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That one night changed everything. My whole life changed. Now I'm stuck in this form. But there's at least some good things about this, right? Can Boruto accept his identity or will he shy away from those he knows and loves after this event. Currently being rewritten.

Chapter 1Prologue (Rewritten)

Boruto's POV

"Oh yeah!" I yelled midair as I was jumping from roof to roof.

"Wait up Boruto," I heard my friend, Shikadai, call from behind.

"If you were as fast as me, we wouldn't have this problem." I chided, jumping higher.

I chuckled as I could hear him mumble to himself before I looked down in the aisle of shops below. 'Now where could it be.' I thought to myself. Around the area should be the place where Thunderburger should be selling their new Spicy Burger.

"There it is!" I shouted once I found the Thunderburger and soon landed in front of the entrance, Shikadai landing behind as well.

"Are you sure it's good?" Shikadai questioned.

"Of course, why wouldn't go through this much trouble for a crappy burger." I retorted.

I heard him mumble, 'Fair enough.', and then entered the building. We both ordered the new meal and jumped our way back only to find ourselves resting on top of a moving train. It was nice, feeling the wind in your hair. Feeling the wind cool my skin and clear off the sweat.

Looking at Shikadai, I raised my burger to raise a toast and opened the paper cover, covering the burger. "You ready for this?". Shikadai looked at me and raised his burger and on the count of three, we both took a bite and gulped.

"Spicy!" we both yelled. We both grabbed our drinks and quickly gulped their sugary content. I gasped for air once I finished my drink.

"Was it *cough* worth it?" I heard Shikadai mumble.

"I would like to say, yes." I cringed when Shikadai glared at me.

"What a drag." Shikadai cursed before looking somewhere else.

"Well that was fun, but shouldn't you be heading home?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder." Shikadai croaked before heading his way to the edge.

"Also, don't get in trouble," Shikadai advised before jumping off.

I sat down by myself and began to wonder to myself. "Don't forget about the academy starting tomorrow,". I looked back and a smile urged its way to my lips as I couldn't forget the most exciting thing to happen tomorrow.

All the new and old people I get to meet, and possibly be great friends. To be able to learn cool jutsu, so I can one-up my dad. The thought of dad put a frown on my face, especially that he hasn't been home in a long, long time.


I brought my head up from the sudden noise. I stood up and began to look around as a group of kids brought my attention. The group of kids was circling this one kid and suddenly pushed him into an alleyway.

"Hm, totally not friendly," I thought to myself, grabbing my drink and jumped off.

A few more jumps and I was above the group of kids. Looking in the alley, I could see the lone kid being shoved to a wall. If I wanted to know what was going on I had to get in closer to hear.

"Alright, here's the deal. You are going to give us your money or we'll beat it out of you" the kid in front threatened, cracking his knuckles while his friends laugh behind.

'Ok, then.' I thought as I began to plan what to do the help this kid. A few seconds later a plan did arrive.

The front kid then stalked toward the lone kid and was about to throw a punch, until some cold soda splashed across his back and head.

"What the!" he yelled in confusion.

"Up here, idiot" I called out.

They looked up and were surprised to see me standing on some wire used for hanging clothes. I could count at least three of them and I couldn't help but chuckle. 'This is too easy.' I laughed to myself and I let myself fall.

While I was falling, I put my fingers into a cross and a puff of smoke emerged, covering my landing. I could hear the group of kids, no bullies, chatter among themselves and asked where I went. I ran out of the smoke and they were surprised to see that three copies of me also emerged from the smoke cover.

I jumped up and kicked the first person closest to me. The kick landed on his cheek and the one person next to him was punched by two of my clones, one in the stomach and the other in the face. I looked down to see the bully I kicked was hunched and was coughing. To the person attacked by two of my clones, he was on the ground writhing in pain. Which left the leader and us.

"So how's it going to be? Either you leave, or we make you?" I asked.

The last bully raised his hands and slowly walked past us, hands still raised. He went to the other bullies and urged them to get out of here. Once they gained their footing, they immediately ran, and soon it was me and the other kid that was bullied.

