
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Komik
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120 Chs

Perfect control(chapter 98)

previously in chapter 97

"The Mother of Horrors comes," the creatures repeated, their voices a haunting chorus.

As they fought, the ground beneath them became a battlefield of carnage and chaos. Trees that had survived their earlier clash were now reduced to splinters. The air was thick with the stench of burning flesh and the metallic tang of blood. The earth trembled with each blow they landed, the forest seemingly reacting to their every move.

Salva ignited his entire body, becoming a living inferno. He charged through the horde, his fiery form burning through the abominations like a hot knife through butter. He leapt into the air, coming down with a flaming fist that caused a massive explosion, creating a clearing amidst the throng of creatures. The Hulk, not to be outdone, picked up a massive boulder and hurled it into the horde, crushing several abominations under its weight.


Chapter 98

The two warriors moved in perfect sync, their combined might decimating the eldritch horrors. Despite the relentless onslaught, the abominations kept coming, their chant growing louder and more frenzied. "The Mother of Horrors comes."

Salva and the Hulk fought tirelessly, their regenerative abilities keeping them in the fight despite the numerous wounds they sustained. Salva's scales glowed with renewed intensity, his flames burning hotter and brighter. The Hulk's muscles bulged with power, each punch shaking the very ground.

As they battled, a massive figure emerged from the depths of the forest. It was even more grotesque and horrifying than the other creatures, a true abomination. Its body was a nightmarish fusion of limbs, eyes, and claws, with a gigantic goat skull for a head. This monstrosity was clearly the leader, its presence commanding the horde.

Salva and the Hulk turned their attention to this new threat. With a nod to each other, they charged at the monstrous figure. The abomination roared, its voice a cacophony of agony and rage. It swung its many limbs at them, each strike powerful enough to topple trees.

Salva dodged the flailing limbs, his fiery claws cutting through the creature's defenses. He aimed for the eyes, each strike causing the abomination to shriek in pain. The Hulk, meanwhile, used his incredible strength to pummel the creature's body, each punch creating massive dents in its twisted form.

The battle was fierce, the abomination proving to be a formidable opponent. But Salva and the Hulk were relentless. Salva unleashed a concentrated blast of fire at the creature's head, the flames searing through its skull. The Hulk followed up with a devastating punch, shattering the skull into pieces.

The abomination let out a final, deafening roar before collapsing to the ground, its body dissolving into a pool of black ichor. The remaining creatures, seeing their leader defeated, hesitated for a moment before retreating into the shadows, their chant fading away.

"The Mother of Horrors comes," they muttered one last time before disappearing.

Salva and the Hulk stood amidst the wreckage, their chests heaving with exertion. They turned to face each other, a mutual respect evident in their eyes. For now, they had fought together and emerged victorious. Without a word, they nodded to each other before turning their attention to the now silent forest as they parted ways while salva though, "i am an animal, i dont have a fighting style, when i am up against some strong, i cant efficiently use my strength" despite having olivers knowledge, salva was left feeling like a baby with unchecked strength, he couldn't probably utilise it, even if he knew some martial arts and it made sense as oliver mostly used items to fight while salva used his raw strength and body, although oliver knowledge was great it could only be used as reference, "i need to regain my strength" he thought to himself as he then teleported away.

[ unknown time later ]

Atop mountain peaks, where the clouds were thick and shrouded the mountains, was a small hut, built simply and crudely, with smoke rising from it. Further from the house, there were broken but well-crafted spears. The spears were large and heavy, yet despite their weight and size, they were broken. The surrounding walls of the cliffs and mountain peak were scarred, ranging from small craters to deep cuts to shallow cuts. These scars were in order, the craters being the oldest, followed by the deep cuts, and lastly the shallow cuts. Opposite the broken spears was a mountain of newly forged spears, made with dwarven forging techniques.

In the middle of both mounds was a figure, Salva, who was now in his human form. He looked the same as ever, with no scars or signs of aging, which made sense since his healing would have taken care of it. But despite looking the exact same as he was, he wasn't. He was calmer now and far stronger than he had ever been. After taking a deep breath, he exhaled. "Clear," a single thought popped into his head as he swung the spear over his head. The movement of the spear looked slow, almost in slow motion, to the point where even a baby could dodge it. But that would be a mistake, as he then uttered "cut," which caused a massive air pressure to flow in the direction where he swung his spear.

The air pressure was large, so fast and powerful that it split the clouds above, the trajectory of his spear being imprinted into the clouds. It wasn't just the clouds that were affected; everything in front of him where his spear passed through had deep cuts, splitting the mountain in front of him with a straight line. His spear then shattered. Despite being made from dwarven steel that he had specifically forged, the spear still couldn't last a single use of his strength. "Again," he thought to himself as he picked up another spear before doing the same again. He had been doing this for how long he didn't know, but this was all he had been doing, aside from hunting ten creatures every day and eating them. He would do this day and night.

If he could, he would stop eating as well, but he needed to evolve. The reason why he was doing this was simple: he wanted to have perfect control over his strength. Nay, he wanted perfect control over his body. He was getting there, but he wasn't there yet. After repeating the same movement 99 more times, the dense clouds above him were nowhere to be seen, and neither was anything in front of him. Mind you, this wasn't the first mountain peak he had settled on since he arrived in the realms of the dwarves. He had been to other mountains and had destroyed many more. After his practice was done, he returned to his hut, where a forge could be seen. Inside the forge was a piece of golden metal.

"Well, hello again," he greeted the piece of metal, which had arrived in this realm in the form of a meteorite at the same time he did. He liked the metal, so he decided to pick it up and forge a weapon out of it. He tried to use his flames to melt it down, but he couldn't; the thing was highly resistant to his flames, which were hotter than the surface of the sun. Yet since he arrived, he had tried to melt it down but couldn't. However, he didn't give up, so he tried every day. It sort of became a ritual, to the point where he didn't miss a single time.


A/N another chapter, hope you guys like it, and ah, we are getting close people, we are getting close.