
Medicine God

Arga was a remarkably brilliant doctor in his time, able to cure almost any disease. Because of his genius, he was given the title of the God of Medicine. Due to a mistake by a god, he was struck by lightning and died. To make amends for his mistake, the god brought him back to life as a prince in ancient times. He was reborn with the memories of his previous life. With his genius and the god's help, he will change the fate of the world.

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Cure Devil

Xiao Tian and Taiwu followed the jade seller to heal his wife, but feeling unsure of the purpose, Xiao Tian asked, "Where are you taking me, Uncle Jade Seller?"

"Just call me Wangwei," the jade seller replied.

"Alright, Uncle Wangwei, where are we going?" Xiao Tian asked.

"To General Huang Cheng's residence," Wangwei replied.

"Isn't that quite far from here?"

"I thought when you mentioned nobles here, you meant the nobles of Shandian City," Xiao Tian said.

"The nobles of this city are not good; they let thugs like Bing zi behave as they please. Thanks to you, Bing Zi no longer dares to cause trouble here. But I'm sure the nobles of this city will eventually come after you. After healing my wife, it's best not to return to this city," Wangwei said.

"Don't worry, no one can harm me, especially with my guards who are always with me now, right Taiwu?" Xiao Tian said.

"Of course, Keroco like Huang Chao, what can he do?" Taiwu replied.

"Well, it seems like you know him?" Xiao Tian said.

"You'll get to know them when you meet at your engagement tomorrow," Taiwu said.

"Wait, what do you mean by my engagement tomorrow?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Princess Jia Li resides in the palace because there will be an engagement ceremony tomorrow. I thought His Highness had told you about it. Please pretend not to know when His Highness tells you later," TaiWu said.

"So, you really are Prince Xiao Tian?" Wangwei asked.

"That's right, I've been saying it since this afternoon," Xiao Tian replied.

"Ahahaha, it seems like this kingdom won't fall," Wangwei said.

"What do you mean, uncle?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Everyone thinks you're useless—uninterested in politics, uninterested in martial arts, always causing trouble, fond of teasing women, lecherous, and often claiming to be a Medicine God, wanting to be an alchemist but unwilling to train in martial arts. To be an alchemist, one needs great ki strength, so many call you lazy and useless," Wangwei explained.

"I just stay quiet in the palace and go out once a month to the medicine forest. Rumors about me are that bad, huh? After seeing me in person, what's your opinion, Uncle?" Xiao Tian asked.

"I don't know, perhaps still seems useless," Wangwei replied.

"What do you mean by saying that?" 

"If you don't believe me, why did you bring me to your wife?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Whether you're lying or not, everything will be clear when you meet my wife. If you can heal her, maybe I'll change my judgment," Wangwei said.

"What makes you doubt me?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Do you know, this demon's disease has only appeared for the first time. Everyone who tries to cure it gets infected instead. My wife is infected because she took care of General Huang Cheng's daughter," Wangwei explained.

"What are the symptoms of this disease?" Xiao Tian asked.

"Severe abdominal pain and frequent diarrhea, and the body slowly dries up even though they drink a lot of water," Wangwei said.

"Then do those affected by the disease feel feverish?" Xiao Tian asked.

"No, their body temperature is normal, which confuses us. We've tried all kinds of medicine, but none can cure it. Instead of getting better, those who treat it get infected too. Now General's daughter and all those infected are confined in an isolated place," WangWei said.

"Hearing your story, I think I know how to cure it. But before that, let's stop by to buy some herbal ingredients first," Xiao Tian said.

Xiao Tian bought some medicine and stored it in his spatial ring, then continued the journey by horse-drawn carriage to General Huang Cheng's residence.

#General Huang Cheng's Residence

"Sir, there are people requesting permission to enter the isolation room," the soldier said.

"Who dares to defy my orders?"

"I believe it's the old man, Wangwei," the soldier replied.

"Bring him here!" General Huang Cheng ordered.

Xiao Tian entered General Huang Cheng's residence along with TaiWu.

"Greetings, General Huang Cheng," TaiWu said.

"General Taiwu?"

"What are you doing here?"

"And who is the young man beside you?" General Huang Cheng asked.

"My name is Xiao Tian. I'm here to treat the demon disease patients," Xiao Tian said.

"Oh, so you're Prince Xiao Tian. I apologize for not recognizing you. I've never paid attention to you," General Huang Cheng said.

"It's no secret that the prince is useless, so I've never visited the palace," Xiao Tian said.

"But besides being useless, you're now learning to be a scammer, huh?" General Huang Cheng remarked.

