
Marvel: Adaptive Freak

[Congratulations!] [You have gained the F-rank Evolution "Tech Veil"] [You have gained the C-rank Evolution "Gravity Manipulation"] [You have gained the S-rank ability "Mind's Resonance"] In a matter of hours, Isaac's perfect vision of games and junk food he planned for his summer holiday had crumbled. He now had to figure out how to deal with his new abilities and carry out the mission he had no choice but to attempt. And most likely die trying. Yet, according to Isaac, that doesn't seem to be the worst part... "Great. Me, the son of Nick Fury, has a mass murderer in my head." Isaac sighed. "Trust me kid, I don't want to be here either." Said the voice.

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15 Chs

A Mutant?

"You're standing before the X-Men." Isaac listened to Darwin's words as he raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes. His jaw would have dropped too if he didn't save himself the embarrassment of spilling his chewed food onto the bald man.

"Is everything ok?" Asked the man with the sunglasses.

Isaac snapped out of his trance as he put a smile on his face.

"Yes, sorry. Please come in..." As he barely finishes his sentence, the gruff man barges in as he sniffs the air. Isaac looks at him with a blank expression.

'Is this guy ok in the head?'

As Isaac looks back to the rest of the guests, he invites them in as they all sit on the two black sofas facing each other. Isaac sat by himself as the rest of them sat opposite him.

"Please forgive us in advance for Logan." He says, pointing to the man who was now trifling through Isaac's cabinets and fridge, all while his mouth was full of Isaac's pizza.

Isaac nods in understanding as the man continues.

"Isaac, my name is Charles Xavier. This is Scott Summers." He says, looking toward the man with thick sunglasses who gives a small wave.

"Beside me here in Ororo Munroe." He says, pointing to the dark-skinned and white-haired female. She gives a warm smile to Isaac, nodding slightly.

"And finally, well I've already introduced Logan." He says, looking toward Logan who had finally come to sit with them, carrying a pizza box.

"Um, can I help you?" Asked Isaac stealing glances at his pizza.

"Isaac, have you been going through any changes in your body? Something irregular that may seem frightening? Something you can only describe as impossible or… extraordinary?" Isaac looks at the visitors one by one, seeing their straight faces and calm demeanour.

"He's asking if you're a mutant. I don't know how, but he may know of your abilities. Play dumb." Says Darwin as Isaac starts to feel nervous.

"What do you mean, Mr Xavier?" Asks Isaac.

"Please, call me Charles."

'Hell no. You're older than my Dad.'

"Ororo." Says Xavier simply as the white-haired female closes her eyes.

"Stay calm, Isaac." As Isaac raises an eyebrow at Darwin's sudden advice, Ororo reopens her eyes as Isaac is left to stare. Her once brown eyes had turned completely white as if her pupils had disappeared.

In the next second, the whole room was filled with mist as Isaac's vision had become shrouded. Isaac looked around, not able to see a thing.

"Dude, what's going on?" Isaac whispered, taking advantage of the commotion.

"Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm of the X-Men, has the ability of Weather Manipulation. This is just a fraction of what she can do. She's an Omega Level Mutant. One of the most powerful in the world." Says Darwin as Isaac gulps slightly.

"She's amazing." He adds after a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the mist settled as Isaac's vision returned. He saw that his guests hadn't moved from their position, completely calm, as well as Ororo's eyes which returned to normal.

Isaac regained his composure as he returned to his seated position.

"Ororo is a mutant. She awakened something we call an X-Gene, allowing her to be…different to other regular humans." Says Charles to which Isaac nods.

"So you think I'm a mutant?" He asks, to which Charles stays quiet. Isaac can tell this means a yes.

"Not just you, all five of us. We all know what you're going through." Says Scott with a smile.

'I'm not going through anything.' Thinks Isaac defeatedly.

A moment of silence enveloped the room as Isaac looked at Logan, thinking the man might contribute to the conversation. However, as the seconds passed, one could only hear smacking as he ate with his mouth wide open.

"Isaac, you don't have to answer us now. Take some time to think about it." Says Charles as they all stand to leave. Isaac nods slightly as he opens the front door for them.

"Remember Isaac, you aren't alone." Says Charles before leaving.

'Geez, what kind of scared mutants has he come across to be this overly comforting?'

As they all leave, Logan walks by Isaac, finishing another pizza as he prepares to reach for the last one in the box.

Isaac saw this, watching intently. His insides twisted as he thought of the last pizza entering that man's void which he calls a mouth. He remembered how it took almost an hour of non-stop debating with his father last night to order pizza, and yet he couldn't even enjoy his fruitful reward. No, he couldn't watch this happen.

In a blurring second, Isaac snatched the last pizza before Logan could get his large rough fingers on them. He immediately rushed back into his home, slamming the door shut as the X-Men were left staring at the closed door labelled 69 as one could see a faint 0 almost faded.

After a few seconds, Isaac heard the yells of an angry man.

"Lemme at him. That punk thinks he can steal from me? I'll slice his head off!"

"Logan, relax!"

"I told you we shouldn't have brought him."

"He was following us. I couldn't say no."

"I came for the pizza and I'll get it! Get the hell off me!"

Isaac heard this all as he nervously bit into his pizza.

"How the hell did that animal know I had pizza? He's a bigger glutton than I am." Says Isaac as the noise of the infuriated man slowly fades.

"Didn't I tell you to act like a normal person and not an idiot?" Says Darwin.

"No, you didn't."

