
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Filem
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158 Chs

Ch. 138 - Fighting Ku'ar

Doflamingo has been wandering the forest for a few hours now and he's so disappointed that he's thinking of going back home. However, he hasn't faced the mighty beast, Ku`ar yet so he insisted on staying for a few more hours.


With a newly created sword made from his strings, all the monsters that came in his way were either hacked to death or ran away after being slashed by him.

And so, in just a few hours, Doflamingo has accumulated at least the blood of hundreds of different magical beasts.

He decided to keep it for Richard and Banner to use in their experiments. Who knows when one of these magical creatures is the solution to incurable diseases such as cancer.


While walking around the forest, a devastating roar resounded throughout the forest as several birds took up in the sky due to it.


"Is it finally here?" Doflamingo showed a wide toothy grin as his senses finally picked up a huge being swimming on the ground.

'Similar to an Earth worm or something?' Doflamingo thought to himself as he braced himself when the huge being arrived below the ground where he was standing.


The ground where he is standing suddenly explodes into pieces as a huge circular mouth with several sharp teeth protruding on the surface.

'Wait? If it's underground all this time, then how did it roar?' As Doflamingo thought of this, Doflamingo jumped and stood on the beast's lips, or what he assumed them to be when a shadow suddenly loomed upon him.

Raising his head, Doflamingo saw a huge shadow that resembled a bird, descending towards him.

'Wait, that's not a bird?' While squinting his eyes, Doflamingo also finally covered the being's body with his observation Haki and he could point out a few parts that don't belong to a bird.

A sharp fang on its mouth and spikes lined up on its back, the spikes from head to its tail ranged from big to small.

'It's a Dragon!' Doflamingo excitedly speculated inside his mind.

While Doflamingo's focus was on the big dragon, the huge worm probably thought it was his chance to eat Doflamingo.

With a quick swipe of its head, Doflamingo lost his standing on the worm's lips before the worm extended its head to swallow him whole.

Unfortunately, Doflamingo's senses were passively activated, so he already knew from the moment the worm was about to move that it would try to eat him while distracted.

'So, these guys must be partners or something.' Doflamingo thought to himself as he kicked the worm in a quick manner that it almost looked like a blur.

'I'll refrain myself from using Haki and other techniques. I've been disregarding my Devil Fruit, so I'll train myself in that.' With a thought, several strings protruded from his fingertips, wrapping theirselves around the worm.

However, Doflamingo didn't manage to tighten the strings on the worm due to the sudden glazing hot fire plunging towards him.

'It doesn't care about its partner at all!' Doflamingo yelled inside his mind as he produced several strings to cover him like a big cocoon.

Since Doflamingo swore to himself that he'll only use his devil fruit, then he'll use it as much as possible, so instead of dodging, he'd rather defend himself using his strings.

Inside the white cocoon, Doflamingo could feel the heat entering the cocoon and if this continues any longer, the cocoon would burn itself, so he'd have to think of a plan to escape this situation.

Since he would only use his devil fruit, then he'll also avoid using his Ring, specifically the Ring of Power.


The cocoon suddenly shuddered as Doflamingo guessed that the Dragon must've used its claws to try to pry open the cocoon.

Deciding that hiding would be in vain, and since he's holding back by a lot, he might have a hard time defeating his enemy.

[A/N: Reread the previous paragraphs if you're gonna complain that I nerfed him or some shit. I'm tired of explaining simple things to y'all.]

Waiting for the right time, Doflamingo's ears picked up a swishing sound coming towards his cocoon, and right exactly where the moment the dragon's claws were about to strike the cocoon, sharp spikes suddenly protruded from the cocoon, penetrating the Dragon's hand.


At the same time, the worm was also struck by these spikes.

Removing the cocoon, Doflamingo was met with the Dragons penetrating glare at him.


He could see the blazing fire slowly forming in its mouths and any moment now, it would be released on him.

