
Me Or You

(Main genre - romance and teen} Being a teenager is hard, being classified as a talented teenager, is even harder, especially in high school. Alan loves basketball, every school he goes to he always watches them play- but never once joined the schools team. Why? Because he's a foster kid. And foster kids don't have talent. Until someone noticed he did. Her name is Maya, but everyone calls her MayMay. She is the definition of an introvert, but she's smarter than she lets on. Always hiding in the back, observing everyone she can. That's why, the couch picked her as the school basketball scout, and that's how her and Alan meet as she stalked him for days. Alan and MayMay grows this unruly connection as time goes on, their past widely opposites yet their futures intertwining like fate twisting its finger. Now with pressure on and off the court, Alan faces hard decisions at home and for home. MayMay is losing hope of ever really find a purpose in life, but now that Alan is around, he is her only purpose. With all these emotions and hormones mixing with high-stake games and grades, the cost of friendship becomes high. As for the cost of love and trust? Just might be out of reach- especially for the fated couple.

Winter_Webb · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter Two

Mrs. Hope didn't leave fast enough, almost like she was trying to escape and make Alan's life more awkward in the doorway.

"Okay," Alan whispered as he thought of burgers. They wouldn't hurt as long as he did not vomit them back up from anxiety he was feeling.

He slowly walked closer to the door as Charlies moved to the side to let him in. The house was just as beautiful as the outside. It was covered in cream rugs with a dining room table as a chandelier hung from the tall roof. It almost looked like an old version of a mansion that had been re-done.

"My brother is a designer, he freaks out if the house isn't done like he likes it." Charlies spoke from behind Alan as a slight chuckle escaped him.

"It's very nice, unique even." Alan complemented as he took a step further in.

"I hope you like dogs," Charlies said randomly, walking past Alan into a well lit kitchen that was larger than a king size room. "We have three of them, and two cats. But you will probably never see them if you have a good sleeping schedule." Charlie's smile crept back as Alan stood on the other side of the kitchen, watching him slice lettuce into thin pieces. "I hope," He paused cutting the lettuce and looked up at Alan. "I hope you will like it here, the schools aren't bad, the neighborhood is pretty good, and sometimes even my brother's jokes can be better than normal." Silence filled after his last word, leaving the room for a response.

"Okay," Alan simply said, hearing everything before. It was all the same to him, be good, be smart, be quiet, stay out of trouble, don't ask for money, be a ghost. It didn't bother Alan, as long as he was fed and had freeroom he would be happy. And if he didn't he would find a way anyway.

"You will be going to a public school, starting monday. So you will have tomorrow to move in and rest, maybe explore if you like." Charlies was back to slicing the lettuce in a perfect rhythm. "Sit down, I'll make you a plate." He pointed the knife towards the barstool that stood right next to Alan, almost taller than him. Alan listened obediently, not wanting to anger him in the minutes they just met.

"Do you like lettuce and tomato on your burger?" He asked as he opened a cabinet that held a stack of white plates.

"Yeah they're good."

'What about condiments? Mustard or ketchup?"

"Both?" Alan asked. More of a question.

"My kind of guy." Charlies laughed as he went to the black fridge and opened the door, revealing large amounts of food.

Alan smiled, happy that it's going better than expected. He squeezed his backpack to his chest, the anxiety not leaving him but it was subsiding as time went on.

"You're a junior, yeah?" Charlies asked as he shock the ketch up bottle before opening the lid and squirting it onto a freshly toasted bun. "I think junior year was the best for me. I was passing and I had girls- only goals in highschool." This made Alan smile bigger, understanding what he was talking about.

"I only care for the grades." Alan pipped. "Girls are mean in highschool." Alan thought of all the girls that were bratty with him, all the girls that gave him dirty looks just for breathing. It was way too hard to befriend one of them, let alone date one of them.

"That's totally understandable, but one day there will be this hot chick that you will swoon over for the whole year until you get enough courage to talk to her."

"Sounds like a memory." Alan inquired.

"The best one," Charlies gleamed. "Honestly I thought I would regret it but it turns out it was the best choice of my life."

