
Marvel: Zenith

Michael Maurice Johnson is a 13 year old boy. He's very intelligent and comes from a advanced version of Earth. But one thing this version of Earth has in common with ours is the comics and movies. Marvel is his favorite. One day he finds a character creation menu survey and something unexpected happens. I found the cover on Pinterest if you know who drew it please put it in the comments because this is AMAzING (spider-man pun AND OMG I LOVED NO WAY HOME!) Also I'm making this because I'm on break and I feel good after passing ALL OF MY FINAL EXAMS!!! And because I know how it feels to not have anymore good fanfics to read because the author goes on hiatus, or because you've read all of them. So that being said. Do NOT expect regular uploads. I will try to keep the word count to at least 1000 but it may not be there every chapter. Now lets get into it.

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Survey To The Next Life

*Would you like to complete a survey on what you would wish for if you were being reincarnated?*

Michael was sitting in his king size luxurious bed scrolling through the internet on his quantum laptop. Because of the advanced technology in it there was no latency, faster processing, little to no download time, etc. He had built the thing himself. He was VERY smart if you couldn't tell by now.

Enough of the filler though. As Michael sat in his bed he came across a good looking website that asked him to create his ideal character for any world. So....he got to work.

World: Marvel/MCU

Name: Michael Maurice Johnson

Appearance: (Cover but I'll post the image here too just in case I change the cover)

Background: Billionaire parents that love and care for their children. 2 siblings. One sister, and an older brother. Born May 24th, 2001. (1 day before Peter Parker...I'm using his comic birthday. Not sure if it's the same as the movies. Also this will be based on the MCU but if you guys want I can add in some comic characters after doing some research on them. Miles Morales is definitely going to be in here. Harry...I'll leave that up to you guys, but enough spoilers.)

Sister will look like this:

Brother will look like this:

IQ: 300

Talents: Academics, Sports, Martial Arts, Dancing, Singing, Music, Acting, Directing, Drawing, Animation, Editing, Photography, Business, Mystic Arts (Should I have him learn from the Ancient One? It just feels forced in so many fanfics) Chi Manipulation


Spider zenith Serum- Invisibility, Chi/Bio-electricity manipulation, Vast Chi/Bio-electricity levels, Enhanced Senses, Superhuman Strength (70 Tons), Superhuman Speed (120 Mph), Organic Spider Web (With Varieties and Web Manipulation, Spider Sense, Electrostatic Force Manipulation (ability to stick to surfaces), Superhuman Endurance (Can handle a 50% hit from Thor without Mjolnir and btw this is all at the beginning he can still grow.)

Perfect Oz Serum: Add 30 tons and 30 mph to strength and speed. Add 10% to endurance, and increase brain functions by 2 times (NOT IQ).

Purple Aura: Gives a purple special affect to all energy related abilities, and magic. Purple Flame, Purple Forcefield, Purple Tactical Telekinesis.

World Map: A map of the world with EVERYTHING mapped on it. (Including Wakanda. But only locations of landmarks not peoples locations.) (Can expand during Intergalactic Exploration if I ever do involve this in the story.)

Ultimate Skill Beelzebuth, Lord Of Gluttony (Symbiote Form): This is only for him to absorb energy and new powers. He will not be able to one shot and swallow enemies with this. This will be in the form of a symbiote so it can absorb properties of stuff it eats then cover his body like a layer of armor.

Increased Comprehension

Nigh-Perfect Control

Power Anchor: Powers can't be stolen nor replicated from DNA

Man of Mystery: Any form of DNA, Fingerprint, Retna Scan, Vocal Recognition, can not be used to identify me by hostile forces.

What age do you want to develop them?: 1 second

What personality: Calm, Charming, Easy-Going

What City Do You Want To Be Born In?: Queens, Duh Dummy.

Creation Complete.

Final Question

How would you like to die?

1. Heart Attack

2. Truck-sama

3. ROB-samas lightning bolt

4. Pizza Delivery Guy With A Slip That You Have To Sign

5. Ash Kaash Sucking The Sou-

"I think I'll take number 5."

p out of her noodles as Shang Tsung Sucks Your Soul Out




Have Fun Michael!

"Wait What? When did this thing become an A-!" all of a sudden the room became dead silent as Michael's body stiffened.

Why you may ask? Because and old asian man appeared in the corner of the room. And a beautiful, thick, voluptiou- *cough* beautiful young lady was sitting in the corner slurping some soup out of some noodles as she looked around. When Michael heard...

"Your soul is MINE!"


Michael tried to cry out for help but to no avail. His soul was already being sucked out by another man. Pause. And he was already being reborn.