"Not on my watch!" Doflamingo muttered as just before the Dragon could release his flames, Doflamingo immediately conjured a hammer made from strings and smashed it on the Dragon's jaw.



Just in time for the dragon's mouth to be shut, it accidentally released its flames inside its mouth.

"Now, I wonder which one of you is actually Ku`ar." Doflamingo said as he turned to look at the worm and saw that the cocoon's spikes actually penetrated through its head, meaning that the worm actually died from such a simple attack.

"I'm assuming you're Ku`ar." Doflamingo then turned to look at the dragon or Ku`ar from now on.

"That's it, human! You'll be honored to die from my hands!" Surprisingly, Ku`ar actually spoke!

Doflamingo was surprised. "Wait, you can speak?" Doflamingo was actually taken aback! Who knew that he'd found a dragon who could actually speak to him!

"Hmph! I don't speak to a dead man." Ku`ar arrogantly spoke.

"Well, if you're not speaking to dead people, then it's no wonder you can't hold a conversation with someone as alive and vibrant as me" Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and said, making Ku`ar growl.

"Raahhh!" This time, Ku`ar's flames were so intense that the entire area was burned down by his flames alone.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo just conjured a giant shield in front of him to protect himself from the flames.


"What? Ku`ar was awakened from his deep sleep!" Inside a spacious hall full of plant life and even a giant tree behind the throne, a beautiful woman with pointy ears was shocked when she heard the report of the elf in front of her.

"Yes, your Majesty. It also seems like someone is fighting Ku`ar!" The elf shuddered while reporting. He's one of the few people who has witnessed Ku`ar might and how he has devastated several villages during his wake.

"Who is this person?"

"We don't have the knowledge about the attacker except that he looks like a human."

"Humans? You mean those weaklings in Midgard?" The Queen asked for confirmation. The last time she visited Midgard, all men were immediately struck by her beauty and even the king of a kingdom was ready to throw all of his treasures just to have her as his wife. Unfortunately, she's not interested in weaklings, only the strong.

"It appears that it is, your Majesty." The elf replied with a bow.

"It seems like I would have to see this person to myself. And if he's indeed strong, then I would have finally found myself a perfect slave!" In the realm of Alfheim, the Queen prefers to have slaves rather than having a husband due to her superior personality.

In her eyes, men are weak and should kneel before her beauty. They're nothing but a bunch of lustful pests.

"Prepare my carriage!"

"Yes, your Majesty!"


Back to Doflamingo, he was standing on top of Ku`ar while the dragon himself was having a hard time moving due to the strings that were wrapped around his entire body.

"Release me this instant, human!"

"Unless you say please then I won't." Meanwhile, Doflamingo was having a fun time playing with the dragon. If only he could, he wanted to take Ku`ar as his pet, but it would only cause chaos on Earth since Dragons were supposed to be myths.

"I won't say that! I'm the mighty Dragon! We bow to no one!" Ku`ar proudly said with his arrogance still lingering around his face.

"Then, I guess the mighty Dragon would serve as my meal. I'm quite hungry by now, you know?" Doflamingo said with a ferocious glint in his as if he was a predator and Ku`ar is his prey.

'W-what's with humans nowadays? Back then they used to fear and worship us.' Ku`ar thought to himself as finally relented and hesitantly spoke.

"P-please." The dragon whispered which was heard by Doflamingo however, he still wanted to tease the dragon a little.

"Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you!" Doflamingo then mockingly closed the gap between his ears and the dragon.

'This human is going overboard! But...' As much as Ku`ar wanted to kill the human in front of him, however he can't do so because of the bindings.

"P-please release me!"

"Good boy!" Doflamingo patted Ku`ar's scale before all the strings snaked towards the dragon's neck and converged, forming into something similar to a collar.

"W-what is this, what have you done human!" Ku`ar noticed that he seems to have lost his strength to resist the human in front of him.

With a deadly grin, Doflamingo said. "You're my friend now."






[Don't worry, the Elf Queen is just a stepping stone for Doflamingo to take over Alfheim.]

You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.