
Marvel: Man of Tomorrow

Watch and watch as a mechanic from Earth dies and is reborn as the Invincible Iron Man, but not quite the version he and almost everyone knows. Marvel 616 with certain changes.

Pedro_Marques_3020 · Komik
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11 Chs

Dirty Secrets (1/2)

[Stark Mansion: 03/02/1949]


The Stark mansion garden was a sight to behold. Extensive, impeccably trimmed green areas gave way to stone paths lined with exotic flowers of all colors and sizes. Majestic trees provided shade and shelter for low-key conversation, while ornate fountains offered the soothing sound of running water that blended with classical music played by a live orchestra.

In the huge garden of the Stark mansion, a birthday party was taking place. It was Maria Stark's birthday, turning forty-five years old, she was still a beautiful woman, with an air of maturity that only a woman who lived so long could have, several people were present, several of the country's elite were here, from governors, judges, police, businessmen and important figures from academic circles.

In the center of the garden, a large stage had been set up, where the orchestra played a symphony in the background for the guests. Next to the stage, a luxurious bar offered craft cocktails, fine wines and imported champagnes, served by uniformed bartenders.

The party was meticulously organized. Tables elegantly decorated with white linen tablecloths and floral arrangements were spread across the lawn, each accompanied by carved wooden chairs.

Among the guests, notable figures stood out. Warren Worthington II was hanging out with a group of businessmen, discussing investments and business. In 1949, the world economy was still recovering from the post-war period, and Warren, with his influence, was talking about reconstruction opportunities in Europe and how strategic investments could not only generate profits, but also promote a certain global influence. Next to him, other businesspeople agreed and added ideas about infrastructure projects.

Franklin Storm was engaged in a lively conversation with scientists and academics about recent advances in medicine. With the war over, there was renewed interest in scientific research as a way of demonstrating power and progress. Franklin highlighted advances in cardiac surgery techniques and the possibilities opened up by the newly discovered structure of DNA, not to mention aerospace advances. The academics present fervently discussed the implications of these discoveries, both for medicine and biotechnology, and how they could revolutionize the treatment of diseases.

In the farthest wing of the garden, in a more reserved and discreet corner, Kurt Marko was in strategic discussions with governors and political figures about international alliances and trade. In 1949, the Marshall Plan was still being carried out, and the conversation was about how resources could best be used to strengthen European economies while ensuring markets for American products. Kurt, with his experience in international business, argued the importance of establishing strong economic ties.

Near the center of attention, Howard and Maria Stark received congratulations from their guests. Maria, radiant in a blue silk dress, smiled warmly as Howard, ever the charismatic host, moved among the groups, ensuring everyone was comfortable. Howard took opportunities to talk about his technological innovation projects, from new car models to advances in aerospace engineering. He was especially enthusiastic about the potential of atomic energy, seeing it as a promising future for humanity.

Far away, fifteen-year-old Tony Stark watched everything with a somewhat bored look, not that he didn't like parties, the food was always good, but for him all these people (including his father) turned his mother's birthday into another a business desk.

*Sigh* 'At least we could try to have a private party afterwards, but until then I'm just going to walk around.' Tony thought as he walked through the garden, moving away from the adults.

Tony wore a well-tailored black suit, which contrasted elegantly with his white shirt and black tie. Her dark brown hair was impeccably styled, a reflection of her father's demands for public appearances. Tony had dark skin, an inheritance from his Sicilian mother, but his facial features were unmistakably similar to those of his father, Howard, with a strong chin and piercing eyes and carried a tinge of intelligence, even if now with youthful annoyances.


He walked down the marble steps that led to a small artificial lake, where colorful fish swam peacefully. The sound of running water and distant birdsong provided a peaceful contrast to the hustle and bustle of the party. Tony passed a group of flowering bushes, stopping for a moment to observe the vibrant colors of the petals, before heading towards a more secluded corner of the garden.

He found a stone trail that wound through the terrain, lined with shady trees that offered shade and a sense of isolation. The trail led him to a small wooden pavilion, half-hidden by the vines that climbed the columns. There, Tony felt he could finally escape the constant pressure of his home.

He sat on one of the wooden benches in the pavilion and looked up at the sky, which was beginning to darken as night fell. The first stars appeared, and he allowed himself a moment of tranquility, away from the expectations and critical eyes of adults.

"Hi, who are you?" A young and sweet, but feminine voice asked next to Tony, who was startled.

