
Marvel: Mutant Paradise

Lynn found and became a student at Mutant College. Her ability is to create magic. Avada Kedavra... Glacier peaks, ember storms... Fire Magic, Dragon Slayer Thunder Magic... True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but she knows very well that it makes no sense for Professor X to allow students to act as bullies to save the world and allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of Mutant is to increase the right to speak!

BlackGoku222 · Komik
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18 Chs

Chapter 07

Lynn was in the principal's office for over two hours.

After leaving, she headed straight to the university's large playground.

"Pass the ball!"

"Hey, we agreed not to use Skills!"

"You're cheating!"

A group of young people were playing basketball.

In the open space in the distance, several middle and high school students were discussing their abilities.

There were figures sitting on benches by the forest, including those reading quietly.

From Lynn's point of view, it was a peaceful scene.

Xavier's school is indeed a paradise for Mutants.

It's a shame that such peaceful and calm days are coming to an end.

"There are very few mutants with a sense of crisis..."

Lynn sighed softly.

She turned her gaze and settled on two figures not far away, sitting in a chair reading quietly: "Katie, Jubilee, it's time to pack."

The two figures raised their heads almost at the same time, revealing two beautiful faces with distinct features.

They were Lynn's only two friends at the academy.

One is Katie Pryde, also known as Shadowcat.

Her ability is to phase through objects.

And the other is a mutant woman who is not well known in the X-Men, called Jubilation Lee.

Her ability is to create various energy balls and explode them, which she calls "Fireworks."

Because they are both of Asian descent, Lynn became very close to them shortly after entering the university.

Jubilation Lee's parents are both doctors, typical representatives of intellectual immigrants, who died in an accident.

Therefore, compared to those students of the same age at the university who were rebellious in their youth, she knows the truth that knowledge can change destiny.

In college, she was already more diligent than the average person.

Later, under Lynn's influence, she redoubled her efforts.

Furthermore, Lynn often uses memory magic to enhance her learning efficiency.

Jubilation Lee now is completely different from the movie. Not only does she control her own abilities much better than other students, but she also excels in mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence.

As for Katie...

She was originally a computer genius, a fighting genius, and a language genius (comic scenario), and with Lynn's help, her growth rate is beyond imagination!

It can be said that the two have contributed greatly to [Oasis].


When the second girl heard the voice, she immediately put down her book and ran towards Lynn.

Katie's face filled with excitement: "Are we leaving the academy?"

Jubilation Lee asked curiously, "How much did Professor X offer?"

"Not much, just a hundred million," Lynn smiled. "After all, I am not of legal age yet. I lack the drive and courage. I still want to be more cautious. Let's first see our results."

"A hundred million is little for you?!" Both Katie and Jubilation Lee were surprised. Neither of them had ever seen so much money before! How many people in this world have an initial capital of 100 million for the first time?

"Don't open your mouth so wide..." Lynn joked.

Shaking her head, Lynn's expression changed. "Hurry up and pack your things, the recruitment is over and we are leaving."

"Recruitment?" The two women looked at each other. "Besides us two, do you still want to recruit from the academy? Is Professor Charles okay with this?"

Lynn nodded.

"In such a large university, with hundreds of students, how many talents can we highlight?"

Unlike what is shown in the movie, Xavier's School has a considerable number of students. Apart from the young ones, there are around 30 mutants who have grown up or are close to being adults.

This is also considered normal.

Professor X has been building the Academy for decades and has been helping mutants from all over the world.

If there were only a few students in the movie, it would be a failure.

Katie was about to speak when Professor X's voice suddenly resonated in everyone's ears.

"All students over 18 years old, gather at the large playground in five minutes, Mr. Lynn will conduct selection and recruitment here."






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There is an error in the gender of the main character. Clarify what it is [Man] Only the translation from Chinese to English accidentally changes its gender. Later on that problem is solved, it's just in the first chapters Thank you for your attention, I hope you enjoy the story.

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