
Melania: Tale of a Mannequin

A young orphan girl was dreaming to be beautiful like a mannequin. She always see a dream that she was talking to the queen in Bolanaire kingdom who called the mannequin's land, and there she met Brando, who always warned her to stay away from the queen. She fall in love with him but she knew that he is not really exist. One day, while she was in the mall to go window shopping, she watched an event with a man's body pageant. And there she saw Brando who's been one of the contestant in the said pageant. (The book cover was not mine)

JTMLover · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
129 Chs

Chapter Thirty Two - Amazing transformation

Melania paid homage when she saw her. "Yes, its me ma'am!" She said with a smile.

"Hmn, I told you that you can be beautiful as long as you have the determination, that's why you are so beautiful," the teacher said happily,

Melania just smiled back at her, her female classmates felt jealous and others confused to ask what she did.

The teacher forbade them to ask her..

"Go back to your desks," said the teacher.