He quickly turned around and saw a girl of around thirteen, with long blonde hair that fell in soft waves over her shoulders. His blue eyes sparkled with curiosity and a touch of mischief. She wore a simple yet elegant white dress that contrasted with the surrounding greenery. Her smile was friendly.

"I'm Tony. Tony Stark." He replied, still trying to recover from the shock.

"And you?"

"I'm Susan, but everyone calls me Sue." She said, sitting next to him on the pavilion bench.

"What are you doing here alone, Tony Stark? Don't you like parties?" She asked, putting emphasis on Stark.

'If only you knew.' Tony thought with a half smile remembering one of the few things he knew about the character.

"I like parties, but not when they're turned into business counters. My dad... he always does that." Tony replied and gave a half smile and shrugged.

Sue laughed, a light, melodious sound.

"I understand. My dad is also a bit obsessed with work. But you know, I always find a way to have fun."

"As?" Tony asked, genuinely curious.

"Good." She began, looking around as if she were sharing a secret.

"I like exploring new places. There is always something interesting to discover, even in the most boring events." She said smiling.

Tony smiled back.

"So, that's what you're doing here? Exploring?"

"Exactly!" Sue responded with a nod.

"And it looks like I found something interesting after all."

"And what would it be?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sue looked directly into Tony's eyes, with an amused gleam.

"You, of course! Who would have thought that the son of the famous Howard Stark would be so... Different."

"Different?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"A different one in a good way, you know, I expected a spoiled boy like most of the sons of rich men my father meets." Sue replied.

Tony let out a genuine laugh.

"Good point. And who knew I'd meet someone so... intriguing."

Sue laughed and gave Tony's shoulder a light shove.

"Intriguing, huh? You really know how to make a girl feel special, Tony Stark. Careful, or I'm going to start thinking you're flirting with me." she said, winking playfully.

Tony smirked, recovering quickly.

"Well, Sue, if I was flirting, you'd already know. I have my techniques," he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Haha okay, but seriously your house is really big." Sue said looking around.

"Yeah, I know." Tony replied. "It can be a little suffocating sometimes."

Sue looked at him with a mischievous smile. "I'm kind of tired of being in the garden. How about you show me the rest of the house?"

Tony hesitated for a moment. "The rest of the house? Well, it's pretty big... Is there a specific part you want to see?"

Sue thought for a moment, her smile widening. "How about the part of the house you never go to?"

Tony frowned suspiciously. "Never will I? Um... Well, I guess my dad's office would be that place."

Sue's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Perfect! Let's go there then."

"I don't know, Sue." Tony said reluctantly. "My father doesn't like me going there without permission."

Sue crossed her arms and looked at him with a defiant expression. "Oh, come on, Tony. Where's your adventurous spirit? Come on, it'll be fun! I promise not to touch anything."

Tony sighed, thinking about the possibility of getting caught, but Sue's enthusiasm was contagious. "Alright, let's go. But if we get caught, it's all your fault."

' Sincerely ! , I'm mentally older, how did she manage to convince me? But my brain is also a teenager so maybe it affects me, not to mention it's not like my dad would disown me for this.' Tony thinks as he takes Sue inside.

"Combined!" Sue said, laughing. "Now show me the way, Mr. Stark." She says smiling.


The two got up and began walking towards the mansion, passing through the flowering bushes and climbing the marble steps. They crossed the main party area, remaining discreet so as not to attract the attention of adults. They entered the house and followed a long hallway adorned with paintings and antiques.

The hallway walls were covered with family portraits. One painting showed Tony's maternal grandfather, a man of dignified and stern appearance, dressed in traditional Sicilian attire. Beside it, a portrait of the paternal grandfather, a man with a resolute look and military posture, who had served with distinction during the First World War. Their presence seemed to silently watch over every corner of the mansion.

Among the portraits were objects that Howard Stark had collected on his countless adventures around the world. From his trip to Italy, an intricately decorated Venetian carnival mask and a piece of Roman mosaic. From Germany, a miniature model of an Enigma machine, a reminder of his contributions to wartime cryptography efforts.

In Sicily, Howard had acquired a rare Greek ceramic vase, painted with scenes of a man facing an enormous Lion. From China, an ancient bronze compass, which he said had been used by explorers on the ancient silk routes. From his expeditions in Africa he had brought back a carved tribal mask and a necklace of colored glass beads.

From India, Howard owned a hand-carved ivory elephant and a collection of exotic spices that he always proudly showed off to visitors. These objects, displayed in showcases and on shelves, told the story of a man who had explored the world.

