
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Filem
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158 Chs

Ch. 109 - Fighting the mutants

"W-who are you? How did you know my name?" Rogue tried to squeeze herself in the corner just to stay away from Doflamingo while at the same time, her hand was already on the edge of her glove, ready to release her powers to the man in front of her, just in case.

"No need to be afraid, Miss Rogue. My presence here is to help you." Doflamingo tried to calm her down, which he succeeded in doing so and when she did, he finally introduced himself.

"My name is Donquixote Doflamingo, you can call me Doffy for short." Doflamingo offers his hand for Rogue to shake which she did after a moment of hesitation.

"This woman beside me is my gir-.... Bethrothed, Hela Odinsdottir." Doflamingo stuttered a bit as he corrected himself, though it earned him a slight chuckle from Rogue.

"Bethrothed? Who uses that word nowadays?" Rogue said, while still chuckling.

'It's not my fault that Hela found the word girlfriend or fiance too 'Unwarrior' like, so she insisted on the word Bethrothed.' Doflamingo complained inside his mind however, he doesn't want to voice it out or else Hela would swoon over him again and 'punish' him later in bed.

As much as he wanted that but Hela was simply a monster in bed, especially when she released a loud growl that scared the children in the hotel a few days ago.

"It's just a word, no need to fret about it." Doflamingo waved his hand in front of her, and just when he thought that things started going the right way, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

"Mind giving me the seat, bub? I need to talk to her." The infamous Wolverine finally showed himself.

"I'm sorry dude. But I'm still talking to her." Doflamingo already detected him far away from the train, however he doesn't want to give Wolverine his chance to convince Rogue to go back to Xavier, he wants to be the one to do it.

"I wasn't asking." 3 sharp claws then popped out of his knuckles, attempting to intimidate Doflamingo as he thought that he's just a normal human.

"Those cat claws won't scare anyone, Logan." Doflamingo said as he stared at his eyes.

"Who are you?" Wolverine's eyes were wide open when he heard Doflamingo calling out his name.

"My name is Donquixote Doflamingo, call me Doffy. I'm just here to help you guys, Magneto has sent his goons to capture Rogue."

"We don't need you, we can handle them just fine." Wolverine then proceeded to grab Rogue's hand to lead her out of here.

Doflamingo just let Wolverine bring her out of the train, he knew that Rogue would eventually be kidnapped by Magneto's men and he decided to save her at the time of distress.

Which will increase his chances of earning Professor X's favor.

"That's it? We'll just let her go just like that?" Hela complained, however Doflamingo soon explained to her about his plan.

"That's a good plan but take note of the possibility of failure." Hela told him.


Just when Rogue and Wolverine were about to leave the train, it suddenly stopped, throwing most people across the train while the lights were kept stuttering.

Wolverine knew that something was wrong and he was right when the metals on the train suddenly started moving while at the end of the train, a huge hole opened up.

Wolverine watched in both curiosity and caution as Magneto came flying in with all of his glory.

"You must be Wolverine."

Wolverine released his metallic claws, shocking the nearby people as they realized that he's a mutant.

And just when Wolverine was about to attack Magneto, Magneto suddenly raised his hand, stopping Wolverine's movement.

"That remarkable metal doesn't run through your body, does it?" Magneto asked in questioning.

Magneto then manipulated the metal on Wolverine's body, rendering his movements. While at the same time, Magneto was separating the metal claws on Wolverine's knuckles.

"What do you want from me?" Wolverine asks after a growl of pain.

"You? I want nothing to do with you?" Magneto revealed, as Wolverine had the look of realization.

But just when he was about to respond, Magneto suddenly threw him across the train, knocking him on the wall.

Rogue also realized this so she tried to run away but Magneto threw an injection towards her neck.

Just when the injection was about to stab her, a hand suddenly grabbed the item and snapped it.


"You must be Magneto." Doflamingo finally decided to interfere as he looked at Magneto with amusement on his face.

"And who are you, boy?" Magneto asked in return, however his confidence in his strength made him too arrogant to consider Doflamingo as his enemy.

"Just a travelling man." Doflamingo smiled as his finger whipped and countless strings suddenly flew towards Magneto.

