
Chapter 1: A rude arrival (Part 1)

At the center of the Milky Way lied a super massive black hole named Sagittarius A*. The black hole boasted a gigantic accretion disk. The accretion disk itself was made of bright hot matter that swirl around the black hole as it was slowly swallowed into the darkness.

The hot matter emitted a light so bright that anything that caught the light would instantly burst into flame. And the radiation from the extreme physical activities around the black hole could kill any living organism even if they somehow did not burst into flame first.

Yet, in the harsh and deadly space around the black demon named Sagittarius A*, a massive battle of life and dead was taking place, paying no attention to the protest of black hole.

A swarm of black and gigantic space ships were shooting whatever they can shoot in all directions, seemingly at an invisible enemy, causing many friendly fire and destruction.

The swarm of space ships seemed to be fighting a losing battle, the invisible enemy were destroying their ships left and right, above and below, dozens at a time.

The living creatures on these space ships were aliens. Different from the life forms on earth which was based on Carbon, the life form of these aliens were based on Silicon. The human called them: the Silicon Legion.

Inside the aliens ship, commands after commands were issued through the speaker in an unrecognizable language.

Alien soldiers ran around in the corridors in panic, some were running to battle, some others were running away.

Some brave aliens arrived at the hangars where many small battle ships were waiting for them, ready to take off and join the battle outside. The aliens got into their designated ships and quickly took off.

Smaller ships came out of the giant carrier ships and swirled around. They swarmed around their carrier ships like flies to putrid flesh, shooting tiny red hot projectiles at their own carriers for some weird reasons.

Even though the small battle ships were shooting at their mother ships, they were causing no significant damage. Their shooting was not aimed at the mother ships, no, they were shooting at something else, moving on the giant armor plates of the carriers.

The invisible enemies were not invisible after all. They were just so tiny comparing to the enormous size of the space ships that they were invading.

Zooming onto the armor of a space ship, one can see tiny dots, moving quickly on the hard and slippery armor plates. They skillfully dodged the projectiles as well as lasers from the alien's weapons, only in rare occasions did a dot was shot by the aliens.

The tiny dots were actually humans. But these humans were not wearing any protective armor at all, instead, they were wearing skin tight body suits. And there were no helmets on their head, their faces were fully exposed to the vacuum of space. This was because they were not actually humans, they were battle androids, created after the image of human. Each and everyone of them was a universal, general purpose weapon of war.

Even though the androids tried to dodge the enemy's weapons, there were no fear of death. They dodged, not because of fear, but because they tried to maintain their existence simply for a single purpose: destroy the enemy. After all, one could not kill the enemy if one was dead.

Each android possessed a body of highly advanced and durable materials, powered by a fusion reactor at their heart. With the enormous energy output and the superior bodies, the androids were like super humans, they breathed no air and were not affected by the radiation around the black hole at all.

While the aliens protected their bodies from the radiation and their eyes from the bright light, the androids simply walked right through it all, giving them a great advantage.

Even though there was no gravity, the battle androids quickly scaled through the carrier ship's body by grabbing on to little nook and cranny. Any alien soldier who came outside to try to stop them were torn to pieces by the bare hands of the android. Their weapons were then picked up by the androids and used against their own creators.

The androids effortlessly infiltrated the carrier ships and destroy them from the inside by wrecking their reactors. Sadly, once the carrier ship exploded, few androids could survive. And the ones that did survive then used their built in jet to land on another another ship and repeat the same mission.

Explosions after explosions, sending debris of destroyed space ships in all directions. Some debris mindlessly flied into the empty space while some others crashed on to the other ships, wrecking havoc to their outer armor. Yet, no one seemed to pay any attention to these deadly debris. Because everyone was preoccupied by more deadly things: the enemy.

Among the gigantic space ships, one was significantly larger than the others, it was the flag ship of the Silicon Legion's space fleet. Much like the other ships, this one was also swarmed by tiny androids. But unlike the others, the flag ship had a lot more weapons and their soldiers were a lot more skillful. It put up a much harder resistance against the android.

Many androids were shot down by the alien while trying to infiltrate the ship. The swarm of small combat ships quickly swirled around, and blasted away the androids who were engaging in combat with the on board soldiers in mech suit.

Among the androids who were on the outer armor of the flag ship, one particular android stood out. His name was Tech Effect - B.A r7 8800X, with B.A stood for Battle Android, he was created by the company Tech Effect. He was the newest generation of androids, with an improved fusion reactor as well as more advanced body, packed with weapons and sensors.

He was standing on the outer armor of a giant space ship, he recently picked up a massive rail gun after destroying an alien in a mech suit. Since space did not have any air to transmit sounds, 8800X used his built in Android to Android messaging interface to communicate with the other androids.

"Get to the bridge! I'll hold them off!" He broadcast his message to his surrounding and the other androids quickly coordinated with 8800X, they dodged the enemies' attack and quickly moved forward, towards the door of the compression chamber.

