


It's Delilah Martin's 10th birthday, she used to be an extrovert kid until nursery started and her shyness started kicking in.

"Kiddo stop running" Mr. Martin says to energetic Delilah.

"Dad, I want to play with Asher" Delilah says giggling and running off.

Delilah's eyes glisten as her eyes fall on the guy that she was waiting for all evening.

Jordan Smith.

"Happy Birthday Delilah!" Jordan smiles revealing his dimples.

"Oh… Hi Jordan" Delilah's eyelashes cover her eyes as she glances down before looking up again.

"You look really pretty" this comment of Jordan's is all it took to make the butterflies in Delilah's stomach to flutter.

"Thank you, Jordan" she said once again looking away.

"Can I give you something Delilah?" Jordan steps closer to Delilah.

"Ummm" the butterflies had died at this point due to the increase of her heartbeat "yes".

Jordan closes the gap between them and places a gentle kiss on Delilah's cheek.

Delilah took an intake of breath and finally manages to say something "thank you, what was this for?"

"I'm moving tomorrow, that's what our parent's jobs require right?" Jordan gives a gentle smile to Delilah "this was a birthday present and a goodbye present".

Jordan turns to leave but before he did, he said the final words that broke her heart "I'll miss you".

After he left, that's when a drop of tear fell from her eye and she whispered…

"I'll miss you too, Jordan".


Hey guys,

It would be amazing of you to leave any comments about any ideas that you have, you can do this at any point when you're reading. It would only help to make the book more interesting for you and help me improve as an author as well.

I try to upload as often as possible so you guys can enjoy the book without feeling it's a cliffhanger.

If you enjoy the book then go ahead and add it to you library!


Lots of love,

Superrosanna xox

Superrosannacreators' thoughts
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