
Chapter 1 [Bambi]

"World War Zero or the last War to end all of the wars.

It was the war between the new races the humans and the faithful.

I call it World War Shit hit the fan.

Now I'm usually pretty good at staying neutral ya know I stay in my very nice underground house. My impenetrable shield making it damn hard from outsiders to come busting in. However what I was not prepared for was THE WAR TO COME TO MY DOORSTEP like WHO THE HELL thought it was a good idea to drop LANDMINES FROM THE MOTHERFLIPPING SKY probably the human side those cockroaches always thinking of new pesticides. Anyway God and all the other cults became one SUPER cult called the Faithful. The humans probably had a name but most just call them Intense Atheists and the New Races didn't really speak any earthen languages and they'd kill you before you'd ask them. However the people who just don't care (aka me) stay neutral because most sides have lame excuses that we just don't want to hear. The wars have been going on for a while ever since people learned that they're not the only intelligent species(humans) they went kinda batshit crazy. The Faithful kept saying I knew it! Most of the world was scared and the New races didn't have very pretty mugs they were definitely not Edwards or Brad Pitts but humans were given the shock of the century! They just couldn't rest with the thought of not horribly torturing the already confused New Races.

So all the New Races resisited the Faithful thought they were like Fallen whatevers and humans started this so that's how they practically destroyed the world. I however lived a very quiet life very peaceful."

"Are you still listening!"

"Yes mam!"

"Ok back to the part where they were destroying my property I went out there and gave them a warning. Just a few nukes very low firepower just to start off with."

"What are nukes?"

"Hush later."

"Anyway they saw that as an act of aggression and they hunted me down for a while and I hate hide and seek so I decided to just openly fight.

They got really pissy and then I lost consciousness and ended up exploding from within. Now my question to you is how am I here and depending on your answer I might skin you or just eat you or both"

The man I'd been talking to hurriedly rushed,

"Ok I don't know a lot but I do know that you got on this carriage willingly I was paid 5 Gold kells by you! To be taken to Yulivey then you had started to like shake and throwing yourself around I helped you up then you held my knife to my throat and started to rant about a war. Am I going to die?"

Hmm he dosent seem to be lying but then again I'm almost useless rig-

"What is that?" I pointed to above his head.

"Huh?" He looked up and with in surprise flashing in his eyes said exasperated.

"What my name tag?"

"Explain." I kneed him in the gut I don't like attitude.

Coughing he said"The name tag it's given by your parents it also acts as your identification. If you look up you'll see yours-"He pauses and looks at the blank space above my head.

"Well I don't know what's up with yours because you had one like a second ago."

"What was the name?"


"Stupid name."

"Uggh can I go miss if it's really bothering ya here." Coins dropped from nowhere and onto my hand. As I was getting ready to dodge they disappeared. Like in thin air but not.

"Take me to the closest settlement of your species."

He eyes me in suspicion and I quickly leak some killing intent. Making him jump into the drivers seat while I check my hand for any marks and aha fortunately it's still here.

My hollow space or for short Holo I quickly press on my elbow and see that my original stockpile was still safe. However there was and odd addition in my mind called 'System'.

Wary I click on it and soon a stat board comes out of thin air.In the middle of the screen it had a name card option I choose [Random] for the hell of it. It quickly flashes green and in the name section stands a name in white [Bambi]

"The fuck!"