They went up the stairs to the second floor, where Howard Stark's office was. They stopped in front of an imposing dark wooden door, adorned with detailed carvings.

"There. It's here." Tony said in a whisper.

Sue looked at the door expectantly and gently pushed it open, entering the lavishly decorated office. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books, and a huge mahogany table stood in the center, covered in papers, strange devices, and prototypes. Maps that were filled with notes about natural resources, possible locations for new research and development facilities, and even strategic points for future commercial operations.

"Wow." Sue whispered, amazed. "This place is amazing!"

Papers spread across the table revealed detailed blueprints of future inventions. There were sketches of a flying car, with retractable wings and an anti-gravity engine, something that could completely transform urban transport. Beside it, parts of a robotic hand were meticulously arranged, each with notes on how to assist in delicate and dangerous tasks, a precursor to the advanced technologies that Stark Industries would eventually develop.

Diagrams of a new type of jet with innovative propulsion technology, destined to be the next advancement in military and civil aviation, were highlighted on a clipboard.

On the table, an open notebook showed notes on a top-secret defense project, possibly a continuation of the research that had led to the creation of Captain America. There were also correspondences with renowned scientists and inventors discussing future collaborations.

Tony looked around, still a little nervous. "Yes, it is. But we need to be quick. Let's take a look and leave before anyone notices."

Sue nodded, exploring the office with her eyes shining with curiosity. She looked at the detailed model of a futuristic jet, which promised unprecedented speed and efficiency, and Tony picked up an open notebook with notes and sketches of new inventions. Tony, although reluctant, couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement.

The two approached the imposing mahogany desk, the centerpiece of the office. On top of it was a collection of blueprints, papers, and documents, each containing secrets.

Tony picked up a set of blueprints that showed detailed drawings of advanced weapons. He ran his fingers through his father's notes, identifying schematics for energy cannons, reinforced tanks, and automated defense systems. His eyes widened a little as he recognized the magnitude of the inventions. Each drawing was meticulously crafted, showcasing Howard Stark's genius. Tony, with his sharp mind, absorbed every detail, imagining the destructive potential of each weapon, breaking into a cold sweat.

"Look at this, Sue." Tony said, showing a blueprint.

Sue watched, impressed but not fully understanding the complexity of the drawings. "Wow, that sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie. Your dad is amazing."

Next, Tony pored over a stack of papers. He picked up one of them and started reading, but soon stopped when he realized that the names of the recipients and senders were encrypted. However, the subjects of the correspondence caught his attention. There were references to the formation of a new global defense organization, which appeared to be in the early stages of development. There were also mentions of contacts in various parts of the world, including the Soviet Union, Taiwan and Tokyo.

Tony frowned, trying to decipher the contexts of the messages.

'It seems that my father is involved in something much bigger than I imagined. Look at this, messages from contacts in the Soviet Union, Taiwan and Tokyo too.' He thought as he looked at the messages.

Sue looked at the papers, trying to keep up. "That seems… important. Maybe something related to national security?"

Tony nodded just to comfort her. "Yes, but the details are fuzzy. It's as if he's setting up a global influence network."

Finally, Tony pored over a set of documents that appeared to be contracts. He started reading one of them and realized that it was about agreements with the United States government to explore resources in South American countries. The legal language was dense, but Tony could understand that his father was closing deals that involved large sums of money and private interests.

"These contracts." Tony muttered.

"They're about resource exploration in South America. My father is involved in something very big, Sue." Tony said while breaking into a cold sweat, he heavily censored the more "bloody" details that the documents told.

"This is huge, Tony. Your father is dealing with things that affect the entire world." Sue said impressed.

Tony nodded, muttering. "Yes, and he's at the center of it all."

'I need to find out more about this.' He thought.

But as soon as he finished his thought a clicking sound assaulted his ears.

Suddenly, a device emerged from a small compartment hidden in the table. Tony recognized it immediately: it was an intrusion alarm.

"This is not good." Tony whispered, his eyes widening.

"We need to get out of here, fast." He told Sue, visibly alarmed.

"My dad is probably on his way. Let's go!" He said as he pulled her along, his photographic memory already storing everything he saw.


Some explanations so no one gets confused.

The MC doesn't remember his old name, and over time his soul and body have adapted to each other, he has old memories, but his personality is something completely new, that's why sometimes he even varies according to his age.

According to him, he wasn't a comic book reader, he was much more of a casual person, he knew concepts and places, but very little about unknown characters and even famous ones need a trigger for him to remember.