
Machine Man 43

As we neared the vicinity of the target, my new Arkham Batmobile opened its top, and with the ejector seat activated, it quickly launches me up through the air. Activating the boosters on my feet and back, I flew off to the building adjacent to the warehouse.

Nightbird gracefully glided beside me, utilizing her Blackbird Glider. Trails of luminous blue light followed her path. Seeing this, Gwen closed in on me and asked, "Why stop? We're not there yet."

Specter, looking at her, said, "We need to do surveillance first. Make sure the target is there. I don't want her to escape again."

As we surveyed the surroundings of the warehouse, we spotted someone sneaking around, trying to investigate. It was Daredevil, wearing the suit Alex made, but it looked like it was upgraded a bit. "Someone found himself a good tailor," Specter commented after seeing him.

Nightbird, hearing this, couldn't help but ask, "Is that the horned vigilante of Hell's Kitchen?"

As we saw Daredevil who's currently engaged with the guards near the warehouse entrance, his movements swift and precise.

Looking at her, I affirmed and said, "Yes, that's him."

It seemed our target, Madam Gao, was inside and attempting to escape, which I find odd with her power it should be no problem to deal with Dare Devil. Turning to Nightbird, I said, "Let's go."

With a burst of blue jet streams, I soared into the night sky, landing atop the warehouse roof with Nightbird gliding beside me.

Below, Madam Gao and her two bodyguards attempted to make a hasty escape, but I swiftly broke through the warehouse roof, executing the iconic hero landing in front of them. Leaving cracks on the warehouse floor.

Specter, adopting a stance, questioned Madam Gao, "Where do you think you're going, old hag?"

Madam Gao, maintaining her enigmatic and calm demeanor, responded, "Ah, Specter, this encounter unfolds sooner than anticipated. It appears you have brought a companion on this night, a sidekick perhaps?"

Gwen, landing beside me, retorted, "I'm not a sidekick, old hag."

Madam Gao, unfazed, remarked, "And she seems to have embraced your straightforward manner and crass way of speaking too."

Two ninja bodyguards, their eyes eerily black, rushed towards us with drawn swords. Observing their movements and eerie eyes, I warned Gwen, "Those are undead ninjas. Be careful; they won't go down with just a simple beating."


Nodding, she swiftly assumed a combat stance, engaging one of the ninjas with a burst of incredible speed and strength. Executing a flawless boxing stance, Gwen delivered a powerful body blow that sent the unsuspecting ninja hurtling through the air. Despite the ninja managing to cross his arms for defense, the force of the blow inflicted considerable damage.

Closing the distance with remarkable speed, Gwen unleashed a relentless series of combinations while her opponent was still mid-air. Each precise strike left the ninja struggling, unable to find solid footing for a counterattack, even with his remarkable recovery capabilities.

The relentless onslaught continued, with Gwen delivering bone-shattering blows, each punch carrying the force of ten tons. The ninja, overwhelmed and helpless, bore the brunt of her incredible strength.

In a desperate attempt to retaliate, the ninja attempted a mid-air rotation to deliver a counterblow. However, Gwen, equipped with metallic silver gauntlets, swiftly dispersed a hidden blade. The ninja, compelled to proceed with his attack, found his shin sliced by the razor-sharp blade as he attempted a kicking motion against Nightbird.

Observing Gwen's unrestrained assault, Specter couldn't help but acknowledge the stark contrast to Peter's often restrained approach, even in life-threatening situations. In his mind, he noted, "I wouldn't want to be on her bad side."

Before the ninja could even reach the ground, Gwen unleashed another powerful uppercut, sending him soaring back into the air. The relentless assault on the undead ninja made Specter almost feel a twinge of sympathy for the hapless enemy.

As for Daredevil, the blind vigilante, gracefully maneuvered through the chaotic battlefield, In a seamless display of skill, Daredevil revealed two escrima sticks, twirling them with precision. The distinctive clack of the metallic sticks echoed through the warehouse as he expertly parried strikes and countered with swift, calculated movements.

As the first attacker lunged forward with a swift kick, Daredevil skillfully blocked the blow with his escrima stick, simultaneously delivering a precise strike to the assailant's midsection. As his enemies buckled, he hit him multiple times from the back going to the knee making him kneel while delivering a finishing blow at the back of the head.

When another Triad member approached with a knife, Daredevil disarmed the assailant using his weapon, turning the blade against its owner. With each swing and strike, he demonstrated the fluidity and lethal efficiency of Arnis, exploiting the reach and speed of the sticks to keep his adversaries at bay.

Amidst the chaos, Daredevil seamlessly transitioned between defensive blocks and offensive strikes, showcasing a mastery of Filipino martial arts and multitude of other martial arts combined as he effortlessly dispatched one Triad Member after another.

As the remaining ninja attempted to leave Madam Gao and intervene in the battle, I swiftly drew my gun, aiming with precision. The crack of the gunshot echoed in the warehouse, and the ninja staggered as the bullet pierced his shoulder. Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance as the injured ninja rushed toward me.

In a fluid motion, I evaded his attack, appearing in a blur before him. With a swift grab, I clasped his head and forcefully slammed him to the ground. The impact resonated through the air, and the ninja struggled to rise. As he attempted to regain his footing, my hand underwent a rapid transformation, rotating and unfolding to reveal four glowing metallic rods.

Electricity crackled and surged through the metallic rods, creating an electrifying aura around them. The air hummed with energy as sparks danced along the rods, casting an eerie glow. With a sudden discharge, a powerful surge of electricity engulfed the ninja with a woosh sound. The intensity of the electric shock manifested in bright flashes and snapping sparks, electrifying the surrounding air.