"General Huang Cheng, mind your words!" TaiWu snapped.

"Taiwu, don't be too impulsive!" Xiao Tian scolded.

"Forgive me, Prince," TaiWu said.

"General Huang Cheng, originally I came here to treat everyone, but after hearing your words, I've changed my mind. I'll only treat Uncle Wangwei's wife. I no longer intend to treat everyone," Xiao Tian said, looking at General Huang Cheng.

"If you're stubborn, take this key!"

"That's the key to the room where Uncle Wangwei's wife is being treated. I warn you, this disease is highly contagious and dangerous. If you value your life, you'd better give up!" General Huang Cheng said.

"In that case, I bid you farewell!" Xiao Tian said.

Xiao Tian went into the isolation room and instructed TaiWu to wait outside.

#Inside the Isolation Room, Wangwei's Wife

Hearing the door open, Wangwei's wife asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Leave before you get infected with this disease!" Wangwei's wife said.

"I'm here to heal you. Your husband sent me here, so just relax and let me treat you," Xiao Tian said.

"Can you really heal me?" Wangwei's wife asked.

"Don't worry," Xiao Tian reassured her.

Xiao Tian gave her the medicine he prepared and made her drink it, miraculously relieving her abdominal pain. After administering the medicine, he instructed her to drink plenty of water and performed his acupuncture technique to remove all the toxins and viruses causing the disease.

"You can leave now. You've been cured, and never meet anyone with this disease again to avoid getting infected," Xiao Tian said.

"Drink plenty of water and take this medicine regularly. I prepared it to last for a week to replenish your body's fluids that have dried up due to dehydration," Xiao Tian instructed.

"Thank you, sir. I thought I was going to die like this. Have you also cured Miss Huang Li?" Wangwei's wife asked.

"I have no intention of treating everyone, and besides, I don't have much money to buy the necessary ingredients," Xiao Tian replied.


"Come in and bring Uncle Wangwei here!" Xiao Tian said.

"As you wish, sir!" Taiwu said.

Taiwu and Wangwei entered the isolation room. Wangwei was surprised to see his wife standing upright and looking better, although still a bit dehydrated,

but her condition looked much better.

"My wife, are you alright?" Wangwei asked.

"Yes, I feel much better, all the pain I suffered is gone," Wangwei's wife replied.

"As I promised, here are the jades. Thank you, Prince Xiao Tian, and I apologize for my rudeness earlier!" Wangwei said.

"Don't worry about it, uncle. I didn't take it seriously. Thank you for the jades. Now that everything is settled, we'll take our leave," Xiao Tian said.

Xiao Tian and Taiwu left Wangwei and his wife.

"Husband, can you ask him to help Miss Huang Li too?" Wangwei's wife asked.

"I'm sorry, my wife, it seems the General offended him. I don't dare to press him," Wangwei said.

Wangwei recounted everything he heard when Xiao Tian was summoned to meet the General, but his wife was persistent and went to see the General herself.

"General, I need to report about those two people earlier," the soldier said.

"Tell me, did they fail?" General Huang Cheng asked.

"No, sir, they succeeded. And now Wangwei's wife is running here to speak with you," the soldier replied.

"Are you sure she's cured?"

"Bring her here!" General Huang Cheng ordered.

"Forgive me, General, I do not mean to be presumptuous. I just want to show that the man truly healed me," Wangwei's wife said.

"Soldiers, bring those two back here!" General Huang Cheng commanded.

"Sorry, sir, we tried to stop them after seeing they healed Wangwei's wife and tried to ask them to treat the other patients, but they refused and said to find someone else!" the soldier said.

"Do we need to chase them on horseback?"

"I believe they haven't gone far," the soldier replied.

"No need, I know where they're going. Tomorrow, I will meet him personally and ask him to heal everyone," General Huang Cheng said.


"Are you sure you don't want to heal the others?"

"Isn't it a doctor's duty to heal patients?"

"Besides, the reward from helping the General won't be small," said the Thunder God.

"I have my pride. If the General himself asks me personally and apologizes, then I'll consider it."

"I'm not as weak as you, who are even afraid of your wife," Xiao Tian said.

"Who says I'm afraid of my wife? I'm not afraid of her," the Thunder God replied.

*Boom* (sound of thunder)

"Wow, looks like your wife is coming to pick you up!" Xiao Tian said.

"Spare me, I was just kidding!" the Thunder God said.

"I was just kidding too, hahaha," Xiao Tian replied.

"Damn you, how dare you mock me!" the Thunder God said.