Magneto reacted in time and used the metals around him to form a barrier in front of him, however what he didn't realize was that the strings suddenly changed directions and weaved on the sides of the metal barrier before tying Magneto.

"You are a mutant, did Charles secretly send you?" Despite being tied by the strings, Magneto remained confident in his strength as he asked Doflamingo while manipulating the metals to slice the strings that were tying him.


However, the metals not only did no damage, but also received damage from the strings.

"What the?" Just when Magneto was about to up his strength, Doflamingo suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him on the chest.


Magneto's entire body has flown outside the train and collided with the walls of the train station.

Fortunately for Magneto, he was wearing a thick metal on his entire body, so he still managed to stand after a moment of pain.

Unknown to him, Doflamingo hasn't used all of his strength in that punch as he wanted to make Rogue see that he's here to help.

So that when they go back, Rogue would tell Charles the story of how he became their knight in shining armor.

"Cough! What the hell?" Magneto coughed up some blood as he tries to analyze what kind of abilities Doflamingo has.

Seeing that Doflamingo was just standing there, probably waiting for something, Magneto took this chance to lift the train up as he rotated it vertically, similar to Titanic when its about to sink.

"Let's see if you can save those people, foolish child." Magneto said before dropping the entire train.

However, contrary to his expectation, the train suddenly stopped moving and remained constant in the air.

"You're too arrogant, Magneto." Doflamingo suddenly walked outside of the train, disregarding the fact that it was floating in the air while the people inside were screaming.

Fortunately, Wolverine managed to get up in time and helped the humans get out of the train safely.

"Who are you, really?" Magneto started having doubts on whether the man in front of him is Charles's student or not. After all, he knew that each of Charles's students have a good heart and won't just let those people scream in fear and not help them.

"I told you, I'm just a passerby." Doflamingo raised his hand and said as Magneto manipulated the metals near Doflamingo and tried encasing him inside it.

"Too slow." Doflamingo dodged all of this without sweating a bit, making Magneto gulp in nervousness.

"You're too arrogant for your own good, Magneto. Your power has blinded you." Doflamingo said and suddenly, his ears perked up and dodged sideways just in time for an elongated tongue to snap on his previous position.

"Roaaarr!" A huge and beastly man suddenly came dropping in from the ceiling and tried to slash Doflamingo with his long and sharp nails.

Too bad for him, Doflamingo already knew his position long ago, so he just swiftly kicked him towards Toad's position.


"How about you guys fight my wife over there." Doflamingo said while pointing at the madly grinning Hela.

Magneto took this chance of distraction to throw a bunch of large metals towards Doflamingo.

However, Doflamingo kept on dodging everything to the point that Magneto suspected him of having the ability to see the future, which he is not wrong but he's not using that ability in this kind of situation.

Seeing that there's no way for him to win just like this, he tried to persuade Doflamingo.

"Let's stop! How about joining our cause, I could make you my second hand man. With our powers combined those homo-sapiens would be begging us in their knees." Unfortunately for Magneto, his words meant shit in front of Doflamingo.

Though he could understand why Magneto wanted to rule the world and make Mutants the superior race, but that doesn't make him any better than the humans that persecuted him and besides, he's here to earn Charles's favour and he doubted Magneto could help him find a ring that could be found somewhere throughout the world.

"Sorry, not interested." Doflamingo shrugged his shoulders and said slowly walking towards Magneto.

Knowing that persuation is not effective, Magneto has no choice but to escape here first, anyways, this mission has failed and not only he didn't get his target but he also can't save Toad and Sabretooth.

"Where do you think you're going, old man?" Doflamingo smiled and asked while Magneto suddenly felt something entering inside him and it was too late for him to react.

"What did you do to me?" Magneto suddenly had a bad premonition and Doflamingo has proven him right.

"Nothing much." Doflamingo said casually while his finger made sudden movements that soon his body followed.

'He controlled my body?' This time, Magneto knew that he had offended someone he shouldn't have. And now he's gonna regret it.

"Please stop!"

"C-charles?" While trying to resist the control of his body, Magneto knew that only Charles could save him right now.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.