
MARVEL : My mom is a ninja, so am i???

The story centers around a boy who has been reincarnated and as a result, can't remember who he is.   The last thing he remembers before dying is fighting with his friend about which superhero franchise is better. The next thing he knows, he has been reborn as Zen Shade, a half- black, half- Japanese kid.   Let’s just say as soon as he gets shot out of the womb, shit hits the fan. His new mom is not ordinary. She takes out ninjas with a magic sword right after giving birth. Zen thinks she is a badass and does not want to get on her bad side. After being born, he moves to New York and sees the Avengers’ Tower. He later realized he has been reincarnated in the Marvel world. The first fourteen years of his life were pretty chill. He learns a whole lot of shit from his mom from sword fighting to Qui control to martial arts even medicine and poisoning and he even gets a special sword that can cut through anything. BUT!!!! One Day, he is at the bank that a super villain tries to rob. He lets it go, none of his business, he is not a hero. But, they piss him off. So, using his skills and his sword, Kurohime he beats the super villains. This gets the attention of the Principal of Avengers Academy, Old Man Tony Stark who recruits Zen to the academy. There, he meets the kids of super heroes such as Spiderman, the Hulk, and even Thor. He makes friends and enemies. Being a super hero is easy; surviving high school with a ton of super-powered, emotionally unstable teenagers, now that is the hard part. ___________________________________________ (A/N) I will update whenever I can, so don't expect any regular updates. important note: it's not my cover i just picked up from internet. MY FRUIT JIZZ IS OUT AAAHH~~~~~

_MARSHEL_ · Filem
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46 Chs

Chapter 38 Uncle Eddy

Zen Pov

Jack Holtan was indicted for conspiracy, bribery, and first-degree murder. Not only that but his wives took the, houses, the cars, and the summer beach house, not only that Jennet and Sara ran off together. Looks like when he was working they were keeping each other company. Talk about a bruise to the ego. On another note Hana has been on the offensive over the past week like sneaking into my bed, I don't know how she does it she like a fucking blitzkrieg and because of Hana, Sei stepped up her game and she also snuck into my bed. I am not complaining I guess, It is Christmas Eve Hana and I were the only ones in the house. I am sitting on my bed when Hana comes in my room and locks the door

Zen: Why did you lock my door.

Hana: So, no one will bother us. I gave Sei all the chances for her to make the first move, there is only so long I can wait.

She comes to my bed and she starts kissing me. This time she is using tongue. Ok I am at first base. She takes off her shirt. Then she unsnaps her yellow bra. This is my first time seeing boobs in both lives and their so beautiful. She places my hand on her chest her nipples are getting hard. OH, MY GOD I JUST MADE IT TO SECOND! I start fondling her. I might as well see how as far as I can get. I would not be a man if I didn't gave it my best effrot. I move my hand slowly down her pants and she moves hers down mine. Her hand is grabbing my cock. I am starting to get hard. I can feel she is wet down there. OH, FUCKING GOD I STOLE TO THIRD! I COULD GO ALL THE WAY! Just when I am about to take off her pants and her mouth is about to suck my cock I am kicked in the head My vision is blurry, but I can see out of the corner of my eye Sei and She is glaring at me.

Zen: Tagged out at home plate

Then I faint for what I don't know how long. I wake up and I see Sei is lecturing Hana and she can't get away because she is tied to a chair. looks like she found my mom's rope. Looks like I am tied up as well. I might as well pretend to still be knocked out it is for the best.

Sei: Didn't we agree not to do anything yet.

Hana: It has been a week. You have not even held hands. If I did not go first than we would not have sex until we hit our 30's. Move it up a little.

Sei: I said I would do it when I am good and ready.... I want to take things .... ZEN I KNOW YOU ARE UP !

Zen: Danm it. Why is Hana tied to a chair? How did you know I was up?

Sei: Punishment and woman intuitions

Zen: Why am I tied up.


Zen: You just don't send a piece of meat in front of carnivore and not expect them to take a bite out of it. I am a 15-year old growing boy I have needs.

Sei: Than why can't you take a bite out of me.

Zen: Hah?

She comes over and sits on my lap than she kisses me. Wow these girls are thirsty. I am having a Sweet Christmas. She takes her tongue out my mouth.

Sei: Listen up Hana is number 2 but I am always number one and don't you forget it. I will always be your number 1 That includes taking your virginity.