I looked at him and began to inspect him. He was wearing glasses and behind the glasses were dark eyes. He had black hair which led down to his chin and had a ponytail in the back. He was wearing a blue suit with white trimmings along with blue shorts and sandals. And not only that, he was short.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thank you, uh..." He said.

"Boruto. Boruto Uzumaki." I answered.

"Boruto. Thank you. My name is Denki. Man, I hate those jerks." he spat as he began to walk away from the alley.

"Uh, don't do anything stupid Denki," I called out only to receive no response.

The Next Day

"Oh crap!" I yelled out as I rushed out of my house. Slinging my backpack on, I finally took to the roofs of the village and began to slow down. 'Ha, I got this.' I thought to myself as I landed at a stop on a building overlooking a railway intersection.

'Huh?' I questioned myself as I saw Denki walking, but something was different about him. All of a sudden my vision darkened and all I could see about Denki is a limbering shadow hovering over him.

'What the?' I thought as I looked around with this vision before everything went back to normal and Denki was gone.

I began to wonder what just happened, but I paid no mind as continued my way to the academy. As I jumping across the roofs, I could see Denki far away on a train. And with him were the same group of bullies yesterday.

"Oh no,"

I quickly jumped my way now going at full speed, now that the train was starting to move. Jumping on the back of the cart, I made my entry.

"Ok, what's going on here?" I questioned.

The group of bullies turned around and let a sigh of relief. "You've got to help us man, this kid is crazy." one of them said. "Yeah, really." added another one.

I looked past them and began to eye Denki. Again, my vision darkened and I could see a shadow linger on him. 'This could be bad,' I thought to myself.

"What are you doing Denki?" I asked, trying to diffuse the situation.

Denki stood there and chuckled, darkly, and began to eye me. I looked back to the group and ushered them to get out of here. They did, leaving me and Denki.

"Why did you do that?" Denki asked.

"To not let any accidents occur"

"But I've yet to achieve my revenge" Denki beamed as if he was doing something good here.

"This has gone on enough," I declared and charged at him. I threw a punch and he dodged it and landed with a jab to my stomach. I lost my breath before turning around and backhanding him. He reached back and tried to swing a punch at me. I quickly ducked and threw a hook to his chest. When the hook landed, he lost his breath and then kneeled.

I jumped and kicked him in the chin, making him sprawl across the floor. I stopped and began to check on him, making sure he wouldn't get up. Then suddenly, the shadow above Denki lifted and my vision went back to normal.

"Ugh, what happened?" Denki moaned out as he sat up.

"I should be asking that question."

"I don't know, what hit me. Ow, my head. Where are we?" Denki asked.

I shrugged and made my way to leave as I heard him gasp. I turned around and could see him panicking. "Oh, no this train was set to crash with this morning's train.". I stopped in my tracks and looked at him as if he was insane. His posture didn't confirm otherwise, so I shove past him and went to the control station.

"Geez, what happened to the controls?"

"I think I purposefully did that, but I don't know what for," Denki explained.

"Well better hold on to something!" I yelled as I forced the train to take a hard turn, making it wobble and go off the rail. Soon we were in the air, heading towards the Hokage mountain. 'Oh no,' I thought to myself. "Oh sh..." Denki was stopped as we made contact with the face of my father.

Regaining my footing, I went off on the safety hatch and offered my hand to Denki. He took it and I pulled him to the roof. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I can't remember."

I nodded in understanding and waited for someone to come.

Three weeks later.

That whole mess sure was a mess. I got suspended for two weeks and boy did that made mom mad. I had to be homeschooled during that time. But now I am back in the academy and made a few friends in the class.

The first one I know is Shikadai, the smart and lazy one. Then there's Inojin, who is annoying as he is sarcastic, like his dad, everyone says. There is ChoCho, the fat one. Then there's the worse out of them all, Sarada Uchiha. She always gets on my case and just wants to annoy me any chance she gets. But it's fun when she is around.

