
Ch 4: Raid Of SHIELD

SHIELD Headquarters.

Nick Fury is looking at video when Tony Stark was kidnapped. He saw this masked guys from Coulson is report. If what is written on this paper is true then [Moonfish] is case isn't simple as it seems.

At first he give this case to Coulson because relationship of him and Marko. But never expected this case will become complicated case where it involved High-class people of America. Especially Tony Stark of all people.

Stark family isn't just weapon supplier for SHIELD but also one of their founders. Right now he really wanna just go to somewhere and have a really nice long vacation. If that even possible with position he is sitting of course.

Nick looked at old photo of his young self and… old friend. Sighed deeply. Sometimes he thought about 'What If He Didn't Meet Kree Soldiers That Day.' if so will he be normal police officer who only need to care about some stray mutants? Well that will be probably no. He knew himself and he knew that he will never be normal police officer.

"Sometimes I just wanna retire." Nick muttered this to himself. Then looked at papers that are stacked thickly.

"With your character I really doubt that will ever gonna happen." Familiar female voice heard from direction of door.

"You know Hill? Does anybody said sometimes you are too straightforward?"

"We can do this meaningless talk all day or we can focus on actual job." After saying this Hill put paper on table.

"What is it?"

"It's Coulson is request to raid to base of masked guys."

Hearing this Nick only sighed he knew this request will come to him eventually. Also people above stop nagging him to do something. So from both requests of his subordinates and people above he decided to accept this proposal.

"Tell Coulson get ready in half an hour because others won't wait him."

"Okay." With this simple answer Hill leave the office.

Only Nick left there while looking at window to city not far away. And frown without noticing he has bad hunch that it's only start of something big.

"So, you mean you were attacked by someone and it wasn't car accident?" Tony asked Howard while he and him sitting on some kind of coach.

"Yeah, that night when Maria and I was going with car someone attacked us. I couldn't see his face but he has this shiny metal arm."

"Dad, that was like year 90 how does there mechanical limb technology?"

"Well, Hydra has laser guns at that time so why don't there be metal arm? Anyway I don't who or who send him but I knew what they are after for."

After saying this he took out small bottled blue liquid from his pocket. "This is what they are after for. My version of 'Super Soldier Serum'. After death of doctor Abraham I created new one based on Steve and one mutant called James I created new one. It has more chance to succeed but also effect of delay aging. After making this I start notice suspicious movements around us. So I told it to Maria and we made a plan. Plan was our fake death."

Howard turned his head towards Tony and said. "I knew this might broke your heart but for your safety we must do this otherwise as long we are alive your life will be always in danger."

Tony nodded his head and looked at his father quietly. Howard also sighed as his son and took out another kind of potion.

"Right, Tony did you get my legacy?"

"Legacy? You mean Stark Group? Of course I take it didn't you watch news or something? I have been in control of that group since your death."

"No I mean city design."

"City design that old thing?"

"I left there surprise for you. Believe me Tony you will like that surprise."

"What is this? Some kind of national secret? Or something like that?"

Howard only sighed then smiled back at Tony. "If I tell you how can it be surprise. Well, let's change the subject. Anyway who are you going to marry?"

"Marry? Me? Old man I still like my freedom as a man."

"Tony you need to marry sooner or later. You already reached 40 but even so you are still single playboy. At your age I already had you with your mother."

"C'mon let live with little more freedom."

Soon this two start arguing about Tony's marriage problems. Even though he is losing in argument don't know why it put smile on Tony is face.

Outside [Free To All Strangers].

"Are you guys ready?" Coulson asked his newly assembled combat team and asked with serious face.

"Yea sir!" Combat team answered him too.

"Good. Then let this bastards go to hell." With saying this they kicked open door and rushed in. And what they saw in club was just horrible.

On top of some kind of tree branches there was face of many people are hanging. And horrible thing is they are all smiling like real human face. Eye balls putted on tree is soul as if it was some kind fertilize. Also teeth's they are all put inside hole of tree that was middle of it.

And front of this someone with robe is sitting and looks like praying. They all aimed their weapons at prayer but it didn't flinch.

After only minute or so later prayer stand up. When prayer was sitting it looked about two meter or so tall when it stand up. But when it truly stand up it reached at least three meters.

After that it's robe that was covering its figure fallen. Revealed monster that can't be said human anymore.

It doesn't has skin that will cover it's body. Black colored veins, muscle and meats are vivid. It's slim and skinny but you can feel it's strength from just look at it. Head area's covered by some kind of white mask made of unknown material.


With terrifying strange scream it revealed it's mouth. White mask that was covering it's head and lower jaw pieces are divided and reveals mouth full of bloody fangs.

"Fire!" Coulson ordered with his lung is limit and start shooting. Following lead of Coulson other members shoot towards creature too but it didn't hurt it slightest. It bended inhumanly and four other arms grow from its back. Then its start shapeshifting and turned into blades.


With this it slashed down one of combat team members. With that it start killing spree. Even thought bullets raining on it continuously it didn't even flinch.

After killing one of them it turned its one hand back into normal. Then start pulling out its eyes and teeth then skinned its face surprisingly clean.

Seeing this Coulson knew who it was. It was one he was looking all this time since half month ago. This inhumanly creature front of him is [Moonfish].

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