"Is she your wife now?" Alan asked, curious if he had another foster parent.

"She was. She died in a car accident last year." A sad smile crossed his lips as if he was remembering things.

"Sorry," Alan whispered. Unsure of what to really say to that.

"It's fine," Charlies murumered, clearing his throat. "Life is just like that. But the good thing is I got in contact with my brother." He chirped, happiness filing up his cheeks once more.

"Does your brother live here?" Alan questioned, hearing a lot about Charlie's brother.

"Yep, we split the house. The market is so expensive nowadays." Charlies quipped. "He goes to college while I work, techaenly both of you are under my care. But he thinks since he's 19 he's an adult." Charlies laughed.

For the hour that Alan had been there, he realized fast that charlies was an open book. And he was a talker, not afraid to say anything anywhere. It was rather refreshing, knowing that he was in a laid back foster home.

Alan smiled as Charlie chirped about his little brother and the house, cutting away at tomatoes before placing them on the sandwiches.

"Here you go," A plate was placed in front of Alan with almost a perfect looking burger.

"Thank you," Alan said as he slowly let his backpack fall between his legs, placing the straps over his knees so it wouldn't fall. "It looks good."

"I like cooking," Charlie said as he wiped the counter down. "I actually work as a chief in two different restaurants." Excitement laced his voice as he spoke of cooking.

"Are those your main jobs?" Alan asked before biting into the burger.

"Only one is, I work the other for extra payment." He answered as he too bit into his perfectly made burger. "I hope to open my own restaurant soon. I bought the building and everything, Eric is just designing it now."

"Eric- your brother?" Alan asked, not hearing that name before.

"Yeah, I think you will really like him. But be worn you," He paused as he turned around and grabbed two glass cups. "He has a resting face, looks miserable but he's not." Charlie finished, handing Alan a glass of cold water.

Alan smiled as he listened, understanding what he meant. "My friend has that, he always looks angry but never is." Alan commented, thinking of Pipe means face.

"Well, when you're done I will show you your room." Charlie said, placing his empty plate into the sink next to him. "It's gonna be upstairs across from Eric's, mine is downstairs because I'm like-" He paused as he moved his hands in the air, expressing what he was about to say. "A sleep walker and I am afraid I'll fall and break my neck." He laughed.

"I never thought of that," Alan sighed, knowing full well that it could be a new fear unlocked for him. "Thank you for the food." Alan placed the plate into the sink without getting up from the barstool seat.

"You're welcome, now let's go see your room." Alan climbed down from his seat, quickly falling behind Charlie as he walked up shiny brown stairs that lead to a balcony. "There are four rooms, one is Eric, one is yours, one is like a mini library and one isn't used, I guess the extra 3x." He laughed to myself as we passed the first door. "Blue door is Eric's, white door is yours and the cream doors are the library and extra. It's easier to remember when everything is colored.

"Makes sense," Alan smirked, thinking how funny that the doors were different colors.

"Here you go," Charlies stepped away after he opened the white door, revealing a very interesting room.

The walls were a light cream as two black bookshelves were placed furthest from the door. Covered in all sorts of different books from what Alan could see. The full size bed was thickly padded with black silk looking blankets and four different sized black pillows. A nightstand with a clock and light was placed next to the bed. On the other side, a wooden desk sat with a smaller light to the side and papers and pencils collected on it.

"Well, it's getting late," Charlies said as he moved past Alan towards the stairs. "I'll lay out breakfast for you tomorrow, then hopefully you can meet Eric." By the time he finished talking, he was already down the stairs. "Goodnight." Was the last thing Alan from Charlie before silence.

"Goodnight," Alan said, not caring if it was heard just as long as he knew he had said it. Alan looked back at the room, amazed by the cleanliness and the color scheme. Maybe he was the first foster kid, but that wouldn't explain how he knew how to make things less awkward and keep a conversation going without it being too hard. The only thing Alan could think why everything was fancy was because they live in a high standing town. "Can't say I hate it." Alan sighed as he closed the door and clicked on the ceiling fan light, throwing his backpack onto the bed. "But I won't say I love it."