

In the massive spaceship there is a celestial there that was looking in a computer that was so advanced that can make technology of all races in the universe even in the multiverse jealous. The celestial is one above all he is looking at the computer and he is the reincarnated person that had died before.


'where am i, wait who am i' said alex panic but suddenly he got a headache he remembered that he died meet r.o.b and then make 5 wihses that he wants. The memeroies come to his head but it's not painful. when all the memories in my head are all done i look at my surrounding to look where i am. There is a celestial beside me and that celestial is arishem the judge.

"one above all, are you alright?" he said

I answered "yes i am fine, you can continue with your work." after that arishem nod and then he go outisde to continuing his work. after arishem is gone he look at the computer infront of him. The computer is massive and very advanced, after looking and checking the computer I ask the computer "computer i want you bring every file you have in storage." the computer said "yes sir"

after that the computer bring everyting in front of me. I read and scan every file in front of me and boy there are so many in there for example the information of the celestials, eternals, deviants, etc. I read all of them after i read all of them i read celestial one above all minds. There is so many things in there now i know all the things i need to know, appareantly the universe i am now is universe 616 and this universe is only hundreds of millions old, this is exactly the opportunity i need to explore the universe, multiverse, and even growing stronger.

after thingking what will i do in future there is a sound






after the sound is over I remember the wishes that i want from r.o.b, I want a system avery powerful one. I greet the system "hello system do you have a name?"

[I'm sorry host but i don't have a name.]

I said " if you don't have a name then i will name you. from now on your name will be alice and you will call me sir."

[thank you sir, from now on my name will be alice and I will be a female.]

[ding, congratulations on naming your system the rewars is in your inventory.]

I was shocked that I will get a reward after naming my system. after that I ask alice" alice what are you functions."

[sir, I will tell you what I can do. my function is like a gamer system, you can see yoir own status if you want. Second is the sign-in system when you can sign whenever you want and then you can get powers, abilities, armors, weapons,etc. third, the behind the scene system you can summon all fictions from games, comics, animes, movies, etc and you can modify them, also you will get points from emotionals it can be from humans, gods monsters, etc. For the final is the chat group system, with this system you can invite and chat group members from another omniverses, also you and the other members can buy items, powers, armors,etc from omniverse group shop and you can chat with each other.]

after alice is done with her introduction I was thingking, but then I remember ao I ask "alice are you one with all the system beacuse I have three systems and can you also talk and assist the members of the chat group."

[yes sir, I am the the combination of the three systems and i also can assist you and the chat gorup memebers if there is a question.]

with that I was satiesfied of my answer, now I want to see may stats because i know the celestials are strong, but each celestials are different from ranking from rank low, medium, and high. I know that I maybe a high ranking celestial but I doubt myself that there must be more high ranking than high rank. so that's why i want to know, also now i am celestial one above all so i want to know how strong he is compare to all other celestials rangkings, because in the marvel comics celestial one above all mentioned only a few times, the power that the celestial one above all show is he throws a planet and growing a size more bigger than a planet. But that is not his full power so i want to know how powerful he is because it is not stated how powerful he is.

Name : One Above All (CELESTIAL)

age : 13 billion years

race : celestial

occupation : leader of the celestials

STR : Outerverse

SPD : Massively FTL+, immeasurable

DEX : Outerverse

AGT : Outerverse

STM : Infinite

INT : Infinite

WIS : Infinite

Luck : Infinite

CHR : Infinite

Sp : Infinite

money : Infinite


Nigh Omnipotance, Transcending space and time, immortality, ressuraction, creation, destruction, body manipulation, power bestowal, Dimensional Manipulation, Divine Powers, Energy Manipulation, Flight, Force Field, Genetic Manipulation, Immortal, Intellect, Matter absorption, Omni-lingual, Power Suit, Reality Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Super Sight, Super Smell, Super Strength, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Time Manipulation, Cosmic Awareness, Divine Power, Flight, Force Field, Genetic Manipulation, Intellect, Psychic, Reality Manipulation, Telepathy, Blast Power, Cosmic Awareness, Dimensional Manipulation, Divine Powers, Energy Manipulation, Flying, Force Field, Illusion Immunity, Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, Matter Absorption, Reality Manipulation, Size Manipulation, immesuareble speed, infinite stamina, cosmic attacks, cosmic constructs, cosmic defense, cosmic generation, fundamental forces, elementals manipulation,Technokinesis, etc.


when i see my status i was shocked ho powerful I am I know that the celestial one above all is a powerful high ranking celestial but what the fuck is this. this celestial is stronger than I thought it will be. I woke up from my stutter and ask alice again. "alice what is this tier 1A?" I said.

[sir, this tier means it is simply measuring your power level and utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters, entities, and objects based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy.]

After alice finishing the introduction of tier system, now i remember in my previous life there is this tier system when i see it I'm comparing fiction character from games, animes, comics, cartoons, etc. but i want to know more detail about tier system becauase i only know about the tiers but not the level, so i need to know the details. I ask " alice can you show me the detail of tiering system?"

[Of course sir, i will tell you the detail of tier system.]

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