
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! With the power of technological development, I will be the strongest person in the universe. There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. Link patreon: patreon.com/writer999 There are already 300,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

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88 Chs

067 Gas Pulser! Pikachu?

(2650 word)

After this nanomaterial is condensed into subatomic form, it can be placed in a specially designed cobweb container.

The cobweb container is activated by a variable frequency electric current.

The subatomic cobweb solution can be instantly released from the container and undergo continuous changes, eventually transforming into cobweb.

First, it instantly transforms from subatomic to atomic, and then from atomic to gas.

The gas undergoes intense friction with the atmosphere at high speeds, and the heat causes the spiderweb material to rapidly transition from gas to liquid.

The liquid quickly solidifies into a solid, resulting in the final cobweb.

Although the process seems complex, the transformations actually occur in an instant.

Spiderweb is in a liquid state at normal temperatures and only becomes cobweb when the spiderweb material generates heat through intense friction with the atmosphere at high speeds.

This makes it easy to store in small containers, allowing for a large quantity of pure cobweb.

Additionally, after a period of time, the spiderweb will melt and disappear on its own, without causing any environmental impact.

Looking at the general direction on his document.

Adam spoke up, "Next, we need to find the corresponding materials."

Inside the glass box beside him.

Little Spider-Man obediently stayed inside, watching Adam like this.

Adam planned to take Little Spider-Man to Osborn tomorrow for a more detailed examination and testing.

His equipment here was ultimately not as complete as Osborn's.

Especially the testing equipment.

Adam said, "You can play in this room, but you can't go out, understand?"

Upon hearing Adam's words, Little Spider-Man nodded.

But it didn't move, just quietly stayed there, watching Adam.

Regarding this, Luo didn't say anything either.

Instead, he began his own research.

He started by researching the properties of a large number of materials and quickly screening them to find materials that met the criteria, and then conducting experiments and matching them.

His brain worked rapidly, and his hands were busy.

Tapping the keyboard, using instruments, his speed was so fast that one could almost see afterimages.

After a few hours.


successfully produced version 1.0 of the initial cobweb solution.

It could be compressed to a subatomic state and, when shot out, instantly transform into cobweb, sticking to the target.

The stickiness was extremely strong.

And it had great toughness.

The only drawback was that after transforming into cobweb, it was extremely afraid of flames, which could easily burn through the cobweb.

However, Adam was already very satisfied.

After all, this was just the initial version of the cobweb solution he had spent a few hours creating.

Adam held a special test tube.

Inside the special test tube lay a silver liquid, resembling mercury.

He gently shook the test tube and looked quite satisfied, saying, "Very good, I've made version 1.0 of the cobweb solution."

"Next, I'll make the web shooters and then compress this solution to a subatomic level and inject it into the web shooters."

"In that case, the web shooters will also need special materials." Adam murmured.

To compress a large amount of solution to a subatomic level and store it in a container, the compressive strength of this container also had to be exceptionally high.

Adam needed to find a special material with such high compressive strength.

But this kind of thing was relatively easy to find in the Marvel world, with various alloys and super fibers.

In the end, Adam chose an alloy material specifically used to make exoskeleton armor from HYDRA's data.

It was more than enough to serve as a container for the cobweb solution.

"The container material is easy to solve, and the button for the shooter is relatively easy to solve as well."

The shooter button is not a switch of some kind, but a power switch.

The power switch connects to the shooter's mainboard CPU, which changes the frequency and power output of the electric current through electronic frequency conversion and transfers the electric current to the cobweb container.

Different electric currents can produce different webbing forms.

"The slightly more difficult part to solve is how to shoot things out."

"I need to create a powerful pushing device to shoot the solution out at high speed."

"I need to create a gas pulse, similar to the principle of an air cannon."

"The air cannon shoots out like a smoke ring, and it rotates, similar to the spider principle."

"By using a gas pulse, the cobweb liquid can be released at high speed, and in the high-speed friction, it transforms into cobweb."


"Then, using high-energy materials to generate extremely high electricity, creating a pulse force that allows the spiderweb to be shot out at a speed surpassing that of a normal bullet."

"I need to make a gas pulse device."

"But this thing is a bit difficult to make, I estimate it will take some effort."

The gas pulse device utilizes the principle of air power.

The working medium is air, consisting of a differential pressure device and a fast exhaust valve that can achieve automatic control, instantly converting air pressure into air jet kinetic energy, thereby generating a powerful impact force.

Adam immediately immersed himself in the development of the gas pulse generator.