And now I began to wonder what that shadow was. Denki doesn't recollect plotting his revenge. So it must mean that the shadow must've done it, somehow. And more importantly, what was going on with my vision? I knew that it was my eye, as they were in pain after the incident. It can't be the Byakugan, I would have seen Denki's chakra points, but I just saw the shadow and nothing else. So one question is always on my mind. What was that?

"So you've discovered the Star of Hope," a deep, commanding voice said.

I turned around, expecting someone to be in my room. But there was no one. I turned around and again no one. I got into a stance, ready for anyone.

"No need to get hostile." the voice asserted.

It scares me, this voice. I could feel my breath quicken. 'Where is he?' I asked myself.

"Stop your panic!" the voice commanded.

I did, I don't know why but I did. I guess I didn't want this person to be angry with me.

I finally dared to talk and ask this person, "Who are you?"

"Who am I is none of your business. But that a very important fate has been bestowed upon is now your business." The voice spoke.

"What fate?" I asked.

"A very dark force is coming. And it will be up to you to stop it." the voice vaguely explained.

"And with your current 'body' shape, you wouldn't even stop them."

"What! Who are you calling weak!"

"Quiet, you wouldn't want to wake your parents up do you?" the voice threatened.

I shook my head and kept my mouth shut.

"But, you are very daring." the voice continued.

"And for you to face them, you have to go through a change."

"A change, why. And more importantly, how do you know what is going on. What's happening to my eye for example?" I asked.

"Your eye is the Star of Hope, but as you humans defy it. It's known as the Jougan." the voice clarified.

"The Jougan" I mumbled as I covered my eye. Is this what happened when I saw Denki that day.

"Now! Are you prepared for this change?" the voice asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm ready for anything." I challenged.

"Such tenacity. This will be fun."

Before I could ask, I was soon overwhelmed with pain. I was on my knees, and my voice was shut from the pain.

"Mom, dad, anyone?" I choked out, my voice barely heard, even for me.

I soon fell on the floor and I could see my skin start to burn. I quickly got up but fell again, due to the pain. I could only lean on my bed. All the while the burning continued and was getting worse. By now I could see muscle beneath my skin. I tried to scream, but I couldn't produce a sound. Instead, I began to choke as fluid began to block out my throat.

Soon it disappeared as if it burned away like my body was. I couldn't move a finger now and I could watch in horror as the blood that would drop to the floor now burned off, not even leaving a trace that it was even there. To my feet, I could see my skin and nails burn and slide off, like jelly. I could feel my hair, burn and burn inside my skin to my skull.

I could feel movement on my stomach. Looking down I wanted to puke, but couldn't. Seeing my guts fall to the floor only for it to sizzle and burn away from existence. With a burst of strength, I quickly took off my shirt, only to see some blood on it. Looking at my chest, I could see my skin and muscle burn, showing me my ribs and the organs behind them. They too started to burn away.

I couldn't hold on anymore as my arms gave up and I soon fell on the floor. Looking at my arms I could see them being bare-bones, no muscle, no skin, and some blood but that was being burned away.

As I thought it couldn't get any worse, I felt a new pain in my right palm. Looking at it I could see a blue diamond mark burning on my palm. 'What is this?' I thought to myself.

"That there is the Karma mark." the voice answered as if it read my thoughts.

It then grew out towards my arm and as it was doing so it was burning itself to me along the way. A new pain along with the old pain. Looking at myself, I could see most of my body completely burned off with most being covered in muscle and blood. Looking back to my arm I could see going past my shoulders.

"Ah!" I tried to yell out but only came out as a groan.

I then could feel the mark crawl up to my eyes and then my vision darkened. I knew my Jougan activated but why. I soon lost my thought as I could feel burning in my eyes. I tried to scream but the pain was too much and was slowly blacking out. The only thing I could see was the dark vision of my Jougan before I became unconscious.

"Sleep well, Boruto. You'll need it" the voice taunted before never speaking again, at least for a while.

A: N

The first chapter of my revision for this story, I hope you've enjoyed.

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