantly and dragged leg down to the detention....


"Jordan... you again....what did you do this time?" The teacher in the detention asked. "Nothing much just didn't know Mr Johnson's last topic",She replied taking her usual seat.

"Hm hm...how is Beatrice?...

"Good, annoying as always she yawned and brought out her phone and saw a message from her parents.....

She signed after listening to the message and placed her head on the table.....

"Uhm...i wanna go to the restroom..no noise or anything..." The teacher said leaving the detention room.

Melinda couldn't get her eyes of the a book which was adorned with amber coloured cover..placed at the edge of her table.. After few minutes of staring she took the book and was about to read when she entered back...she hurriedly put in her backpack not looking suspicious..


"Oh finally...the cool morning breeze of Indonesia" Jeremy yelled while Beatrice scoffed.

"Let get going to the hotel.." she said dragging him by the collar..


"Uhm finally" Jessica yelled sighting Melinda from afar.... "Okay so washroom or garden"? she asked dropping her bag back on the table.

"I prefer the ladies.....

"Okay let's get going..." Jessica left followed by Melinda.....


"Damn Paula....she did what...grab the book..under your nose...you were meant to tempt her with it then lure her here" He yelled in an husky voice making her flinch in pain...

"S...sor...sorry mas...ter...i will do better next time..." She stammered shivering with fear....

"They won't be a next time my lovely" He smirked at pulled out his gun and shot her on the head..blood started flowing from the particular spot...she stammered but it came out as a squeak before giving up the ghost...

"Barry...dispose it and then make sure she loses that book or you will be next" He smirked leaving the room.


"Okay so i finally got it.... Marinette Jordan cheated on her husband who was..... he got angry and killed her.. before she died she gave birth to my mum's great grand pa which started the steel business my dad is handling..the the rest follows" Melinda said proudly.

"Okay...so let's read the book you stole from Miss Paula's desk...

"I didn't steal,just borrowed it..." Melinda screamed after Jessica who was walking away.....

"Okay...so.. which side did you keep it?" Jessica said ransacking Melinda's backpack

"Look very well...i kept it there" Melinda said..

"Okay since your so sure...check it" She scoffed in response

"OH NO!...who will dare steal from my bag.." She yelled making everyone's attention fall on them...she then looked around suspiciously.


"And so what! you married me and took me down to Asia, all right. Yet, I was not unde...." Beatrice was cut short my Jeremy who stuffed her mouth with strawberry...

"Let's enjoy the view... breeze and scenery...i feel this is one of the last days i will get to spend with you" He said on the verge of tears..

"Baby....." Beatrice yelled already crying, Jeremy couldn't hold it any longer and cried along with her...


"Bye Mel...see you on Monday.." Jessica yelled at Melinda who was getting into her uncle's car,and he zoomed off..

"Melinda darling...long time..he said making attempt to hug her but she shifted back saying; Yes uncle Bruce..long time"

"How is Aunt Linda ?" she added.

"Good...your cousins are so excited to see you after years..he said and she faked a smile.


"Ellen....!" Melinda yelled pulling her into her embrace... Ella was just fourteen years old.. she did the same with Ella who was just ten years.. their first born who was her age and their mum went out to get some groceries.

"She entered her new room for the next few months and signed...she didn't bother offing her school uniform which was a purple high waist skirt and black shirt complemented with purple bow tie.....

She couldn't help but think who and why anyone will steal the note from her backpack..?


"Mel... Melinda...dinner time"! She heard Ellen scream on top of her lungs from the bottom floor... after few minutes of groaning she got down and greeted Evelyn and her aunt Linda... the same way she did with Ella and Ellen....

They all ate in complete silence... Melinda cleared up her plate and went to bed immediately not speaking with anyone.

Stay tuned and keep reading...