Zen: Is this a confession.

Sei: What if it is and don't make me say it twice. you got it. Hana know your place number 2

Hana: Wow I knew that me trying to jump Zen bones you would have reaction. I just never knew you would be making the pecking order so quick. This is good letting all your feeling out in the open it better this way.

Sei: You played me

Hana: Your welcome now we are all in a relationship number 1. Now can you untie me This rope is giving me some burns.


Zen: OWW!

That was not my fault I can't help that Sei's butt is sitting on my crotch. After that mom comes home and see that we are tied up and thought we were in to some sort of S and M Wow this is really embarrassing. after Sei and Hana makes sweets.

Zen: Sei hey did you make brownies on Christmas

Sei: They were supposed to be Gingerbread men


Reiko: Maybe we should lower the bar a little and start off with chocolate chip.

Hana: Maybe it is not as bad as it looks

Hana picks up one of the gingerbread man Aka brownie. She braver than I am. She puts in her mouth and eats it. 10 seconds later she is knocked out unconscious. Wow this stuff work better than actual drugs.




Mom put her finger down Hana throat so she can throw up the deadly desert. I come back with the stomach pump just to make sure. Sei start moping on the couch. She get back up and both of us carry and unconscious Hana to her room.

Reiko: I think will keep these a poison that does not show up on a toxic screen will sale at a great price.

Sei:..... Just twist the knife more

Reiko: Zen go to the drug store and get some medicine for Hana.

Zen: Ok

I get my skate board and a roll down to the drug store. I get some tums and all the stomach medicine I can fine. Than I pay for it. i start rolling home when I notice the same guy that was in the store is fowling me. I don't believe I piss off anyone recently. maybe I am imagining things. Just to be safe I start riding my skate board making all these twists and turns he is still following me. I ride down to a dead end. He has me cornered or so he thinks. I see a tattoo and He looks like he from a drug cartel. I know I have never mess with the cartel before so I am completely innocent.

Zen: Are you going to tell me why you are following me.

??? Are you Shade

Zen: Who wants to know

??? I am Paco of the Rojas Cartel and I looking for someone.

Zen: Do like everyone else does and file a police report.

Paco: I run in certain circle where involving the police is unwise. I am not after you all i want to know is where is Edward Shade.

Zen: Uncle Eddy I have not seen him since I was 9

Paco: He stole something from El Jefe and I am task in getting it back tell me where Eddy is., or I might have to beat it out of you.

Zen: Even if i knew where he was I would not tell out. We don't rat on family. Blood is thicker than water.

Paco: But Lead is thicker than blood and soon you find out how thick lead can be I know Eddy has headed up to New York. With el Jefe belongings.

Zen: Eddy is in New York oh mom is not going to like that.

Paco pulls out a 9 millimeter and points it at me. I have not been afraid of gun since i was 7

Zen: If you are going to pull a gun on me you better use it you will not get another chance.

Paco: This kid thinks he is cocky. Whatever I will just go to your Mother house i heard she is a widow. Maybe she will be a little more corruptive.

He is about to shoot me when I summoned Shiroyuki and I hit him in the gut and he falls to the ground, He could not even take me there is no way he could take my mom idiot.

Zen: I would get that checked you got about 30 minutes to fix that or your as good as dead think of this as gift from me to you because of the holidays. Now what is going on.

???: I can explain that.

I turn round and see a dark skin man brown eyes short black hair, A Christmas Sweater that has Santa on it with a pistol it says HO HO HO MOTHER FUCKER. he is also wearing jeans and some sneakers.

Zen: You look quit festive Uncle Eddy what has it been 6 years.

Eddy: Just trying to blend in long time no see nephew

I see a pregnant woman behind him she looks like she about to burst. Long black hair tan skin and brown eyes, also wearing an ugly sweater for Christmas. Who the heck is she?

Zen: Who is the woman behind you.

Eddy: Oh, the two of you have not met yet this is my Espoza Guadalupe

Zen: Speak English or Japanese I am not good at Spanish

Guadalupe: I am his wife


Eddy: I would have invited you to the service but It was kind of in the moment type thing.

Zen: Eddy that guy Paco said you stole something. Can't you just give it back. I don't want to fight the Cartel during Christmas. It is not cool.

Eddy: I can't

Zen: Why what did you take

Guadalupe: Me

Zen: God Fucking Danm it