With the rail gun in hands, 8800X shot a few rounds at the other aliens, unfortunately, all were missed. But he seemed to have expected this. It was just a test, he measured the recoil and the speed of the projectiles, then he readjusted his aim and shot again. This time, he hit every time, allowing his comrades to pass the enemies without hinder.

The enemies quickly noticed the danger, they coordinated with each other and shot back at 8800X, but the android moved as if he was air itself, the enemies could not hit him from a distance.

Even while moving, 8800X continued to shoot the aliens and took down several more.

A group of battle ships approached 8800X from behind and shot at him, but unfortunately for them, 8800X has a built in radar that detected them long ago.

Suddenly, he disappeared from where he stood. He jumped so fast that the enemies could not see. He landed on one of the battle ship and punched through the armor. His hands pierced the strange material like paper and tore his way into the cockpit.

The alien pilot was turned into dead silicon meat in no time, his corpse was then thrown through the hole into space.

8800X tested out all the buttons in the cockpit and quickly figured out how to drive the ship before it crashed onto the flag ship. Then he swirled back and chased the other battle ships from behind.

The other pilots realized the dangers and spread out, but unfortunately for them, their skill were of biological brains while 8800X's skill were computer's calculations.

With great precision, 8800X shot down the battle ships in no time and then return to shred the alien soldiers on the flag ship.

While 8800X were destroying the enemy resistance, the other androids managed to infiltrate the flag ship through the compression chamber. Before long, large explosions could be seen bursting out of the flag ship bodies.

Several explosions later, the flag ship snapped in half, a huge explosion spread out from the center of the ship, sending debris everywhere.

8800X skillfully piloted his hijacked ship and dodged the sharp broken pieces of alien materials.

With the flag ship destroyed, the rest of the Silicon Legion began to retreat.

Blue lightning suddenly flashed in the emptiness of space. Then, just moments later, the lightning split open into a massive portal, big enough for the entire fleet to pass through. On the other side of the portal, the Silicon Legion's home world could be seen, it was a black planet, covered by rivers of red hot lava. Massive structures surrounded the planet, and on those structures were giant carrier space ships like the ones in the fleeing fleet. But apart from the massive ships docking on the orbiting alien structures, even more massive ships were looming nearby, entering and leaving other portals above the massive structures.

The black Silicon fleet quickly retreat towards the portal while their number continued to plummet.

Suddenly, a massive space above the fleet were bent to the extreme, curving light like a black hole. For a while, the space became more and more warp before suddenly snapped back with a bright flash.

A massive human's flag ship appeared, as big as a mountain, casting a deathly shadow onto the defeated silicon fleet. The name of the flag ship could be read from kilometers away: Katriana of Light.

Around the flag ship, smaller spaces started to bend in a similar fashion to how it was before the Katriana of Light appeared. Moments later, more human ships appeared out of thin space.

This was the human's travel technology: space warp. Unlike the aliens who must opened a portal, the human ships could jump from one place to another by bending the space around them.

In the control room of the human flag ship, the commander and his subordinate were observing the battle on the big screen. Around the room were android guards who stood motionlessly but on high alert.

"It seems the operation Demon Busting is a success. The combat androids has once again proven to be brilliant weapons." Vice Commander Robert commented as he watched the live stream on the big screen.

Commander Alexandre was more reserved, he calmly watched the screen.

"The androids are no doubt brilliant. But the battle has not concluded yet. Not until we destroy their every last ship."

Commander Alexandre then turned to the crew sitting at their computers around the control room. He gave his order.

"Close that portal!"

"Yes, Commander!"

The human flag ship shot a beam of red lightning at the portal. The blue lightning around the edge of the portal turned into red and slowly but steadily narrowed down.

As the portal narrowed, the entire silicon space fleet could not pass through at the same time anymore, the alien ship formations turned into chaos. The fleeing ships crashed onto each other to try to squeeze through the portal, causing even more destruction. No one wanted to stay behind. It was clear that even the aliens, whose life form was entirely different from human's, also experienced an emotion similar to all intelligent life on earth: fear.

As the portal continued to narrow, 8800X continued to pilot his ship and shot down as many ships and aliens as he could. He danced around in the chaos, skillfully evaded all the pieces of debris as well as projectiles from other ships. Ships after ships where shot into shred by 8800X, none could evade his calculated shots.

Meanwhile, inside the human flag ship, seeing the outcome of the battle, the vice commander Robert sparked a smile of satisfaction.

"Ha! These damn bug with inferior tech dare to raise a war against us!"

Commander Alexandre has been trying his best to maintain his professional manner, but deep in his heart, he knew that victory was inevitable. In the end, he couldn't hold it any more, a smile escaped his brain and made it on to his face. The result was already clear even thought the portal was still not fully closed yet.

"It's just the matter of time before we completely wipe out the silicon bugs."

The commander was exhilarated, he raised his fist and smiled at the crew members.

"Peace for the galaxy! Long live human's glory!!"

The crews simultaneously shouted the slogan back at the commander.

"Peace for the galaxy! Long live human's glory!"

Unfortunately, the premature celebration had to come to a halt. The commander's smile suddenly disappeared, something appeared on the big screen, something...big.