
The Citadel IX

"Let her go!" Sampson orders pulling out his pistol and aiming it at the thug.

Distracting him long enough to allow Garrus to pop out of his cover, taking the thug by surprise and drilling him between the eyes with a well-placed pistol shot.

Causing the other two thugs to take cover further in the med-clinic and begin a firefight with the team as Garrus pushes the doctor behind a half wall for cover.

The firefight is quick as the trigger discipline and aim of the thugs leave much to be desired, allowing the trained alliance soldiers to take them down with ease.

Once the fighting ends, Garrus comes up to the team, not noticing Sampson's scowl, "Perfect timing Sampson. Couldn't have gotten a clean shot at that bastard without your help."

"What were you thinking?! You could've hit the hostage!" Sampson yells in a rage at Garrus' reckless actions.

"There wasn't time to think! I just reacted. I didn't mean to- Dr. Michel? Are you hurt?!" Garrus asks in concern, turning to the doctor.

"No. I'm okay. Thanks to you. All of you." Michel says, turning to everyone with a relieved smile.

"I know those men threatened you. But if you tell us who they work for, we can protect you." Sampson promises.

"They work for Fist. They wanted to shut me up, keep me from telling Garrus about the quarian." Michel explains.

"Does this have anything to do with the investigation into Saren?" Sapphire asks.

"I think it might. Dr. Michel, tell us what happened." Garrus asks.

"A few days ago, a quarian came by my office. She'd been shot, but she wouldn't tell me who did it. I could tell she was scared, probably on the run." Michel answers nervously before continuing, "She asked me about the Shadow Broker. She wanted to trade information in exchange for a safe place to hide."

"Do you know where she is now?" Sampson asks with interest.

"I put her in contact with Fist. He's an agent for the Shadow Broker." Michel answers.

"Not anymore. Now he works for Saren and the Shadow Broker isn't too happy about it." Garrus comments.

"Fist betrayed the Shadow Broker? That's stupid, even for him. Saren must have made him quite the offer." Michel adds in disbelief.

"That quarian must have something Saren wants! Something worth crossing the Shadow Broker." Garrus exclaims, smacking his fist into his open palm.

"What else can you tell me about the quarian?" Sampson questions.

"I'm not sure. Like I said, she wanted to trade information for a place to hide. She didn't… Wait a minute! Geth! Her information had something to do with the geth!" Michel exclaims in shock.

"She must be able to link Saren to the geth. There's no way the Council can ignore this!" Garrus says in righteous vindication.

"Then I think it's high time we paid Fist a visit." Sampson suggest getting ready to leave the clinic.

"This is your show, Sampson. But I want to bring Saren down as much as you do! I'm coming with you!" Garrus declares adamantly.

"You're a turian. Why do you want to bring him down so badly?" Sapphire questions him wearily.

"I couldn't find the proof I needed in my investigation. But I knew what was really going on! Saren's a traitor to the Council, and a disgrace to my people!" Garrus tells her emotionally.

"Well, I think having one more gun couldn't hurt for what's ahead." Sampson says extending a hand to Garrus while Sapphire still gives him an uneasy look.

"Thank you, Commander, you won't regret this. But, if it's guns you're looking for, we aren't the only ones going after Fist. The Shadow Broker hired a krogan bounty hunter named Wrex to take him out." Garrus explains.

"Yeah, we saw him in the bar. " Ashley says with a rub of her neck.

"A krogan could definitely come in handy." Sampson adds after some thought.

"Last I heard, he was at the C-Sec Academy." Garrus explains.

"What's he doing there?" Sapphire asks in confusion.

"Fist accused him of making threats. We brought Wrex in for a little talk. If you hurry, you can catch him at the academy before he leaves. Though, I just wish an old associate of mine was around, he'd love to help us with something like this, but last I heard he was off station on a job." Garrus explains with a reluctant grimace.

"That's unfortunate, Williams, Rendevous with Alenko and monitor Chora's Den until we arrive. Let's go get us a Krogan." Sampson says splitting the team once more before rushing down to the elevator that leads directly to the academy from the Wards.

While in the elevator a story plays, catching everyone's attention.

[Unconfirmed reports of raids into Batarian territory continue to pour in, with the culprit assumed to be the Mercenary Company Void Guardians, the Batarian Hegemony categorically deny that such raids have taken place and accuse Council Space Media Outlets of perpetuating the spread of gossip and false new. While a representative of the Void Guardians has stated they cannot comment on active operations without the approval of their contractor, and that any freeing of illegally obtained indentured servants by any citizen is within the bounds of commonly accepted galactic law. In other news, several thousand victims of piracy have been returning to their homeworlds in droves.]

There, Garrus, Sampson, and Sapphire, see the red-crested krogan they had previously seen in the bar, but a strange species is standing beside him causing Garrus' eyes to widen in shock as the human C-Sec officer addresses the krogan.

"Witnesses saw you making threats in Fist's bar. Stay away from him." The officer warns.

"I don't take orders from you." The krogan replies defiantly before the strange alien pats his shoulder causing him to calm down, at least a little.

"Easy mate, you can't accomplish your mission with C-Sec up your arse." The alien warns.

"This is your only warning, Wrex. And Conrad, you've been an excellent help, but the goodwill you've accumulated only goes so far. This will cost you if you insert yourself in another investigation." The C-Sec officer warns.

"You should warn Fist. I will kill him." Wrex growls deeply.

"Do you want me to arrest you?" The C-Sec officer asks with a scowl.

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