As the light receded the ninja now headless convulsed, his body unable to withstand the overwhelming voltage.

As the hindrance ceased, I turned towards Madam Gao, a disdainful expression etched across my concealed face.

"Now that the annoying fly is gone, let's get back to business," I coldly remarked, my gaze fixed on the enigmatic figure before me. "Why don't you let your fanatics exit first? I don't want to accidentally hurt them, even though they deserve as much of a beating as you."

Madam Gao, ever the composed, responded with a mocking tone, "My, my, Specter. Ever the defender of the weak, are we?"

With a subtle clap of her hands, the blind workers within the warehouse rose, moving with an uncanny precision that bordered on choreography. In an impressive display of organization, they efficiently exited in an orderly line, each movement perfectly synchronized, creating an almost mesmerizing spectacle within the metal-laden confines of the warehouse.

I turned back to Madam Gao, my gold eyes radiating an aura of cosmic power. "I'll make sure this will be your grave, old hag."

Unfazed, Madam Gao shifted her age-old body into a martial arts pose, her words carrying a hint of annoyance. "I'll be sure to hang your corpse and have it displayed in public for going against the Hand."

With a swift motion, she harnessed her telekinetic powers, taking control of tables and any objects within her reach in the improvise met lab. With calculated precision, she hurled them towards me, the air crackling with the force of her assault.

Witnessing Madam Gao's telekinetic assault, I swiftly unleashed eight mechanical tentacles, each adorned with a golden energy lines and scissor-like blades at their tips.

The tentacles moved with a fluid grace, intercepting the myriad of objects she hurled at me. In a mesmerizing dance of precision, I effortlessly handled the chaotic onslaught, pinching, cutting, blocking and redirecting each projectile with calculated ease.

Surveying the now-diminished strength of her attacks, I taunted, "It seems you have grown weak. The best you can control is around 2 tons at most. What's the matter, old hag? Running out of juice?"

The evident decline in her powers became apparent, possibly one of the reasons why Daredevil chose to confront her. Unfazed, she screamed, launching herself at me. In response, I unleashed a rapid succession of blows, aiming for her head. She managed to block the assault by raising her arm, shielding her head.

Observing her resilience, I remarked, "Around 1.5 tons of physical force, and you can easily block it. Let's take it up a notch, then."

Madam Gao, enraged, retorted, "Specter! I'll be sure to bury you here! Arrgggg!"

In a swift and fluid motion, Madam Gao formed a clawed fist, enveloping it in ki as she unleashed a barrage of strikes. Fueled by my enhanced brain, synoptics, and reaction time, I skillfully dodged each blow. My upper body bobbed from left to right, anticipating her every move.

Spotting a window of opportunity, I seized the moment and rushed in for an uppercut. However, Gao, quick on her feet, utilized the remnants of destroyed equipment, manipulating them with her telekinetic powers to create a shield. My strike was deftly blocked.

Undeterred, I deployed the tentacles on my back, each powerful hit obliterating the barrier she forcefully constructed. Gao, determined to gain the upper hand, exerted all her telekinetic might, forcing my mechanical tendrils upward, leaving me momentarily exposed.

Seizing the chance, Gao lunged at me, palms charged with chi as she propelled herself forward. Displaying power and martial finesse,

I sidestepped and turned my body forcefully in unhuman manner, as this unfolded, multiple sections on the side of my body underwent intricate mechanical transformations. Panels opened, revealing concealed rocket boosters that left trails of blue light in my wake. This was the moment I had been waiting for.

Planting my left foot forward while turning, I unleashed a powerful strike with my right hand. The forearms and elbow swiftly transformed as jet trails erupted from the boosters, adding an extra speed to my offensive maneuver. With a forceful paunch I hit her head slamming her to the ground. I could feel her nose broke and her frontal skull shatters.

Her head explodes like a watermelon. In an assertive tone, I remarked, "You have really grown weak compared to our last encounter." As I spoke, I observed the shattered fragments of her head converging towards the center, a sign of her rapid recovery.

"You old witch, it seems you just won't die," I muttered. With a powerful leap, I activated the boosters on my feet and back, propelling myself into the air. Harnessing my newfound abilities, I summoned a machine I had absorbed previously—a colossal cannon materialized above my shoulders.

The proton cannon exhibited an intricate and futuristic design. Its structure consisted of sleek metallic components adorned with pulsating blue lights, giving it a sophisticated and menacing appearance. 

The muzzle of the cannon radiated a vibrant energy, as various parts seamlessly integrated into a powerful weapon. As I firmly gripped the cannon, the muzzle began to gather energy, generating a potent blue aura that hinted at the imminent release of destructive power.

I notice that Madam Gao has partially recovered as she tried to stand up. While she screamed, "Specter! Die For me!" As she masters all her powers in a ditch of effort hoping for mutual destruction, her fist glows with eerie black light and the scattered debris and pieces of furniture are slowly floating.

Before she could even finish, I said to her, "eat this old hag!" As I pull the trigger on my proton cannon. A blinding light quickly shot out forming a huge laser beam. The heat and light was so intense that part of the surrounding quickly melts. As the lightshow quickly clears up all I could see is a deep hole and no flesh of her is left not even a wick of her hair can be found on my scanners.

Note: Still playing FF7 and doing another run in Cyberpunk 2077 since I forgot the map layout. I need it for future reference lol.


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