"Well, I should have."

"What are you talking about, he was the idiot. Who comes into someone's house at 7 AM and steals pizza." He says, walking back to the kitchen and looking if there was any more.

"He gets a free pass because he's Logan. What excuse do you have?"

"Hey, stop distracting me. Tell me why the X-Men were just in my home." Says Isaac, to which Darwin pauses slightly.

"I don't know. I didn't think they'd be able to find you. The old man uses a device called Cerebro to find mutants with the X gene that gives them their powers. Since you don't have the X gene, I didn't think he'd be able to find you." Explains Darwin, to which Isaac scratches his head.

"Since I am a mutant and the ability you're using is from my X gene, it's possible you're giving the illusion that you're a mutant with the X gene." He says.

"I never thought I'd hear the words mutant and X gene be said so many times in one sentence. But answer me this, how is Mr Xavier able to sense mutants? Is it part of his ability?" Asks Isaac.

"Yes. The old man is a Telepath. Cerebro merely enhances his telepathic abilities." Hearing this, Isaac's heart skipped a beat, almost dropping the pizza in his hand

"Telepath? Like mind reading? Doesn't that mean I'm already screwed?" Asks Isaac.

"Usually yes. But I keep telling you, you're currently wielding the best ability there ever was to exist. Check your evolutions." Saying this, Isaac merely thinks of all his evolution as a screen appears before him.


Minds resonance (S)

Steel Skin (B)

Gravity Manipulation (C)

Self Destruct (C)

Tech Veil (F)]

Isaac stares for a few minutes, his eyes glued to the screen as his mind comes to a halt. He stays like this for a few seconds, adamant about the fact that his eyes are deceiving him. I mean, when did this even happen? After a minute, his lips start to move.

"S-RANK?!" He yells loudly as Darwin laughs.

"H-How…w-when…?" He says, shaking and his lips quivering. He knew the power of B and C ranks, however, he could only imagine the benefits of an S rank.

"You gained the ability the night you declared you were going to become a superhero while you were asleep." Explains Darwin.

"But nothing was threatening my life. At least, I don't there was."

"Not directly. Someone doesn't have to hold you at gunpoint for the ability to activate. It can be the result of an indirect threat."

"Similar to when you evolved Tech Veil. The public cameras didn't put you in any immediate danger, however, the result of someone seeing the famous new criminal leaping out of your bedroom would likely be problematic." Isaac took a seat as he thought this through. It was a lot to take in.

"So who, or what was threatening my life?" He asks, to which Darwin pauses for a second.

"I don't know for sure, however, Mind's Resonance is similar to the ability I gained when reality was first altered by the mysterious man." Isaac widened his eyes as he listened, his heartbeat quickening.

"If this is the case, there are two possibilities. Reality has changed from what you once knew, or the mysterious man specifically has his eyes on you." Isaac's anxiety was through the roof as his breathing became unstable. He was barely able to beat a Fishman, not without help. It was way too early for him to be targeted.

"Either way, you must get strong Isaac. And quick."


A school bell rings as a female with brown hair in a ponytail, as well as brown eyes and simple clothes can be seen walking out of a classroom talking with a few of her friends. It isn't long until she waves them goodbye and leaves through the school entrance, walking for a few minutes before getting a phone call.

"Hello?" She answers, not recognizing the number.

"Kamala Khan, it's a pleasure to finally speak with you." A man can be heard through the phone as Kamala pauses for a second.

Despite never talking to him, there wasn't any important superhero who didn't know the voice and name of this man.

"Director Fury, can I help you?" She says, trying her best to keep her composure before the Director of Shield, despite her nervousness.

"It's come to my attention that you may have encountered a criminal we've been looking into. They call him Weakstone." He says, prompting Kamala to raise an eyebrow.

"What business do you have with a lowly thug?" She asks.

"That's what I'm trying to find out." After a few seconds, Kamala answers.

"Weakstone was responsible for the explosion last night. I still don't know what his intentions are." She explains as Fury takes a second to reply.

"I thought so. Anything else?" Kamala takes a deep breath as she replies.

"Yes. You should know that Weakstone is mine. I won't have Shield interfere." She says, prompting Fury to raise an eyebrow, unamused as if he were looking at a spoiled child.

"Excuse me?" He says, flabbergasted that a teenager was giving him attitude.

"I've already allowed him to get away once before. I'll bring him to justice my way and I'll hand him over to Shield after that."

"And why should I go along with anything you suggest?" He asks, to which she answers quickly.

"You may be the Director of Shield, but I am a member of the Rising Vanguard, backed by the whole world. You do not want to engage in a war with us." Fury stays quiet for a few seconds as he stands, staring at blank air with his stoic demeanour.

"I'll allow it for now. However, if you fail to apprehend him during your next encounter, I will not stand by." He says as Kamala breathes out in relief.

"That's fine. Have a good day, Director." She finally hangs up the phone as he stares at the ground, soon jumping in celebration.

"I can't believe I just told off the Director of Shield. Miss Walters was right, all I have to do is stand up for myself and anything can be accomplished." She says, continuing her walk as she smiles widely.

Meanwhile, in a large aircraft in the sky, a dark-skinned male with an eye patch removes his earpiece as he stays silent.

"The girls got attitude. Are we really going to stand by?" Asks Agent Hill as she looks at Fury. After a few seconds, he turns to her with his usual stern face.

"Hell no."


Greetings millennials. If you're enjoying I'd appreciate the Powerstones.