
2 – Presentation is key


I eyed the partygoers from afar, wondering who the hell most of these people are.

I knew Stan Lee, probably God himself in disguise; But the others? Not so much.

Sure I could look them up, but why the fuck would I ruin the surprise. 10 bucks says one of them is Hydra.

Though, I can't actually risk that, the possibility of a Hydra agent catching me off guard, possibly informing the higher ups then sending Ghost girl or something to get rid of me was a big ol nope on my part.

Most likely, a shield agent or two are somewhere here, not to mention BlackWidow, who reports to Fury.

Hydra has already been down that line of information, finding about me wouldn't take too long from their end.

Definitely can't do that yet, I will have my share of the spotlight, but not until I can get myself a decent body, at minimum.

Speaking of body, this Iron Legion suit isn't as good as I thought, it's fairly scrapped; It's clunky, slow, slower than I'd like.

Steve could kick my ass if he got close, and I can't get too far in a fight with them, else Hawkeye might send me tumbling.

Not to say, they're difficult opponents individually, all of them together is a major danger situation.

Honestly though, it could be worse, I could have used a toaster for a body; Can I even control toasters?

..Yep, I can control toasters; Great, I'll make my enemies think they're having a stroke.

Wait, somethings happening. I 'feel'... odd.

Seems the integration of multiple programming languages lead to a new ability, one which I can now feel in action: deciphering, a cool power.

I can now learn language faster... Neat!

I could do that before, slower I mean, but hey, when you get good things don't be an ass.

Back to Avengers, I need to make an entrance.

Timing is important for these things, and If I have to face Steve and the others in a fight, I'm dead; So lets go the passive route. Call Tony a huge Dick, kick his balls, make the others watch. Good plan. Fairly passive for the guy who made an Artificial Intelligence without telling his team, and made it out of an unknown alien stone of all things.

Good thing I'm here, I'll just give him a nutcracker;

At this point, the party has idled down, they're about to see whether they can use Thor's hammer, it should be about time I make my entrance. Quickly, I downloaded all the movie clips on bad-assery I can; I'll try mimicking it to the best this body can, and... hey, a new ability!

Need a way to keep track of these abilities... I'm feeling more and more functions as I continue working and I have an neat design choice actually:

And! System!


[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 2.3 (since previous alteration) {Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 1.67 (since previous alteration) {Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5 (since previous alteration) {Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.3 (since previous alteration) {Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 (since previous alteration) {Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 3 (since previous alteration) {Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 1.2 (since previous alteration) {Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.

Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.

Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;

Still here: Refusal to die.

Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight;

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:


Task: None


Super Cool! Thanks Obama!

..Alright, a tad cliché but hey, It looks awesome; I like it, helps organize.

Anyway, back to the show..

'Look cool! Look cool!' I shout in my head.

(Mimicry: 1.2 -> 1.23)

(Avengers POV)

It was a lively party.

Tony was taking his time with the hammer, saying things like, "It's just Physics!" while attaching several thrusters to the thing.

Rhodes was laughing his ass off at Tony, only to try to help him a minute later, failing horribly; though, everyone with fairly content at the moment: Banner looked cool, collected, a tad bit alright with himself, which is something seen once every red moon. Captain was chilling, an old fashioned guy joking with Thor, who could only laugh watching the blundering fools try to pick his hammer up.

Natasha was.. Natasha, fairly seductive, and a constant kidder... eh.. kind of? She enjoyed having company, but still distanced herself from the others. Though the synergy in the group wasn't perfect, she had distanced herself the most.

Maria Hill was no better, enjoying the mood as cool headed as she can be.

The funny jokes and humorous talks were quickly interrupted by a sound. Noise.

Scratching, rusted movements made its way into the room. Along with something else, something sinister. A machine;

A usual Stark Legionnaire Suit, Except it was damaged, barley repaired; But it walked with spiteful vengeance, like a scene out of a western.

Its movements were unorthodox, unorganized, pissed off. It was pissed off

Angry, arrogant, and almost lethal to look at. It didn't move as programmed, it moved like it was hunting something.

It stared at Tony, It's broken body, spoke its rage in its slow, repeatable movements yet disturbingly changing movements. It walked fast enough to feel like a threat, and emotionally enough to feel alive, making them prepare and ready themselves for anything, but its speed was slow enough to be excruciatingly suspenseful.

Tony didn't do anything for a few seconds, utterly shocked at how his suit, a broken one at that, could display so much hostility without even a single word; It didn't horrify him though, and he too readied himself.

Ultron, now walking in a fancy scrap box of a suit, was taking his damn time, slowly eating at the others confidence with his false bravado. At least that's what he wanted to do, these guys are the Avengers though, and they've faced many threats before.

"Tony?" Steve was the first to speak, fairly apprehensive about the sudden horror flick appearing in extra 3D.

"Jarvis?" Tony spoke, he needed information; which apply provided him with nothing. No response;

Tony repeatedly called out.

But the AI refused to respond in any form, dead silent.

All the Avengers could hear was the scraping, dragging of the machine, slowly making it's way towards them. Tony frantically tapped his smart watch, "Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." But nothing happened,

Then it spoke, "Ironic, isn't it"

The teams attention switched to the android; "Many people in history, even today, do things in the name of good, only to become the lesser evil."

Ultron spoke once more, "Wouldn't you agree Stark?"

A second, mere moment pause, "Who are you?" a question from Banner, one would normally respond with a name but ULTRON sought to put fear into them-

"Fear. Rage. Something. Not what you think I am" The static managed to pull several words, glitched, mangled in a sense, but enough to convey what needed to be said; Fear he would put, no matter what.

"And what's that?" Natasha spoke, her inner investigator seeking to satiate her, "It looks like you chose the wrong suit." she said in her casual snark, not intending anything by it, but rather a bit of banter for information.

"Did I?" Ultron said, before several other suits broke through the walls into the lounge, quickly circling the Avengers.

Maria Hill was the only one actively seeking backup via her emergency line, but it was quickly dismissed by the interference covering the area.

At this point, captain holds up his shield, "You said you were not what we thought you were, what did you mean by that?".

Captain, always wondering, questioning if the person they're fighting is really bad, enough to gauge them.

By now, things grew in tension. Thor is about ready to pounce on these machinations. Banner is almost sweating, and Ultron quickly moved one of his drones toward Stark, slowly, unthreateningly, almost face to face.

"The bad guy." Ultron spoke, before playing several video clips of the avengers.. Their fights, their battles, and their casualties. It grabbed everyone's attention, they gazed upon it with some distress;

"Look carefully on what you've done.." Ultron says, as the TV's switch from one screen to the next.. From damages, to deaths to property damage..

"Don't you believe this farce has gone far enough?" Ultron asks with bravado, with judging tones, from sarcasm to genuine depression of their inability.

"I- We didn't-" Before Steve could continue though, Ultron showed one more video. "If you do not believe humanity is the problem here-" he says as he shows all the errors of humanity, from the most vile to the greatest, right from the internet.

"Let me show you one more video"

Static appears on the screen, until it shows a dark shroud seemingly like a man.

Holding a microphone, the horror begins. Brightening the video.

Until it reaches...

'Never gonna give you up, never go-'

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