He began designing various components of the gas pulse generator, including the gas pulse body (including the jet component), three-way solenoid valves, gas pulse controller, and blowing pipe.

Time passed quickly.

Soon enough.

It was already three o'clock in the morning.

Adam was also tired and decided to take a rest.

After all, he had been staying up late for a while, and even with his extraordinary physique, he couldn't bear it.

"It seems that I still need to put some effort into this gas pulse generator to complete it. I'll work on it tomorrow when I have time."

Inside the glass box next to him.

Little Spider-Man had already fallen asleep.

Adam went upstairs and took a nap.

The next morning.

Adam woke up refreshed, as if he had regained a new lease on life.

He yawned, "Feels great. Although I only slept for a few hours, I feel completely restored."

He stretched his muscles and bones, making crisp cracking sounds.

"Next, it's time to perform surgery on el."

He immediately went downstairs.

klaue had already prepared breakfast because he knew Adam had a big appetite and needed high-nutrient food.

It was a breakfast specially made for Adam.

klaue looked at Adam coming downstairs and smiled, "You're up."

Adam nodded.

Elizabeth was lying on the sofa, still yawning, looking completely unawake.

"Good morning, big brother." Even her greeting seemed lackluster.

She yawned again, with tears in her eyes.

el touched her belly, "Daddy, Elizabeth is a little hungry."

klaue spoke, "Your big brother will treat you later. Don't eat for now."

el drooped her head, "Okay."

Then, el asked, "What illness are you going to treat me for?"

"To cure your congenital heart disease and asthma."

"After that, you will be comfortable and be able to play and jump around like a normal child."

Upon hearing this, Elizabeth's eyes lit up, instantly becoming spirited.

She looked at Adam with anticipation, "Big brother, can you really cure my illness?"

Adam sat at the dining table and nodded, "Don't worry, soon you will be just like everyone else."

Elizabeth continued, "Then can I practice fighting like you and dad? Can I use a gun 🤩 ?"

(Children's dreams these days are very strange😂😂😂)

"I want to become as powerful as my big brother and dad."

Adam nodded, "Definitely. As long as you're willing, you can do whatever you want in the future."

el's eyes sparkled, raising her hands high, "That's great! Elizabeth is so happy!"

Adam finished his food and took el to a surgery room in the basement.

At this moment, little Spider-Man sneaked along and hid behind the door, secretly watching.

Adam naturally noticed the presence of the little Spider-Man.

In addition, he discovered something.

He had a strange connection with little Spider-Man. Whenever he saw it or was in close proximity, he could sense it.

Adam suspected that this was a unique ability among Spider-Men, called Spider Telepathy.

Spider-Men could sense other Spider-Men.

Although little Spider-Man wasn't exactly a Spider-Man, in a certain sense, it might possess the abilities and intelligence of a Spider-Man, as well as great strength.

So, even if the other party had Spider Telepathy, Adam wasn't particularly curious.

What Adam was curious about was at what point little Spider-Man became different from the others.

Feeling little Spider-Man sneaking around, Adam helplessly said, "Alright, stop peeking and come out to watch."

"From now on, you can move around the entire basement."

Little Spider-Man heard this and quickly ran out, sticking to the wall, watching Adam and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth saw that little Spider-Man wasn't afraid at all, but rather curious, and widened her eyes.

Seeing el's expression, Adam's eyes twitched.

This girl is truly fearless and bold.

Elizabeth spoke up, "It seems like it can understand what you're saying too!"

"Can I be friends with it?"

Adam said, "It's my experiment, it's a very clever little Spider-Man."

"As long as it's willing, you can be friends."

"Alright, Elizabeth, we're going to start now."

Adam quickly lay down obediently.


Adam began to treat El.

The surgery lasted for two hours.

After two hours of precise treatment.

Adam's forehead was covered in tiny beads of sweat.


Adam completed the surgery.

Elizabeth's complexion also became rosy.

The effect was immediate.

el woke up from anesthesia.

When she woke up, she exclaimed in astonishment, "Big brother, I no longer have the feeling of palpitations!"

Her eyes sparkled.

Adam nodded, "Because your illness has been cured."

El asked, "What about my asthma?"

Adam nodded, "It's also cured."

Elizabeth quickly hugged Adam and kissed him on the face, saying, "Thank you, big brother!"

She waved her fists and exclaimed, "From now on, I will become as amazing as big brother and dad."

Adam couldn't help but smile.

Elizabeth looked at the little Spider-Man beside her and asked, "Little Spider-Man, do you want to be friends with Elizabeth?"

"Dad can make a lot of delicious food for you."

She looked at little Spider-Man expectantly and raised her hand in the air.

As a result, little Spider-Man was startled and took several steps back.

Elizabeth saw this and felt disappointed, "Don't you want to be friends with Elizabeth?"

Adam patted Elizabeth's head, "It looks like it's just timid."

"Just spend more time together in the future."

"Alright, I'll take you up now to make your dad happy."

After saying that, Adam took Elizabeth upstairs.

Seeing his daughter with a healthier complexion, Klaue became extremely happy and excited.

He hugged Adam excitedly and expressed his gratitude.

Seeing Klaue and Adam in such a happy state, Adam also felt warm in his heart.

Adam said, "Alright, you and El go and have fun, I won't go down to work."

Klaue quickly said, "You're busy, you don't need to worry about us."

Immediately, Klaue took Elizabeth to play games in the yard, jumping and bouncing happily.

This was the first time Klaue had played like this with his daughter.

After all, his daughter couldn't engage in vigorous activities before due to her heart disease and asthma.

Seeing the two outside, Adam finally had a smile on his face.

He watched for a while, then went downstairs.

"Next, I'll make my spider launcher in one go."

Adam went to the basement.

He continued his work.

One component after another was completed.

Submerging pulse valve, a diaphragm-type submerging pulse valve used to automatically start the gas pulse generator.


Gas pulse controller, a microcontroller with timing setting and multiple function cobweb release, used to control the pulse generator's action interval or control the corresponding program for releasing multiple cobwebs.


Gas pulse pipeline fittings, including air filters, pressure regulators, oil misters, etc.

Production completed!

Pipeline check valve, to prevent a decrease in air pressure due to inflation pipeline issues.

Production completed!

One hour.

A small and delicate wristband-style Web Shooters is complete!

Like a beautiful bracelet, with a pure metallic texture, as black as ink.

Seeing this, Adam is very happy, a sense of accomplishment arises.

Conquering and creating something new is so joyful.

"Finally completed."

"Next, let's try it."

He uses a subatomic compressor to compress the cobweb solution to a subatomic level, then injects it into the Web Shooters.

He puts on the launcher.

Immediately activates the controller.


A strand of white silk shoots towards the ceiling.

Instantly sticking to it.

Adam pulls on it and instantly rushes towards the ceiling.

Both hands stick to the ceiling, and he is stuck to it.

Adam looks at the launcher, feeling excited: "Not bad, worthy of something I developed."

"Let's try again."

He constantly shoots cobweb in different directions, constantly spreading throughout the room, shooting here and there.


Adam lands on the ground, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"In the future, when I'm in a hurry, I can save more effort and be more versatile."

"Afterwards, I can further adjust the formula of the spider solution, making it more fireproof, acid-proof, and insulating, making it more resilient."

At the same time.

He shoots again.

Instantly, what shoots out is not just a strand of cobweb, but a spider web that can be used to capture others.

Web Shooters can shoot cobwebs with different functions.

It can also shoot thicker rope-like cobwebs, or cobwebs that can automatically bend to bind others, and so on.

After testing is complete.

Adam's gaze falls on little Spider-Man.

"Next, I'll take you to Osborn Corporation for testing."

"At the same time, I'll have some custom exercise equipment made for myself at Osborn Corporation for overload training."

"Let's go."

The spider immediately jumps onto Adam.

And crawls into his shirt pocket.

So, Adam sets off.

With his standard accessories, a fisherman's hat and sunglasses, he drives towards Osborn Corporation.

Adam arrives at Osborn Corporation.

He walks towards the laboratory with little Spider-Man, walking in the hallway of the laboratory.

Little Spider-Man even pops out a little head, curiously looking around.

At this moment.

At the corner of the hallway, the door opens, and Kurt rushes out, excitedly saying, "Boss, boss! We've figured out the formula for the healing medicine!"

Suddenly appearing Kurt startles little Spider-Man.

Then, in the shocked eyes of Adam and Kurt.

Little Spider-Man emits an electric current.

And charges straight towards Kurt!

A scream, Kurt is sent flying!

Crashing into the door!

Adam widens his eyes.


Did he unintentionally create a Pikachu?!


There are 40 more chapters in Patreon. 

Go read them and support me if you want more chapters. 

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Add power stones to make more people see this fic. please 🙏🥺


I hope you like the chapter 😊❤️😊